Ericsson MINI-LINK BAS Technical Description

Technical Description
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Ericsson Microwave Systems AB
Microwave Radio Division S-431 84 Mölndal SWEDEN Telephone: +46 31 747 00 00 Fax: +46 31 27 72 25
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
© Ericsson Microwave Systems AB 2000
Designed and developed by
Ericsson Lab Italy
R&D Global Product Center
via Cadorna 73, 20090 Vimodrone, Milan
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
Technical Description
Copyright Ericsson 2000
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
The customer documentation includes all information and documents necessary for a basic knowledge of Ericsson systems.
The above said documentation has its own code number and release; the latter is subject to changes whenever eventual updates may occur.
The customer documentation is subdivided into the following manuals:
AT Installation Manual
Installation Manual
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Planning and Engineering Manual
Product Catalogue
Technical Description
The purpose of this description is to support the reader with detailed information on the product from technical and functional points of view.
It supplies all information necessary to understand equipment operation and technical characteristics. This document is addressed to the network planner and operation personnel who will find the information they are interested in.
Use of any trademark in this document is not intended in any way to infringe on the rights of the trademark holder.
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
For more information, please refer to the MINI-LINK BAS Product Catalogue.
You may also contact your Ericsson representative or the area sales manager for your country at:
Ericsson Microwave Systems AB Microwave Radio Division S-431 84 Mölndal SWEDEN Telephone: +46 31 747 00 00 Fax: +46 31 27 72 25
Please contact your Ericsson representative for latest details and data. The specifications or configuration contained in this document are
subject to change without notice due to continuous design improvement.
If there is any conflict between this document and Compliance statements, the latter will supersede this document.
Please refer to the “Information Revision” document for details about the updating level of the present description.
The MINI-LINK BAS and the relative Customer documentation have been designed and developed by:
Ericsson Lab Italy R&D Global Product Center via Cadorna 73 20090 Vimodrone Milan ITALY.
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
1 Introduction............................. 1-1
1.1 General Information..................................1-2
1.2 Manual Structure.......................................1-2
1.3 General Overview.....................................1-3
1.3.1 Opportunities.....................................................1-3
1.3.2 Product Benefits................................................1-4
1.4 Terminology..............................................1-6
2 System Description ................ 2-1
2.1 Overview...................................................2-2
2.2 System Components.................................2-4
2.2.1 AT .....................................................................2-5 FlexNU................................................................2-6 ODU....................................................................2-6 ACT.....................................................................2-6
2.2.2 RN.....................................................................2-6 R-AAS.................................................................2-8 ODU..................................................................2-10
2.2.3 C-AAS.............................................................2-11
2.2.4 Control and Management................................2-11 CP.....................................................................2-11 EM.....................................................................2-11
2.3 Configuration Limits................................2-12
2.4 System Interfaces...................................2-12
2.4.1 Intra-System Interfaces...................................2-12
2.4.2 Customer Service Interfaces...........................2-13
2.4.3 Local Exchange/ISP Interfaces.......................2-14
3 Network Architecture.............. 3-1
3.1 Introduction...............................................3-2
3.2 SN.............................................................3-3
3.2.1 SN R-AAS Stand-alone.....................................3-3
3.2.2 SN C-AAS.........................................................3-4
3.2.3 Generic MINI-LINK BAS Network......................3-6
3.2.4 SN connection to CP and EM............................3-7
3.2.5 Examples of an Overall Network.......................3-8
3.3 System Synchronisation ...........................3-9
3.4 Traffic Routing........................................3-10
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
3.5 Typical Network Applications...................3-11
4 End-User Services...................4-1
4.1 Introduction...............................................4-2
4.2 Data Communication.................................4-3
4.2.1 Ethernet Frames Encapsulation According
to RFC 1483......................................................4-4
4.3 CE Services..............................................4-6
5 Physical and MAC Layers.......5-1
5.1 Introduction...............................................5-2
5.2 Physical Layer...........................................5-3
5.2.1 Media Control Loops .........................................5-5 Amplitude Control Loop....................................... 5-6 Frequency Control Loop...................................... 5-6 Modulation Index RCL, Uplink and Downlink....... 5-7 Clock Phase RCL, Uplink only............................5-7
