Ericsson R290 User Manual

Ericsson R290 Satellite
Mobile Phone for the Globalstar/GSM Network
EN/LZT 123 4717 PA4
This manual describes Ericsson R290 Satellite
Fourth draft (September 1999)
This manual is published by Ericsson Mobile Communications (UK) Limited , without any
warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessitated by typographical errors,
may be made by Ericsson Mobile Communications (UK) Limited at any time
and without notice. Such changes will, however, be incorporated
into new editions of this manual.
All rights reserved.
© Ericsson Mobile Communications (UK) Limited, 1999.
Publication number: EN/ LZT 123 4717 PA4
Printed in Sweden

Safety Instructions

Product Care and Maintenance

Your mobile phone is a highly sophistic ated electronic devic e. To get the most out of your mobile phone read this text about product care, safe and efficient use.
Product care
• Keep your mobile phone dry.
• Avoid exposing your mo bile phone to extreme hot or co ld temperatures.
• A void placing you r mobile phone close to lit candles, cigarettes, nak ed flames or any heat source.
• As with all sophisticated electronic devices rough treatment could damage your mobile phone.
• Only use a soft damp cloth to clean your mobile phone.
• Do not paint your mobile phone as the paint could obstruct the earphone, microphone or any moveable parts and prevent normal use.
• Do not attempt to disassemble your mobile phone, a broken warranty seal will void the warranty. The phone does not contain consumer serviceable components. Servic e should only be performed by Certified Service Partners.
• Only use Ericsson origin al accessories. Failure to do so may result in loss of performance, damage to the phone, fire, electric shock or injury , an d will voi d the warranty.
• Treat your mobile phone with care, keep it in a clean and dust free place.
Antenna Care
• To avoid impaired performance please ens ur e your mobile phone’s antenna is not bent or damaged.
R290 User’s Guide
• Do not remove the antenna yourself. If your phone’s antenna is damaged please take it to a Certified Service Partner.
• Unauthorised antenna modifications, or attachments could damage the phone and may violate the appropriate regulations causing l oss of performance and radio frequency (RF) energy above the recommended limits.
Efficient Phone Operation
To enjoy optimum performance with minimum power c onsumption please:
• Hold the phone a s you would any other telephone. While speaking directly into the mouthpiece, angle the antenna in a direction up and over your shoulder. If the Globalstar antenna is deployed, it should be vertical during a call.
• Do not hold the antenna wh en the phon e is in use. Hold ing the an tenna affects call quality, may cause the phone to operate at a higher power level than needed and shorten talk and standby times.

Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Use

Your mobile phone is a radio transmitter a nd receiver. When the phone is turned on, it receives and transmits radi o frequency (RF) energy. Depending on the type of mobile phone you possess, it operates on different frequ ency ranges and employ s c ommonly used modulat ion techniques. The system that handles your call when you are using your phone controls the power level at which your phone transmits.
Exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) Energy
The International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), supported by the World Health Organisation (WHO), published duri ng 1996 a statement and in 1998 guidelines whic h set
R290 User’s Guide
recommended limits for exposure to RF fields from handheld mobile telephones. According to ICNIRP statement, which is based on the available body of research, th ere is no evidence that mobile termin als meeting the recommended limits can cause any adverse health effects. All Ericsson telephones conform to the ICNIRP guidelines and other international exposure standards, such as:
• CENELEC European Pre-standard ENV50166-2:1995 (Europe)
• ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 (USA, Asia-Pacific)
• AS2772.1 – 1990/NZS 6609.1:1990, Amdt. No.1 (Australia, New Zealand)
Check the laws and regulations on the use of mobile phones in the areas where you drive. If you are going to use your phone while driving, please:
• Give full attention to driving.
• Use an Ericsson Vehicle Handsfree Solution, if available. Law in many countries requires vehicle Handsfree Solution. Read the installation instructions ca refully before in stalling a v ehicle Handsfre e Solution.
• Pull off the road and pa rk befo re makin g or answe ring a call if d riving conditions so require.
RF energy may affect some electronic systems in motor vehicles such as car stereo, safety equipment etc . In addition, some vehic le manufacturers do not allow use of mobile phones, unless the installation is supported by a handsfree kit with an external antenna, in their vehicles. Check with your vehicle manufacturer's representative to be sure that your mobile phone will not affect the electro nic systems in your vehicle.
Vehicles Equipped with an Air Bag
An air bag inflates with great force. Do not pla ce objects, including eithe r installed or portable wireless equipment, in the area over the air bag or in
the air bag deployment area. If in-vehicle wireless equipment is improperly installed and the air bag inflates, serious injury could result.
Electronic Devices
Most modern electronic equipme nt, for exam ple eq uip m ent in ho spita ls and cars, is shielded from RF energy. However, certain electronic equipment is not, therefore:
Do not use your mobile phone near med ical eq uipment without requesting permission.
Mobile phones may affect the operation of some implanted cardiac pacemakers and other med ically implanted equipment. Pacemaker patients should be aware that th e use of a mobile phone very close to a pacemaker might cause the device to malfunction. Avoid placing the phone over the pacemaker, i.e. in your breast pocket. When us ing the phone, place it at your ear opposite the pacemaker. If a minimum distance of 15 cm is kept between the phone and the pacemaker, the risk of interference is limited. If yo u have any reason to suspect that inte rference is taking place, immediately tu rn off your phone. Contact your cardiologist for more information.
Some hearing ai ds mig h t be d is tur b e d by mo bile phones. In the event of such disturbance, you may want to consult your service provider, or call the customer service line to discuss alternatives.
• Turn off your mobile phone be fore boarding any air craft.
• Do not use it on the ground without crew permission. To prevent interference with communication systems, you must not use your mobile phon e while the plane is in the air.
Blasting Areas
Turn off your mobile phone when in a blasting area or in ar eas posted “turn off two-wa y rad i o ” to av oid interfering with bla s tin g op e r ations.
Construction crews often use remote control RF devices to set off explosives.
Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
Turn off your mobile phone when in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere. It is rare, but your pho ne or i ts accessories could generate sparks. Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even death.
Areas with a potentially explosive atmo sphe re are o ften, but not always, clearly marked. They i nclude fuelling areas, such as petrol stations, below deck on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, and areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders.
Do not transport or store flammable gas, liquid, or explosives in the compartment of y our vehicle, which contains your mobile phone and accessories.
Power Supply
• Connect AC (Power supply) only to designated power sources as marked on the product.
• To reduce risk of damage to th e electric cord, remove it from the outlet by holding onto the AC adapter rather than the cord.
• Make sure the cord is positioned so that it will not be stepped on, tripped over or ot herwise subjected to damage or stress.
• To reduce risk of electric shock, unplug the unit from any power source before attempting to clean it.
• The charger must no t be use d ou td oo r s or in da m p are a s.
Do not allow children to play with your mobile phone since it contains small parts that could become d etached and create a choking hazard.
R290 User’s Guide
Emergency Calls
IMPORTANT! This phone, like any mobile phone, operates using radio signals, cellular,
satellite and landline networks as well as user-programmed functions, which cannot guarantee connection under all conditions. T herefore you should never re ly solely upon any mobile phone for essential communications (e.g. medi cal emergencies).
Remember, in orde r to mak e or rece ive c alls the phon e must be swit ched on and in a service area with adequate signal strength. Emergency calls may not be possible on the satellit e or on all cellu lar ph on e net work s , or when certain network services and/or phone features are in use. Check with your local service provider.

Battery Information

New Batteries
The battery supplied with your phone is not fully charged.
Battery Use and Care
A rechargeable battery has a long service life if treated properly. A new battery, or one that has not been used for a long period of time could have reduced capacity the first few times it is being used.
• The talk and standby times depend on the actua l transmission conditions when using the phone.
• Use only Ericcson original batteries and the AC/DC adapter supplied with your battery charger. Using non origin al Ericsson accessories could be dangerous and wi ll void your phone warran ty.
• Do not expose your battery to extreme temperatures, never above + 140 degrees F (+60 degrees C). For maximum bat tery capacity use your battery at room temperature. If the battery is used in cold temepatures the battery capacity will be reduced.
R290 User’s Guide
• The battery can only be charged when the temper ature is between 41 degrees F (+5 degrees C) and + 113 degrees F (+ 45 degrees C).
• Turn off your phone before removing the battery.
• Do not attempt to take a battery apart.
• Do not let the metal contacts on the b attery tou ch anoth er metal o bject. This could short-circuit and damage the battery.
• Do not expose a batte ry to open flames. Thi s could cause the battery to explode.
• Do not expose a battery to liquid.
• Do not use the battery pack if it shows signs of rust, overheating, leakage or changes in colour or shape.
•Do not puncture the batte ry pack or expose it to strong shock.
• Do only use the battery for the i nt ended purpose.
• Do not allow the batte ry to be placed into the mouth. Battery electrolytes may be toxic if swallowed.
Recycling Your Battery
Your phone manufacturer is a member of the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC), a non-profit public service organization designed to assist in the recycling of rechargeable batteries. Many areas require recycling of rechargeable batt eri es. In the U.S., call 1-800-822­8837 to find out how to recycle your battery. Outside the U.S. , contact your local retailer for recycling instructions.

