Epson BT-300 User’s Guide

User's Guide
Copyright©2016 Seiko Epson Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in China XX.XX.-XX(XXX)
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These smart glasses allow you to enjoy viewing images and use apps anywhere and anytime you like. The see-through lenses allow you to create your own world using AR (Augmented Reality) which overlays images on your actual surroundings.
Enjoy viewing images
View images on the Web
Movie sites
➡"Viewing Movies on a Website (Browser)" on page 37 (this guide)
View saved images
Save easily by USB
➡"Viewing Movies Copied from a Computer (Gallery)" on page 38 (this guide)
Having Fun with Apps
You can download apps and use them with your product.
Games Entertainment
Business Life Style
➡"Downloading Apps" on page 44 (this guide)
View images playing on other devices
Sync with images on a smartphone
➡"Viewing Images on Other Devices (Miracast)" on page 40 (this guide)
Download the apps you want
Safety Instructions ...............................6
Notes on Usage .................................11
Getting Ready ..................................12
Part Names and Functions ...............................12
Charging ................................................14
Wearing the Headset ....................................16
Turning On and O .....................................20
Using the Controller .....................................22
Using the Home Screen .................................26
Setting the language, date and time .....................30
Setting up network ......................................32
Bluetooth settings ......................................34
Adjusting the Screen ....................................35
Viewing Images .................................37
Viewing Movies on a Website (Browser) ..................37
Viewing Movies Copied from a Computer (Gallery) ......38
Viewing Images on Other Devices (Miracast) ............40
Using Apps .....................................42
Shooting a Movie (Camera) ..............................42
Downloading Apps .....................................44
Troubleshooting ................................48
System Update ..........................................51
Specications ...................................53
Intellectual Property Rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
General Notes ..................................60
Contact List .....................................64
User's Guide Organization
User's Guide (this guide)
Start Guide
This guide provides information on safely using this product, basic operating methods, and troubleshoot­ing. Make sure you read this guide before using the product.
This guide provides information on using this product for the rst time.
Symbols Used in this Guide
■Safety symbols
This symbol indicates information that, if ignored, could possibly result in serious personal injury or even
death due to incorrect handling.
■General information symbols
Indicates procedures which may result in damage or injury if sucient care is not taken.
[ ]
Indicates icons, menu items, and controller key names displayed on the screen.
This symbol indicates information that, if ignored, could possibly result in personal injury or physical damage due to incorrect handling.
Indicates additional information and points which may be useful to know regarding a topic.
Indicates a reference to related topics.
01_Chapter title