5.2.2 Radio Link Adaptation .......................................5-8
5.2.3 Modulation.........................................................5-8
5.3 RAUs ........................................................5-9
5.3.1 Block Diagram.................................................5-10 Trans mi tter On/Off Switch................................. 5-13
5.4 LLC Layer ...............................................5-14
5.4.1 TDMA/TDM Framing .......................................5-14 Downlink TDM Fram e.......................................5-14 Uplink TDMA Frame......................................... 5-15
5.4.2 Frame Alignment.............................................5-17
5.4.3 Scrambling.......................................................5-17
5.4.4 FEC.................................................................5-17
5.4.5 Performance Monitoring..................................5-18
5.5 MAC Layer..............................................5-20
5.5.1 Sign-On...........................................................5-22
5.5.2 Distance Ranging............................................5-22
5.5.3 Radio Bandwidth Limitation.............................5-23
5.6 Processing Flow......................................5-24
5.6.1 Downlink Processing Flow...............................5-24
5.6.2 Uplink Processing Flow...................................5-25
5.6.3 RC Cells Insertion............................................5-26
6 Management and Control6-1
6.1 Introduction...............................................6-2
6.2 Management System................................6-3
6.3 Control Architecture ..................................6-4
6.3.1 Hierarchy...........................................................6-4
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
6.3.2 Board Relay ......................................................6-5
6.3.3 ICS/ATM Connection Rules..............................6-5 Configuration Requirements................................6-5 Interface Requirements.......................................6-6
6.4 EM............................................................6-9
6.4.1 Basic Platform.................................................6-10
6.4.2 Generic Services.............................................6-12
6.4.3 Specific Services.............................................6-14
6.5 CP...........................................................6-15
6.5.1 Interface Handlers ...........................................6-16
6.5.2 Main Applications............................................6-16 Connection Handler...........................................6-17 Equipment Handler............................................6-17 Alarm Handler ...................................................6-18
6.5.3 HH (Device Handlers).....................................6-18
6.5.4 MRS & MRI.....................................................6-19
6.6 Equipment Management.........................6-20
6.6.1 Equipment Hardware Configuration................6-20
6.6.2 Equipment Software Configuration..................6-20
6.6.3 Equipment Supervisioning...............................6-21
6.6.4 Equipment Errors and Error Handling.............6-22
6.6.5 Equipment Audit..............................................6-22
6.7 Connection Management........................6-23
6.7.1 Connection Configuration................................6-23
6.7.2 Cross Connection Re establishment...............6-24
6.7.3 Connection Supervisi on..................................6-24
6.8 Alarm and Event Management ................6-25
6.8.1 Alarm Correlation............................................6-25
6.8.2 Alarm Suppression..........................................6-25
6.8.3 Active Alarm List .............................................6-25
6.8.4 Alarm and Event Log.......................................6-26
6.8.5 Alarm Severity .................................................6-26
6.9 Performance Management......................6-27
6.10 Database Management...........................6-27
6.10.1 Persistent Data................................................6-27
6.10.2 Backup and Restore........................................6-28
6.10.3 Atomicity of Transactions................................6-28
6.11 Internal Communication..........................6-29
6.11.1 Communication between EM and CP.............6-29
6.11.2 Communication between CP and DP..............6-29
6.12 Recovery Procedures .............................6-31
6.12.1 Initial Start.......................................................6-31
6.12.2 Cold Restart....................................................6-31 System Cold Restart..........................................6-31 Board Cold Restart............................................6-32
6.12.3 Hot Restart......................................................6-32
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
7 ATM Transport and
Multiplexing ..............................7-1
7.1 Introduction...............................................7-2
7.2 Virtual Connections...................................7-3
7.2.1 VP/VC Connection Plan....................................7-4
7.2.2 Use of VPI/VCI Values ......................................7-4
7.3 Service Categories....................................7-6
7.3.1 Connection Admission Control..........................7-6
7.4 R-AAS and C-AAS (CE Shelf)...................7-7
7.5 FlexNU......................................................7-8
7.6 ATM Fault Management............................7-8
8 Equipment Practice and
Power ........................................8-1
8.1 Introduction...............................................8-2
8.2 Hub Site....................................................8-2
