Epson V11H935041 User Manual

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User's Guide

© 2018 Epson America, Inc., 8/18


Information on the Moverio Website

Provides technical information.


Safety Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Notes on Usage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Included Items.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Part Names and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Interface Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Headset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Connecting the Interface Unit

and External Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Inputs and Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Connecting by HDMI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Connecting by USB Type-C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Turning On/Displaying Images . . . . . . . . . .16

Standby Mode and AV Mute.. . . . . . . . . . . .


Extended Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Wearing the Headset.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Wearing over Glasses. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Using the Shade. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . 21

Using the Belt Clip/Cable Retainer. . . . . . . . 22 Replacing the Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Attaching and Removing the Shield. . . . . . . . . 24 Replacing the Temple Grip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Replacing the Nose Pads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Supported Equipment and Software. . . . . .


Updating the Firmware. . . . . . . . . . . . .


Maintenance. . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .


Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Specifications.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Product Specifications.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Video Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Intellectual Property Rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


General Notes . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


List of Safety Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Contact List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



User's Guide Organization

User's Guide

This guide provides information on safely using this product, basic operating methods, and trouble-

shooting. Make sure you read this guide before using the product.




Start Guide

Explains procedures for using this product for the first time.



Symbols Used in this Guide

■■Safety symbols

This symbol indicates information that, if

Warning ignored, could possibly result in serious personal injury or even death due to incor-

rect handling.

■■General information symbols


Indicates procedures which may result in


damage or injury if sufficient care is not



[ ]

Indicates buttons and keys on the interface



This symbol indicates information

Caution that, if ignored, could possibly result in personal injury or physical damage

due to incorrect handling.

Indicates additional information and points which may be useful to know regarding a topic.

Indicates a reference to related topics.


Safety Instructions

For your safety, read the attached documents carefully to use the product correctly. After you have read the documents, keep them in a safe place so that you can refer to them quickly at a later date.

Warning Usage environment and condition precautions

Only use this product at the stated power-supply voltage.

Only use the AC adapter and dedicated micro-USB power supply cable supplied with the product. Using other power supply devices could result in heat, fire, explosion, malfunction, or liquid leakage.

TakethefollowingprecautionswhenhandlingtheACadapter.Failure to comply with these precautions could result in fire or electric shock.

Do not plug the AC adapter into an outlet being used by many other devices.

Do not insert the AC adapter into a dusty outlet.

Insert the AC adapter firmly into the outlet.

Do not hold the plug with wet hands.

Do not cover or wrap the AC adapter in a cloth and so on.

Do not use near a fire, stove, or electric heater.

Do not use the AC adapter, dedicated micro-USB power supply cable, or any USB Type-C cable if they are damaged. Failure to comply with these precautions could result in fire or electric shock.

Foryoursafety,unplugthepowersupplycablewhennotusingthis product.Theinsulationmaydeteriorate,whichmayresultinelectric shock, fire, or malfunction.


Do not touch the plug during a thunderstorm. Failure to comply with these precautions could result in fire or electric shock.

Do not leave this product in locations subject to temperatures beyond the specified operating range, such as cars with the windows closed, in direct sunlight, or in front of air-conditioning or heater outlets.Also,avoidlocationssubjecttosuddenchangesintemperature.Doingsomayresultinfire,breakdown,malfunction,orfailure.

This product is not waterproof. Do not touch the AC adapter or the connectors and cables for each of the connector ports with wet hands. Failure to comply with these precautions could result in fire, burns, or electric shock.

Do not use the product in locations where it may get wet or is subjecttohighlevelsofhumiditysuchasinabathorshower.Failureto comply with these precautions could result in fire or electric shock.

Donotplacethisproductinlocationssubjecttosmoke,steam,high humidity, or dust such as kitchen counters or near humidifiers. Doing so may result in fire, electric shock, or deterioration in image quality.

Donotcoverthisproductwithaclothorsimilarmaterialduringuse. Doing so may change the shape of the case through heat, or fire.

Do not touch the interface unit for too long while it is operating. Doing so may result in low temperature burns if it is in contact with your skin for too long, even if it is in a pocket or over clothing.

Do not expose the camera lens to direct sunlight for a long time. Doing so may result in fire or explosion due to condensed beams of light from the lens.

Warning Product usage precautions

Do not start using this product at a high volume. Doing so mayresultinhearingimpairment.Lowerthevolumebefore turning off the product, and gradually increase the volume after turning on the product. To prevent possible hearing damage,donotlistenathighvolumeforprolongedperiods of time.

Do not pull on the cable when inserting/removing it from the connector for the connector ports. Also, make sure you plug the connector straight into the connector port. If the connection is incomplete or incorrect, it could result in fire, burns, or electric shock.

Makesureyouusegenuine,certifiedproductsforcablesconnected to the USB-C port or the HDMI port. Failure to comply with these precautions could result in fire, burns, electric shock, or damage to theproductduetoincorrectwiringandsoonwhennotusingcertified products.