Please note!

Some of the services mentioned in thi s manual are not supported by all networks or by all service agreements. This also applies to the International Emergency Number 112.
Please contact your network operator or service provider if you are in doubt whether you ca n use a particular serv ic e or not.
The symbol on our products signifies that they have been certified according to the EMC directive 89/ 336/ EEC, the Telecommunications directive 91/ 263/ EEC, and the Lo w Voltage direc tive 73/ 23/ EEC when applicable. The products fulfil the requirements according to the following standards:
Cellular Phones and Accessories in Combination:
• ETS 300 342- 1 E MC for European digital cellular telecommunications.
Accessories Without Direct Connection to a Cellular Phone:
• EN 50081 Electromagnetic compa tibility, Generic Emission S tandard, and EN 50082 Electromagnetic comp at ibil ity, Generic Immunity Standard.


Introduction ............................................................................1
About Your Phone ..................................................................2
Globalstar/GSM 900 ......................................................................2
Operators & Subscriptions .............................................................2
SIM Card ........................................................................................2
Your PIN ........................................................................................2
The Phone .................................... .... ............................. .................3
Preparing Your Phone for Use ..............................................4
The SIM Card ................... .... ... ......................................................4
The Battery ........................ .............................................................5
Charging the Battery ......................................................................5
The Antenna ...................................................................................7
Turning On the Phone ....................................................................8
Navigating the Menu System .................................................9
Indicators in the Display ......................................................10
Initial Phone Settings ................................................ ..... ......11
Set Clock ......................................................................................11
Keypad Lock ................................................................................11
Set Language ................................................................................11
Network Settings ..........................................................................11
Mode Switch ................................................................................11
Making and Receiving Calls .......................................... ......14
Making a Call ...............................................................................14
Holding the Phone ........................................................................14
Ending a Call ................................................................................14
Making an International Call .......................................................14
Making an Emergency Call .........................................................14
Redial Function ....................................... .... ... ..............................14
Receiving a Call ...........................................................................15
R290 User’s Guide
Answering a Call ......................................................................... 15
Rejecting a Call ...........................................................................15
Unanswered Calls ........................................................................15
Putting a Call on Hold .................................................................15
Calling Line Identification (CLI) ................................................15
Showing Your Phone Number .................................................... 15
Handling Two Calls ....................................................................16
Useful Information while Talking .......................................17
Changing Volume while Talking ................................................17
To “Mute” or “Unmute” the Microphone ...................................17
Using Phone as Scratch Pad ........................................................17
Sending Tone Signals ................................. .... ... .... ......................17
Checking Time or Cost of Calls ..................................................17
To Change the Ring Volume .......................................................18
To Change Key Tone Volume ..................................................... 18
To Redial the Last Dialled Number ............................................ 18
Missed Calls ......................... .... ... .............................. ..................19
Making/Answering a Call with Call Bar Active ......................... 19
Notification that a Call has been Diverted ..................................19
Using the Phone Book ................................ ..... .....................20
About the Phone Book ............................... .... .............................20
International Numbers .................................................................20
Speed Dialling .............................................................................20
To Store a Name and a Number into a Selected
Memory Store .............................................................................21
To Store Your Own Telephone Number .....................................23
To Read and Recall a Telephone Number from the
Phone Book Store .......................................................................23
To Edit a Number from Memory Store .......................................23
To Display your Own Telephone Number ..................................24
Last Number Stores ..................................................................... 24
Last Number Redial .................................................................... 25
R290 User’s Guide
Pause Dialling ..............................................................................25
Sending DTMF Tones During a Call ...........................................26
One-Touch Dialling .....................................................................26
Call Duration and Cost .................................................................26
Personalizing Your Phone ...................................................30
Busy Numbers ..............................................................................30
Ring Tone .....................................................................................31
Ring Volume ............................ ....................................................31
Escalating Ring Volume ..............................................................32
Caller ID .......................................................................................32
Connect ID ................................... ................................................32
Automatic Display of Call Time ..................................................33
Auto Answer ................................................................................33
Greetings ......................................................................................33
Clock ............................................................................................33
Language ......................................................................................35
Power Save ...................................................................................36
Handsfree Automatic Shutdown Timer .......................................37
Fixed Dialled Number Store ........................................................37
Voice Mail ...................................................................................37
Protecting Your Phone .........................................................38
About Locks .................................................................................38
Keypad Lock ................................................................................38
Phone Lock (PIN) ........................................................................39
Unblocking with Personal Unblock in g Key (PUK) ............. ........40
Card Lock (SIM PIN) ..................................................................41
Controlling Your Calls .........................................................42
Call Divert ....................................................................................42
Call Waiting .................................................................................44
Call Waiting In-Call Menu ..........................................................46
Dealing with Multiple Calls .........................................................46
Conference Calls ..........................................................................47
Call Barring .................................................................................50
Sending And Receiving Text Messages ..............................54
Receiving a Message ................................................................... 54
To Read a Message ......................................................................55
Deleting a Message .....................................................................55
To Select Message Tones ............................................................ 56
Clearing Messages Automatically ............................................... 56
Displaying Priority Messages Immediately ................................57
Sending a Message ................................. ..................................... 57
Warranty ............................................................................... 62
R290 User’s Guide


