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The EPSON digital camera so ftw are suite, including
EPSON Pho t o! 2 and EPSON Phot o Fi le U ploader, is the
perfect compa nion for your EPSON digit al camera.
Using your di git al c am era and software, you can capture
images in col or, grayscale, or black and w hit e, and save
them to disk as files.
The software suppo rts t he following EPSON digital
cameras: EP SON PhotoPC 70 0, PhotoPC 60 0
EPSON Pho to! 2 dir e ctly controls all of the fea tures of
your EPSON d igital camera, an d is t he st andard
cross-platform interface for other application
EPSON Pho to File Uploader allo w s you to up load,
save, and ex p ort images into other ap plications.
EPSON Program Upload e r all ows you to upload or
delete optional programs from the computer to the
You can conv ert your files into various formats, suc h
as JPEG and TIFF , for u se w ith you r fa vori te de skto p
publishing and image-edit ing so ftw are.
About This Guide
The informatio n in t his guide is divided into four
chapters, with a glossary and index also provided for
your reference.
Chapter 1 contains information on installing the
software. Be sure to read this chapter first.
Chapter 2 pro v id es you with a complete descr ipt ion
of EPSON Photo!2.
Chapter 3 explains how to upload images and
programs to y ou r EPSON digital c am era.
Chapter 4 explains how to solve problems you may
have while using the software.
Notes contain important info rm a tion and useful tips on
operating your digital camera and software.
To set up and use the digital camera itself, see your
User’s Guide. Online help can also provid e yo u w it h
informatio n about settings in EPSON Photo!2.
Introductio n
System Requirements
Hard disk d rive with at least 30MB free space
Monitor with m inim um resolution of 640 × 480
IBM®-compatible PC with 386 or higher pro ces sor (with
Windows NT
Serial port with standard RS-232C interface and a
communication speed of 19200 bps or higher
8MB RAM (wi th Windows NT, at least 16MB is required )
Hard disk d rive w it h at least 30MB free space
VGA monito r with at least 16-color display
Windows N T Ve rsio n 3. 51 o r lat er
, 486 or higher pr oc esso r is required)
Windows 3.1 or later, Microsoft Windows for
3.11 or later, W indows 95, Window s 98, or
Macintosh Computers
Macintosh with a Power PC processor
Serial port with a communicat ion speed of 19200 bps
or higher
Macintosh Syst em 7.1 or later (System 7.5 or later is
required t o ac cess optional Com pactFlash Card m em ory
directly from the Macintosh)
Chapter 1
Installing the Software
This chapter sh ows you to how to install the c am era
software in your computer. It covers the following:
Installing the So ftw are in Your PC
Installing the So ftw are in Your Macintos h
Installing the Software in Your PC
There are two C D -ROMs packed w ith your camera; on e
is for Windows and the other is for Macintosh. Each
contains EPSON Photo!2, EPS ON Photo File Uploader,
and other optional software.
Depending o n th e co unt ry of purchase, you r CD- R OM
may come as th e m ultiple-language v ersion. If so, you
can install the language appropr iate fo r yo ur system.
Be sure to use the CD for Windows when installing the
software in you r PC , and fo llo w the ste ps in this section.
For Macintosh installation, see page 1-3.
Be sure to install EPSON Photo!2 first. You cannot install
other software before EPSON Photo!2 is installed.
Installing the Software
Installing EPSON Photo!2 software
EPSON Pho to! 2 so ftw are lets you transfer your pictures
from the camera to your computer, and place them into
documents. You can also use this software to take
pictures and change camera set tings f rom yo ur computer.
3. You will see the list of sof twa re in t he li st box. Clic k t o
check or unchec k the nam es of the software you want
to install. The checked software will be installed in
your PC. You ca n see a description of the softwa re in
the online hel p or the User’s Guide that comes with
your CD-ROM.
When you install EPSON Photo!2, the EPSON Program
Uploader utility is also installed automatically.
Follow the ste ps in thi s section to install your EPSON
Photo!2 soft w are.
1. Turn on your co mputer, and ins ert th e cam era software
CD shipped with your camera in the CD-ROM drive.
2. For Windo ws 95, Wi nd ow s 98, or NT 4.0:
When you insert the CD, an introductory screen
appears on your monitor automatically. Cli ck t he
Add Soft wa r e ic on.
For Windo ws 3. 1 or N T 3. 5x:
Click the Fil e Manager icon in the Main m enu . Then
click the CD- ROM drive icon, and double-click CDSetup.exe.
Installing the Software
4. Click Setup icon. Then follow the instructions on the
5. When you finish installing E PS ON Photo!2, click the
OK button.
After instal ling EPSON Ph oto!2, fo llo w the instructio ns
on the screen to in stall other software in you r PC .
Installing EPSON Photo File Uploader
EPSON Pho to File Uploader softwa re let s yo u convert
digital images to EP SON Photo file format and transfer
them from the computer to your camera. You can then
display the imag es on the camera’s LCD sc reen or on a
television monitor.