8.2.1 R-AAS, Radio-ATM Access Shelf......................8-2 PSU.................................................................... 8-3 Fan Unit.............................................................. 8-3
8.2.2 RAU...................................................................8-4
8.2.3 Antenna.............................................................8-5 Antenna for Point-to-Multipoint Connection ......... 8-5 Antenna for Point-to-Point Connection................ 8-6
8.3 AT Site......................................................8-8
8.3.1 FlexNU...............................................................8-8
8.3.2 RAU...................................................................8-9
8.3.3 Antenna.............................................................8-9
8.4 Core ATM – C-AAS (CE Shelf)................8-10
8.4.1 Front Access Shelf ..........................................8-10
8.4.2 Rear Access Shelf...........................................8-11
8.4.3 POU.................................................................8-12
8.4.4 Fan Unit for Front Access AAS........................8-12
8.4.5 Fan Unit for Rear Access AAS........................8-13
8.5 Control and Management........................8-14
8.5.1 EM...................................................................8-14
8.5.2 CP ...................................................................8-15
8.6 PDU........................................................8-15
8.7 Cabinets/Racks.......................................8-16
8.7.1 Front Access Central Office.............................8-16
8.7.2 Rear Access Central Office.............................8-20
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
9 O&M Facilities......................... 9-1
9.1 Introduction...............................................9-2
9.1.1 Communication Channels.................................9-2
9.1.2 AT Setup...........................................................9-3
9.2 Fault Detection..........................................9-3
9.2.1 Alarms...............................................................9-3
9.2.2 Events...............................................................9-8
9.3 Test Loops................................................9-9
9.3.1 RN Near-End Loops..........................................9-9
9.3.2 AT Near-End Loops ..........................................9-9
9.3.3 AT Far-End Loops...........................................9-10
9.4 Performance Monitoring..........................9-11
9.4.1 Signals Monitoring...........................................9-12
9.5 Unit Replacement...................................9-12
9.6 Local Supervision Interface.....................9-13
9.7 System Upgrade.....................................9-16
9.7.1 Install SW Upgrade File...................................9-17
9.7.2 Download Modules..........................................9-17
9.7.3 Install New Management System....................9-17
9.7.4 Stop CP...........................................................9-17
9.7.5 Install New CP Software..................................9-17
9.7.6 Upgrade Network Database............................9-17
9.7.7 Start Control Processor in “Upgrade mode”....9-18
9.7.8 Execute Upgrade ............................................9-18
9.7.9 Restart Control Processor...............................9-19
9.7.10 Software Rollback...........................................9-19 Case A ..............................................................9-19 Case B ..............................................................9-20 Case C..............................................................9-20
10 Technical Data ...................... 10-1
10.1 System Parameters ................................10-2
10.1.1 Frequency Range............................................10-2
10.1.2 Transmitter Performance.................................10-4
10.1.3 Receiver Performance ....................................10-6
10.1.4 Transmission Technology...............................10-7
10.2 Intermediate Frequency..........................10-8
10.3 System Features.....................................10-9
10.4 Power Supply........................................10-11
10.5 Antenna Data........................................10-12
10.5.1 Radio Node Antennas...................................10-12
10.5.2 AT Antennas .................................................10-13
10.6 Environmental Requirements................10-14
10.6.1 Cabinets/Racks/Frames................................10-14
10.6.2 Power Distribution.........................................10-14
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
10.6.3 EMC ..............................................................10-14
10.6.4 Alarms...........................................................10-14
10.7 Characteristics ......................................10-15
10.7.1 Central Office.................................................10-15
10.7.2 AT..................................................................10-16
10.7.3 ODU ..............................................................10-17
10.8 Miscellaneous Features........................10-20
11 Index.......................................11-1
11.1 Index.......................................................11-2
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
1.1 General Information
The new fields for application of microwave radio links introduce more demanding functional requirements as well as stricter requirements on operational performance. The transmission quality in terms of acceptable bit error ratio, availability, and so on is improved, as well as the spectral characteristics in order to permit effective utilization of the available bandwidth.
The scope of requirements in the form of directives, standards and recommendations issued by national and international organizations is constantly widening.
