Epson Stylus Color 740 User Guide

DOS User's Guide
Installing the Printer Driver for DOS Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Using Built-in Fonts and Character Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Troubleshooting and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Running a Printer Operation Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Problems and Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Ink Cartridge Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Cleaning the Print Heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Aligning the Print Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Cleaning the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Transporting the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Character Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
International character sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Characters available with ESC ( ^ command . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Copyrigh t © 1998 by SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION, Nagano, Japan
4008999 xxx-00
Installing the Printer Driver for DOS Programs
Most DOS software programs include a driver for EPSON ESC/P 2™ printers, and r equire you to select the prin ter name from a list to install the printer driver. To take advantage of your printer's advanced built-in scalable fo nts and graphics h andling, you need to select an appropriate driver.
If your printer is not included in the list, contact your software manufacturer to obtain updated software.
If the manufacturer does not have an updated printer driver for your printer, selec t an alt ernati ve print er name from th ose bel ow, sta rting from the top.
When printing black only:
LQ-870/1170 LQ-570 (+)/1070(+) SQ-870/1070 LQ-850 LQ-500
When printing black and color:
EPSON Stylus PRO EPSON S t ylus COLOR 50 0 EPSON S t ylus COLOR II LQ-860 LQ-2550
The drivers for the printers listed above do not provide all EPSON STYLUS COLOR 740 features, such a s 720-dpi printing, 144 0-dpi printing and MicroWeave.
DOS software varies greatly. See the printing sectio n of your software manual for inf ormation on acce ssing the printe r driver settings.

Using Built-in Fonts and Character Tables

Your printer has eight built - i n fonts and 11 character tables (27 characte r tables in cert ain countr ies) t hat you can select u sing the printe r’s default-setting mode as de scribed b elow. The se ttings y ou choose take e ffec t each time you tu rn on th e pri nter . Avai lab le fo nts are listed in the next section. For available character tables, see “Character Tables” on page 21.
Font and character table selections you make with your software override the settings you make using the default-setting mode. For best results, use your software to make these settings.
To change the default font or character table, follow these steps:
1. Make sure the printer is turned off and paper is loaded in the sheet feeder.
Use paper at least A4 (210 mm/8.27 inches) si ze or wider. Otherwise, the print heads will spray ink directly onto the platen, which could mar future printouts.
cleaning button and turn on the printer to
2. Hold down the enter the default-setting mode.
The printer loads a sheet of paper and prints a brief summary and instructions. It instructs you to select the language that you want messages printed in (English , French, G erma n, Italian, or Spanish).
3. Press the R cleaning bu tton until the following li g hts indicate the language of your choice:
English French
= On, n = Off
4. Press the
load/eject but ton to print the current defaul t font and
character table, as we ll as the next instruction s in the language you selected. The printed instructions list all of the fonts and chara c t e r ta b le s you can se le ct and show you how the control panel lights appear for each selec tion. U se the in struction sheets to change the settings from the control panel.
5. After making your changes, e xi t the default- se tting mode by turning off the printer.
You may exit the default-setting mode any time by turning off the printer. Any cha nge s you ha ve made r emai n in e ffect until you ch ange them agai n .
If you want to check the current default font and character table, enter the default-setting mode again and print the current settings. The current settings are indicated with arrows.
Your printer has eight built-in character fonts including two EPSON fonts: EPSON Roman T and EPSON Sans Serif H. (Roma n T i s s imilar to the Ti m e s™ font; Sa n s S e rif H i s similar to Helvetica™ . )
The table below shows the available fonts.
Fonts Sample
EPSON Courier EPSON Roman T EPSON Sans S erif H EPSON Roman EPSON Sans Serif EPSON Prestige EPSON Script Draft
Roman T and Sans Serif H fonts are available in proportionally spaced fonts only.
Some of the character tables might not be able to print with EPSON Roman T and EPSON Sans Serif H fonts. In these cases, selected character tables are printed with EPSON Roman.
Scalable fonts
The size of the Roman, Sans Serif, Roman T, and Sans Serif H fonts can be selec te d from 8 to 32 points in 2-point increments through your software or by sending an ESC/P 2™ command. See the document ation that came with your software for information on sele ct i ng th e size of sca l a b le fo n t s.
scalable sample
EPSON Sans Se ri f
EPSON Sans Serif H

