EPSON RC+5.0 service manual

Project Management and Development
Rev.1 EM111S2106F
User's Guide
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Project Management and Development Rev.1
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4)
User's Guide
Copyright © 2011 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1


Thank you for purchasing our robot products. This manual contains the information necessary for the correct use of the Manipulator. Please carefully read this manual and other related manuals before installing the robot system. Keep this manual handy for easy access at all times.


Warnings, Cautions, Usage:
The robot and its optional parts are shipped to our customers only after being subjected to the strictest quality controls, tests, and inspections to certify its compliance with our high performance standards.
Product malfunctions resulting from normal handling or operation will be repaired free of charge during the normal warranty period. (Please ask your Regional Sales Office for warranty period information.)
However, customers will be charged for repairs in the following cases (even if they occur during the warranty period):
1. Damage or malfunction caused by improper use which is not described in the manual,
or careless use.
2. Malfunctions caused by customers’ unauthorized disassembly.
3. Damage due to improper adjustments or unauthorized repair attempts.
4. Damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquake, flood, etc.
1. If the robot or associated equipment is used outside of the usage conditions and product
specifications described in the manuals, this warranty is void.
2. If you do not follow the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS in this manual, we cannot be
responsible for any malfunction or accident, even if the result is injury or death.
3. We cannot foresee all possible dangers and consequences. Therefore, this manual
cannot warn the user of all possible hazards.
ii EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1


Microsoft, Windows, and Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective holders.


Microsoft® Windows® XP Operating system Microsoft® Windows® Vista Operating system Microsoft® Windows® 7 Operating system Throughout this manual, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 refer to above respective operating systems. In some cases, Windows refers generically to Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.


No part of this manual may be copied or reproduced without authorization. The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. Please notify us if you should find any errors in this manual or if you have any comments regarding its contents.


Contact the following service center for robot repairs, inspections or adjustments. If service center information is not indicated below, please contact the supplier office for your region.
Please prepare the following items before you contact us.
- Your controller model and its serial number
- Your manipulator model and its serial number
- Software and its version in your robot system
- A description of the problem


EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1


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iv EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1


1. Introduction 1

1.1 Welcome to EPSON RC+ 5.0 .................................................................. 1
1.2 System Overview..................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 RC170 Controller ........................................................................ 2
1.2.2 Software ...................................................................................... 2
1.2.3 Simulator .................................................................................... 2
1.2.4 System Block Diagram ................................................................ 3
1.3 Software Version...................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Version Confirmation ................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Restrictions by Version Combination........................................... 5
1.4 Options .................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Precautions When Using Windows Vista................................................. 7
Table of Contents
1.6 EPSON RC+ 3.x and 4.x Users ............................................................... 7
1.7 SPEL for Windows Users......................................................................... 7
1.8 Documentation......................................................................................... 8

2. Safety 9

2.1 Overview.................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Definitions ................................................................................................ 9
2.2.1 Robot Power ............................................................................... 9
2.2.2 Safeguard.................................................................................. 10
2.2.3 Operation Modes....................................................................... 10
2.2.4 Start Mode................................................................................. 10
2.2.5 Changing Operation Mode ........................................................ 11
2.2.6 Emergency Stop........................................................................ 11
2.2.7 Teach Control Device ................................................................ 11
2.3 Safety-related Requirements ................................................................. 12
2.4 Installation and Design Precautions....................................................... 13
2.4.1 Designing a Safe Robot System ............................................... 13
2.4.2 Robot System Installation, Start-up, and Testing....................... 15
2.5 Precautions regarding Robot Operation ................................................ 17
2.5.1 General Precautions.................................................................. 17
2.5.2 Automatic Operation.................................................................. 17
2.5.3 Teaching Robot Points .............................................................. 17
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2.5.4 Return to Automatic Operation ..................................................18
2.5.5 Program Verification ..................................................................18
2.5.6 Troubleshooting......................................................................... 18
2.5.7 Maintenance.............................................................................. 18
2.5.8 Backup of Projects and Controller .............................................19
2.6 End User Instruction Manual.................................................................. 19
2.7 End User Training .................................................................................. 19

3. Getting Started 20

3.1 Hardware Installation ............................................................................. 20
3.2 Software Installation............................................................................... 20

4. Operation 21

4.1 Simple Mode.......................................................................................... 21
4.2 System Power Up Procedure................................................................. 21
4.3 Starting EPSON RC+ 5.0....................................................................... 21
4.3.1 Startup sequence ......................................................................22
4.3.2 Startup Configuration................................................................. 22
4.3.3 Start Mode................................................................................. 22
4.3.4 Start Mode Dialog...................................................................... 22
4.3.5 Startup Mode: Program .............................................................23
4.3.6 Startup Mode: Auto.................................................................... 24
4.3.7 Auto Start................................................................................... 24
4.3.8 Windows Login .......................................................................... 25
4.3.9 Command Line Options ............................................................. 25
Starting EPSON RC+ 5.0 in Simple Mode...................................... 25
Starting EPSON RC+ 5.0 for a specific project............................... 25
Change the EPSON RC+ 5.0 startup mode ................................... 26
Disabling the EPSON RC+ 5.0 splash window............................... 26
4.3.10 Using Command Line Options................................................... 26
Running from the Windows Run Box .............................................. 26
Making startup icons for your projects ............................................ 26
4.4 Communications with Controller ............................................................27
4.4.1 Configuring Communications with the Controller....................... 27
4.4.2 USB Communications ............................................................... 27
4.4.3 Ethernet Communications .........................................................28
4.4.4 Connecting When Control Device is not PC.............................. 28
4.5 Writing your first program....................................................................... 30
vi EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1
Table of Contents