Thank you for choosing the R290 satellite/cellular phone, the revolutionary mobil e pho ne th at help s yo u k e ep in tou ch with th e rest o f the world. Read this handbook thoroughly to use your phone safely and correctly.
The R290 hand-held satellite/cellular phone, hereafter throughout this
manual referred to as “your phone”, literally puts the world at your fingertips. Yet, the techno logy bu ilt into t he phon e all ows you to rec eive and send phone calls from remote areas of the world where there are no landline telephone systems or cellular services. When you make a call your phone transmits a signal to a constellation of 48 satellites, in orbit 1414 kilometer s (900 miles) above Earth. Call signals are se nt back to earth through regional gatewa ys and ente r land lin es to your serv ic e provider who forwards the sign al to the nu mber yo u dialle d. This sim ple method of reflecting signals to and from the Globalstar satel lites ensures that Globalstar offers a seamless, dependable network with consistent high-quality phone transmission worldwide.
Your phone is designed to roam remote ar eas of the world with you, whether you are travelling for international business, for pleasure, or in an emergency situation. Your phone will be a valuable communication tool whether you are a vacationer on holiday, a world business traveller, or a member of a geo l og ic al survey, disaste r re lie f, or sea r c h and rescue team. Whether you are a scientis t, an explorer, or a retired person living out your dream of travelling aro und the world, yo u are no lon ger limite d by ordinary telecommunication systems which may be inconvenient or out of reach.
• GSM mode - providing reliable, less expensive cellular service when available.
Your mobile phone sets a new standard for others to follow while meeting the highest standards for durability, service and sound. It comes packed with features that help you stay in touch with the world.
This guide introduces you to your phon e and shows you how to get the most out of it.
Some features and menus are operator dependent
Your phone operat es in two modes:
• Globalstar mode - allowing you to place satellite calls from remote areas.
R290 User’s Guide

About You r Phone

Globalstar/GS M 900

The R290 phone operates in eith er Glo balstar satellite or GSM 900 cellular mode.

Operators & Subscriptions

Before you can use your phone you must obtain a dual-mode subscription to a network. The services included in your dual mode subscription depend on your choice of operator and/o r subscription. Therefore, some of the services and functions described in this manual may not be accessible to you. For a complete list of the services included in your subscription, please contact your service provider.

SIM Card

You will receive a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card with your subscription. The SIM card must be a dual mode SIM card in order for your phone to operate in both GSM and Satellite modes.
The SIM card contains a computer chip that keeps track of your phone number, the services you ordered from your service pro v ider and your Phone Book information, among other things.
If a single mode SIM is inserted the phone will not work unless it is set to
operate in that mode, i.e. GSM o nly or Satelli te only , see “Mode Switc h” on page 11.

