Epson C82324 User Manual

Ethernet Interface
User’s Guide
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FCC Compliance Statement
For United States Users
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interface at hi own expense.
This devise complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
For Canadian Users
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
present appareil applicables aux appareils numeriques de Classe A prescrites dans le brouillage radioelecfrique edict6 par le Ministere
The connection of a non-shielded equipment interface cable to this equipment will invalidate the FCC Certification of this device and may cause interference levels which exceed the limits established by the FCC for this equipment. It is the responsibility of the user to obtain and use a shielded equipment interface cable with this device. When this equipment is attached to some printers, you should not leave cables connected to the printers built-in connectors. See your printers user‘s manual for
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Seiko Epson Corporation, could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
n’emet pas
bruits radioelectriques d&passant les limites
Communications du Canada.
sur le


Ethernet Card Hardware Ethernet Card Software
Epson printers serviced by the Ethernet Card About This Manual Installation Overview Terms and Concepts How the Ethernet Card Works
Using the Ethernet Card as a Print Server
Using the Ethernet Card as a Remote Printer
The Ethernet Card configuration software
Chapter I
Hardware Installation
Ethernet Card Software Setup
Installing the Ethernet Card
Installing the Ethernet Card in the printer
Setting up the printer Connecting the network cable
Using the Epson PostScript Card
Before setting up
Installing the Ethernet Card as a Print Server
Installing as a Remote Printer
Before Running EPSETUP
1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7
1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-5 1-5 1-7
Chapter 2 Changing the Configuration
Configuration Using
Change Queues Serviced by Printer Change Printer Port Configuration Change Master File Server Rename Print Server. Set Password
Set Queue Polling Time Interval Reset Print Server
Advanced Configuration Using EPCONFIG
Using EPCONFIG Show Current Settings
Reset (Reboot) the Ethernet Card Rename Print Server Set Password
Turn Configuration Report Off / On
Set Queue Polling Interval (Print Server) Set the Ethernet Network Type Restore Factory Defaults
2-2 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6
2-6 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-11 2-12 2-13
2-13 2-13 2-15
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting
Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
After Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Green Light On/Red On Error-Jobs Do not Print­Cannot Print to Queue, or Incorrect Results­Renaming Print Server
Answers to Common Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Avoiding Reboot with Print Server Status/Control­Installing the Print Server on a Second File Server
Epson’s Ethernet Interface Card for NetWare® is a combination of hardware and software that lets you connect a laser-type printer directly to your Novell NetWare network. Just slide your Ethernet Card into your printer’s optional interface slot (applicable models listed on the next page), and connect it anywhere on your network. Then use the Epson Ethernet Card software to quickly and easily
set up the interface as either a Novell print server or remote printer.
With Epson’s Ethernet Card users can print using the same Novell utilities they are already familiar with, including CAPTURE, NPRINT and PCONSOLE.
In print server mode, the interface can service up to 32 print queues on up to eight file servers.

Ethernet Card Hardware

The Ethernet Card is an interface card that plugs into an Epson printer’s optional interface slot. It has connectors for either an Ethernet Thin Coaxial or l0Base-T network connection.
introduction 1
The Ethernet Card software consists of two programs used to install and configure the Ethernet Card on the network:
EPSETUP is an easy-to-use menu-driven installation and configuration utility.
EPCONFIG is a command-line utility used to configure the Ethernet Card’s more advanced features

Epson printers serviced by the Ethernet Card

Epson’s Ethernet Card for NetWare can be installed in the optional interface slot in the back of the following Epson printers:
ActionLaser II ActionLaser 1000 EPL-4000 EPL-4100 EPL-4300 EPL-5000 EPL-8000 EPL-8100
ActionLaser 1500 EPL-4200 EPL-5200
You may be able to install this interface card in other Epson printer models. Check you printer’s user’s guide for a list of optional
interfaces that can be installed in your printer, or check with your local Epson dealer to see if you can install the Ethernet Interface Card for NetWare in your printer.
Caution: You cannot use this Ethernet Interface card if the model C82605* EPSON PostScript Card is installed in your printer.
2 Introduction

