Service Assemblies...................................................................LBI-3 8746
Service Section............. ... .........................................................LBI-3 8740
Disassembly and Assem bly.............. ........ ........ ........... ........ .....LBI-38741
This manual cove rs Eri c sson and Gene ra l Elect ric pro duc ts m an ufa ctured and sold by Eri csson In c.
Repairs to this equipment should be made only by an authorized service technician or facility designated by the supplier. Any
repairs, altera tions or substi tut io n of rec om m e nde d pa rts m ad e by the user to this eq uipment not approved by the ma nufa c tu re r
could voi d the user’s authority to opera te the equipment in add it ion to the ma nufacture r’ s w ar ra nty.
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M-RK II & Scan (Medium Capa ci ty Batte ry )161.8 mm x 68 mm x 40.6 mm
(High Capacity Battery)176.8 mm x 68 mm x 40.6 mm
(Extra High Capacity Battery) 194.3 mm x 68 mm x 40.6 mm
M-RK I (Medium Capaci ty Batte ry)15.2 ounces
(High Capacity Batte ry)19.2 ounces
(Extra High Capac i ty Ba ttery)21.2 ounces
M-RK II & Scan (Me dium Capacity Battery)16.4 ounces
(High Capacity Bat te r y)20.4 ounces
(Extra High Capacity Battery) 22.4 ounces
Operable Temperature Range-30° to +60° (-22° to + 1 4 0 ° F)
RF Power Output0.5 to 5 watts
Spurious Emissions-75 dBc
Maxim um Deviation±5 kHz
±2.5 kHz (switcha bl e, narr owba nd m ode )
FM Hum & Noise-45 dB non-swit c hable , switcha bl e (wideba nd mod e)
-39 dB switcha ble (na rr owba nd mode)
Audio Distort ion<3% (60% Modulation)
Frequenc y Stab il ity±5 ppm (-30°C to +60°C )non -swit ch ab le
±2 ppm (-30°C to +60°C )swit ch ab le
RF Load Impeda nc e50 ohms
Microphon e Sensit ivit yLess than 90 dB SPL (EIA 60% MDD)
Maximum At ta c k Time25 millisec onds (PT T Pushed)
Audio Frequenc y Re spon seWit hi n +1 and -3 dB of a 6 dB/octave pre -e mphasis from 300 Hz to
3000 Hz. Non-swit chab le , switc ha bl e (wide ba nd mode)
Wit hi n +1 and -3 dB of a 6 dB/oc ta ve pre -e m pha sis from 300 Hz to
2550 Hz. Switc habl e (narrowb an d mode ).
Sensitivity (12 dB SINAD)-116 dBm
Spurious Response-72 dB (minimum)
Selectivity-75 dB (25 kHz)
-60 dB (12.5kHz ) switch ab le units onl y
Squelch Sensitivity6 dB SINAD
Distortion (EIA 0.5 watt)5%
Audio Freque nc y Respon seW it hi n +1 and -3 dB of a 6 dB/oc ta ve de-e mp ha sis from 300 Hz to
3000 Hz.
Non-switchable UHF units are designed for 25 kHz channel spacing only. Switchable
units with the proper software and feature encryption can be used in 12.5 kHz channel
spa c ing system.
* These specifications are intended primarily for use by service personnel. Refer to the appropriate Spedivication Sheet for
comple t e sp e c ifi c at ions.
The M-RK Personal Radio is a high-quality, high-performance FM radio. The radio is synthesized and operates in
both trunked and conventional communication systems. The
trunked mode allows selection of either a communications
group or an individual radio within a system. Both the selected group and the individual radio are secured through
digital signaling.
In the conventional mode, the user selects a channel and
directly c o mmu nicate s o n t h at chan n el . A ch an nel is a t r an s mit/re c e ive ra dio freque nc y pa i r.
A group consists of several users with a common group
identification (ID). A radio may have several groups, but the
selected group determines who the unit can call at any specific time. In the trunked mode, a set of groups which communicate on a set of channels is called a system. In the
conventional mode, a system is a set of channels. A system
may consist of all trunking groups and channels, all conventional channels, or a mixture of both.
The M-RK Personal Radio is designed to operate in a
Digital Trunking System or as a conventional radio providing the following features.
In trunked mode:
• Programmable Multiple System Capability -- The
radio can operate on different trunked sites or on
different systems at the same site.
• Multiple Group Capability -- The radio can
communicate on several Groups within one trunked
• Automatic Power Levels -- The desired power level on
each channel can be programmed into the radio
personality. Power level is automatically selected
dependent on the channel.
• Emergency feature -- An emergency group can be
programmed into the radio. This group is selected by
pressing the EMR button. This allows a user to
quickly reach this group and initiate the M-RK
emergency signalling .
• Simple Remote Control Capability -- A
speaker/microphone (which can also control PTT and
the volume level) can be connected through the UDC
(Universal De vi ce Connector).
• Surveillance Feature -- The display backlighting
(M-RK II & Scan) may be programmed on or off per
group. The side-tone beep, related to the operation of
the radio controls, is also capa ble of being disable d on
a group-by-group basis.
• Programmable through UDC -- The entire personality
of the radio is programmed through four connections
of the UDC.
• 3 LED (including 2 bi-color LEDs) Display (M-RK I)
-- These LEDs are used to exhibit the condition of the
radio. It shows Channel Guard on/off, transmit mode,
battery condition, scan mode, channel busy, and
digital/cle a r mo de condit io n, etc.
• 16 Character Dot Matrix Alphanumeric Crystal
Display (M-RK II & Scan) -- This display is used to
exhibit the condition of the radio. It shows channel
designation, Channel Guard or Digital Channel Guard
on/off, transmit mode, volume lev el , battery condition,
channel busy, and high/low power output, etc.
• Group Call -- The M-RK has the capability of
simulta ne ou sly c al ling a ll uni ts wit hin a group.
• Programmable Carrier Control Timer -- Personality
information includes an optional period of transmit
time from 15 to 120 seconds. After the timer expires,
the unit will automatically unkey and provide an alert
tone. This feature is re-initiated on every PTT and the
alert ton e is re moved upon rele a se of the PTT.
• Minimum Volume Level -- Personality information
includ es a minimum volum e level.
• Programmable Squelch -- The noise squelch opening
threshol d can be pro gra mme d fo r each c ha nne l.
• Receive Mode Lock Out -- In normal trunked
operation, the radio will not transmit while in the
rece ive mode.
can be a mixture of numerics (0-192) and
alphanumerics displayed through the LCD. Channel
control can come from the channel rotary switch, the
emergency channel feature, or the front keypad.
• Programmable Multi-Tone Channel Guard (CTCSS)
Encode/Decode -- Channel Guard tone frequencies
within the range of 67 Hz to 210.7 Hz, including all of
the standard EIA frequencies, may be programmed.
Different encode/decode, encode only, and
with/without Channel Guard frequencies are also
program m ab le int o the ra di o.
• Programmable Multi-Code Digital Channel Guard
(CDCSS) Encode/Decode -- Similar capability as with
T one Channel Guard is provi de d.
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