5. The EPSON RC+ 5.0 GUI 35

5.1 GUI Overview ........................................................................................ 35
5.2 Project Explorer Pane............................................................................ 36
5.2.1 Context Menu ........................................................................... 36
5.3 Status Window Pane.............................................................................. 36
5.4 Status Bar .............................................................................................. 37
5.5 Online Help ............................................................................................ 37
5.6 File Menu ............................................................................................... 38
5.6.1 New Command ....................................................................... 38
5.6.2 Open Command ...................................................................... 39
5.6.3 Close Command ....................................................................... 39
5.6.4 Save Command ........................................................................ 40
5.6.5 Save As Command.................................................................... 40
5.6.6 Save All Command.................................................................... 40
5.6.7 Restore Command .................................................................... 40
5.6.8 Rename Command ................................................................... 41
5.6.9 Delete Command ...................................................................... 41
5.6.10 Import Command ...................................................................... 42
5.6.11 Print Command ......................................................................... 43
5.6.12 Exit Command........................................................................... 44
5.7 Edit Menu............................................................................................... 44
5.7.1 Undo Command ........................................................................ 44
5.7.2 Redo Command ........................................................................ 44
5.7.3 Cut Command ........................................................................... 44
5.7.4 Copy Command ........................................................................ 44
5.7.5 Paste Command ....................................................................... 45
5.7.6 Find Command.......................................................................... 45
5.7.7 Find Next Command ................................................................. 46
5.7.8 Replace Command.................................................................... 46
5.7.9 Select All Command.................................................................. 47
5.7.10 Indent Command....................................................................... 47
5.7.11 Outdent Command.................................................................... 47
5.7.12 Comment Block Command ....................................................... 47
5.7.13 Uncomment Block Command.................................................... 47
5.7.14 Go To Definition Command ....................................................... 47
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1 vii
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5.8 View Menu................................................................................................. 48
5.8.1 Project Explorer Command ....................................................... 48
5.8.2 Status Window Command ......................................................... 48
5.8.3 System History Command......................................................... 49
5.9 Project Menu ............................................................................................. 50
5.9.1 New Command.......................................................................... 50
5.9.2 Open Command ........................................................................ 51
5.9.3 Recent Projects Submenu ......................................................... 52
5.9.4 Close Command........................................................................ 52
5.9.5 Edit Command........................................................................... 52
5.9.6 Save Command......................................................................... 54
5.9.7 Save As Command.................................................................... 54
5.9.8 Rename Command ................................................................... 55
5.9.9 Import Command....................................................................... 56
5.9.10 Copy Command ........................................................................61
5.9.11 Delete Command ......................................................................62
5.9.12 Build Command......................................................................... 62
5.9.13 Rebuild Command..................................................................... 62
5.9.14 Synchronize Command .............................................................63
5.9.15 Properties Command ................................................................ 64
5.10 Run Menu .............................................................................................. 71
5.10.1 Run Window Command............................................................. 71
5.10.2 Operator Window Command .....................................................71
5.10.3 Step Into Command...................................................................71
5.10.4 Step Over Command................................................................. 72
5.10.5 Walk Command......................................................................... 72
5.10.6 Resume Command ...................................................................72
5.10.7 Stop Command.......................................................................... 72
5.10.8 Toggle Breakpoint Command ....................................................73
5.10.9 Clear All Breakpoints Command................................................ 73
5.10.10 Display Variables Command .....................................................73
5.10.11 Call Stack Command................................................................. 74
5.11 Tools Menu............................................................................................. 75
5.11.1 Robot Manager Command ........................................................ 75
Control Panel .................................................................................. 76
Jog and Teach ................................................................................ 77
Jog Controls .................................................................................... 77
How to jog ....................................................................................... 80
viii EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1
Table of Contents
Jogging in Teach Mode ................................................................... 81
How to teach points ......................................................................... 81
Saving or aborting your work........................................................... 82
Points............................................................................................... 82
Arch .................................................................................................83
Local ................................................................................................ 84
Tools ................................................................................................ 90
Arms ................................................................................................93
ECP .................................................................................................94
Box................................................................................................... 95
Plane................................................................................................ 96
Weight.............................................................................................. 97
Inertia............................................................................................... 98
XYZ Limits .......................................................................................99
Range ............................................................................................ 100
Home Config.................................................................................. 101
5.11.2 Task Manager Command ........................................................ 102
5.11.3 I/O Label Editor Command...................................................... 104
5.11.4 I/O Monitor Command ............................................................. 106
To open the I/O Monitor................................................................. 106
Using the I/O Monitor..................................................................... 106
Custom I/O Views.......................................................................... 107
5.11.5 Command Window Command ................................................ 108
To open the Command window..................................................... 108
To execute SPEL+ commands from the Command window......... 108
5.11.6 Macros Command................................................................... 109
5.11.7 Controller Command ............................................................... 110
Backup Controller ..........................................................................110
Restore Controller .........................................................................111
Export Controller Status ................................................................112
View Controller Status ................................................................... 113
Reset Controller............................................................................. 114
5.11.8 User Error Editor Command.................................................... 114
5.11.9 Simulator Command................................................................ 115
5.11.10 Vision Command ..................................................................... 115
5.12 Setup Menu ......................................................................................... 115
5.12.1 PC to Controller Communications Command.......................... 116
5.12.2 Controller Command ............................................................... 117
General Page ................................................................................ 117
Configuration Page........................................................................ 118
Preferences Page.......................................................................... 119
Options ..........................................................................................120
Simulator........................................................................................ 120
Robot Model ..................................................................................121
Robot Configuration....................................................................... 122
Robot Calibration .......................................................................... 123
Robot Amplifiers ............................................................................ 124
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1 ix
Table of Contents
Inputs / Outputs............................................................................. 125
EtherNet/IP.................................................................................... 125
Remote Control ............................................................................. 126
RS232 ........................................................................................... 129
TCP/IP........................................................................................... 129
5.12.3 Preferences Command............................................................ 130
Startup........................................................................................... 130
Workspace .................................................................................... 133
Editor ............................................................................................. 134
Robot Manager: General............................................................... 135
Robot Manager: Jogging............................................................... 136
Run Window.................................................................................. 137
Command Window........................................................................ 138
Language ...................................................................................... 139
5.13 Window Menu ...................................................................................... 140
5.13.1 Cascade Command................................................................. 140
5.13.2 Tile Horizontal Command ........................................................140
5.13.3 Tile Vertical Command ............................................................ 141
5.13.4 Arrange Icons Command......................................................... 141
5.13.5 Close All Command .................................................................141
5.13.6 1, 2, 3 Command..................................................................... 142
5.13.7 Windows Command ................................................................142
5.14 Help Menu............................................................................................ 143
5.14.1 How Do I Command ................................................................143
5.14.2 Contents Command................................................................. 143
5.14.3 Index Command ......................................................................144
5.14.4 Search Command ................................................................... 144
5.14.5 Manuals Submenu .................................................................. 145
5.14.6 About EPSON RC+ 5.0 Command .......................................... 145