Your PIN

Your operator will provide you with a secu rity code or P ersonal I dentity Number (PIN) when you receive your SIM card. This number allows you to access the network . The first time you turn on your phone you ar e prompted to enter your PIN (if the PIN is activated.) Your PIN may also be required when you change settings in your phone. Some services require a second PIN, the PIN2.
Enter your PIN carefully. If you ente r your PIN in correctly three times in succession, the SIM card will be blocked. If this happens you can unlock it by using a Personal Unblocking Key (PUK) code. Contact your operator to obtain this cod e. See “U nbloc king wi th Personal Un bloc king Key (PUK)” on page 40.
Store your PIN in a safe place. It is your protection against unauthorized use of your phone. Do not writ e it on your phone or place it where someone might see it.

The Phone

R290 User’s Guide
R290 User’s Guide

Preparing Your Phone for Use

Before you can use your phone for the first tim e you must ins tall the SIM card (if it is not already installed), install and charge the battery, and set default paramet e rs for the phone an d networks.

The SIM Card

When you register as a subscriber with a network service, you receive a dual-mode SIM card. The SIM card stores information about your phone number and your subscription, among other things. If you purchased your phone from your serv ice provider your SIM card may already be installed. If not , you must install it before you can use your phone. SIM cards come in two sizes. One is the size of a credit card, and the other is about the size of a postage stamp. The R290 uses the smaller card. Many networks provide a credit ca rd size card with a small SIM card that you can remove.
Operating Without a SIM Card
When operating in GSM mode, you can make eme rgency calls on your R290 phone without a SIM card by dialling 112 or an alternate
emergency number, see “Making an Emergency Call” on page 14. This service is not supported by all network operators. You cannot access satellite mode related services without a SIM card.
Inserting the SIM Card
To insert the SIM card, remove the battery (if attached) then:
2. Slide the SIM card into the holder as shown (1).
3. Gently press down on the SIM card and slide under the lugs until the top edge of the card clicks into place (2).
1. Hold the SIM card with the angled corner at the top left position.
4. Refit the battery.
To remove the SIM card insert your finger nail into the curved cutout at the end of the SIM holder and slide the SIM back until it is free.
R290 User’s Guide
Operating with a GSM Standard SIM Card
Your phone will operate in GSM mode with a standard GSM SIM card. You can change parameters to override the default satellite parameters. This allows you to set your personal preferences for use i n GS M networks.
Enhanced SIM
Your phone will opera te with a n enha nced SIM but many o f the a ddition features of the SIM will not be available.

The Battery

Your mobile phone comes with a Lithium Ion (Li-ion) battery. The battery is not fully charged when purchased, but there may be en ough power to turn on the phone.
Attaching the Battery to the Phone:
1. Place the battery on the back of the phone as show n.
2. Press the battery forward and press down on the rear of battery until you hear a click.
Removing the Battery
Make sure that the phone is turned off before removing the battery, then:
1. Press the battery release button.
2. Lift the battery up and away from the phone.
Low battery indication
When the battery is running low, the message Battery Low will flash on the display and the LOW BATTE RY WARNING TO NE will b e play ed. When the battery is nearly empty, the phone will shut down.

Charging the Battery

Follow these steps to connect t he charger to the power socket and to the phone;
R290 User’s Guide
1. Assemble the main s plug, charger and lead. The box may contain more than one mains plug. In this case use the one that fits the wall socket.
2. Connect the charger to the power outlet. A green indicator on the charger lights up. If it does not, disconnect the charger and try attaching it again.
3. Connect the other end of the charger cable to the phone. The flash symbol on the plug must face up. If a charger is attached but the
phone is turned off the message ‘Charging Battery Only’ is displayed.
The battery starts charging as soon as you attach the charger. Charging is indicated by the following;
1. The battery meter in the display is continuously filled and emptied.
2. The indicator on top of the phone shows a st eady red light if the phone is off, green if the phone is on.
R290 User’s Guide
When the battery is fully charg ed, the b attery m eter in the displa y shows full and the indic a tor on top of the phone show a steady green light.
It is possible to use the phone while the battery is being charged; however, the charging time is increased.
Disconnecting the Charger
1. Disconnect the charger from the electrical socket.
2. Press the button under the charger plug connected to the phone and pull the plug out.
When to Charge the Battery
The Lithium Ion (Li-ion) battery that com es with your ph on e can be charged as often or as long as you wish without losing performance. This is not the case with the nickel cadmium type batteries, often sold as accessories from other suppliers.
Important! For optimal talk and stand-by time, we recommend that you use only Lithium Ion (Li-ion) batteries with your phone.
When the battery needs ch arging the following happe ns:
• an alarm signal (a long beep) sounds and the me ssage ‘Battery low’
appears for ten seconds in the display.
• the indicator light on top of the phone starts blinking red.
Low Battery Alarm
When the battery has discharged, the lo w battery alarm sounds several times, before the phone automatically shuts off. You m ight be able to turn the phone on again, but you will not be able to make or receive any calls until the battery is being charged or replaced wi th a charged one.