About This Manual

This manual describes how to install, configure, and use your Ethernet Card in a Novell NetWare environment for the following cable connections:
Ethernet Twisted-Pair (l0BASE-T)
Ethernet Thin Coaxial

Installation Overview

Installing the Ethernet Card is simple, and is described in Chapters 1. The following steps are an overview of the installation process.
Decide whether you want to set up the Ethernet Card as a print
server or as a remote printer. (See How the Ethernet Card Works, later in this chapter.)
Install the Ethernet Card in your Epson printer and connect it to the network.
If installing as a remote printer, complete preliminary
configuration using PCONSOLE.
Use EPSETUP to set up your Ethernet Card.
Introduction 3

Terms and Concepts

The master file server stores data required for the Ethernet Card to operate as a print server. Each Ethernet Card print server has one master file server, which you designate during initial setup.
A print queue is a directory on a file server where a print job is stored as a file, until the print server sends the job to the assigned printer.
A print server moves jobs from print queues to printers. A remote printer is a shared printer connected elsewhere on the
network, but under the control of a NetWare print server. Traditionally a remote printer is connected to a network workstation running NetWare’s RPRINTER.EXE, but the Ethernet Card can also function as a remote printer.
A configuration report prints each time the Ethernet Card is reset. If the Ethernet Card is installed as a print server, the configuration report lists the print server name, master file server, and queue assignments. If the Ethernet Card is installed as a remote printer, the configuration report lists the unit’s serial number and the print server the Ethernet Card operates under.
A diagnostic report prints only in the event of a problem. The diagnostic report contains information helpful in resolving problems.
4 Introduction
Resetting (or Rebooting) the Ethernet Card causes it to reinitialize
and print a new configuration report. You can reset the Ethernet Card in three ways:
Switching the Epson Ethernet Card for NetWare’s printer off and back on again
Using EPSETUP (see Chapter 2)
Using EPCONFIG serial-number N=E RESET (see Chapter 2)

How the Ethernet Card Works

Epson’s Ethernet Interface Card for NetWare operates in the following Novell NetWare environments: 2.15c or later, or 3.x.
You can configure your Ethernet Card to print jobs in either of two modes:
Print server mode (recommended)
QRemote printer mode

Using the Ethernet Card as a Print Server

In print server mode, the Ethernet Card performs all print server functions. No VAP (Value Added Process) or NLM (NetWare Loadable Module) is required. The network user sends a print
job from a workstation, the job is moved across the network to
the file server, and it is placed in a print queue. When the printer is ready, the Ethernet Card print server moves the job from the print queue to the printer.
Introduction 5
Using the Ethernet Card in print server mode provides the highest printing speed while retaining the control, security and convenience of a Novell NetWare print server. Each Ethernet Card, when running in print server mode, requires a connection to a file server.
You can print to the Ethernet Card just as you would to any other Novell print server, using NetWare print commands.
The Ethernet Card operates like any Novell print server; servicing the assigned queues in a round robin fashion. In queues of the same priority, the Ethernet Card services the first job in a queue, then the first job in the next queue. In queues of different priorities, the Ethernet Card services all jobs in a higher priority queue before those in a lower priority queue. The Ethernet Card supports encrypted passwords.
If desired, you can use Novell’s PCONSOLE to assign print server
operator status, and then use Print Server Status/Control to
configure the Ethernet Card temporarily (without rebooting) and to monitor and control printer status on-the-fly For more information about configuring the Ethernet Card with Print
Server Status/Control, see Chapter 3.