6 The SPEL+ Language 146

6.1 Overview .............................................................................................. 147
6.2 Program structure ................................................................................ 147
6.2.1 What is a SPEL+ program?..................................................... 147
6.2.2 Calling functions ...................................................................... 147
6.3 Commands and statements ................................................................. 148
6.4 Function and variable names ...............................................................148
6.5 Data types............................................................................................ 149
6.6 Operators............................................................................................. 149
6.7 Working with variables ......................................................................... 150
x EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1
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6.7.1 Variable scopes ....................................................................... 150
6.7.2 Local variables ........................................................................ 150
6.7.3 Module variables ..................................................................... 150
6.7.4 Global variables ...................................................................... 151
6.7.5 Global Preserve variables ....................................................... 151
6.7.6 Arrays...................................................................................... 152
6.7.7 Initial values ............................................................................ 152
6.7.8 Clearing variables.................................................................... 152
6.8 Working with strings............................................................................. 153
6.9 Multi-statements................................................................................... 154
6.10 Labels .................................................................................................. 154
6.11 Comments ........................................................................................... 154
6.12 Error handling ...................................................................................... 155
6.13 Multi-tasking......................................................................................... 157
6.14 Robot coordinate systems ................................................................... 158
6.14.1 Overview ................................................................................. 158
6.14.2 Robot Coordinate System ....................................................... 158
6.14.3 Local Coordinate Systems ...................................................... 161
6.14.4 Tool Coordinate Systems ........................................................ 161
6.14.5 ECP Coordinate Systems (Option).......................................... 162
6.15 Robot arm orientations......................................................................... 163
6.15.1 SCARA robot arm orientations ................................................ 163
6.15.2 6-Axis robot arm orientations .................................................. 164
6.15.3 RS series arm orientations ...................................................... 166
6.16 Robot motion commands ..................................................................... 169
6.16.1 Homing the robot..................................................................... 169
6.16.2 Point to point motion................................................................ 169
6.16.3 Linear motion .......................................................................... 169
6.16.4 Curves..................................................................................... 169
6.16.5 Joint motion............................................................................. 170
6.16.6 Controlling position accuracy .................................................. 170
6.16.7 CP Motion Speed / Acceleration and Tool Orientation ............. 170
6.16.8 PTP Speed / Acceleration for Small Distances ........................ 171
6.17 Working with robot points..................................................................... 172
6.17.1 Defining points ........................................................................ 172
6.17.2 Referencing points by name.................................................... 172
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1 xi
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6.17.3 Referencing points with variables............................................ 172
6.17.4 Using points in a program........................................................ 173
6.17.5 Saving and loading Points .......................................................173
6.17.6 Point attributes ........................................................................173
6.17.7 Extracting and setting point coordinates.................................. 174
6.17.8 Alteration of points................................................................... 175
6.18 Input and output control ....................................................................... 176
6.18.1 Hardware I/O ...........................................................................176
6.18.2 Memory I/O.............................................................................. 176
6.18.3 I/O Commands ........................................................................ 176
6.19 Using Traps.......................................................................................... 177
6.20 Special Task......................................................................................... 178
6.20.1 Precautions to Use the Special Task ...................................... 178
6.20.2 Special Task Specification .......................................................179
6.20.3 Special Task Example.............................................................. 180

