Office PC Requirements....................................................................................................................................5
First Time Installation........................................................................................................................................5
Separate Billing File Directory..........................................................................................................................7
Running the Software ........................................................................................................................................7
Main Menu Screen.............................................................................................................................................8
View Group ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Comm Group..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Status Info................................................................................................................................................... 16
Balance and Levels..................................................................................................................................... 18
Other Group....................................................................................................................................................... 26
User Passwords.................................................................................................................................................. 27
Using Passwords......................................................................................................................................... 30
DATA LINK TO GTI UNITS.................................................................................................................................. 32
Local Data Link................................................................................................................................................. 32
Remote Data Link with Internal GTI Modem.................................................................................................... 36
Normal Setup.............................................................................................................................................. 36
Remote Data Link with External GTI Modem................................................................................................... 39
Normal Setup.............................................................................................................................................. 39
System Information ........................................................................................................................................... 42
DID User Information ....................................................................................................................................... 49
SETTING TIME AND DATE ................................................................................................................................. 51
HYBRID BALANCE AND LEVEL SETTINGS.................................................................................................... 52
Menu of Adjustments................................................................................................................................. 53
End-to-End and E&M 2-Wire Lines .......................................................................................................... 55
DID Lines................................................................................................................................................... 56
Adjusting Audio Level to Phone ....................................................................................................................... 56
Adjusting Audio Level from Phone................................................................................................................... 57
Overview of 4-Wire Levels............................................................................................................................... 57
Termination into 4-Wire Circuits ...................................................................................................................... 57
Adjusting E&M 4-Wire Hardware Gain to Phone...................................................................................... 57
Adjusting E&M 4-Wire Hardware Gain from Phone................................................................................. 58
Termination into 2-Wire Circuits ...................................................................................................................... 58
Base Station Level Confirmation ............................................................................................................... 59
Level Set All Feature.................................................................................................................................. 59
Figure 34 - DID Number Screen............................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 35 - System Configuration Screen with Prompts Pop-up Window................................................................ 60
This manual describes how to installation and use the GTI (Global Telephone Interconnect) Configurator software to
configure the GTI units used in the ELI option.. A companion manual, the EDACS Enhanced Local Interconnect (ELI)
system manual (LBI-39076), describes the installation, configuration, and operation of the ELI option. The information in this
manual is presented in the sequence you should need it. Do not skip over any section until you are sure you understand it. If
more information is needed for Call Detail file format, see Appendix A in LBI-38965 for the Billing Correlation Unit.
Keyboard instructions in this manual are given in either of two ways. One way instructs you to type whatever is shown
between a set of quotation marks. For example, type “a:” means for you to press the key for the letter A and then hold down
the Shift key while you press the key for the colon. The other way instructs you to push a specific key using its common name
such as: Escape key, Shift key, Enter key, Space bar, or Down Arrow key.
The GTI Configurator software is used to run a multi-system, multi-channel, telephone-interconnect management system on
an IBM-compatible office PC, referred to as the GTI Configurator. The software allows you to manage the GTI DID user
database for each system, manage the interconnect billing information from each system, monitor call data from each system
in real time, and remotely make level and hybrid balance adjustments to each telephone line. The software is supplied on both
3-1/2" and 5-1/4" floppy disks for your convenience. Once the software is installed in the office PC and the PC is connected
to a GTI unit in the system, you can run it at any time.
This section describes the installation of the GTI Configurator so ftware. The installation has been divided into the following
• Office PC Requirements
• First Time Installation Instructions
• Upgrade Installation Instructions
• Separate Billing File Directory
The GTI Configurator software has been written to operate on an IBM-compatible PC using an MS-DOS operating system.
This PC must be equipped as follows:
•Microprocessor - 80386 or higher recommended
•Operating System - MS-DOS version 3.2 or higher
•Hard Disk - 10 Mbytes minimum free memory space
•RAM - 640 Kbytes minimum, but 2 Mbytes recommend
•Floppy Drive - 1.2 Mbyte 5-1/4" or 1.44 Mbyte 3-1/2"
•Monitor - monochrome or color
If you intend to connect a printer, the office PC must have an available parallel port. If the office PC is to be located more
than 50 feet from the GTI units, you will also need one or two modems (see the Data Link to GTI Units section).