The MINI-LINK BAS meets these requirements. Performance data meets or surpasses the detailed requirements specified for this type of equipment.
1.2 Manual Structure
The Technical Description was prepared in order to satisfy the customer’s need for information on the technical features of his equipment; it is composed of the following parts:
It includes the general contents of the chapters.
It consists of this section that describes in short the contents of the various parts composing the description and the list of acronyms and abbreviations.
They supply all information necessary to understand equipment operation and technical characteristics. These are addressed to the network planner and operation personnel who will find the information they are interested in.
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
1.3 General Overview
The MINI-LINK BAS -Broadband Access System- product family is member of Ericsson’s large and powerful product line for telecommunication. The combined expertise of Ericsson, covering switching, cellular technology, radio and networking, means excellence in turnkey project management.
It is more than just an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) cross­connect featured by a point-to-multipoint microwave radio. It is a complete system, including hardware, software, experience and competence. The MINI-LINK BAS integrates fully with existing telecom access networks, adding new levels of flexibility. It has proved to be a reliable communication medium, a highly competitive alternative to copper and fibre cable.
The MINI-LINK BAS is a natural step in Ericsson's product development program, in response to new requirements from a growing market and is based on more than 20 years’ experience of microwave links.
Ericsson designers and engineers remain vigilant, seeking new technology and developments to keep MINI-LINK BAS at the forefront of microwave communications. Advanced Technology, constant product development of powerful functions, operational reliability and quality have resulted in the MINI-LINK BAS.
MINI-LINK BAS is a product for point-to-multipoint and point-to­point connections, carrying multimedia traffic services and is designed primarily to meet increased demands for more efficient transmission systems in access networks.
1.3.1 Opportunities
The worldwide deregulation of the local loop market, the emergence of new wireless technologies, and an increased demand for new services, has created a great market opportunity for existing and new competitive access service providers.
Small and medium sized businesses have an increasing demand for data oriented services such as high-speed Internet/Intranet access, LAN-LAN interconnect, Internet Protocol (IP) services and T1/E1 leased line connections.
MINI-LINK BAS offers the possibility to satisfy these needs, providing the medium for convergence between telecommunication, and datacom/ Information Technology (IT) systems.
Ericsson experience in building world class radio products coupled with clear market drivers such as Local Multipoint Distribution System (LMDS), has lead Ericsson to define and develop our next generation ATM based digital microwave radio systems, for broadband radio access. The system is initially targeted for the business community supporting a large range of multimedia services.
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
A well designed wireless broadband access system, enables operators to provide rapid, cost efficient, flexible and reliable broadband access, without the need of a cost prohibitive and complex fiber access infrastructure. The system is efficient in both areas with high and low/medium penetration since the system is featured by a scaleable “pay as you grow” architecture.
Figure 1-1 General Applications for the BAS
1.3.2 Product Benefits
The MINI-LINK BAS offers, to name a few, the following features:
true Fast Dynamic Capacity Allocation (F-DCA) for data
port-to-port, intra-Hub, Local Area Network (LAN) and Private
Branch Exchange (PBX) interconnections without the use of core resources;
symmetrical broadband air-interface, independent in both
cost-efficient scaleable broadband access solutions (pay as you
rapid deployment and provisioning;
reduced dependence on existing facilities;
integration/convergence of different types of services such as IP
traffic and telephony traffic.
The radio design is based on the same platform that is being developed for the immensely successful and reliable MINI-LINK family, deployed in more than 100 countries.
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
This digital microwave family has shown exceptional reliability with actual Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) figures exceeding 30 years, thanks to a quality oriented high volume production, with a current production capacity exceeding 100,000 units per year. In the MINI-LINK BAS the new multi-chip module improves the reliability and simplifies production even further.
The design is compact and integrated. The radio and antenna
form an integrated outdoor part;
clean-cut concept; the outdoor part holds all frequency-dependent
units and the indoor part holds all traffic management units;
single coaxial cable interconnection between outdoor and indoor
software-aided Access Terminal (AT) configuration and setup;
centralized operation and maintenance system by means of the
EM (Element Manager);
high system gain and spectrum utilization with an advanced
modulation process and coding;
high MTBF figures of 20–30 years.