Safety Instructions

For your safety, read the attached documents carefully to use the product
01_Head A
correctly. After you have read the documents, keep them in a safe place so that you can refer to them quickly at a later date.
Usage environment and condition
Only use this product at the stated power-supply voltage.
Only use the supplied USB cable and AC adapter. Using other power supply devices could result in heat, fire, explosion, malfunction, or liquid leakage.
Take the following precautions when handling the plug. Failure to comply with these precautions could result in re or electric shock.
• Do not plug the AC adapter into an outlet being used by many other devices.
• Do not insert the plug into a dusty outlet.
• Insert the plug rmly into the outlet.
• Do not hold the plug with wet hands.
• Do not pull the power cable when disconnecting the plug.
Do not use the power cable (USB cable supplied) if it is damaged. Doing so could result in re or electric shock.
• Do not modify the supplied power cable.
• Do not place heavy objects on top of the supplied power cable.
• Do not bend, twist, or pull the power cable with excessive force.
• Keep the power cable away from hot electrical appliances.
For your safety, unplug the product when it is not being used. The insulation may deteriorate, which may result in electric shock, re, or malfunction.
Do not touch the plug during a thunderstorm. Doing so could result in re or electric shock.
Do not leave this product in locations subject to temperatures be­yond the specied operating range, such as cars with the windows closed, in direct sunlight, or in front of air-conditioning or heater out­lets. Also, avoid locations subject to sudden changes in temperature. Doing so may result in re, breakdown, malfunction, or failure.
Do not use the product in locations where it may get wet or is sub­ject to high levels of humidity such as in a bath or shower. Doing so could result in re or electric shock.
Do not place this product in locations subject to smoke, steam, high humidity, or dust such as kitchen counters or near humidiers. Doing so may result in re, electric shock, or deterioration in image quality.
Do not cover this product with a cloth or similar material during use. Doing so may change the shape of the case through heat, or re.
Do not expose the camera lens to direct sunlight for a long time. Doing so may result in re or explosion due to condensed beams of light from the lens.
01_Chapter title
Safety Instructions
01_Head A
Do not start using this product at a high volume. Doing so
may result in hearing impairment. Lower the volume before turning o the product, and gradually increase the volume after turning on the product. To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume for prolonged periods of time.
Do not allow any conductive foreign objects to touch the charg­ing connector, external device connector, or earphone microphone socket, and do not put any conductive foreign objects into the con­nection ports. Doing so may cause a short circuit and result in re or electric shock.
Do not allow solvents such as alcohol, benzene, or thinner to touch the product. Also, do not clean this product with a wet cloth or sol­vents. Doing so may warp or crack the product housing and may result in electric shock, malfunction, or re.
The product housing should only be opened by qualified service personnel unless you are explicitly instructed to do so in the User’s Guide. Also, do not disassemble or remodel the product (including consumable items). Many of the parts inside the product carry a high voltage and could cause re, electric shock, accident, or poisoning.
Do not subject the lens of the product to strong shocks or knock it against hard objects. If the lens is damaged, it could splinter and cause serious injuries to the eyes and face.
Product usage precautions
Do not throw the product into a re and do not heat the product. Do not place objects with naked ames, such as candles, on this product. Doing so may result in heat, re, or explosion.
Do not wear this product while driving a car, riding a motor bike or bicycle, or performing any other dangerous tasks. Doing so may result in accident or injury.
Do not use this product in unstable locations such as stairs or at alti­tude. Also, do not use the product while walking in dangerous loca­tions such as near machinery or equipment that might get caught on the cables, where there is a lot of trac, or where it is dark. Doing so may result in accident or injury.
When walking while viewing images on the product, be aware of your surroundings. If you are too focused on the image, it could result in accidents, falling down, and colliding with other people.
When viewing in dark locations, it is dicult to see your surroundings due to the brightness of the image. Be aware of your surroundings.
When using this product in small locations, be aware of your sur­roundings.
When wearing this product, do not look directly at the sun or other light sources even if you are using the shade. This could cause serious injury to your eyes or loss of eyesight.
Viewing image precautions
01_Chapter title
Safety Instructions
Make sure the cable does not catch on anything in the surrounding
01_Head A
area while wearing the product. Also, make sure the cable does not wind around your neck. Doing so may result in accident or injury.
Make sure the cable does not get damaged. Otherwise, it may result in re or electric shock.
• Do not damage the cable.
• Do not place heavy objects on top of the cable.
• Do not bend, twist, or pull the cable with excessive force.
• Keep the power cable away from hot electrical appliances.
In the following situations, turn o this product immediately, unplug the power plug, and contact your local dealer or the Epson service call center. Continuing to use under these conditions may result in re or electric shock. Do not try to repair this product yourself.
• If you see smoke, or notice any strange odors or noises.
• If any water, beverages, or foreign objects get into the product.
• If the product was dropped or the case was damaged.
When taking this product into areas in which the use of electromag­netic waves is prohibited, such as in an aircraft or in hospitals, follow the instructions in the area and turn o this product or disable the Bluetooth or wireless LAN function. Do not use the Bluetooth or wireless LAN function near automatically controlled devices such as automatic doors or re alarms. If the product has an auto power on
Product abnormality precautions
Wireless function precautions
function, disable it before turning o the product. The electromag­netic waves may cause electromagnetic interference with medical equipment or cause the equipment to malfunction.
Note the following points when using the Bluetooth or wireless LAN function in medical institutions.
• Do not bring this product into operating rooms, Intensive Care Units (ICUs), or Cardiac Care Units (CCUs).
• When in wards, turn o this product or stop the electromagnetic waves.
• Even when not in wards, turn o this product or stop the electro­magnetic waves if there is any electronic medical equipment in the area.
• Follow any rules stipulated by medical institutions that prohibit the use of devices emitting electromagnetic waves, or that prohibit en­try to certain areas with such devices.
• If the product has an auto power on function, disable it before turn­ing o the product.
If you have an implanted pacemaker or implanted debrillator, make sure you keep a distance of at least 22 cm between this product and the implanted device when using the Bluetooth or the wireless LAN function. The electromagnetic waves may inuence the operation of implanted pacemakers or implanted debrillators. Turn o this prod­uct or stop the electromagnetic waves if you are in a location where someone near you may have a pacemaker, such as a crowded train.
01_Chapter title
Safety Instructions
01_Head A
Usage environment and condition precautions
Do not place the product in locations subjected to vibrations or shocks.
While using the product to view images, play games, or listen to mu­sic, make sure you confirm the safety of your surroundings and do not leave any fragile items in your immediate vicinity. The images you are viewing may cause you to move your body involuntarily, resulting in damage to nearby items or personal injury.
Do not place this product near high-voltage lines or magnetized items. Doing so may result in breakdown, malfunction, or failure.
When performing maintenance, make sure you turn o the product, unplug the power plug and the power connector and disconnect all wires. Otherwise, it may result in electric shock.
Stop charging the battery if the charging does not end in the stated period of time. Continuing the charge may result in liquid leakage, heat, explosion, or re.
Stop using this product if the skin that touches the product (face and so on) feels itchy when wearing the product, or any unusual rashes occur, and consult your local dermatologist.
If you sweat while using the product, wipe the sweat from your face and the product. Continuing to use under these conditions may re-
Product usage precautions
sult in itching or a rash.
Hold the controller securely or place it on a stable surface and make sure the cables are not pulled with undue force. Dropping the head­set due to the weight of the controller may result in injury or mal­function.
Dispose of this product in accordance with your local laws and regu­lations.
Always take periodic breaks when viewing images using this product. Long periods of viewing images may result in eye fatigue. If you feel fatigued or uncomfortable even after taking a break, stop viewing im­mediately.
Do not drop this product or treat it with unnecessary force. Also, if the product breaks due to an impact such as a fall, stop using the prod­uct. Continuing to use this product may result in injury due to glass fragments.
When wearing this product, be aware of the edges of the frame. Also, do not place your nger between the moving parts of this product, such as the hinges. Doing so may result in injury.
Make sure you are wearing this product correctly. Incorrect usage could make you feel nauseous.
This product should only be used for the purposes stated in the manuals. Using it for anything else may result in injury.
Viewing image precautions
01_Chapter title
Safety Instructions
If a problem or malfunction occurs, stop using this product imme-
01_Head A
diately. Continuing to use this product may result in injury or could make you feel nauseous.
Stop using this product if your skin feels unusual when wearing this product and consult your local dermatologist. Sometimes allergies may occur due to the coating or material of the product.
How a 3D image is perceived varies depending on the individual. Stop using the 3D function if you feel strange or cannot see in 3D. Continuing to view the 3D images could make you feel nauseous.
This product must not be used by children under the age of six as their eyesight is still developing. If a child of seven years or older uses the product, make sure they are supervised at all times and that they do not wear the product for ex­tended periods. Pay close attention to the child's physical condition and make sure they are not suering from eye strain.
Do not use this product if you are sensitive to light, or feel nauseous. Doing so may aggravate your pre-existing conditions.
Do not use this product if you have prior eye conditions. Doing so may aggravate the symptoms such as strabismus, amblyopia, or an­isometropia.
Contact an authorized Epson dealer when replacing batteries.
Data such as video, images, or music stored on the product may be lost or damaged when the product malfunctions, is repaired, or un­dergoes other services. Epson shall not be responsible for the loss of any data, damage to data, or loss of prots that occurs at such a time.
You can recycle used lithium-ion batteries. When the prod­uct's internal battery reaches the end of its service life, con­tact a service center for information on recycling.
Product abnormality precautions
01_Chapter title

