Epson FX-880+ Quick Guide

Buttons and Lights

EPSON FX-880+/FX-1180+ Quick Guide
1 Font button
Selects one of the fonts.
Font lights
Indicate which font is selected.
2 Reset
3 Pitch button
Selects one of the pitch settings.
Pitch lights
Indicate which pitch is selected.
4 Tear Off/Bin button
Feeds continuous paper forward
to the tear-off position.
Feeds continuous paper
backward from the tear-off position to the top-of-form position.
Selects a cut-sheet feeder bin
when the cut-sheet feeder is installed.
Tear Off/Bin light
Flashes when continuous paper
is in the tear-off position.
On when bin 1 of the optional
cut-sheet feeder is selected.
Off when bin 2 of the optional
cut-sheet feeder is selected.
Buttons and Lights (1/2)
EPSON FX-880+/FX-1180+ Quick Guide
5 LF/FF button
Feeds paper line by line when
pressing shortly.
Ejects a single sheet or advances
continuous paper to the next top-of-form position when held down.
6 Micro adjust
When you hold down the Pause button for three seconds, the printer enters the micro adjust mode. In this mode, you can press the LF/FF Load/Eject
U buttons to adjust the
top of form or tear off position. See “Micro Adjust Function.”
7 Load/Eject button
Loads a single sheet of paper.
Ejects a single sheet of paper if a
sheet is loaded.
D and
9 Pause button
Stops printing temporarily, and
resumes printing when pressed again.
When held down for three
seconds, enters the Micro Adjust mode. When pressed again, exits the Micro Adjust mode.
10 Lock
When the lock-out mode is on, the Paper Out and Pause lights flash if a locked button is pressed.
11 Paper Out light
On when no paper is loaded in
the selected paper source or paper is not loaded correctly.
F la sh es w he n p ap er ha s n o t b ee n
fully ejected or a paper jam has occurred.
Loads continuous paper from
the standby position.
Feeds continuous paper
backward to the standby position if a sheet is loaded.
8 Pause light
On when the printer is paused.
Flashes when the printer is in the
Micro Adjust mode.
Buttons and Lights (2/2)

Default Settings

EPSON FX-880+/FX-1180+ Quick Guide
The default settings control many printer functions. While you can often set these functions through your software or printer driver, you may sometimes need to change a default setting from the printer’s control panel using the default-setting mode.
For a detailed description of the settings you can change in the default-setting mode, see “Understanding default settings.” For instructions on changing the settings, see “Changing default settings.”