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
1.4 Terminology
AAL ATM Adaptation Layer ACT AT Craft Tool ANSI American National Standards Institute API Application Programming Interface ASK Amplitude Shift Keying AT Access Terminal AT Access Termination ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATPC Automatic Transmit Power Control BAS Broadband Access System BBER Background Block Error Ratio C-AAS Concentration Shelf CB Channel Bank CBR Constant Bit Rate CE Circuit Emulation CE-AAS Circuit Emulation Shelf CE Board Network side Circuit Emulation card CEPT Conference on European Post and Telegraph CP Control Processor CPE Customer Premise Equipment C-QPSK Constant envelope offset Quadrature Phase
Shift Keying
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check DP Device Processor EBER Excessive Bit Error Ratio EIA Electronic Industries Association EM Element Manager ESR Error Second Ratio ET Exchange Terminal ETSI European Telecommunication Standard
FAS Frame Alignment Signal
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
FAW Frame Alignment Word FEC Forward Error Correction FCC Federal Communication Commission FCS Frame Checking Sequence F-DCA Fast Dynamic Capacity Allocation FDD Frequency Division Duplex FlexNU Flexible Network Unit FPROM Flash Programmable Read Only Memory GUI Graphical User Interface HH Hardware Handler HP-OV Hewlett Packard OpenView HTTP Hyper Text Transport Protocol ICS Internal Communication System IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IF Intermediate Frequency IP Internet Protocol IRCC Internally Radio Communication Channel ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISP Internet Service Provider IT Information Technology ITU International Telecommunications Union LAN Local Area Network LLC Logical Link Control LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution System LOS Line-of-Sight MAC Media Access Control MCM Multi-Chip Module MIB Managed Information Base MMIC Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit MRI Managed Resource Interface MRS Managed Resource Server MS Management System MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
NCU Node Control Unit NE Network Element NNM Network Node Manager NU Network Unit ODU Outdoor Unit OTP Open Telecom Platform OSI Open Systems Interconnection PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange PBA Printed Board Assembly PBX Private Branch Exchange PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy PDU Power Distribution Unit PID Process Identification Number PLL Phase Locked Loop PMP Point to Multi Point POTS Plain Old Telephone Service POU Power Unit PRC Primary Reference Clock PSTN Public Switching Telephone Network PSU Power Supply Unit PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit QoS Quality of Service R-AAS Radio Shelf (Radio ATM Access Subrack) RAI Remote Alarm Indication RC Radio Control channel RCL Radio Control Loop RDI Remote Defect Indication RF Radio Frequency RN Radio Node RAU Radio Unit RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication RTD Round Trip Delay SC Service Configuration
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SESR Severely Error Second Ratio SN System Node SNI Service Network Interface SONET Synchronous Optical Network STA Spanning Tree Algorithm SU Service Unit (AT side) TDM Time Division Multiplex TDMA Time Division Multiple Access TMN Telecommunication Management Network UAT Unavailability UBR Unspecified Bit Rate UDT Unstructured Data Transfer UF Uplink Efficiency UNI User Network Interface VC Virtual Channel VCO Voltage Control Oscillator VCTCXO Voltage Controlled Temperature Compesated
Crystal Oscillator VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol VP Virtual Path WAN Wide Area Network WBAS Wireless Broadband Access System
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
System Description
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
2.1 Overview
The MINI-LINK BAS integrates ATM transport and microwave broadband technologies. This permits the system to efficiently use the carrier bandwidth to support a wide range of medium to high-speed services. It is a complete end-to-end solution from customer service terminals, to IP/ATM/PSTN backbone equipment and management systems. It assures the quality, availability and security that Ericsson customers have come to depend on for over a century.
The MINI-LINK BAS consists of customer located Access Terminations (ATs), communicating with Radio Nodes (RNs).
User traffic is either transported to the customer premises through a dedicated point-to-point connection, for longer radio reach, or in a point-to-multipoint configuration. The latter provides an efficient use of available spectrum sharing the air interface capacity among many customers and allowing the use of statistical multiplexing over the radio interface.
The system communicates with ATM and PSTN backbones via a variety of standard interfaces, from E1/T1 to OC-3/STM-1, 155 Mbps.