7 Building SPEL+ Applications 181

7.1 Designing Applications......................................................................... 181
7.1.1 Creating the simplest application............................................. 181
7.1.2 Application Layout ...................................................................181
Program......................................................................................... 181
Operator interface ......................................................................... 181
Safety interface ............................................................................. 182
Robot Points, Pallets, Tools, Locals ............................................. 182
Inputs and outputs......................................................................... 182
Peripherals .................................................................................... 182
7.2 Managing Projects ............................................................................... 183
7.2.1 Overview ................................................................................. 183
What is an EPSON RC+ 5.0 Project?........................................... 183
Why do you need projects? .......................................................... 183
What's in an EPSON RC+ 5.0 project?......................................... 183
The Default Project ....................................................................... 183
7.2.2 Creating a new project............................................................. 184
7.2.3 Configuring a project ............................................................... 184
Editing a project ............................................................................ 184
7.2.4 Building a project .....................................................................185
Status Pane................................................................................... 185
7.2.5 Making copies of projects ........................................................ 186
7.2.6 Backing up a project ................................................................ 186
7.2.7 Converting a simple mode project........................................... 186
xii EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1
Table of Contents
7.3 Editing Programs ................................................................................. 187
7.3.1 Program rules.......................................................................... 187
7.3.2 Typing in program code........................................................... 187
7.3.3 Syntax Help............................................................................. 188
7.3.4 Syntax Errors........................................................................... 189
7.4 Editing Points....................................................................................... 190
7.5 Running and Debugging Programs...................................................... 190
7.5.1 The Run Window..................................................................... 190
7.5.2 Debugging............................................................................... 194
7.6 The Operator Window.......................................................................... 198
7.6.1 Operator Window Configuration .............................................. 199
7.7 Using Remote Control ......................................................................... 199

8 Simulator 200

8.1 Simulator Functions ............................................................................. 200
8.1.1 Overview ................................................................................. 200
8.1.2 System condition ..................................................................... 201
8.2 Using the Simulator ............................................................................. 202
8.2.1 Using with sample ...................................................................202
8.2.2 Using with original system....................................................... 204
8.3 Description of Functions ...................................................................... 211
8.3.1 Simulator window structure ..................................................... 211
(1) Tool bar ....................................................................................211
(2) Layout Objects ......................................................................... 212
(3) Property Grid............................................................................ 213
(4) 2D Layout................................................................................. 217
(5) 3D Display................................................................................ 218
(6) Record / Playback ....................................................................219
8.3.2 Simulator Settings ................................................................... 220
8.3.3 Collision detection ................................................................... 222
8.3.4 Virtual controller ...................................................................... 224
8.3.5 Connection with RC170/RC180 controller .............................. 225
8.4 Specification and Restriction of Simulator............................................ 227
8.4.1 EPSON RC+ 5.0 package....................................................... 227
8.4.2 Specification and precaution of 3D display.............................. 227
Specification and precaution of Simulation
(program execution on PC) ................................................228
8.4.4 Specification and precaution of EPSON RC+ ......................... 230
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Table of Contents
8.4.5 Restriction on SPEL+ command execution .............................. 230
8.4.6 Specification and precaution
of EPSON RC+ 5.0 Trial version ................................................ 232

9 Robot Configuration 233

9.1 Setting the Robot Model ...................................................................... 233
9.2 Calibrating the Robot ...........................................................................234
9.3 Changing Robot Parameters................................................................ 237
9.3.1 Saving robot configuration data............................................... 237
9.3.2 Loading robot configuration data ............................................. 237

10 Inputs and Outputs 238

10.1 Overview .............................................................................................. 238
10.2 I/O Commands ..................................................................................... 238
10.3 I/O Configuration .................................................................................. 239
10.4 Monitoring I/O ......................................................................................239
10.5 Virtual I/O............................................................................................. 239

11 Remote Control 240

11.1 Overview.............................................................................................. 240
11.2 Remote Control Input Output Configuration ......................................... 241
11.3 Control Device Configuration ...............................................................241
11.4 Auto Mode with Remote Control ..........................................................242
11.5 Teach Mode with Remote Control ........................................................ 242
11.6 Debugging Remote Control .................................................................242
11.7 Remote Inputs...................................................................................... 243
11.8 Remote Outputs................................................................................... 245
11.9 Remote Input Handshake Timing ......................................................... 247
11.10 Remote Ethernet.................................................................................. 249