If this is the first time the GTI Configurator software is being installed in your office PC, use the following procedure:
1.Turn on the office PC to be used as the GTI Configurator, and wait until the characters C:\>_ are displayed on the
screen. If the office PC is already on, exit any progra m that may be running, type “CD\”, and press the Enter key.
The characters C:\>_ should then be displayed on the next line of the screen.
2.Insert either the 5-1/4" or 3-1/2" GTI Configurator software disk into an available floppy drive. For this procedure, it
has been assumed that drive A is used.
3.Type “A:” and press the Enter key. The characters A:\>_ should now be displayed on the next line of the screen.
4.Type “INSTALL” and press the Enter key.
5.The INSTALL program will prompt you to enter the path and name of the directory you wish to use for the GTI
Configurator software files. GTICON is the recommended directory name, but you may use whatever name suits
you. The INSTALL program will use the default path and name of C:\GTICON if you press the Enter key without
making a change. Follow the on-screen instructions. The INSTALL program will create the directory if it does not
exist, then copy the GTI Configurator software files to the directory. When the installation is complete, a message
will be displayed on the screen telling you that the installation is complete. Then press the Enter key, and
C:\GTICON>_ will be displayed on the screen.
6.Make sure the progra m runs by typing “GTICON”, p ressing the Enter key, and waiting for the Main Menu screen to
appear (it may take a few moments).
7.Press the Esc key twice to exit the program.
If an earlier version of the GTI Configurator software has already been installed in your office PC, and you want to upgrade it
to a newer version of the software, use the following procedure:
command. If this is done, user-entered data in the old GTICON directory will be lost.
copy a newer version of GTI Configurator software directly into an old GTICON directory using the COPY
1.Turn on the office PC being used as the GTI Configurator, and wait until the characters C:\>_ are displayed on the
screen. If the office PC is already on, exit any progra m that may be running, type “CD\”, and press the Enter key.
The characters C:\>_ should then be displayed on the next line of the screen.
2.Type “CD”, press the Space bar, type “GTICON” (or whatever other name was given to the directory where the GTI
Configurator software files were installed), and press the Enter key. The characters C:\GTICON>_ (or
C:\whatever>_) should then be displayed on the next line of the screen.
3.Type “GTICON”, press the Enter key, and wait until the Main Menu screen appears. (If passwords have been
assigned, you will need to enter your password in the password screen before the Main Menu screen appears.)
4.Select (highlight) the
press the Enter key. Then follow the on-screen instructions to retrieve all current call detail records (if the
information is important to you).
5.Select (highlight) the
Enter key. Then follow the on-screen instructions to backup these call detail records to a floppy disk.
6.Press the Esc key two or more times until the characters C:\GTICON>_ (or C:\whatever>_) are displayed on the
7.Type “CD\” and press the Enter key. The characters C:\>_ should then be displayed on the next line of the screen.
8.Insert the new 5-1/4" or 3-1/2" GTI Configurator software disk into an available floppy drive (for this procedure, it
is assumed to be drive A).
Retrieve Billing
operation from the
operation from the
group of operations in the Main Menu screen and press the
group of operations in the Main Menu screen and
9.Type “A:” and press the Enter key. The characters A:\>_ should then be displayed on the next line of the screen.
10. Type “INSTALL” and press the Enter key.
11. The INSTALL program will prompt you to enter the name of the directory for the GTI Co nfigurator software. Enter
the name of the directory where the old GTI Configurator has been installed, and follow the on-screen instructions.
The INSTALL program will convert the old database .dat files into a format compatible with the new version of
software being installed. A back-up of the old database files will be created by the INSTALL program before the
conversion takes place.