ATs support a wide variety of services, from PBX interconnections to LAN to LAN interconnect and Internet access over different types of interfaces such as E1/T1 and Ethernet 10/100BaseT.
The customer located ATs are designed with “hot plug-in” service interface boards for different service requirements. So new services are easily added without any impact on other services. ATs are also designed with remote program capability so that settings can be changed without the need for a visit from a service engineer at the customer premises.
The MINI-LINK BAS utilises a Constant envelope offset-Quadrature Phase Shift Keying/Time Division Multiple Access/Frequency Division Duplex (C-QPSK/TDMA/FDD) scheme.
C-QPSK is a robust modulation scheme that delivers exceptional Carrier to Interference (C/I) performance and a healthy link budget that is required in a fully built out system.
The TDM/TDMA solution allows to efficiently support the fast dynamics in bursty packet switched data networks (IP traffic) via statistical multiplexing and F-DCA. This results in a very compact and cost effective solution.
The MINI-LINK BAS uses applicable frequency spectrum such as:
24.5-26.5 GHz band in Europe
27.5-28.35 GHz in the US LMDS “A” band
31.0-31.30 GHz in the US LMDS “B” band
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
MINI-LINK BAS supports 28 MHz Channelling achieving a capacity over the air interface of 37.5 Mbps in both directions.
The MINI-LINK BAS follows a cellular deployment structure where multiple cells support a footprint over a geographical area. Each cell is comprised of a Hub with multiple RNs equipped with sector/directional antennas for point-to-multipoint and point-to-point connections.
The ATs require a Line-of-Sight (LOS) path toward the Hub and can be located anywhere within the sector coverage area, typically up to 6 km for point-to-multipoint access; up to 10 km for point-to-point access; the actual distance depends on the operating frequency and rain zone.
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
2.2 System Components
The MINI-LINK BAS consists of the following components:
1. AT
In Door Unit (IDU): FlexNU
Out Door Unit (ODU): Radio and antenna
2. RNs
Indoor NCU
ODU: Radio and antenna
3. C-AAS
4. Control and management
RNs are housed in R-AAS. A Radio Hub site can contain one or more RNs plugged into one or more R-AASs. The multiple shelves can be co-located or remote from each other.
Nodes &
Element Manager Service Configuration, Fault and Perfomance Management
(CE Shelf)
Figure 2-1 MINI-LINK BAS Generic Network
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
2.2.1 AT
AT is composed by:
ODU: Radio and the antenna
AT is located at the edge of the network close to the subscriber providing an interface between the MINI-LINK BAS network and the subscriber equipment.
Each AT is assigned to a RN and receives downlink, broadcast traffic from that RN using the TDM scheme. AT transmits uplink traffic to the RN in a TDMA fashion sharing the total RN capacity, 37.5 Mbps, with the ATs.
Network Unit (NU)
Service Interface Units
Figure 2-2 AT Block Diagram
CE_NU_E1/T1, SU Ethernet
Modem Board
User Radio Unit
Figure 2-3 AT
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B FlexNU
FlexNU is the indoor part of the AT. It is connected to the ODU with an IF coaxial cable, as shown in the Figure 2-3.
The FlexNU, which can house Modem board and Service Units (SUs), features an active backplane on which the Media Access Control (MAC) functionality is implemented.
FlexNU supports different types of services at each subscriber node by means of SU boards. Two types of SUs are currently available:
CE-SU E1/T1 with 2 interfaces per board
10/100BaseT-SU with 2 interfaces per board
Up to four SUs can be inserted as plug-in modules in the FlexNU. This gives the FlexNU service flexibility and upgrade capability. In addition to the plug-in SUs, the FlexNU is equipped with a power supply unit, 110/220 Vac, and a built-in Ethernet 10BaseT interface usable for maintenance operations. ODU
The ODU consists of a Radio and a directional antenna ”Low Profile” parabolic type, 0.20 m., integrated within its casing.
Optionally an integrated 0.60 m antenna is available. ACT
The AT Craft Tool (ACT) is a software application that resides in the AT. By means of an external notebook, working in VT-100 emulation, the ACT is used for local maintenance of the AT. The connectivity is provided by a RS232 interface available on the FlexNU front plate.