The Antenna

Your phone is equipped with two antennas, a satellite communication antenna folded on the left side and an internal GSM antenna.
Deploying the Antenna
When the phone is used for Satellite comm unication th e antenna must be rotated to the appr opriate position for either right or left hand operation, as shown below. A third position is provided for operation on a flat surface with a ‘hands free kit’. Ensure th e anten na clicks into p osition , is vertical at all times and has a clear view of the sky whe n i n use.
You do not need to deploy the antenna to make a GSM call. The GSM antenna is internally mounted. Do n ot hold either an tenna when the phone is IN USE. Holding the antenna affects call q uality, may caus e the phone to operate at a higher power level than needed and shorten talk and stand­by times.
R290 User’s Guide
Use with Portable Hands Free (Globalstar Mode)
Connect the Portable Hands Free unit to the phone. Ro tate the antenna to the 90 degrees position. Place the phone on a flat level surface with the antenna vertical as shown below.
The phone may be held in the hand if required but the antenna must always be vertical when used in Globalstar mode. Do not hold the antenna when the phone is IN USE. Holding the antenna affects call quality, may cause the phone to operate at a higher power level than needed and shorten talk and stand- by times.
Use with Mobile Office (Globalstar Mode)
Connect the Mobile Office data cable to the phone. Rotate the antenn a to the 90 degrees position. Place the phone on a flat level surface with the antenna vertical as shown above. Do not hold the antenna when the phone is IN USE. Holding the antenna affects call qua lity, may cause the phone
to operate at a higher power level than needed and shorten talk and stand­by times.

Turning On the Phone

1. Press and ho ld down the PWR key until the display turns on.
2. Enter your SIM PIN (4 to 8 digits).
3. Press YES. If you entered your PIN correctly, you will receive a welcome message.
The display will illumi nate and the POW ER ON TONE will be play ed. A greeting message will appear on the screen. This message can be personalised see “Greeting s ” on page 33.
The first time you turn on your phon e you will need to enter the PIN (SIM lock code) given to you by your service provider. You may change your PIN or turn the SIM lock off. See “Card Lock (SIM PIN)” on page 41 for instructions. The digits appear as stars (*) in the display. If you make a mistake while entering your PIN, erase the digit by pressing the CLR key.
In order to guard against unauthorised use of both the phone and the SIM, we strongly recommend that you enable both the phone PIN and the SIM PIN. If these are enabled, they will be verified before the phone starts to search for a network.
Turning Off the Phone
To turn off your phone press and hold the PWR key until the display is turned off.
R290 User’s Guide

Navigating the Menu System

The menus are arranged in a con tinuous loop th at you move throug h with the YES, NO, CLR and Navigation keys.
Key Name and Function
To select a menu or make a setting:
1. Press the navigation keys up/down until you reach the desired menu.
2. Press YES to enter the menu or to select the function.
3. Press the navigation keys to find the desired submenu.
4. Press YES to enter the submenu or to confirm the setting.
Navigation Keys (Soft Left & Soft Right): Press right or left to activate me nu mode and s croll throu gh menus.
YES key: Answers a c all, select s a me nu or functi on, or sends a call when digits are displayed.
NO key: Ends a call, backs up one level and/or leaves a setting unchanged, clears the display if pressed while digits are dis pla ye d.
CLR - Clear key: Takes you back to the stand-by menu. If pending, it mutes the ringer.
PWR - Power key: Powers the phone ON or OFF when held for a second.
MEM - Memory key: Used to recall a phon e number by name or stored number.
Arrow keys: Left or right arrow keys for editing and menu functions.
pressed during an incom ing c all or call
If you do not press any key for 60 seconds, the phone will return to stand­by.
Display Text and Symbols
When you navigate the me nus, the following indications apply:
1. Uppercase letters indicate the menu or function selected.
2. Text within brackets indicates the current setting for function.
3. The up (s) and down (t) arrows indicate you can scroll through
more options with the SOFT LEFT and SOFT RIGHT keys.
4. Pressing the number on the keypad will take you to that function in the menu.
Terms Used
Scroll: Pressing the SOFT LEFT or SOFT RIGHT key to
move between menus.
Select: Scroll to a menu and then press YES. Enter: Key in the numbers from the keypad to go straight to
R290 User’s Guide