12 RS-232 Communications 255

12.1 RS-232 Software Configuration ........................................................... 255
12.2 RS-232 Commands ............................................................................. 255

13 TCP / IP Communications 256

13.1 TCP/IP Setup .......................................................................................256
13.1.1 Ethernet Hardware .................................................................. 256
13.1.2 IP Addresses ........................................................................... 256
xiv EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1
Table of Contents
13.1.3 IP Gateway.............................................................................. 256
13.1.4 Testing Windows TCP/IP setup ............................................... 257
13.2 TCP/IP Software Configuration ............................................................ 258
13.3 TCP/IP Commands .............................................................................. 258
13.4 TCP/IP Example .................................................................................. 259

14 ECP Motion 260

14.1 Overview.............................................................................................. 260
14.1.1 How to move the arm with ECP motion ................................... 261
1. Setting the ECP .........................................................................261
2. Teaching.................................................................................... 262
3. Executing Motion .......................................................................262

15 Installing Controller Options 263

16 Software License Agreement 264

Appendix A: Software Installation A-1

Installing EPSON RC+ 5.0 Software...............................................................A-1

Appendix B: Automatic Processing of Project Import B-1

Project for EPSON RC+ 3.*/4.*.......................................................................B-1
Project for SPEL for Windows 2.*...................................................................B-3
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1 xv
Table of Contents
xvi EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1

1. Introduction

1.1 Welcome to EPSON RC+ 5.0

Welcome to the EPSON RC+ 5.0 Project Management and Development Environment. EPSON RC+ 5.0 is used to develop application software for the EPSON RC170/RC180 Robot Controller.
EPSON RC+ 5.0 features:
- Runs on Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
- Integrated application development environment.
- Communicates with controller using USB or Ethernet.
- One PC can be used to manage several controllers.
- Multiple simultaneous sessions.
language that supports multi-tasking, robot motion control, I/O control, and networking.
- Controller I/O configuration.
- Controller TCP/IP and RS-232 communications setup.
programming language. A powerful, easy to use BASIC-like programming
1. Introduction
- Wizards for robot tools, local coordinate systems, robot calibration.
- Vision Guide option. Enables you to create a vision system using an EPSON smart
- VB Guide option. Enables you to control the system using Microsoft .NET programming
- ECP option supports CP motion relative to a fixed point.

1.2 System Overview

The EPSON RC+ 5.0 software is used on a PC that connects with the EPSON RC170/RC180 Robot Controller. EPSON RC+ 5.0 can communicate with the Controller using USB or Ethernet.
EPSON RC+ 5.0 and the Controller can be used in the following configurations:
- Slave System In this configuration, the Controller is a PLC or PC cell
- Stand Alone System In this configuration, a PC is used as a mini cell controller.
slave. EPSON RC+ 5.0 is only used to develop the application. Once the object code is stored in the controller, the PC is not required to be connected to the Controller. The Controller is controlled by remote digital I/O or Fieldbus.
EPSON RC+ 5.0 can be started in Auto mode to display a simple operator window for the Controller. Or, the VB Guide option can be used to control the Controller from a .NET application.
- Offline Development System In this configuration, a PC is used to edit programs and
build projects on an offline computer.
- Simulation System EPSON RC+ 5.0 is used on a PC connected to an
Controller without a robot using virtual I/O. I/O simulation tasks can be created to run the application using simulated I/O.
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1 1
1. Introduction

1.2.1 RC170/RC180 Controller

The RC170/RC180 Controller is a compact robot controller that can drive EPSON SCARA and Pro Six robots.
Controller features:
- Small and compact, yet powerful.
- Built in motion drive system. The motion drive system can control one robot with up to
six motors.
- Includes standard digital I/O.
- Optional digital I/O expansion boards.
- Optional Fieldbus slave support for DeviceNet, EtherNetI/P, PROFIBUS-DP,
PROFINET, and CC-Link.
- Optional RS232 ports.
For detailed information on the Controller, refer to the RC170/RC180 controller manual.

1.2.2 Software

The EPSON RC+ 5.0 software is installed on the development PC or laptop. To communicate with the controller, the PC must support USB 1.1 / 2.0 or Ethernet communications. Using EPSON RC+ 5.0, you can develop application software for the SPEL+ language that runs in the RC170/RC180 controller.

