RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide
SecurID Ready Implementation Guide
Ericsson R380
Last Modified October 26, 2000
1. Partner Information
Partner Name Ericsson
Web Site
Product Name R380
Product Description RSA SecurID for the Ericsson R380s Smartphone is an authentication system that
positively authenticates valid network users to networks and services that are
protected by an RSA ACE/Agent. RSA SecurID for the Ericsson R380s Smartphone
provides the same two-factor authentication solution as all other SecurID
authenticators, combined with the convenience of the multi-functional Ericsson
R380s mobile phone handset. In addition, RSA SecurID for the Ericsson R380s
Smartphone enables secure connections to WAP-enabled services.
Product Category Wireless Communications
RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide
2. Contact Information
Name Sales Support
Phone 1.800.ERICSSON 1.800.ERICSSON
3. Product configuration
•= Administrative Setup
To enable RSA SecurID protection on a user’s mobile phone, you must:
- Import the RSA SecurID Software Token records into the RSA ACE/Server database
- Create a record for the user in the ACE/Server database and assign one of the token records to the user
- Send the user the activation license that corresponds with the user’s token record serial number. The user must
then correctly enter the activation license into the mobile phone.
To install and activate RSA SecurID on the Ericsson R380s Smartphone:
1. Import the RSA SecurID token records to the RSA ACE/Server database.
The Software Token files are on the token record diskette and have the extension .ASC. For instructions on
how to import the token records, see the RSA ACE/Server documentation.
2. In the RSA ACE/Server database, create user records for each user, and assign each user an RSA SecurID
Software Token.
3. In the RSA ACE/Server Data Administration application, list the user’s record to display the user’s assigned
token serial number.
4. On the RSA SecurID Phone Activation Licenses diskette, locate the activation license file whose serial number
matches the serial number associated with the user’s token record in the RSA ACE/Server. The activation license
files have the extension .SAL.
5. Copy the activation license; paste it into a text file, and save the text file. The activation license is the string of
characters that follows the colon. For example, in the activation license file
3314794:AJ6K452Y6N2HSCT3YE69EB2DHSRH2, the numbers 3314794 represent the serial number,
and the characters AJ6K452Y6N2HSCT3YE69EB2DHSRH2 represent the activation license.
6. Distribute the activation license to the user.
7. Distribute the RSA SecurID for the Ericsson R380s Smartphone End-User’s Quick-Start Guide
(r380user.pdf) to the user. Distribute the documentation to users when you distribute their activation
RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide
•= User Setup
To activate RSA SecurID on your mobile phone, you must obtain an activation license from your administrator (see
previous steps). The license consists of approximately thirty alphanumeric characters that you must key in to your
mobile phone.
To activate RSA SecurID on your Ericsson R380s Smartphone:
1. Make sure that the phone is on and in standby mode.
2. Open the flip, and tap the Extras tab:
3. Tap System.
4. Tap Preferences, then Messaging, and then One-Time Passcodes.
5. Tap Initialise RSA SecurID. If an activation license is already installed on the phone, the activation program
prompts you to confirm the removal of the previous license. If you are not sure whether you want to remove the
previous license, select No, and consult your administrator.
6. Tap the Activation License input field. The activation license input view appears, showing a software keyboard
at the bottom of the screen.
7. Use the keyboard to enter your activation license. The license is not case-sensitive. However, do not enter a
space or carriage return at the end of the activation license string. If you do, the activation license will be rejected.
8. Tap to return to the Initialise RSA SecurID view, then tap OK to continue. If you enter a correct license, the
message, “RSA SecurID has been successfully initialized” appears briefly. RSA SecurID Software Token is
activated on your mobile phone. If you see this message, do not continue on to the next step. If you enter an
incorrect license, the message, “Activation license incorrect” appears. If you see this message, continue on to
Step 9.
9. At the message, “Activation license incorrect,” tap OK to return to the Initialise RSA SecurID view.
10. Tap the activation license text to access the software keyboard. The incorrect license remains in the input field so
you can compare what you entered with the correct activation license.
11. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 to re-enter the activation license.