Indicators in the Display

No. Icon Function
1 Phone is in satellite mode. When
not illuminated, the phon e is in GSM mode.
2 Flashes for incoming call, steady
when call in progress.
3 Flashes for unread message,
steady when message read.
4 Voice mail in box.
5 Phone is ‘Roaming’.
6 Keylock is active.
7 Battery strength indicator; four bars
= full battery, no bars = low battery.
8 Scroll arrows, indicate function of
9 1 Indicates menu function available
from keypad.
10 Signal strength indicator.
Four bars = high signal strength. No bars = low or no signal.
R290 User’s Guide

Initial Phone Settings

You will need to set cert ain parameters be fore using your phon e for the first time. You will need to set other parameters before using some of the features.
You can also persona lize your phone by ch anging settings such as the ring tone or melody, ring level, or display light. See “Person alizing You r
Phone” on page 30.

Set Clock

Your phone displays the time when in stand -by mode. During a cal l, it displays the time elapsed since the call began. You can also set other clock-related functions such as date, time and date format and the alarm. See “Clock” on page 33.

Keypad Lock

Use the menu to lock the keypad on your pho ne so keys cannot be accidentally pressed when you are transporting it. See “Keypad Lock” on page 38 for instructions on locking/unlocking the keys.

Set Language

English is the default lang ua ge in your phones display. In phon e s with more than one langua g e av a ila ble you may change the lang ua g e, se e “Language” on page 35.

Mode Switch

To switch network mode from satellite to cellular or vice versa press SOFT LEFT, then press 4.
• If the user is in satellite only mode selecting this option displays the
following screen for 4 seconds and then returns to GSM standby.
• If the user is in cellular only mode selecting this option displays the
following screen for 4 seconds and then returns to satellite standby.
Mode Menu
Access the Service Setup Mode Menu to select the mode of operation. Press SOFT LEFT, 6, 3 and 1. The display will show:

Network Settings

You will need to set defaults for the networks you will use before you use your phone for the fi rst time, see “Selecting a Network” on page 12.
The asterisk indicates the mode currently in operation. In this case, the mode is Satellite only.
R290 User’s Guide
The Mode Menu allows yo u to confi gure the ph one to cell ular only mode, satellite only mode or to set the pr eferential m ode of op eration to cellular preferred or satellite preferred.
• The phone will only attempt to register on a cellular network when it is in cellular only mode.
• If the phone is in satellite only mode, it attempts to register on the Globalstar network bu t a cellular network search may also be performed without leavin g this mode.
• Selecting the cellular or satellite preferred optio n will a llow tha t mode to be specified as the pr eferred mode of operation for the phone. Selecting a preferred option means that when the phone is next powered up, or when there is a loss of service and a network search is performed, this mode of op eration will be used.
After selecting the cellular or satellite only modes, the message ‘Please Wait’ will be displayed. If the mode change request is not successful, the message ‘Request Rejected’ will be shown, otherwise the display will show either ‘Cellular Only Mode Selection Enabled’ or ‘Satellite Only Mode Selection Enabled’.
Selecting either of the preferred modes gives an acknowledgment followed by ‘Selection Effective Only After Power Up’. Switch the phone OFF then ON to activate the mode.
Searching for a Network
The message on the screen will be ‘Searching For N e tworks’. This search can take place manually or automatically, but will be automatic the first time that you power the phone on. (A one-shot network search may also be performed).
The phone determines which net w orks are available and selects the last used network, the home network (the netw ork to which you are subscribed) or another network. If no networks are available, the
displayed message will be ‘No Networks Available’. If the current network signal strength drops t oo low, the displaye d message will be ‘No Service’.
Selecting a Network
Using manual selection, you can control how the phone selects which operating mode to use and to explicitly sel ect a network to use from a list of those available. Press SOFT LEFT then 6, to display the Service Menu. The display will depen d o n whi ch m od e the ph on e is cur ren tly in.
For cellular mode, the display will be:
For satellite mode, the display will be:
Choose option 1 or 2 as required. The network search will then start and the message ‘Searching For Networks’ will be displayed. The RADIO PATH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TONE will be played when the search
R290 User’s Guide
is complete and a network will be displayed for se lection. An e xample of the display for GSM mode will be:
If there is more than one network, up/down arrow sym bols will appear at the bottom of the screen and the SOFT KEYS can be used to view them. When the desired network is displayed, press YES to select it. The phone will then register with the network.
The stand-by display
Once a network has been selected, the stand-by display will appear. This contains the signal strength in dic ato r , th e ba tte ry leve l in dicator, and the network details (i.e. the country code and network code for the selected network). If the country and network codes are recognised by the phone, they are converted to names to help you identify the network. An example of the stand-by disp lay is shown:
the screen. The network name will also be removed if the network
connection is lost, whereby the message ‘No Service’ will be displayed.
You may now make a call, answer a call , or access any of the advanced features available with the phone.
If normal calls cannot be supported, or registration fails, or if roaming occurs when there is no roaming agreement, emergency calls may be made (if allowed), but the network name will not be shown on the top of
R290 User’s Guide