The installation or maintenance personnel can read or set configurable parameters locally within the AT, for example the radio frequency, the AT and RN identification numbers.
Via ACT it is possible to execute local software download and download swap command can be independently executed.
2.2.2 RN
The Radio Node (RN) consists of an ODU and an IDU. The ODU is made of a Radio and a Node Antenna. The Node Antenna is either a directional antenna for point-to-point applications or a sector antenna for point-to-multipoint applications.
EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B Technical Description
A RN, equipped with a sector antenna, creates a sector carrier that typically covers an area up to 6 km in radius. Multiple sector carriers can be used to increase the capacity within a sector and multiple sectors can be used to cover a complete cell area of a Radio Hub.
Radio Node (RN)
Figure 2-4 RN Block Diagram
The Node Antenna and the Radio are encased in a weatherproof outdoor mounted casing. The Radio is highly integrated and connected to the IDU via an Intermediate Frequency (IF) coaxial cable.
The microwave parts incorporate Ericsson’s unique Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit (MMIC) technology that supports integration of a complete receiver and transmitter into a single multi­chip module, thus reducing the size of the ODU (see Figure 2-5). MMIC technology also guarantees extremely high reliability and is suitable for high-volume production.
The IDU is the NCU of the RN and it consists of Modem and MAC board sandwiched in a single plug-in unit.
The Modem board provides the IF interface towards the outdoor mounted radio and contains all modulating/demodulating functions. The Modem is also in charge to maintain the radio links, providing control loops for frequency, timing and transmitter power.
MAC functionality rules the traffic demands toward and from the ATs. MAC is based on very fast protocol and scheduling mechanism that grant capacity request in less than 1 msec.
The F-DCA feature of the MAC protocol affords very high statistical gain so that Radio capacity is used in a very efficient way.
The MAC board connects to the ATM bus on the backplane of the R­AAS.
The downering cell rate managed by a RN is 78000 cells/s. This is a net capacity in downlink and a gross capacity in the uplink.
In order to calculate the net capacity in uplink it must consider the overhead, which is necessary to handle traffic queues status in each AT. The overhead depends on the number of ATs per RN and on the polling period.
In the following table the capacity reduction is given for a default­polling period, 80 slots, versus the number of ATs per RN. The Uplink Efficiency (UF) varies from 0.96 to 0.75.
The throughput at the application level, both CE and Ethernet will decrease because of the ATM and AAL1, AAL5 overhead.
Technical Description EN/LZB 111 0542 P2B
Moreover some capacity is allocated for control purpose and Physical Layer preservation. In the table are reported the max number of unstructured E1/T1 connections versus the number of ATs.
ATs/RN UF (%) E1/RN T1/RN
1 to 8 0.96 14 18
9 to 16 0.93 13 18 17 to 24 0.90 13 18 25 to 32 0.87 13 17 33 to 40 0.84 13 17 41 to 48 0.81 12 17 49 to 56 0.78 12 16 57 to 64 0.75 12 16 R-AAS
The R-AAS is an indoor mounted subrack that can accommodate up to six plug-in NCUs (Modem + MAC). Each NCU is connected to an ODU, which is dedicated to a RN in a sector.
R-AAS can also house ET and CE-SNI boards. ET boards provide Wide Area Network (WAN) connectivity towards ATM backbone, IP router, C-AAS. CE-SNI boards provide connectivity towards PSTN.
R-AAS provides a total of 17 board slots, which are distributed according to the following scheme.
Slot 1: ET board, any type 155, 45 or 34 Mbps
An ET board shall be always present for Cellbus arbitration.
Slot 2, 3: 2 CE-boards
Slot 4, 5: 1 NCU or 2 CE-boards
Slot 6, 7: 1 NCU or 2 CE-boards
Slot 8, 9: 1 NCU or 2 CE-boards
Slot 10, 11: 1 NCU
Slot 12, 13: 1 NCU
Slot 14, 15: 1 NCU
Slot 16: POU
Slot 17: POU
Depending on the configuration, a R-AAS can host up to 6 RNs, or up to 8 CE-boards that can terminate 32 E1/T1 interface connections.
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