12. When the installation is complete, make sure the program runs by typing “GTICON”, pressing the Enter key, and
waiting for the menu screen to appear. (If passwords have been assigned, you will need to enter your password in the
password screen before the Main Menu screen appears.) Verify that the data was converted successfully before
deleting the *.bak, *.bef and *.aud files created during the installation process. (*.bak are backups of the "old" *.dat
files, and *.bef are backups of the "old" *.def files. The *.aud files contain information regarding the conversion of
one database to another.)
Billing files for Call Detail Records will be stored in the GTICON (or whatever you called it) directory unless a separate
directory named GTIBILL is set up. The GTI Configurator software will first look for a separate GTIBILL director y. If that
directory has been set up, the GTI Configurator software will put the billing files there. If that directory has not been set up, it
will put the billing files in the GTICON (or whatever you called it) directory. To set up a separate GTIB ILL directory, use the
following procedure:
1.Turn on the office PC being used as the GTI Configurator, and wait until the characters C:\>_ are displayed on the
screen. If the office PC is already on, exit any progra m that may be running, type “CD\”, and press the Enter key.
The characters C:\>_ should then be displayed on the next line of the screen.
2.Type “MKDIR”, press the Space bar, type “GTIBILL”, and press the Enter key. The characters C:\>_ should then be
displayed on the next line of the screen.
3.Type “DIR” and press the Enter key. A list of all files and directories stored in the main (or root) directory of the C
drive should then be displayed on the screen. Look for the GTIBILL directory (last entry in directory list) to verify
that a separate GTIBILL directory is now set up.
This section is an introduction to the opera tion o f the GT I Co nfigura tor software. I t de scrib es the ge nera l op era tion, la nguage,
and screens you will be expected to be familiar with before attempting the specific operations described in later sections. The
introduction has been divided into the following topics:
• Running the Software
• Keyboard Commands
• Main Menu Screen
• Edit Group
• View Group
• Comm Group
• File Group
• Other Group
After the GTI Configurato r software has been installed, use the fo llowing procedure whenever you need to start running the
1.Turn on the office PC being used as the GTI Configurator, and wait until the characters C:\>_ are displayed on the
screen. If the office PC is already on, exit any program that may be running and/or type: “CD \” and press the Enter
key. The characters C:\>_ should then be displayed on the next line of the screen.
2.Type: “CD”, press the Space bar, type: “GTICON” (or whatever other name was given to the directory where the
GTI Configurator software files were installed) and press the Enter key. The characters C:\GTICON>_ (or
C:\whatever>_) should then be displayed on the next line of the screen.
3.Type: “GTICON”, press the Enter key, and wait until the Main Menu screen appears. (If passwords have been
assigned, you will need to enter your password in the password screen before the Main Menu screen appears.)
The GTI Configurator program responds to keyboard commands only - no mouse. Therefore, entry to and exit from all
screens, windows, and fields must be done with keys or combinations of keys. Table 1 shows the responses to expect when the
listed keys (or key combinations) are pressed while the cursor (blinking short vertical bar) is in the various windows. The
index windows will be labeled INDEX on the screen. The data windows will be labeled SYSTEM_CONFIG, TELCO
CONFIGURATION, or DID NUMBERS on the screen. The responses of these keys in other windows are similar to those
listed for the data window, although some keys may not apply and therefore have no effect.
Table 1 - Key Responses
Enter or ReturnMove to data windowEnter typed data into field and move to next data field
Up Arrow or
Down Arrow or
Left Arrow or
Right Arrow or
HomeTop of index windowTop of data window
EndBottom of index windowBottom of data window
Page Up or PgUpBack one index windowPrevious data record
Page Down or PgDnForward one index windowNext data record
Insert or InsInsert new data recordInsert one character
Delete or DelDelete data recordDelete one character
TabNext index fieldEnter default data and move to next data field
Back-TabPrevious index fieldEnter default data and move to previous data field
Escape or EscBack to main menuBack to index window
BackspacePrevious index fieldBack one character
F1 to F10F1=Guide info on Fn keysF1=Guide info on Fn keys
Shift-FnNo effectFill fields with template n
Alt-FnNo effectAssign fields to template n
Note: to use the arrow keys on the numeric keypad, make sure that the Num Lock key is off.
