EPSON Stylus Color 880i
Windows Printer Software Does Not Install
While you’re installing your printer software, you’ll see this window:
If this window remains on your screen for a few minutes, your
installation program may have stopped responding.
To release the installation program, follow these steps:
1. On your keyboard, hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys, then
press the Delete key. You see a window like this:
2. Click the E_srcv03 program to highlight it (you may
need to scroll down).
3. Click the End Task button to close the program.(If you
see a screen confirming the end of the task, click End
Task again.)
4. Restart your system.
5. Your printer should now be able to print, but for the best
operation, we recommend that you download and install
a new EPSON printer driver from the EPSON web site.
Go to the EPSON Downloads page, then select the
printer driver for your version of Windows and install it
as instructed.
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