Setting Up your
EPSON Stylus Color 740
with an
Setup your printer by following the instructions in the On-line S e tup Gu ide or
Setup & Daily Use manua l s upplied w ith your pri nte r.
Follow the sections relating to A pple Macintosh comp uters in the Se tup & D a ily
Use manual on page s 21 to 26, Connecting the Printer to Your Macintosh,
Installing the Printer Software in Your Macintosh and Selecting Your Printer in the
Chooser, but note the following additional inf or m ation:-
Connect your iMac to the prin te r us ing the US B ports on your iMac a nd pri nter
- DO NOT use the serial interf a ce.
If you are using a US B hub, connect your printer to the f ir s t tie r of the hub.
Note: Use an EPSON USB interface cable code CAEUL0001 available from your
EPSON dealer.
Stylus Color 740 USB Port:
Apple iMac
iMac USB Port:
direct connection
optional USB hub
Use the CD-ROM conta ining Stylus Color 740 printer drivers for iMa c com pute rs
supplied with this supplem e nt s heet. The printer drivers on the printer
software CD supplied w ith your printe r can only be used on Macintosh a nd
Windows computers.
When you select the Stylus Color 740 prin te r in your iMac
chooser, USB s hould be s elected as the printer port.
Continued overleaf

For best results, a lways pow e r on your iMac first a nd w a it until the de s ktop
appears before powe r ing on your printer (and USB hub if use d).
If your printer does not work correctly when connected using a hub, conne ct
the printer directly to your iMac’s US B por t.
If you unplug your printer USB conne ction while your iMac is switche d on,
wait a few seconds before plugging it back in, ot he rw ise your iMac ma y not
recognise the printer and you may be una ble to print correctly.
World Wide We b
If you can connect to the Inte rne t a nd have a Web browser, you can access
EPSON’s web site at http://www.epson.co.uk. Here you will find information on
the latest EPSON s oftw a re drivers, products a nd a nsw ers to frequently as ked
EUL 030998
Campus 100, Maylands Avenue,
Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 7TJ. UK.
Telephone: +44 (0) 1442 261144
Fax: +44 (0) 1442 227227
E-mail: info@epson.co.uk
Specifications subject t o change.
All manufacturers trademarks acknowledged.