Using the Ethernet Card as a Remote Printer

As a remote printer, the Ethernet Card emulates a workstation running Novell’s RPRINTER.EXE program, and operates under the control of a Novell NetWare print server. The print server can be either a dedicated workstation running PSERVER.EXE or a file server.
In remote printer mode, when the Ethernet Card-equipped printer is ready the Novell print server moves the job from the print queue to the the Ethernet Card remote printer.
6 Introduction
All configuration changes are made using PCONSOLE. This includes adding or deleting queues, changing queue priorities, or changing file server assignments. For configuration changes to go into effect, the print server controlling the Ethernet Card must be rebooted.
As with all Novell remote printers, the Ethernet Cards print speed is slower in remote-printer mode than in print server mode. Remote printer installation is somewhat less convenient than print server installation.
The main advantage of remote printer mode is that connection to a file server is not required. This makes remote printer mode desirable in installations with limited available file server connections. Each NetWare print server can support up to 16 printers and requires only one file server connection.
The Ethernet
The Ethernet Card comes with the following software:
EPSETUP - a menu-driven utility program used for print server or remote printer setup. You must use EPSETUP for the initial installation, whether installing the Ethernet Card as a print server or remote printer.
After installation, if the Ethernet Card is operating as a print server, EPSETUP is the only configuration software necessary
You can use EPSETUP to add or delete queues, change port
configurations, rename the print server, configure the interface to service queues on other file servers, and other tasks.
EPCONFIG - a command-line utility used for configuring the Ethernet Cards network operating characteristics.
configuration software
Introduction 7
After installing the Ethernet Card on the master file server with EPSETUP, you can also use Novell’s PCONSOLE 3.x or 2.15c to perform all configuration tasks except:
Renaming on the master file server
Changing password on the master file server
Selecting a new master file server
8 Introduction
Chapter 1
Installing the Ethernet Card
This chapter explains how to install the Ethernet Interface Card for NetWare in your printer. This chapter also shows how to use the EPSETUP utility to install the interface on your

Hardware Installation

This section describes Ethernet Card hardware installation. It explains the following tasks:
Installing Ethernet Card in the printer
Configuring the printer
Please read these sections and perform the procedures described in the above order. Ethernet Card must be installed in the printer, connected to the network, and the printer turned on before you set up the software.
Your Ethernet Interface Card for NetWare package includes:
The Ethernet Card
The installation software diskettes
Thismanual You must provide:
iJ A network connection for Ethernet Card (Ethernet Thin or
Ethernet I0BASE-T)
The host Epson printer
Installing the Ethernet Card
The Ethernet Card is installed in the optional interface slot of your Epson printer. See your printer’s user’s guide for the location of the optional interface slot on your printer.
After installing the Ethernet Card, do not connect any cable to the
printer’s parallel port until after the Ethernet Card is booted and operating (green light on, red off ). The Ethernet Card does not boot properly while a cable is connected to the printer’s parallel port.

Installing the Ethernet Card in the printer

The method of installing this interface card varies by printer. The instructions for your printer are located in your printer’s user’s guide in the section on using printer options.
Before installing this interface, locate the eight-digit serial number on the component side of the Ethernet Card. Write the number here:
Serial Number
Installing the Ethernet Card
The serial number is required for software installation. The first page of this manual also includes a box for you to fill in the serial number. For convenience, you can also write the serial number in the box.
Follow the steps in your printer’s user’s guide to install the Ethernet Card.

Setting up the printer

Some Epson printers require you to use the printer’s control panel or DIP switches to select the interface you plan to use. The method of making control panel settings on Epson printers may be called SelecType or Default-Settings Mode. See your printer’s user’s guide for instructions on making the necessary interface settings.

Connecting the network cable

Once the board is installed in your printer, you must attach the network cable to the interface. The Ethernet Card can accept two types of network cables: Ethernet twisted-pair (l0BASE-T) or Ethernet thin coaxial.
The Ethernet Card is an intelligent interface that can detect which kind of cable is attached; you do not need to make any hardware or software settings to specify the cable type. However, you must not attach more than one Ethernet cable at a time.
installing the Ethernet Card
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