Previous recordPrevious data field
Next recordNext data field
Previous index fieldBack one character
Next index fieldForward one character
When the message “Guide Window: F1” appears in the HELP window, a GUIDE window can be toggled in and out of view
by pressing the F1 key. This GUIDE window describes which function keys (F1 through F12) are accessible at that time and
their function.
The Main Menu screen is the first scr een disp layed after you start running the G TI Co nfigurator software. (If passwords have
been assigned, you will need to enter your password in the password screen before the Main Menu screen appears.) The Main
Menu screen contains the following five parts:
• The
• The
software identification line
software. The security level is displayed at the right end of the line (level 4 is identified as SUPERVISOR mode).
group menu line
be selected.
is located below the software identification line, and lists the five operational groups that can
is located across the top of the screen, and identifies the name and version of the
• The operation menu window is located just belo w the selected (highlighted) group in the group menu line, and lists
the individual operations that can be selected within the selected group.
• The HELP window is located just above the lower left corner of the screen, and prompts you with information about
the selected (highlighted) individual operation.
• The single-line alert and status message field is located just below the HELP window, and is used to give
additional information for the combination of circumstances that exist at the moment (the message field is blank
when there is no message). Messages may alert you to special actions, or the status of the operation you have
Figure 1 shows the Main Menu screen as it first appears, with the Edit group selected (highlighted) in the group menu line
and the System config operation selected (highlighted) in the operation menu window. To select some other group, press the
right (or left, to backtrack) arrow key until the desired group is highlighted. To select some other operation fro m the operation
menu window, press the down (or up, to backtrack) arrow key until the desired operation is highlighted. If you p ress the up
arrow key one too many times, the operation menu window will disappear. Press the down arrow key and it will re-appear.
Selecting another operation will change the information in the HELP window.
Sample Main Menu screens for each of the other four operational groups are shown in Figures 2, 3, 10, and 14.
The Edit group of operations is the first group shown in the Main Menu. Figure 1 shows a sample Main Menu screen with the
Edit group selected. When this group is first selected, the System config operation is automatically selected. Selecting
another operation will change the information in the HELP window.
ì Edit View Comm File otHer ìЪДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД¿³ System config ³³ Telco config ³³ DID numbers ³АДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДЩ
ЙНHELPННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН»ºSelect item with arrow keys and ººENTER or capital letter. ESC to quit ºº ººEdit System Config allows the System ººConfiguration data to be changed. ººAdditions, deletions and modificationsººcan be done. Then use Comm Update. ºº ºИНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼
Figure 1 - Sample Main Menu Screen with the Edit Group Selected
The Edit group of operations allows you to make additions, deletions, and modifications to various parts of the GTI datab ase.
This group includes the following specific operations:
• The System config operation is used for parameters that are common to a specific system of GTI units at a specific
• The Telco config operation is used for parameters that are specific to an individual telephone line connected to a
GTI unit.
• The DID numbers operation is used for parameters that are specific to DID use on a specific system of GTI units at
a specific location.
When the desired operation is selected (highlighted), press the Enter key and follow the on-screen instructions, including any
directions in the HELP window and any message in the alert and status message field. Press the Esc key one or more times to
return to the Main Menu screen. After editing the system configuration database, select the Update operation from the Comm
group in the Main Menu screen, press the Enter key, and follow the on-screen directions to send the new configuration to the
GTI units.
The View group of operations is the second group shown in the Main Menu. Figure 2 shows a sample Main Menu screen with
the View group selected. When this group is first selected, the System config operation is automatically selected. Selecting
another operation will change the information in the HELP window.