1.2.3 Simulator

Simulator functions enable easy robot motion check on your PC, which gives you flexibility to consider the system layout, measure the operation time, and create the robot programs.
They are useful in all the way from introduction stage of robot automation to launch of robot system.
Simulator is supported from EPSON RC+ 5.0 Ver.5.4 or later.
For details, refer to 8. Simulator.
2 EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1
1. Introduction

1.2.4 System Block Diagram

The following system block diagram shows different methods for connecting a PC running EPSON RC+ 5.0 to one or more RC170/RC180 controllers.
Method 1: Connect PC to one controller using USB 1.1 or USB 2.0
Method 2: Connect PC to one controller using Ethernet
Method 3: Connect PC to more than one controller using Ethernet.
Controller 1
Controller 2
Controller 3
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1 3
1. Introduction

1.3 Software Version

There are five major software versions for EPSONRC+ 5.0.
Ver.5.0.* Ver.5.1.* Ver.5.2.* Ver.5.3.* Ver.5.4.*
RC170/RC180 firmware also has six major firmware versions.
Ver.1.0.*.* Ver.1.2.*.* Ver.1.4.*.* Ver.1.6.*.* Ver.1.8.*.* Ver.1.10.*.*
You can connect a controller and PC with any major version combinations.
Ver.5.0.* OK *1 ! !! !! !!
Ver.5.1.* ! OK *2 !! !! !! Ver.5.2.* ! ! OK *3 !! !! Ver.5.3.* Ver.5.4.*
OK: Compatible All functions of the EPSON RC+ 5.0 and the Controller are available.
*1 Refer to Ver.5.0 manuals. *2 Refer to Ver.5.1 manuals. *3 Refer to Ver.5.2 manuals. *4 Refer to Ver.5.3 manuals.
!: Compatible Functions are partly limited.
!!: Compatible Functions are partly limited.
When using additional functions at the controller, EPSON RC+ 5.0 may not display the proper dialog. The version update of EPSON RC+ 5.0 is recommended.
The latest software version and firmware version are used for the description in this manual.
EPSON RC+ 5.0 : Ver.5.4.* Controller firmware : Ver.1.10.*.*
RC170/RC180 Controller Firmware Version
Ver.1.2.*.* Ver.1.4.*.*
! ! ! ! ! !
Ver.1.6.*.* Ver.1.8.*.* Ver.1.10.*.*
OK *4 !!
! OK

1.3.1 Version Confirmation

To confirm the EPSON RC+ 5.0 version, refer to 5.14.6 About EPSON RC+ 5.0 Command (Help Menu).
To confirm the Controller firmware version, refer to 5.12.2 Controller Command (Setup Menu).
4 EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1
1. Introduction

1.3.2 Restrictions for Version Combination

The functions are restricted according to the combination of the EPSON RC+ 5.0 and the controller firmware.
Combination and Available Functions
EPSON RC+ 5.0 Ver.5.1.* or later / Controller firmware Ver.1.2.*.* or later
Ver.5.0.* Ver.5.1.*
OK : Available × : Not available
- Vision Guide option and command for Vision.
- EtherNet/IP option
- Select items for controller restore
- Setting “Safeguard open stops all tasks”
- TCPSpeed function
EPSON RC+ 5.0 Ver.5.2.* or later / Controller firmware Ver.1.6.*.* or later
OK : Available × : Not available
Ver.5.2.* Ver.5.3.* Ver.5.4.*
Ver.5.0.* Ver.5.1.* Ver.5.2.* Ver.5.3.* Ver.5.4.*
RC170/RC180 Controller Firmware
Ver.1.2.*.* Ver.1.4.*.*
× ×
RC170/RC180 Controller Firmware
Ver.1.0.*.* Ver.1.2.*.* Ver.1.4.*.*
× ×
Ver.1.6.*.* Ver.1.8.*.*
Ver.1.6.*.* Ver.1.8.*.*
- Task execution and monitoring of the following task types
NoPause NoEmgAbort
- Tool setting from 4 to 15
- Arm setting from 4 to 15
- Approach check area (Box) function
- Approach check plane (Plane) function
- Remote output for approach check area and approach check plane
- Following commands
AccelMax Function ErrorOn Function OLAccel Statement PlaneClr Statement Box Statement EstopOn Function OLAccel Function PlaneDef Function Box Function InsideBox Function PauseOn Function SaftyOn Function BoxClr Statement InsidePlane Function Plane Statement SysErr Function BoxDef Function LJM Function Plane Function Forced keyword (On, Off, Out, OutW, OpBCD) Normal, NoPause, NoEmgAbort keyword (Xqt)
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1 5
1. Introduction
EPSON RC+ 5.0 Ver.5.3.* or later / Controller firmware Ver.1.8.*.* or later
RC170/RC180 Controller Firmware
Ver.1.0.*.* Ver.1.2.*.* Ver.1.4.*.*
Ver.5.1.* Ver.5.2.* Ver.5.3.* Ver.5.4.*
× ×
OK *1
OK : Available × : Not available
- RS series support
- Remote Ethernet function
- Following commands
TC Statement TCLim Statement TCLim Function TCSpeed Statement TCSpeed Function RealTorque Statement J1Flag Statement J1Flag Function J2Flag Statement J2Flag Function
*1 EPSON RC+ 5.0 Ver.5.3.4 or greater and the controller firmware Ver. or greater
enable the following functions:
- Go, Pass, Jump3, Jump3CP - LJM parameter support
- InReal, OutReal, SetInReal commands
- SysErr parameter support
- AtHome Function
EPSON RC+ 5.0 Ver.5.4.* or later / Controller firmware Ver.1.10.*.* or later
RC170/RC180 Controller Firmware
Ver.1.0.*.* Ver.1.2.*.* Ver.1.4.*.*
Ver.1.10.*.* Ver.1.6.*.* Ver.1.8.*.*
Ver.5.1.* Ver.5.2.*
× ×
Ver.5.3.* Ver.5.4.*
OK : Available × : Not available
- Simulator function
- Chinese support (Simplified / Traditional)
- Remote input of ForcePowerLow
- Remote input of PowerHigh
- Following commands
QPDecelR QPDecelS ElapsedTime function QPDecelR function QPDecelS function ResetElapsedTime
6 EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1

1.4 Options

You can purchase options that must be enabled in the controller. EPSON RC+ 5.0 is used to enable these options. See the chapter 15. Installing Controller Options for details.