Troubleshooting and Maintenance

This secti on describ e s what you can do if you are having prob lems printing. See also “Troubleshooting and Maintenance” in your
& Daily Use
Running a Printer Operation Check
Performing a printer operation check can help you determine whether the problem comes from the pr inter or the computer.
To print a printer operation check page, follow these steps:
1. Make sure both the printer and computer are turned off.
2. Unlock the wire clips on both sides of the interface connector, and remove the gr ound connec tor if nece ssary. Then disconn ect the cable fr om the printer’s interface connector.
3. Make sure that paper is loaded in the sheet feeder.
4. Hold down the to turn on the printer. Then release both buttons.
Use paper at least 210 mm (8.27 i nches) wid e; for example, A4 size paper loaded short edge first. Otherwise, the print head will spray ink directly onto the platen during the operation check and smear any documents you print afterwards.
load/eject button and press the P power but ton
The printer prints an operation ch eck page including the v ersion of your printer’s ROM, the ink counter code, the current code page, and a nozzle check pattern. Here is a typical printout:
The above sampl e is in blac k and whi te, but the ac tual test pri nts in color (CMYK).
5. Press the
power button to turn of f the printer af ter it finishes
printing the operation check page.
If the operation c heck page results appear as shown in st ep 4, the printer itself is all right and the problem probably lies in the printer software settings, application settings, the interface cable (be sure to use a shielded cable), or the computer itself.
If the operation check page does not print satisfactorily, for example, if any segment of the printed lines is missing, there is a problem with the printer. This could be a clogged ink nozzle or a misaligned print head.

Problems and Solutions

Most printer proble ms have simple solutions. Define t he problem from those below and apply the re commended solu tions.
Print quality problems
If you want to improve print quality, see the following problems and solution s.
Horizontal banding
Try one or more of these solutions:
Make sure the printable side of the paper is face up in the sheet feeder when loading paper.
Clean the print heads to clear clogged ink nozzles. See “Clean ing the Print Heads” on page 17.
Check the ink cartridge. See “Replacing an Ink Cartridge” i n your
Daily Use
and A ink out lights. If a light is flashing, replace an
Vertical misalignment or banding
Try one or more of these solutions:
Clean the print heads to clear clogged ink nozzles. See “Clean ing the Print Heads” on page 17.
Run the Head” on page 18.
Print Head Alignment
utility. See “Aligning the Print
Incorrec t or missin g colors
Try one or more of these solutions:
Make sure the printable side of the paper is face up in the sheet feeder when loading paper.
Clean the print heads. See “Cleaning the Print Heads” on page
17. If colors are still incorrect or missing, replace the ink cartridge.
Setup &
Faint printouts or gaps
Try one or more of these solutions:
Clean the print heads to clear clogged ink nozzles. See “Cleaning the Print Heads” on page 17.
Make sure your paper is not damaged, dirty, or old.
Check the ink cartridge. See “Replacing an Ink Cartridge” in your
Daily Use
and A ink out lights. If a light is flashing, replace an
Blurry or smeared pr intouts
Try one or more of these solutions:
If you’r e printi ng on th ick media , such as envel opes or ca rds, set the adjust lever to the “+” positi on, and make sure th e Med ia Type setting is set correctly in your printer driver.
Make sure the paper is dry and the printable side is face up.
If you’re printing on glossy med ia or transparencies, place a support sheet (or a piece of plain paper) beneath the stack, or load one sheet at a time.
Ink may have leaked inside the printer; wipe the inside of the printer as shown below with a soft, clean cloth.
Wipe here
Setup &
+ 22 hidden pages