ì Edit View Comm File otHer ì ЪДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД¿ ³ System config ³ ³ Telco config ³ ³ DID numbers ³ АДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДЩ
ЙНHELPННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН»ºSelect item with arrow keys and ººENTER or capital letter. ESC to quit ºº ººView System Config allows the System ººConfiguration data to be viewed, but ººno modifications are allowed. ºº ºº ºИНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼
Figure 2 - Sample Main Menu Screen with the View Group Selected
The View group of operations allows you to look at (but not make additions, deletions, and modifications to) various parts of
the GTI Configurator database (not the GTI database). This group includes the following specific operations:
• The System config operation is for parameters that are common to a specific system of GTI units at a specific
• The Telco config operation is for parameters that are specific to an individual telephone line connected to a GTI
• The DID numbers operation is for parameters that are specific to DID use on a specific system of GTI units at a
specific location.
When the desired operation is selected (highlighted), press the Enter key and follow the on-screen instructions, including any
directions in the HELP window and any message in the alert and status message field. Press the Esc key one or more times to
return to the Main Menu screen.
The Comm group of operations is the third group shown in the Main Menu. Figure 3 shows a sample Main Menu screen with
operation will change the information in the HELP window.
ì Edit View Comm File otHer ì ЪДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД¿ ³ Update ³ ³ get/Verify ³ ³ Retrieve ³ ³ Monitor ³ ³ Status info. ³ ³ Balance and levels ³ ³ Other ³ АДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДЩ
group selected. When this group is first selected, the
operation is automatically selected. Selecting another
ЙНHELPННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН»ºSelect item with arrow keys and ººENTER or capital letter. ESC to quit ºº ººUpdate updates the selected system ººwith configuration data. ºº ºº ºº ºИНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼
Figure 3 - Sample Main Menu Screen with the
and/or receive information about the system’s configuration or performance. If two or more GTI Configurators are permitted
to access a specific system, only one can have access at a time. This group includes the following specific operations:
group of operations requires communication with a GTI unit in the system via a local or remote data link, to send
• The
• The
• The
• The
• The
verify it against the current GTI database for that system in the GTI Configurator.
Retrieve Billing
Status info.
a GTI unit in the selected system. The status information is stored in a file named STATXXX.INF, where XXX is
the system number.
operation is used to send the latest changes in the GTI database to the GTI units in the selected system.
operation is used to get the current GTI database from the GTI units in the selected system, and
operation is used to retrieve call detail billing data from the selected system.
operation is used to set up the Real-Time Monitoring mode for the selected system.
operation is used to retrieve, display, and store status information for each repeater associated with
Group Selected
• The
• The
Balance and levels
operation is used for miscellaneous functions such as changing passwords, setting the date/time, clearing
the call detail buffer, and changing the modem initialization string.
operation is used to balance the audio hybrid for a two-wire telephone line and set the audio
After you have selected (highlighted) one of the operations from the Comm group, press the Enter ke y. The next screen you
will see contains an INDEX window and a HELP window. From the INDEX window, select (highlight) the system where you
want the selected operation performed, and press the Enter key. The next screen you will see contains a STATUS window.
The STATUS window will inform you of the GTI Configurator’s progress as it attempts to connect to a GTI unit in the
selected system. When the connection is made to the GTI unit in the system, the screen or additional menu for the selected
operation will be displayed. After you are finished with that operation, you will be given the chance to select another
operation from the Comm group before dropping the connection to the system. The screens and additional menus for the
operations in the Comm group are described next.
Use the Update operation to send the latest changes in the GTI database to the GT I units in the selected system. Figure 4
shows a sample Update menu screen with the Global category selected. When this category is first selected, the Changes
operation is automatically selected. Selecting another operation will change the information in the HELP window.
ºENTER or capital letter. ESC to quit ººConnecting to system.... º
º ººRequesting unit type.... º
ºAll changed records are sent to the ººConnected to GTI system! ººselected system. ººReady to process commands ºº ºº ºº ºº ºº ºº ºИНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼ИННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼Still connected to System
Figure 4 - Sample Update Menu with the Global Category Selected
The Global category of operations continues to require communication with a GTI unit in the system via a local or remote
data link, to send and/or receive information about the system’s configuration or performance. This category includes the
following specific operations:
• The Changes operation is used to send the latest changes in the GTI database to the GTI units in the selected system.
