Component Placing
Applicable for A2618s and A2618sc
1 Mounting drawing table.....................................................................................................2
2 1078-ROA 117 9219 Rev C.................................................................................................3
2.1 Component position location table for 1078-ROA 117 9219 Rev C....................4
3 Revision History..................................................................................................................7
Component Placing
1078-2/FEA 209 544/25 A Approved according to 1776-2/FEA 209 544
1 Mounting drawing table
A2618s and A2618sc
Board no. Mounting drawing
ROA 117 9219 R1A 1078-ROA 117 9219 Rev C
Component Placing
1078-2/FEA 209 544/25 A 2(7)
2 1078-ROA 117 9219 Rev C
Component Placing
1078-ROA 117 9219 Rev C Primary Side
1078-2/FEA 209 544/25 A 3(7)