1.5 Precautions When Using Windows Vista / Windows 7

Connecting development PC to robot controller using Ethernet

The robot controller does not support internet protocol version 6 (TCP/IPv6). When connecting the development PC to the robot controller using the Ethernet, be sure to use internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

Cannot find camera in the network using camera search

When the Network discovery is OFF, you cannot find the camera in the network using the camera search. Make sure that the Network discovery is ON.
For details, refer to the EPSON RC+5.0 Option: Vision Guide 5.0 manual.
For Windows Vista
Set the Network discovery ON from [Control Panel]-[Network and Internet]-[Network and Sharing Center] in Windows.
1. Introduction
For Windows 7
Set the Network discovery ON from [Control Panel]-[Network and Internet]-[Network and Sharing Center]-[Change advanced sharing settings] in Windows.

1.6 EPSON RC+ 3.x and 4.x Users

If you have used previous 3.x and 4.x versions of EPSON RC+ software, you will find that EPSON RC+ 5.0 is very similar.
You can convert your previous EPSON RC+ projects by using Project | Import. EPSON RC+ 5.0 will copy the entire project from the \EPSONRC\Project directory to the \EpsonRC50\Project directory. You can then use the project in the EPSON RC+ 5.0 environment.

1.7 SPEL for Windows Users

If you have used SPEL for Windows 1.x or 2.x software, you will find that EPSON RC+
5.0 is very similar.
Many new commands have been added to the SPEL Also, several commands were made obsolete or replaced.
You can convert your SPEL for Windows 2.x project by using Project | Import. EPSON RC+ 5.0 will copy the files to a new directory and optionally convert the programs.
language, which replaces SPEL.
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1 7
1. Introduction

1.8 Documentation

All documentation is installed on the PC in Adobe PDF format. To view manuals on the PC, select Manuals from the Help Menu in EPSON RC+ 5.0. You can also access the manuals from the Windows desktop by clicking Start - Programs - EPSON RC+ 5.0 and click on the manual you want to view.
EPSON RC+ 5.0 User's Guide
This manual contains detailed information for the entire system.
This manual contains detailed information for the entire SPEL
Vision Guide 5.0 Manual
This manual contains information for using the Vision Guide 5.0 option.
VB Guide 5.0 Manual
This manual contains information for using the VB Guide 5.0 option.
Robot Manual
This manual contains detailed information for the robot you have purchased. Each series of robots has its own manuals.
Language Reference Manual
The “NOTE” sections describe important information to be followed for operating the Robot system.
The "TIP" sections describe hints for easier or alternative operations.
8 EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1

2. Safety

2.1 Overview

2. Safety
This chapter explains the important safety requirements for robotic systems using EPSON RC+ 5.0 and the Controller.
Installation of robots and robotic equipment should only be performed by qualified personnel in accordance with national and local codes. Please read and understand this entire chapter before using your EPSON RC+ 5.0 system.
Remember that safety is the most important consideration when designing and operating any robotic system.

2.2 Definitions

bol indicates that a danger of possible serious injury or
This sym death exists if the associated instructions are not followed properly.
This symbol indicates that a danger of possible harm to people caused by electric shock exists if the associated instructions are not followed properly.
This symbol indicates that a danger of possible harm to people or physical damage to equipment and facilities exists if the associated instructions are not followed properly.

2.2.1 Robot Power

The status of robot power is explained below in terms of restriction to operation:
Operation-prohibited status: Robot cannot be operated.
Restricted (low power) status: Robot can operate at low speed and low torque.
Unrestricted (high power) status: Robot can operate without restriction.
The robot will not operate regardless of the control actions taken by the operator when in the operation-prohibited state. During operation, when the safeguard circuit opens, the system will switch to operation-prohibited state.
The robot will operate at low speed and torque in the restricted state (low power). In the unrestricted state (high power), the robot will operate at the programmed speed and torque.
In the event that the robot should make an unexpected movement, the restricted state (low power) decreases operating speed allowing the operator to avoid danger. The torque is also decreased to minimize serious injury to the operator should one be struck by the robot. The maximum values of the decreased speed and torque are set according to the robot used and cannot be changed by the user.
As a safety precaution the initial power state of the robot will be set to either the restricted (low power) state or the operation-prohibited state. The system will not change to the unrestricted (high power) state if the appropriate procedures are not followed.
When the system is in restricted (low power) state or operation-prohibited state, a single failure will not cause a runaway action that surpasses the assigned speed or torque decrease. This is due to the multi-protect circuit and mutual monitoring circuit in the control system.
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1 9
2. Safety