Do not allow any conductive foreign objects to touch the external device connector or earphone microphone socket, and do not put any conductive foreign objects into the connection ports. Doing so may cause a short circuit and result in fire or electric shock.

Do not allow solvents such as alcohol, benzene, or thinner to touch the product. Also, do not clean this product with a wet cloth or solvents. Doing so may warp or crack the product housing and may result in electric shock, malfunction, or fire.

The product housing should only be opened by qualified service

Safety Instructions

personnel. Also, do not disassemble or remodel the product (including consumable items). Many of the parts inside the product carry a high voltage and could cause fire, electric shock, accident, or poisoning.

Do not subject the lens of the product to strong shocks or knock it against hard objects. If the lens is damaged, it could splinter and cause serious injuries to the eyes and face.

Do not throw the product into a fire and do not heat the product. Do not place objects with open flames, such as candles, on this product. Doing so may result in heat, fire, or explosion.

Warning Viewing image precautions

Do not wear this product while driving a car, riding a motor bike or bicycle, or performing any other dangerous tasks. Doing so may result in accident or injury.

Donotusethisproductinunstablelocationssuchasstairsorataltitude.Also,donotusetheproductwhilewalkingindangerouslocations such as near machinery or equipment that might get caught onthecables,wherethereisalotoftraffic,orwhereitisdark.Doing so may result in accident or injury.

When walking while viewing images on the product, be aware of your surroundings. If you are too focused on the image, it could result in accidents, falling down, and colliding with other people.

When viewing in dark locations, it is difficult to see your surroundingsduetothebrightnessoftheimage.Beawareofyoursurroundings.


When using this product in small locations, be aware of your surroundings.

When wearing this product, do not look directly at the sun or other light sources even if you are using the shaded shield. This could cause serious injury to your eyes or loss of eyesight.

Make sure the cable does not catch on anything in the surrounding area while wearing the product. Also, make sure the cable does not wind around your neck. Doing so may result in accident or injury.

Makesurethecabledoesnotgetdamaged.Otherwise,itmayresult in fire or electric shock.

Do not damage the cable.

Do not place heavy objects on top of the cable.

Do not bend, twist, or pull the cable with excessive force.

Keep the power cable away from hot electrical appliances.

Warning Product abnormality precautions

In the following situations, unplug the power supply cable, and contact the Epson service call center. Continuing to use under these conditions may result in fire or electric shock. Do not try to repair this product yourself.

If you see smoke, or notice any strange odors or noises.

If any water, beverages, or foreign objects get into the product.

If the product was dropped or the case was damaged.

Safety Instructions

Caution Usage environment and condition precautions

Do not place the product in locations subjected to vibrations or shocks.

While using the product to view images, play games, or listen to music, make sure you confirm the safety of your surroundings and donotleaveanyfragileitemsinyourimmediatevicinity.Theimages you are viewing may cause you to move your body involuntarily, resulting in damage to nearby items or personal injury.

Do not place this product near high-voltage lines or magnetized items. Doing so may result in breakdown, malfunction, or failure.

When performing maintenance, make sure you unplug the power supply cable and disconnect all wires. Otherwise, it may result in electric shock.

Caution Product usage precautions

Stop using this product if the skin that touches the product (face and so on) feels itchy when wearing the product, or any unusual rashes occur, and consult your local dermatologist.

Ifyousweatwhileusingtheproduct,wipethesweatfromyourface and the product. Continuing to use under these conditions may result in itching or a rash.

For your own safety, do not use a conversion adapter or extension cable when using the USB-C port or the HDMI port.


Hold the interface unit securely or place it on a stable surface and make sure the cables are not pulled with undue force.

Dispose of this product in accordance with your local laws and regulations.

Caution Viewing image precautions

Always take periodic breaks when viewing images using this product.Longperiodsofviewingimagesmayresultineyefatigue.Ifyou feelfatiguedoruncomfortableevenaftertakingabreak,stopviewing immediately.

Do not drop this product or treat it with unnecessary force. Also, if the product breaks due to an impact such as a fall, stop using the product. Continuing to use this product may result in injury due to glass fragments.

When wearing this product, be aware of the edges of the frame. Also, do not place your finger between the moving parts of this product. Doing so may result in injury.

Make sure you are wearing this product correctly. Incorrect usage could make you feel nauseous.

This product should only be used for the purposes stated in the manuals. Doing so may result in injury.

If a problem or malfunction occurs, stop using this product immediately. Continuing to use this product may result in injury or could make you feel nauseous.

Safety Instructions

Stopusingthisproductifyourskinfeelsunusualwhenwearingthis product and consult your local dermatologist. Sometimes allergies may occur due to the coating or material of the product.

How a 3D image is perceived varies depending on the individual. Stop using the 3D function if you feel strange or cannot see in 3D. Continuing to view the 3D images could make you feel nauseous.

