Part List, Standard
Part List, Standard
Applicable for R320s and R320sc
1 Mounting Drawings ........................................................................................................2
2 Component List...............................................................................................................3
2.1 2/ROA 117 9192/1.............................................................................................3
3 Revision History............................................................................................................14
131 22-2/FEA 209 544/21 B Approved according to 1776-2/FEA 209 544
1 Mounting Drawings
The Mounting drawings show the components position on the printed board. The Mounting
drawings can be found in document 1078-2/FEA 209 544/21.
Board Number Mounting Drawing
2/ROA 117 9192/1 R1C 1078-2/ROA 117 9192/1 Rev A
Part List, Standard
131 22-2/FEA 209 544/21 B 2(14)
2 Component List
• Pos.:
The components position number on the board.
• Description:
Type of component mounted on the position.
• Part Number:
The components part number (or reference to Board Revision Changes) is specified for all
components that can be replaced according to the Standard Repair Process.
• Ref.:
If the component is mentioned in the Trouble Shooting Guide, Standard, the chapter is
written in this column. Not all of the components that can be replaced according to the
Standard Repair Process are mentioned in the Guide.
• Comments:
Special soldering requirement.
Functions that are affected if the component is replaced. The specified verification should
be paid extra attention when testing the telephone.
For components that can be replaced only by using the Advanced Repair Process,
"Advanced" is written, and for components not possible to replace, "Not available".
Part List, Standard
2.1 2/ROA117 9192/1
2/ROA 117 9192/1
Pos. Description Part Number Ref. Comments
Frame assembly SXK 107 7332
Dome assembly SXK 107 6938
Marking plate SVF 930 102
14 RF-shielding/Gasket SXA 104 8421
B320 Quartz crystal unit Advanced
B600 Quartz crystal unit RTM 501 679/1 R1A Other problems Verify Real Time Clock
C201 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/33
C202 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/1
C203 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/22
C205 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/33
C207 Capacitor RJC 463 3021/22
C208 Capacitor RJC 463 3021/22
C209 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/33
C210 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/33
C211 Capacitor RJC 463 3023/1 Network problems
C212 Capacitor RJC 463 3023/1 Network problems
C213 Not mounted
C214 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1 Network problems
C220 Capacitor RJC 463 3023/12
C221 Capacitor RJC 463 3023/12
C231 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C232 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C300 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C301 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/56
131 22-2/FEA 209 544/21 B 3(14)
Part List, Standard
2/ROA 117 9192/1
Pos. Description Part Number Ref. Comments
C302 Capacitor RJC 463 3023/1
C303 Capacitor RJC 464 3036/22 Network problems
C304 0 Not mounted
C311 Capacitor RJC 464 3023/82
C312 Capacitor RJA 532 4055/12 Network problems
C313 Capacitor RJC 464 3023/47
C320 Capacitor Advanced
C321 Capacitor Advanced
C322 Capacitor Advanced
C323 Capacitor Advanced
C324 Capacitor Advanced
C330 Capacitor Not available
C331 Capacitor Not available
C332 Capacitor Not available
C333 Capacitor Not available
C334 Capacitor RJC 516 4047/47
C335 Capacitor Not available
C336 Capacitor Not available
C337 Capacitor Not available
C338 Capacitor Not available
C340 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/22
C341 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/22
C342 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C343 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/22
C344 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/22
C345 Capacitor RJC 464 3036/22 Network problems
C346 Capacitor RJC 516 4047/47
C360 Capacitor Advanced
C361 Capacitor Advanced
C362 Capacitor Advanced
C363 Capacitor Advanced
C372 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C373 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1 Network problems
C380 Capacitor Advanced
C381 Capacitor Advanced
C382 Capacitor RJC 464 3035/68
C384 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/68
C391 Capacitor Not available
C392 Capacitor Not available
C393 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C394 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C400 Capacitor RJC 516 3058/1 On/Off problems
C401 Capacitor RJC 516 3058/1
C410 Capacitor RJC 464 3036/1
C420 Capacitor RJC 464 3023/22
C421 Capacitor RJC 464 3023/33
C422 Capacitor RJC 464 3023/33
C423 Not mounted
C430 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/1
131 22-2/FEA 209 544/21 B 4(14)
Part List, Standard
2/ROA 117 9192/1
Pos. Description Part Number Ref. Comments
C453 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/1
C454 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/22
C455 Capacitor RJC 463 3020/5
C456 Capacitor RJC 463 3020/82
C457 Not mounted
C458 Capacitor RJC 463 3021/27
C459 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/1
C460 Capacitor RJC 463 3023/1
C461 Capacitor RJC 463 3023/1
C500 Capacitor RJC 516 3058/1 Network problems
C501 Capacitor RJC 516 3058/1 Network problems
C502 Capacitor RJC 516 3058/1
C503 Capacitor RJC 516 3058/1
C520 Capacitor RJC 516 4047/47
C521 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C522 Capacitor RJC 516 4047/47
C602 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C603 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C604 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C605 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C606 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C607 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C608 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C609 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C610 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C611 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C612 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C613 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C614 Capacitor RJC 464 3025/1
C615 Capacitor RJC 464 3047/1
C619 Not mounted
C620 Not mounted
C640 Capacitor Advanced
C641 Capacitor Advanced
C642 Capacitor Advanced
C643 Capacitor Advanced
C645 Not mounted
C650 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/22
C651 Not mounted
C652 Not mounted
C653 Not mounted
C654 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/68
C655 Capacitor RJC 463 3023/1
C656 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/68
C657 Capacitor RJC 463 3023/1
C658 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/1
C660 Capacitor RJC 463 3022/22
C667 Capacitor RJC 464 3047/1
131 22-2/FEA 209 544/21 B 5(14)