• The Entire Database operation is used to send the entire GT I database to the GT I units in the selected system. Use
this operation if this is the first time you are updating the system.
Figure 5 shows a sample Update menu with the By type category selected. When this category is first selected, the System
config operation is automatically selected. Selecting another operation will change the information in the HELP window.
UPDATE MENU: ì Global By type ì ЪДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД¿ ³ System config ³ ³ Telco config ³ ³ DID numbers ³ АДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДЩ
ºENTER or capital letter. ESC to quit ººConnecting to system.... º
º ººRequesting unit type.... º
ºUpdate System Config allows the SystemººConnected to GTI system! ººConfiguration data to be sent to all ººReady to process commands ººunits at the selected system. ºº ºº ºº ºº ºº ºИНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼ИННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼Still connected to System
Figure 5 - Sample Update Menu with the By type Category Selected
The By type category of operations continues to require communication with a GTI unit in the system via a local or remote
data link, to send and/or receive information about the system’s configuration or performance. This category includes the
following specific operations:
• The System config operation is used to send just the system configuration data in the GTI database to the GTI units
in the selected system.
• The Telco config op eration is used to send just the telco configuration d ata in the GTI database to the GTI units in
the selected system.
• The DID numbers operation is used to send just the DID number data in the GTI database to the GTI units in the
selected system.
If you get the message like "No bus master, cannot clone data" this means that the unit you updated cannot perform the
automatic cloning function to the other GTIs on the Subscriber Bus. If you are in your shop working with one unit, then
ignore the message. If you have dialed your system, then either the subscriber master is inoperative, a subscriber bus cable is
faulty, or you have not installed the Master Card into one of the units (refer to the ELI System Manual).
Use the get/verify operation to get the current GTI database from the GTI units in the selected system, and verify it against the
current GTI database for that system in the GTI Configurator. Figure 6 shows a sample Get/Verify menu screen with the
Entire category selected. When this category is first selected, the Database Verify operation is automatically selected.
Selecting another operation will change the information in the HELP window.
ºSelect item with arrow keys and ººRequesting unit type.... º
ºENTER or capital letter. ESC to quit ººConnected to GTI system! ºº ººReady to process commands ººAll records in PC database for a ºº ººselected system are verified against ºº ººthe database in the unit. ºº ººA count of differences is noted. ºº ººData in not stored. ºº ºИНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼ИННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼Still connected to System
Figure 6 - Sample Get/Verify Menu Screen with the Entire Category Selected
The Entire category of operations continues to require communication with a GTI unit in the system via a local or remote
data link, to send and/or receive information about the system’s configuration or performance. This category includes the
following specific operations:
• The Database Verify operation is used to check the GTI Configurator database files against the RAM contents of
the GTI units in the selected system. If one or more discrepancies are found, the GTI Configurator will notify you on
the computer screen. No new database is created.
• The Database Retrieve operation is used to retrieve the RAM contents of the GT I units in the selected system, and
store it as a new system named VERIFIED in the GTI Configurator database files.
Selecting the Database Retrieve operation from the Entire category retrieves data from all connected GTI units, even if they
have not yet been configured by the GTI Configurator. The unconfigured GTI units will report their unconfigured telco and
system databases, derived from their powerup hardware configuration.