Follow the steps in this section to install the EP SON
Photo File Up loa der so ftw are for Windows.
1. Check “EPSON Photo File Uploader” in the list box
you find at the start of EPSON Photo!2 installation;
explained in step 3 of the previous section. EPSON
Photo File Uploader setup program starts after
installing EP SON Photo!2 in your PC.
If you are starting t he installation from the beginning,
see the previous se ction from step 1 through step 4,
then click the Setup icon. Make sure EPSON Photo!2
is already installed.
2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
1. Check the names of the other software yo u w ant t o
install in the list bo x which appears at the st art of
EPSON Ph oto!2 installation; explained in step 3 of
“Installin g EPS ON Photo!2 software” on page 1-2.
The setup pro gram for other software starts after
insta l ling EP S ON Photo!2 and/or EPSON Ph ot o F ile
Uploader in you r PC.
If you are starting t he installation from the beginning,
see the step 1 through step 4 in “Installing EPSON
Photo!2 soft wa re”. Make sure EPSO N Photo!2 is
already installed.
3. When you finis h inst alling EPSON Photo File
Uploader , click the OK button.
After instal ling EPSON Photo Fi le U pl oader, follow the
instruction s on the screen to install other software in
your PC.
Installing other software
Your camera comes with other software allowing you to
enhance the use of you r came ra. Fol low the steps in this
2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
3. When you finis h inst alling the softwar e, clic k t he OK
Installing the Software in Your Macintosh
There are two C D -ROMs packed w ith your camera; on e
is for Windows and the other is for Macintosh. Each
contains EPSON Photo!2, EPS ON Photo File Uploader,
and other software.
Be sure to use the CD for Macintosh when installing the
software in your co mputer, and follow the steps in th is
section. For W indo w s inst allation, see page 1- 1.
Installing the Software
Be sure to install EPSON Photo!2 first. You cannot install
other software before EPSON Photo!2 is installed.
Installing EPSON Photo!2 software
EPSON Pho to! 2 so ftw are lets you transfer your pictures
from the camera to your computer, and place them into
documents. You can also use this software to take
pictures and change camera set tings f rom yo ur computer.
Follow the ste ps below to install EPSO N Photo!2
software in you r Ma cintosh.
1. Turn on the computer, and insert the camera software
CD shipped with your camera in the CD-ROM drive.
Installing EPSON Photo File Uploader
EPSON Pho to File Uploader softwa re let s yo u convert
digital images to EP SON Photo file format and transfer
them from the computer to your camera. You can then
display the imag es on the camera’s LCD sc reen or on a
television monitor.
Follow the ste ps below to install EPSO N Photo File
Uploader softw are in your Macintosh.
1. Turn on the computer, and insert the camera software
CD shipped with your camera in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click the CD-ROM ico n.
3. Double-clic k t he File Uploader folder.
2. Double-click the CD-ROM ico n.
3. Double-clic k t he E P SON Photo!2 folder. Depending
on the country of pur cha se, th e EPS ON Photo!2
folder may con tain m ultiple-language versions of the
software. Double-click the folder of your preferred
4. Double-clic k t he P hoto!2 Installer - Part 1 icon to
start the installation program. Follow the instructions
on the screen.
Installing the Software
Depending o n th e co unt ry of purchase, the File
Uploader folder may contain mult ip l e-l ang ua ge
versions of the so ftw are. Dou ble-click the folder of
your prefer red language.
4. Drag the contents of the folder to the folder on your
hard drive w h ere you want to install the so ftw are.
Installing other software
Your camera comes with other software allowing you to
enhance the us e of you r camera. For installation , foll ow
these steps:
1. Turn on the computer, and insert the camera software
CD shipped with your camera in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click the CD-ROM ico n.
3. Double-clic k t he fo lder that contains the softw are you
want to install.
Depending o n the sof twa re, th e So ftw are f older may
contain multi ple-language versio ns of the sof twa re.
Double-click the folder of your pr eferred language .
4. Double-clic k t he Installer icon t o start the installation
program. Then follow the instructions on the screen.
Installing the Software
Installing the Software
Chapter 2
Using EPSON Photo!2
After you have t aken pictures, you can c onnect the
camera to you r co m pu te r and t ransfer the images . Th en
you can use them in yo ur letters, presentatio ns, or just
about anything you create on your comput er. This
chapter tells you how, inclu ding:
Connecting the camera to your computer
Tran sferring pictures to your computer
Erasing pictu res f rom t he camera
Using pictures in your documents
Uploading EPSON Photo images to the camera
Connecting the Camera to Your
Before you start, m ake sure the camera is finished
processing, and locate the serial cables that came wit h
your camer a. If you are connecting the c am era to a PC,
you will only need t he lo ng cable. If you are con nec ti ng
the camera to a Macintosh, you will need both the long
and short cabl es. Batt ery power can be saved using the
optional AC adap te r whenever you connect the camera
to your comp ut er.