Understanding default settings

This section describes the settings and options available in the default-setting mode. These settings are shown in the following table and explained in detail after the table.
To access and change a setting, see “Changing default settings.”
Default-setting mode
Setting Options
Skip over perforation
Auto tear-off Off, On
Auto line feed Off, On
Print direction Bi-D, Uni-D
Software ESC/P, IBM PPDS
I/F (interface) mode
Auto I/F (interface) wait time
Off, On
Auto, Parallel, USB, Option
10 seconds, 30 seconds
Setting Options
Packet mode Off, Auto
0 slash 0, (the zerocharacter
Buzzer Off, On
Auto CR (carriage return)*
IBM character table*
Page length for front tractor
Page length for rear tractor
Character table Standard model: italic,
International character set for italic table**
* This setting is available only in IBM PPDS emulation
** The options available for this setting vary
depending on the country.
with a slash)
Off, On
Table 2, Table1
Length in inches: 3, 3.5, 4,
5.5, 6, 7, 8, 8.5, 11, 70/6, 12, 14, 17
Length in inches: 3, 3.5, 4,
5.5, 6, 7, 8, 8.5, 11, 70/6, 12, 14, 17
PC 437, PC 850, PC 860, PC 863, PC 865, PC 861, BRASCII, Abicomp, Roman 8, ISO Latin 1, PC858, ISO8859-15 All other models: Italic, PC 437, PC 850, PC 437 Greek, PC 853, PC855, PC 852, PC 857, PC 866, PC 869, MAZOWIA, Code MJK, ISO 8859-7, Bulgaria, PC 774, Estonia, PC 866 LAT., ISO 8859-2, PC 866 UKR, PC-APTEC, PC-771, PC-AR864, PC708, PC720
It al ic U. S. A ., It al ic Fr a nc e, Italic Germany, Italic U.K., Italic Denmark 1, Italic Sweden, Italic Italy, Italic Spain 1
Parallel I/F bidirectional mode
Off, On
Default Settings (1/4)
EPSON FX-880+/FX-1180+ Quick Guide
Skip over perforation
This feature is available only when continuous paper is selected. When you turn on this feature, the printer provides a one-inch (25.4 mm) margin between the last line printed on one page and the first line printed on the next page. Because most application program margin settings override margin settings from the control pa ne l, yo u sh ou ld use th is se tti ng on ly i f y ou cannot set your top and bottom margins using your application.
Auto tear-off
When auto tear-off is on and you are using co nt in uo us p ap er wit h t he fr ont or re ar p us h tractor, the printer automatically advances the paper perforation to the tear-off position, where you can easily tear off the printed page(s). When the printer receives data a ga in , i t a ut o ma ti ca l ly mo ve s t he p ap er ba ck to the top-of-form position and starts printing, so you can use all of the next page.
Whe n yo u s elec t ESC/P, the printer operates i n th e E PS O N E S C/ P m o d e. W h e n yo u s el e c t IBM PPDS, the printer emulates an IBM printer.
I/F (interface) mode
The printer provides a slot for an optional interface in addition to its built-in parallel interface and USB interface. You can choose Auto (automatic), Parallel, USB or Option for the interface mode. When you select Auto, the printer automatically selects the interface that is receiving data, and uses that interface until the end of the print job. The Auto setting allows you to share the printer among multiple computers without changing the interface mode.
If only one computer is connected to the printer, you can select Parallel, USB or Option, depending on which interface your computer uses.
When auto tear-off is off and you are using co nt in uo us p ap er wit h t he fr ont or re ar p us h tractor, you need to move the perforation to the tear-off position manually by pressing the Tear Off/Bin button.
Auto line feed
When auto line feed is on, the printer accompanies each carriage return (CR) code received with a line feed (LF) code.
Print direction
You can select auto print direction, bidirectional printing (Bi-D), or unidirectional printing (Uni-D). Printing is normally bidirectional; however, unidirectional printing allows for precise vertical printing alignment.
Auto I/F (interface) wait time
When the printer is in the auto interface mode and it receives no data from the currently selected interface for the amount of time specified with this setting, it determines which inter face is recei ving data and switches to that interface. You can specify either 10 seconds o r 30 seconds fo r the auto interface wait time.
Parallel I/F bidirectional mode
The Parallel Interface bidirectional transfer mode is used when this feature is on. If bidirectional transfer mode is unnecessary, turn this off.
Default Settings (2/4)
EPSON FX-880+/FX-1180+ Quick Guide
Packet mode
Make sure to select AUTO when you print from Windows applications using the printer driver included in the Printer Software CD-ROM that comes with the printer. Turn this feature off if you have connection troubles while printing from applications based on other operating systems such as DOS.
0 slash
The zero character has a slash when this feature is on; it has no slash (0) when this feature is off. The slash allows you to easily distinguish between the uppercase letter “O” and a zero.
Buzzer (beeper)
The printer beeps when an error occurs. See “Error Indicators” for more information on printer errors. If you do not want the printer to beep when an error occurs, turn off this setting.
Page length for front tractor
T hi s s et t in g a ll o ws yo u t o se t t he p ag e l en g th (in inches) for the continuous paper loaded on the front push tractor.
Page length for rear tractor
T hi s s et t in g a ll o ws yo u t o se t t he p ag e l en g th (in inches) for the continuous paper loaded on the rear push tractor.
Character table
You can select among various character tables.
International character set for italic table
You can select among several international character sets for the italic character table. Each character set contains eight characters that vary depending on the country or language, so you can customize the italic table to suit your printing needs.
Auto CR (carriage return)
This setting is available only in IBM PPDS emulation mode. When auto carriage return is on, each line feed (LF) code or ESC J code is accompanied by a carriage return (CR) code so the printer moves the next printing position to the left margin. When this setting is off, you must send a CR cod e after the line feed code to move the printing position to the left margin.
IBM character table
This setting is available only in IBM PPDS emulation mode. When you select Table 1, hex codes 00H to 1FH and 80H to 9FH of the character tables are used for the control codes. When you select Table 2, hex codes 00H to 1FH are used for the control codes and 80H to 9FH are used for characters.
Default Settings (3/4)
EPSON FX-880+/FX-1180+ Quick Guide

Changing default settings

Follow these steps to enter the default-setting mode and change the printer’s default settings:
To print the language selection and
default-setting mode instructions, you need three sheets of A4 or letter size single-sheet paper or three pages of continuous paper that is at least 279 mm (11 inches) long and 210 mm (8.3 inches) wide. See “Continuous Paper with the Pull Tractor” and “Single Sheets with the Paper Guide” for instructions on loading continuous paper and single sheets.
If you use single sheets, you need to load a
new sheet of paper each time the printer ejects a printed sheet from the paper guide.
1. Make sure paper is loaded and the printer is turned off.
The printed instructions list the settings you can change, describe how to change them, and show you how the control panel lights help you make settings. Use these instructions to change the printer’s default settings from the control panel.
The arrows in the instructions indicate the printer’s current settings.
5. When you finish making settings, turn off the printer and exit the default-setting mode.
You may exit the default-setting mode by turning off the printer at any time. Any settings you have made remain in effect until you change them again.
2. Turn on the printer while holding down
the Font button.
The printer enters the default-setting mode and prints the language selection instructions (one page).
3. Press the Font button until the Font and Pitch lights indicate the language you want, as described in the language selection instructions.
4.Press the Tear Off/Bin button to print the default-setting mode instructions (two pages) in the language you selected.
Whenever you turn off the printer, wait at least five seconds before turning it back on; otherwise, you may damage the printer.
Default Settings (4/4)
EPSON FX-880+/FX-1180+ Quick Guide

