Epson Stylus
Print | Copy | Scan
Smart. Simple.
Features and Benefits
• Easytouseforeverydayprojects — quick setup
and user-friendly features like one-touch copying
and scanning
• Unsurpassedprintquality — get sharp documents
and photos with precision detail and more accurate color
•Quicklyscanandarchive — use included software to
scan important documents and photos and save them as
• High-qualitycopies,fast — one-touch copying in
color or black-and-white
• Trulytouchablephotosanddocuments — instant dry ink
• Replaceonlythecoloryouneed — individual ink
cartridges, available in different sizes
• Standardinksetincluded — includes one 88 Black
ink cartridge and three 88 color ink cartridges

Epson Stylus NX110 Print | Copy | Scan Specifications
Printing Technology 4-color (CMYK) drop-on-demand MicroPiezo
ink jet technology
Nozzle Configuration 90 Black, 29 Cyan, Magenta and Yellow
Ink Palette Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black
Ink Cartridge Configuration 4 individual ink cartridges
Ink Type DURABrite
highlighter resistant)
Ultra Ink (smudge, fade, water and
Fade Resistance / Print Longevity1 Up to 118 years
Minimum Ink Droplet Size 4 picoliters
Maximum Print Resolution 5760 x 1440 optimized dpi
Maximum Print Speed† Black 28 ppm
Color 14 ppm
Laser Quality Print Speed
Color 1.6 ppm
Black 3 ppm
Scanner Type Color flatbed
Photoelectric Device Color CIS line sensor
Optical Resolution 600 dpi
Hardware Resolution 600 x 1200 dpi
Maximum Resolution 9600 x 9600 dpi interpolated
Scanner Bit Depth 48-bit color, Scan 24-bit output
Copy Quality Color, Black/White, Draft, Normal
Copy Quantity Single copies only (PC-free)
PC-free Copy Modes Black text, color text
Maximum Copy Size 8.5" x 11" (PC-free)
Copy Features Fit to page
PC-free Copying Text only
PC-free Paper Support Plain (8.5" x 11")
Maximum Paper Size 8.5" x 44"
Paper Sizes 8.5" x 11", 8.5" x 14", A4, A6, half letter, User definable
(3.5" – 44" in length)
Borderless Sizes 3.5" x 5", 4" x 6", 5" x 7", 8" x 10", 8.5" x 11", A4,
Preset custom sizes
Paper Types Supports plain paper, Epson Bright White Paper, Photo Paper Glossy,
Premium Photo Paper Glossy, Ultra Premium Photo Paper Glossy,
Premium Photo Paper Semi-gloss, Presentation Paper Matte,
Premium Presentation Paper Matte, and Matte Scrapbook Paper (letter)
Envelope Types No. 10, C6, DL
Input Paper Capacity 80 sheets plain paper, 20 sheets Epson photo paper
Recommended Ink Cartridges
Standard-capacity Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow
Weight and Dimensions (W x D x H) Printing: 17.1" x 18.5" x 11.9"
Storage: 17.1" x 12.9" x 7.3"
Weight: 11.1 lb
88 Moderate Use Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow or 69
Case Color High Gloss Black
Connectivity USB 2.0
Operating Systems Windows Vista
Mac OS®3 X 10.3.9, 10.4.11 and 10.5.x
Software Included Epson printer driver, Web to Page, Epson Scan,
Epson Easy Photo Print
, Windows® XP Professional x64, XP, 2000
Color Management PhotoEnhance™ and ICM
Sound Level 47 dB
Temperature Operating: 50 ° to 95 °F (10 ° to 35 °C)
Storage: -4 ° to 104 °F (-20 ° to 40 °C)
Relative Humidity (no condensation) Operating: 20 – 80%
Storage: 5 – 85%
Safety Approvals Safety standards UL60950, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1,
EMC FCC Part 15 subpart B class B,
Power Requirements Rated voltage: 100 – 120 VAC
Rated frequency: 50 – 60 Hz
Rated current: 0.6 Amp
Power Consumption Approx. 11.7 W ISO 10561 (Standalone copy printing)
Approx. 3.8 W (Standby Mode), ENERGY STAR® qualified
Warranty One-year limited warranty in the U.S. and Canada
What’s In The Box Epson Stylus NX110 all-in-one, instruction booklet, CD-ROM
containing printer drivers and software for Windows and
Macintosh®, one 88 Black ink cartridge, one 88 Cyan ink
cartridge, one 88 Magenta ink cartridge, one 88 Yellow ink cartridge
Maximum pages per minute (ppm) are meas ured after first page with tex t patterns i n Draft Mo de on plain paper. Laser quality black and c olor print s peeds are determined in default, single -side mo de in
accordance w ith ISO/IEC 24734. Actu al print time s will vary based on system co nfiguration, soft ware, and page complexit y. See www.epson.com/p rintspeed for details, including co mplete ISO rep orts.
Based on accelerated testing of prints displayed under glass in indoo r display conditions. Actual print stability will vary accordin g to media, printed image, display conditions, light intensity, temperature,
humidity and atmosph eric conditions. Epso n does not guarantee the longevity of prints. For maximu m print life, displ ay all prints under glass or UV filter or properly store the m. See ww w.wilhelm- research.co m
fo r the latest information.
Cartridge yields are bas ed on contin uous printing of a suite of five b lack and color pages as required by ISO/I EC 24711 and 24712. Actual yields will var y considerably for reasons including images printed, print
s ettings, te mperature and humidity. Yields may be lowe r when printi ng infrequently or predom inantly wit h one ink col or. A variable amo unt of ink remains in the car tridges af ter the “replace cartrid ge” signal. Par t
of the ink from the first car tridges is us ed for primin g the all-i n-one. Ink is used for b oth printing and print head m aintenance. All inks are use d for both black and color printing. For m ore information about yields
fo r this all- in-one, see ww w.epson.com /cartridgeinfo
Some applications and/or funct ions, like t wo-sid ed printing, may not be suppo rted by Mac®.
For more info rmation on E pson’s environm ental progra ms,
go to www.eps on.com/e nvironment
Epson America, Inc.
Epson, Epso n Stylus a nd MicroPiez o are registered trade marks, Epso n Exceed Your Visi on is a registered lo gomark an d Better Pro ducts for a Bet ter Future is a trad emark of Sei ko Epson Corp oration. DU RABr ite is a
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