Ericsson Review No. 2, 1997
As the AXE system continues to evolve, system designers ensure that the very solid and
proven system architecture is maintained.
The fundamental principle of a central processor (CP) that controls regional processors
(RP), which in turn control hardware services, has proved to be superior. Strict interfaces ensure that different system components can be developed independently. To
ensure non-stop operation, all vital traffic
and operation and maintenance (O&M) system products are built in duplicated structures.
In order to fully exploit the advantages of
modern electronics, some fundamental system hardware interfaces are now being improved and extended. It goes without saying that compatibility is maintained in
Traditionally, a parallel bus, or a regional processor bus (RPB), has been used for
communication between the central and regional processors. Now, however, in order
to increase capacity (data transfer rate) and
to decrease the need for interface hardware,
a serial bus is being introduced alongside
the existing RPB (Figure 1). The new RPB
permits single-board regional processors to
be housed in the same subrack as the devices
they control, thus minimising hardware and
cable interconnections between hardware
In earlier generations of AXE, an extension module (EM) bus and cables were
used to connect regional processors to application hardware (extension modules). In
the new hardware design, however, most regional processors are located in the same
subrack as the extension modules they control. By locating the regional processors in
this way, designers have all but eliminated
the EM bus, except in the backplane. The
new location makes it much easier for
operators to install and extend equipment.
The traditional AXE interface (called the
digital link 2, DL2) between the group
switch (GS) and its connected devices was
at the 2 Mbit/s primary multiplexing pulse
code modulation (PCM) level.
Now, a new high-speed interface is being
ALI Alarm interface
ANSI American National Standards
ASIC Application-specific integrated
AST-DR-V3 Announcement service terminal
version 3
ATM Asynchronous transfer mode
BGA Ball grid array
BM Building module (1 BM=40.64
BSC Base station controller
CANS Code answer
CCD Conference call device
CMOS Complementary metal-oxide semi-
CP Central processor
CSFSK Code sender for FSK tones
CSK Code sender for DTMF tones
CSR Code sender/receiver
DL2 Digital link interface 2
DL3 Digital link interface 3
DSP Digital signal processor
DTMF Dual-tone multifrequency
E0 64 kbit/s digital link
E1 2 Mbit/s digital link
ECP 303 Echo canceller in pool
generation 3
ECP 404 Echo canceller in pool
generation 4
EM Extension module
EMB Extension module bus
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic interference
ETC5 Exchange terminal circuit
generation 5
ETSI European Telecommunications
Standards Institute
FSK Frequency shift keying
GDM Generic device magazine (sub-
GS Group switch
GSM Global system for mobile commu-
GSS Group switch subsystem
HLR Home location register
IN Intelligent network
I/O Input/output
IOG11 I/O system 11
IOG20 I/O system 20
IP Internet protocol
ISDN Integrated services digital network
ITU-T International Telecommunication
Union - Telecommunications Stan-
dardization Sector
IWU Interworking unit
KRD Keyset receiver device
LED Light-emitting diode
LUM Line unit module
MSC Mobile switching centre
MTBF Mean time between failures
MW Megaword
O&M Operation and maintenance
PCM Pulse code modulation
PDC Pacific digital cellular
PROM Programmable read-only memory
PSTN Public switched telephone network
RAM Random access memory
RMS Remote measurement subsystem
ROM Read-only memory
RP Regional processor
RP4 Regional processor generation 4
RPB Regional processor bus
RPD Regional processor device
RPG Regional processor with group
switch interface
RPV Regional processor connected to
SCP Service control point
SCSI Small computer system interface
SNT Switching network terminal
SPM Space switch module
STC Signalling terminal central
STM Synchronous transfer mode
STP Signalling transfer point
T1 1.5 Mbit/s digital link
TCD Trunk continuity check device
TSM Time switch module
TSM-1 155 Mbit/s time switch module
VME Versa Module Eurocard
Box A Abbreviations