When the camer a is connected to your comp ute r, you cannot
use an y of the con t rol buttons or t he shutte r button on the
camera. You can only operate the camera through your
The camera’s automatic shut-off feature remains in effect
when the camera is conne cted to your comp uter. Shut-off
takes place after 5 minutes of inactivity. To turn the
camera back on, close and reopen the lens cover, or use
any of the software camera co nt rols on your com puter.
Using EPSON Photo!2
Connecting to a PC
Follow these step s to co nnect the camera to a PC:
1. Make sure the cam era and your comp uter are turned
off. Also make sure the LCD monitor is turned off.
2. Locate a se rial port on the back of you r computer. You
may have tw o ser ial p orts labelled COM1 and
COM2, or with icons. If you have two serial ports
available, use port 1 to connect your camera.
4. Open the connector cover on the side of the camera.
connector cover
3. Line up the seri al connector on the ca ble w it h one
of the serial por ts on yo ur c om p ut er, and insert the
connec tor. Then tigh ten the screw s .
serial port on computer
Using EPSON Photo!2
serial cable
(long cable)
5. Depending o n the ty pe o f cable you have, line up
either the arrow or the flat surface of the cable
connector w ith th e m ark on the camera’s serial port.
Then insert the connec tor.
flat surface
arrow surface
6. Turn on the camera and your computer system.
Keep th e entire computer syste m away from poten tial
source s of elec tromagnetic int erferenc e, such as
loudspeakers or base units of cordless telephones.
Connecting to a Macintosh
3. Connect the long ser ial cable to the short Maci ntosh
adapter cab le, th en tight en the screws. Li ne up th e
serial connector on the short cabl e wi th eit her the
modem o r th e printer port on yo ur computer, an d
insert the connect o r.
Follow these step s to co nnect the camera to a Macinto sh:
1. Make sure the cam era and your comp uter are turned
off. Also make sure the LCD monitor is turned off.
2. Locate the modem port and the printer port on the
back of your computer. The ports should be labelled
with icons.
modem port
printer port
Macintosh adapter cable
serial cable
Using EPSON Photo!2
4. Open the connector cover on the side of the camera.
connector cover
5. Depending o n the ty pe o f cable you have, line up
either the arrow or the flat surface of the long cable
connector w ith th e m ark on the camera’s serial port.
Then insert the connec tor.
flat surface
arrow surface
6. Turn on the camera and your computer system.
If you c on nected the came ra to a serial port t hat
you use for another device a nd A ppl eTalk is
turned on, turn off AppleTalk. The computer may
not recognize the camera if AppleTalk is turned on.
Keep th e entire c omputer system aw ay from
potential sources of electromagnetic interference,
such as loudspeakers or the base units of cordless
Accessing EPSON Photo!2
Once you r camera and com puter are co nnected and
turned on, you are ready to start working with the
EPSON Photo!2 software that came with you r cam era.
This software allow s yo u t o down loa d your photos to
your computer so you can use the m in you r do cu m ent s.
If you have not inst al led EPSON Photo!2 yet , do so now ,
following the inst ru ct io ns in Chapter 1. Then follo w the
instructions in this sectio n to access the softwar e .
Using EPSON Photo!2
If you do not set your camera’s clock before connecting it to the
computer, the camera’s time and date will be set to that of the
computer’s automatically after opening EPSON Photo!2.
For Windows users
To open EPSON Photo!2 directly, sim ply double-clic k it s
icon in the EPSO N Photo!2 progra m g roup (for Wind ows
3.1x and NT 3.51) or click its icon in the E PSON Photo!2
folder (for Windows 95, Windo ws 98, and N T 4. 0).
To access EP SON Photo!2 fr om an ap plication program
that supports t he TWAIN imag e acquisition stand ard,
EPSON PhotoPC 700/600
source on your ap pli cation’s File menu , then acqu ire t he
To access EP SON Photo!2 fr om an ap plication that
supports OLE2 (object linking and embedding), choose
EPSON PhotoPC 700/600 Object
menu and clic k OK.
as the TWAIN data
on the Insert Object
For Macintosh users
To open EPSON Photo!2 directly, sim ply double-clic k
its icon, locate d in the EPSON Photo!2 folder.
To access EP SON Photo!2 fr om an ap plication program
that supports t he TWAIN imag e acquisition stand ard,
PhotoPC 700/ 600
from your application’s File menu, then acquire th e
The precise way to access EPSON Photo!2 from TWAIN- or
OLE2-co m pl ia nt appl i c ations varies de pe nding on your
software. Refer to your software manual for detailed
instructions on selecting TWAIN data sources or inserting
OLE objects.
as the TWAIN data source
Using EPSON Photo!2
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