Making and Receiving Calls

This chapter describes how to make and receive calls, in both Glo balstar and GSM mode, how to make international and emergency calls, how to show or hide your phone number when calling, and how to handle two calls simultaneously.

Making a Call

1. Enter the area code and phone number. The phone number is shown
in the display. If there are more than 12 digits entered, the number will wrap around to the line above. If more than 24 digits, the 1st digit onwards will be represented by a diamond symb ol at the left of the screen. To erase a digit, press CLR. To erase the entire phone number, press and hold down CLR for a couple of seconds.
2. Press YES to make the call. The display shows ‘Calling’, followed
by ‘Connected’ and the phone icon is lit.

Holding the Phone

Put the earpiece to your ear f or optimum spe ech and receptio n qualit y. If the phone is operating in satellite mode, the satellite antenna must be deployed in the correct position for making a call, see “Deploying the Antenna” on page 7. Ensure the satellite antenna is kept ve rtical whe n in use. It is adjustable for left or right handed operation, and has a third position for use on a flat surface outdoors. This position is for use with a hands free kit or mobile office.
It is not necessary to deploy the antenna when making a GSM call. The GSM antenna is located inside the phone.

Ending a Call

Press NO to end a call.

Making an International Call

1. Press and hold the zero key until the international + prefix is displayed.
2. Enter the country code, area code (without any leading zero) an d the phone number.
3. Press YES to make the call.

Making an Emergency Call

Enter 112 (The international emergency number) and press YES. The 112 emergency numbe r can be used in most countries with or withou t
a SIM Card, provided a cellular network is within range. In Globalstar mode a SIM must be fitted.

Redial Function

If the call connection fails, press SOFT RIGHT to redial the number. Press NO to end the call. See “To Redial the Last Dialled Number” on page 18 and “Busy Numbers” on page 30 for more details on this option.
R290 User’s Guide

Receiving a Call

When you receive a call, the phone rings and the indicator light on the top of the phone blinks green rapidly. The display appears simil ar to:

Answering a Call

Press YES to answer the call. When the call is finished, press NO.

Rejecting a Call

Press NO when the phone rings. If the caller’s network supports it, the caller will hear a busy tone.

Unanswered Calls

If you have been unable to answer, the number of unanswered calls will be shown in the display, for example ‘Call s: 2’, until you press CLR. To answer the calls, see “To dial the last 10 n umbers dialled, received or missed” on page 19.

Putting a Call on Hold

If you are engage d in a call, you can put it on hold by pressing YES. This mutes the microphone so that you can have a private conversion without the person at the other end hearing. To take the call off hold, pr ess YES again.

Calling Line Identification (CLI)

The Calling Line Identification service (sometimes known as Caller ID) shows the caller’s phone number when you receive a call (you have to order this service). If the calle r’s nam e is stor ed in y our ph on e b ook, the name is displayed instead of the number .

Showing Your Phone Number

If you subscribe to normally withhold your number when calling, you can show the number on a particular call.
1. Press SO FT LEFT, 1, 1, 4 to enter Connect ID menu.
2. Press YES to enable Connect ID.
3. Enter the number you wish to call.
If you subscribe to normally show your number when calling, you can hide your number on a particular call.
1. Enter the number you wish to call.
2. Press SOFT LEFT, 1, 1, 4.
3. Press 2 to Disable Connect ID.
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