Figure 7 shows a sample Get/Verify menu screen with the Verify category selected. When this category is first selected, the
System config operation is automatically selected. Selecting another operation will change the information in the HELP
ºSelect item with arrow keys and ººRequesting unit type.... º
ºENTER or capital letter. ESC to quit ººConnected to GTI system! ºº ººReady to process commands ººVerify System Config allows the Systemºº ººConfiguration data to be compared to ºº ººthe selected system PC database. ºº ººA count of differences is noted. ºº ººData is not stored. ºº ºИНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼ИННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼Still connected to System
Figure 7 - Sample Get/Verify Menu Screen with the Verify Category Selected
The Verify category of operations continues to require communication with a GTI unit in the system via a local or remote
data link, to send and/or receive information about the system’s configuration or performance. This category includes the
following specific operations:
• The System config operation is used to verify just the system configuration data in the GTI database files against the
RAM contents of the GTI units in the selected system. If one or more discrepancies are found, the GTI Configurator
will notify you on the computer screen. No new database is created.
• The Telco config operation is used to verify just the telco configuration data in the GTI database files against the
RAM contents of the GTI units in the selected system. If one or more discrepancies are found, the GTI Configurator
will notify you on the computer screen. No new database is created.
• The DID numbers operation is used to verify just the DID number data in the GT I database files against the RAM
contents of the GTI units in the selected system. If one or more discrepancies are found, the GTI Configurator will
notify you on the computer screen. No new database is created.
Retrieve Billing
Use the Retrieve Billing operation to retrieve call detail billing data from the selected system. For more information, see the
BILLING FILES section later in this manual.
Use the Monitor operation to set up the Real-Time Monitoring mode for the selected system. Figure 8 shows a sample
Interconnect Monitor screen.
As radios key and release their PTT, the display is updated automatically with a momentary delay. Depending upon the
modem data rate, there is approximately a 1 to 4 second delay from system activity to display changes.
The two LINE # columns show 16 telco line numbers at a time, with line numbers 1-16 on one screen and line numbers 17-32
on another screen. (Use the PgUp and PgDn keys to move between the two line groups.) The STATUS column shows whether
the line is unused (not equipped), free (available), busy (with an interconnect call), or b e ing use d for test (communication with
GTI Configurator). The TIME column shows when the call was started. The CHANNEL column shows the radio channel
number and the origination of the call (L (Land) for telephone-originated or M (Mobile) for radio-originated). The MOBILE
column shows the GID or LID number of the radio.
During peak periods, you can watch system activity and see traffic congestion as radios move from one channel to another. If
you want a printed copy of the display, press the Print Screen key. Make sure that a printer is attached to the parallel LPT 1
port, and that the printer is on-line and ready for printing. Press the Esc key to return to the Main Menu screen.
Status Info.
• The Status info. operation is used
Use the Status Information operation to retrieve, display, and store status information for each repeater associated with a GTI
unit in the selected system. The status information is stored in a file named STATXXX.INF, where XXX is the system
number. Figure 9 shows a sample Status Information screen for a GTI unit.
EDACS GTI Configurator/Database Manager V1.3 (SUPERVISOR mode)ЙНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН»º GTI UNIT 1 -- SYSTEM 001 STATUS INFO ººGTI Firmware Version: 1.03 C552 Version: 01.03 ºº ººBUS Status: Unit Type-Slave Frame Sync Source-Slave Lost F/S Count-0 ºº ººDIP Switch Settings On Reset: ( SW2: 1[^------^]8 SW1: 1[^-------]8 ) ºº Unit: 01 RS-232 Baud: 9600 Telco: End-to-End Loop ººDIP Switch Settings Right Now: ( SW2: 1[^------^]8 SW1: 1[^-------]8 ) ºº Unit: 01 RS-232 Baud: 9600 Telco: End-to-End Loop ºº ººUnits on bus: 01 02 04 IAM ººFree local memory (bytes): 40711 ºº ºº ºº ºº ºº ºº ºº ºº ºИНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼Hit PGUP/PGDN other units, ESC to quit
Figure 9 - Sample Status Information Screen for a GTI Unit
Figure 10 shows a sample Status Information screen for an optional IAM unit.