This product must not be used by children under the age of thirteen.

Donotusethisproductifyouaresensitivetolight,orfeelnauseous. Doing so may aggravate your pre-existing conditions.

Do not use this product if you have prior eye conditions. Doing so mayaggravatethesymptomssuchasstrabismus,amblyopia,oranisometropia.


Epson V11H935041 User Manual

Notes on Usage

This product uses an Si-OLED display panel. Due to the characteris- ticsoftheSi-OLED,youmaynoticeburn-inordecreasingluminance on the panel. This is not a malfunction.

To reduce the burn-in, do the following.

Do not display the same image for a long time.

Hide markers or text that always appear in the same position.

Decrease the display brightness.

List of Safety Symbols (corresponding to IEC60950-1 A2)

The following table lists the meaning of the safety symbols labeled on the equipment.

Approved standards: IEC60417 No.5031 Meaning: Direct current

To indicate on the rating plate that the equipment is suitable for direct current only; to identify relevant terminals.

Caution Headset usage precautions

Do not drop this headset or treat it with unnecessary force.

The temples can only be opened outwards. Do not apply force in other directions. If excessive force is applied to the temples, they may be damaged.

When transporting the device, make sure you use the box that the device came in and the dedicated carrying case so as not to apply

excessive force to the temples.


Included Items


"Headset" p.11

Interface unit

"Interface Unit" p.10

AC adapter with plug attachment

"Inputs and Outputs" p.12

Dedicated micro-USB power supply cable

"Inputs and Outputs" p.12

Clear and shaded safety shields

"Attaching and Removing the

Shield" p.24

Belt clip Cable retainer

Installation screw

"Using the Belt Clip/Cable Retainer" p.22

Carrying case

*Not waterproof.


Part Names and Functions

Interface Unit

[ ] (Standby) button

Set and release standby mode and AV mute, and show/hide images.

"Standby Mode and AV Mute" p.17

[ / ] (Brightness adjustment) keys

Adjusts the brightness incrementally within a range of 0 to 20. Hold the keys down to increase or decrease the brightness.

[ / ] (Volume) keys

Adjusts the volume incrementally within a range of 0 to 15. Hold the keys down to increase or decrease the volume.

Headset connector

Connects the headset.

"Connecting by HDMI" p.13"Connecting by USB Type-C" p.14

USB-C port

Connects to external devices that support USB Type-C. You can input video signals and supply power from the connected device. You can also output camera data and sensor data from the headset to the connected device.

"Connecting by USB Type-

C" p.14

LED indicator

Indicates the status of the product.

Orange: On

Standby mode



Blue: Flashing

No video signal detected

Blue: On

Displaying images

Blue: Flashing

AV mute enabled



Orange: Flashing

Error has occurred



Micro-B port

This port is dedicated to supplying power.

(It cannot be used for data communication.)

HDMI port

Inputs video signals from video equipment or computers that support HDMI.

"Connecting by HDMI" p.13



Temple grip

If the temple grip gets dirty or deteriorates, it can be replaced.

"Replacing the Temple Grip" p.25

Ambient light sensor

Senses the brightness of your surroundings and automatically adjusts the brightness of the screen.


Captures images and movies. Remove the protective film before use.

Interface unit connector

Inserts into the interface unit.

"Connecting by HDMI" p.13"Connecting by USB Type-C" p.14

Part Names and Functions


Open the temples to wear.

"Wearing the Headset" p.20

Nose pads

If the nose pads get dirty, it can be replaced.

"Replacing the Nose Pads" p.26

Safety shield (shaded shown)

ANSI Z87.1-compliant. Shaded shield helps minimize ambient light.

"Attaching and Removing the

Shield" p.24

3.5 mm audio jack

You can connect commercially available earphones and microphones.

"Wearing the Headset" p.20


Connecting the Interface Unit and External Devices

Inputs and Outputs

The interface unit and external devices input/output the following data and power supply.

Port Name





• Outputs camera or sensor data.


• Inputs video signals.


• Supplies power.


Inputs video signals.


Only supplies power.


(Connects the AC adapter with the dedicated micro-USB power supply



USB Type-C cables and HDMI cables are not supplied with this product. You need to obtain your own in advance.



USB Type-C


Video signals






Video signals




Connecting the Interface Unit and External Devices

Connecting by HDMI

Follow the steps below to display images from external devices connected by HDMI.

AConnect the headset.

CConnect the power supply.



BConnect the external device.

When using the headset sensor or camera data, connect to the USB-C port. Video signals from the HDMI port have priority over video signals from the USB-C port.

"When using the headset sensors or camera" p.15

Make sure you connect the headset before you connect the power supply.

Do not connect or disconnect the headset while it is operating.

Make sure you unplug the dedicated micro-USB power supply cable before unplugging the headset cable.

HDMI cannot be connected using a conversion adapter.

To prevent excessive wear on the connectors, do not disassemble the AC adapter once it has been assembled.


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