2.2.2 Safeguard

To ensure safe operation of the robotic work cell, you must install a safety system using safety doors, light curtains, safety floor mats, etc.
There is a safeguard input circuit in the EMERGENCY connector on the controller that connects with the safety device interlock switch. In order to protect those working with the robot be sure that the interlock switch is connected and working properly.
If a closed safeguard is open during robot motion, the robot stops immediately and enters pause state. All robot motors are turned off. The descriptions below explain how the safeguard input works.
Safeguard closed: The safeguard input is turned ON. The robot can automatically
operate in unrestricted (high power) state.
Safeguard open: The safeguard input is turned OFF, and the interlock function
operates. The robot stops immediately, motors are turned off, and further operation is impossible until either the safeguard is closed or Teach mode is turned ON and the enable circuit is engaged.
For further details on the safeguard and interlock, refer to the section Installation and
Design Precautions later in this chapter. For detailed wiring instructions, refer to the Setup & Operation EMERGENCY in the controller manual.

2.2.3 Operation Modes

The operation mode is defined as the single control point for the controller, therefore you cannot use more than one operation mode at the same time.
There are three operation modes for the controller: AUTO, PROGRAM, and TEACH.
- AUTO operation modes allow you to execute programs in the controller when the
safeguard is closed.
- PROGRAM operation mode allows you to execute and debug programs when the
safeguard is closed.
- TEACH operation mode allows you to jog and teach the robot at slow speed while inside
the safeguarded area.

2.2.4 Start Mode

The Start mode specifies the operation mode for EPSON RC+ 5.0 when it starts.
You can set the EPSON RC+ 5.0 to start in AUTO or PROGRAM mode.
For information on how to change the start mode, refer to the Operation chapter.
10 EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1
2. Safety

2.2.5 Changing Operation Mode

You can change from AUTO operation mode or PROGRAM operation mode to TEACH mode by setting the mode selector key switch on the Teach Pendant to the TEACH position.
When the mode selector key switch is changed back to AUTO, the operation mode is returned to previous operation mode (AUTO or PROGRAM).
The AUTO operation mode can be changed to PROGRAM mode during the EPSON RC+
5.0 startup sequence. A password can be used to allow only certain personnel to change the startup operation mode.
When EPSON RC+ 5.0 starts in AUTO operation mode, the AUTO operation mode cannot be changed to PROGRAM operation mode after the system has started. To change the operation mode, restart the system and log into PROGRAM mode, then set the start mode again and restart EPSON RC+ 5.0.
For more information, refer to the Operation chapter.

2.2.6 Emergency Stop

The controller is equipped with an emergency stop input terminal. If the normally closed emergency stop circuit is broken, the power supplied to all motors will be shut off (and enter servo-free status) and the robot will be stopped by dynamic braking.
The path that the robot will follow from the time the emergency stop switch is pressed until the device stops, as well as the stop position itself, cannot be positively determined. In many cases, the stop position will not exceed the target position for the operation prior the emergency stop. Depending on the robot’s loading condition and operation speed, overruns are inevitable. Taking this into consideration, be sure the layout for the peripheral equipment includes extra space.
For detailed wiring instructions, refer to the section EMERGENCY in the controller manual.

2.2.7 Teach Control Device

Operators can use the TP1 teach pendant to operate the robot in the TEACH operation mode.
Refer to the TP1 manual for operation instructions.
EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1 11
2. Safety

2.3 Safety-related Requirements

Specific tolerances and operating conditions for safety are contained in the manuals for the robot, controller and other devices. Be sure to read those manuals as well.
For the installation and operation of the robot system, be sure to comply with the applicable local and national regulations.
Robot systems safety standards and other examples are given in this chapter. Therefore, to ensure that safety measures are complete, please refer to the other standards listed as well.
(Note: The following is only a partial list of the necessary safety standards.)
EN775 European Standard; Manipulating industrial robots - Safety.
ANSI/RIA R15.06 American National Standard; Industrial Robots and Robot
IEC204-1 (EN60204-1) Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines
Part 1. Specification for general requirements.
EN292-1,-2 Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for
Systems - Safety Requirements .
Part 1. Basic terminology, methodology
Part 2. Technical principles and specifications
EN418 Emergency stop equipment, functional aspects - principles for
EN953 General requirements for design and construction of guards.
EN55011 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance
characteristic of industrial scientific and medical (ISM) radio frequency equipment
EN61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Part 6-2. Generic standards - Immunity for industrial
EN1050 Safety of machinery Principles for risk assessment
EN954-1 Safety of machinery-Safety related parts of control systems
UL Specification
Compatibility assessment of the UL specification model is performed according to the following standards.
UL1740 (Third Edition, Dated December 7, 2007)
ANSI/RIA R15.06-1999
NFPA 79 (2007 Edition)
CSA/CAN Z434-03 (February 2003)
12 EPSON RC+ 5.0 (Ver.5.4) User's Guide Rev.1
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