EDACS GTI Configurator/Database Manager V1.3 (SUPERVISOR mode)ЙНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН»º ACCOUNTING MANAGER -- SYSTEM 001 STATUS INFO ººAccounting Manager Firmware Version: 1.2 ºº ººDIP Switch Settings On Reset: ( SW1: 1[-^--^^--]8 ) ºº Front Panel Baud: 9600 Printer Baud: 9600 ºº Test: N Printer: ON XON/XOFF-Only: ON Alarm Relay: NORM. CLOSED ººDIP Switch Settings Right Now: ( SW1: 1[-^--^^--]8 ) ºº Front Panel Baud: 9600 Printer Baud: 9600 ºº Test: N Printer: ON XON/XOFF-Only: ON Alarm Relay: NORM. CLOSED ºº ººRAM ICs (#)OK, (*)Bad: (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)ººNumber of free blocks: 693, Percent Space Used: 0% ººNumber of records for each telco line: ºº 1:34 2:15 3: 4:39 5: 6: 7: 8: ºº 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: ºº 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: ºº 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: ºº ºº ºº ºИНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼Hit PGUP/PGDN other units, ESC to quit
Figure 10 - Sample Status Information Screen for an Optional IAM Unit
Balance and Levels
Use the Balance and levels operation to balance the audio hybrid for a two-wire telephone line and set the audio levels. Figure
11 shows a sample Hybrid Balance Monitor screen.
For more information about this operation, see the HYBRID BALANCE AND LEVEL SETTINGS section later in this
Use the Other operation for miscellaneous functions such as changing passwords, setting the date/time, clearing the call detail
buffer, and changing the modem initialization string. Figure 12 shows a sample Other menu screen with the Set category
selected. When this category is first selected, the Time operation is automatically selected. Selecting another operation will
change the information in the HELP window.
OTHER MENU: ì Set Clear Reset View ì ЪДДДДДДДДДДДДДД¿ ³ Time ³ ³ Password ³ ³ Modem string ³ АДДДДДДДДДДДДДДЩ
ºENTER or capital letter. ESC to quit ººConnecting to system.... º
º ººRequesting unit type.... º
ºSet user-entered or automatic time ººConnected to GTI system! ººon unit. ººReady to process commands ºº ºº ºº ºº ºº ºº ºИНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼ИННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼Still connected to System
Figure 12 - Sample Other Menu Screen with the Set category selected
The Set category of operations continues to require communication with a GTI unit in the system via a local or remote data
link, to send and/or receive information about the system’s configuration or performance. This category includes the
following specific operations:
• The Time operation is used to manually set the date and time in a system of GTI units. To use this operation, the
automatic time setting feature in the system configuration database must be disabled. It is very important that you set
the time of day manually (or enable the automatic time setting feature in the system configuration database) when
you install GTI units, since some of the advanced operating features of the GTI units utilize its built-in clock chip
that keeps track of the time of day and day of week (such as telephone call detail date and time-of-day marking). The
year is entered as the last two digits of the year, and is supported until the year 2079.
• The Password operation is used to change the Database Manager password in the system of GTI units. When this
operation is used to select a new password, it will be changed in the database of the GTI units and the GTI
Configurator. (If you only want to change the password in the GTI Configurator, select the change Databasemanager password operation from the Other group in the Main Menu screen.)
• The Modem string operation is used to change the modem initialization string from a GTI unit to an external
modem connected to its front panel port.
Figure 13 shows a sample Other menu screen with the Clear category selected. When this category is selected, the Call detail
operation is the only operation available.
ºENTER or capital letter. ESC to quit ººConnecting to system.... º
º ººRequesting unit type.... º
ºClears call detail records in ººConnected to GTI system! ººaccounting manager. ººReady to process commands ºº ºº ºº ºº ºº ºº ºИНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼ИННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН¼Still connected to System
Figure 13 - Sample Other Menu Screen with the Clear category selected
The Clear category of operations continues to require communication with a GTI unit in the system via a local or remote data
link, to send and/or receive information about the system’s configuration or performance. This category is limited to the
following operation:
• The Call detail operation is used to clear the call detail records in the optional IAM unit.
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