Error Indicators

You can identify many common printer problems using the lights on the control panel. If your printer stops working and one or more control panel lights are on or flashing or the printer beeps, use the following table to diagnose and fix the problem. If you cannot fix your printer problem using this table.
State of panel lights
n Paper Out n Pause
n Pause ••• The paper release lever is set to the wrong position.
f Paper Out n Pause
Beep pattern
••• No paper is loaded in the selected paper source.
••• The paper is not loaded correctly.
••• A single sheet of paper is not fully ejected.
••• Continuous paper is not fed to the standby position.
••• Paper is jammed in the printer.
Load paper in the printer or select a different paper source; the Paper Out light goes off. Then press the Pause button; the Pause light goes off and the printer starts printing.
Remo ve your pape r and reloa d it corr ectly . See “Cont inu ous Pap er with the Pull Tra ctor” or “S ing le S heet s wi th t he Pa per Gui de” for ins tru cti ons on lo adi ng t he t ype of p aper you wan t to use.
Set the paper release lever to the position for the paper source you want to use. If paper from another paper source is currently in the paper path, press the Load/Eject button to eject the paper; then move the paper release lever to the desired position.
Press the Load/Eject button to eject the sheet.
Tear off the printed page at the perforation; then press the Load/ Eject button. The printer feeds the paper to the standby position.
To clear the paper jam, see “Clearing Paper Jams” in the Reference Guide.
f Pause The print head is overheated.
Wait for a few minutes; the printer resumes printing automatically once the print head cools.
f Paper Out f Pause f Tear Off/Bin ff Pitch ff Font
n = on,
••• = short series of beeps (three beeps), ••••• = long series of beeps (five beeps)
••••• An unknown printer error has occurred.
Turn off the printer and leave it off for several minutes; then turn on the printer again. If the error recurs, contact your dealer.
o = off, f = flashing
The printer beeps once if you press a control panel button when the corresponding function is not available.
Error Indicators (1/1)

Paper-Thickness Setting

EPSON FX-880+/FX-1180+ Quick Guide
Before you start printing, you may need to change the paper-thickness setting depending on the type of paper you are using. Follow these steps:
1. Turn the printer off and open the printer cover. The paper-thickness lever is located on the left side of the printer. The numbers next to the lever indicate the thickness setting.
2. Use the table below to select the appropriate paper thickness.
Paper type* Lever
Ordinary paper: Single sheets Continuous paper
Thin paper -1 or 0
Carbonless multipart forms with: 2 parts (original + 1 copy) 3 parts (original + 2 copies) 4 parts (original + 3 copies) 5 parts (original + 4 copies) 6 parts (original + 5 copies)
Continuous paper with labels 2
Envelopes 2 to 6
* See the paper specifications for more information.
0 or 1 0
1 2 3 4 5
When the temperature is 5°C (41°F) or less,
set the paper-thickness lever one position lower to improve print quality.
When the temperature is 35°C (95°F) or
more, set the paper-thickness lever one position higher to improve print quality.
Paper-Thickness Setting (1/1)
EPSON FX-880+/FX-1180+ Quick Guide

Continuous Paper with the Rear Push Tractor

It is recommended that you close the flap on the front cover if paper is not loaded from the front slot.
Follow these steps to load paper using the rear push tractor:
1. Make sure the printer is turned off and the tractor is installed in the rear push p o s i t i o n . Al s o m a k e s u r e t h e p a p e r g u i d e is removed.
2. Set the paper release lever to the rear push tractor position.
3. Release the left and right sprockets by pulling the blue sprocket lock levers forward.
Continuous Paper with the Rear Push Tractor (1/2)
EPSON FX-880+/FX-1180+ Quick Guide
4. Slide the left sprocket approximately 12 mm (0.5 inch) from the far left position and push the blue lever back to lock it in place. Then slide the right sprocket to match the width of your paper, but do not lock it. Move the center support midway between the two sprocke t units.
* approx. 12 mm (0.5 inch)
The triangle mark on top of the printer indicates the point furthest to the left where printing can begin.
5. Make sure your paper has a clean, straight edge. Then open both sprocket covers and fit the first four holes of the paper, with the printable side down, over the tractor pins.
7. Slide the right sprocket to remove any slack in the paper; then lock it in place by pushing the blue sprocket lock down.
8. Attach the paper guide and lay it flat on the printer. Open the edge guides all the way to the left and right, then raise the continuous paper support.
9. Turn on the printer. When the printer receives data, it automatically loads the paper and starts printing.
I f t he fi r st li ne o n y ou r p a ge ap pe a rs to o h i gh or low, you can change its position using the Micro Adjust function as described in “Micro Adjust Function.”
Never use the knob to adjust the top-of-form position; this may damage the printer or cause it to lose the top-of-form position.
6. Close the sprocket covers.
Continuous Paper with the Rear Push Tractor (2/2)
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