Notes on Usage

This product uses an Si-OLED display panel. Due to the char-
01_Head A
acteristics of the Si-OLED, you may notice burn-in or de­creasing luminance on the panel. This is not a malfunction.
To reduce the burn-in, do the following.
• Do not display the same image for a long time.
• Hide markers or text that always appear in the same position.
• Decrease the display brightness.
• Turn o the display using the tap to mute function or sleep func­tion, or turn o the product when you are not viewing images for a long time.
Charge the battery at least once a year even if you do not use the product. If you do not use the product for a long period of time, the battery performance may deteriorate or you may not be able to charge the battery.
List of Safety Symbols (corresponding to IEC60950-1 A2)
The following table lists the meaning of the safety symbols labeled on the equipment.
Approved standards: IEC60417 No.5031 Meaning: Direct current
To indicate on the rating plate that the equipment is suitable for direct current only; to identify relevant terminals.

Getting Ready

Part Names and Functions

Cross-key (touch sensor)
Selects items and scrolls the screen.
Enter key
Selects or conrms items.
Switch key
Changes the adjustment items to bright­ness or 2D/3D mode. (Use the cross-key to adjust settings.) Hold down to turn key lock on and o.
BACK key (touch sensor)
Displays the previous screen.
HOME key (touch sensor)
Displays the Home screen.
History key (touch sensor)
Displays recently used apps.
Headset connector
Connects the controller connector.
➡"Charging" on page 14 (this guide)
Power button
Turns the power on or o.
➡"Turning On and O" on page 20 (this guide)
LED indicator
Indicates the status of the product.
➡"LED indicator status" on page 15 (this guide)
Volume keys
Adjusts the volume.
microSD card slot
Insert a commercially available microSD card.
micro-USB connector
Connects the supplied USB cable.
Touch with your nger to operate the prod­uct.
➡"Using the Controller" on page 22 (this guide)
01_Chapter title
01_Head A
Getting Ready
Tap to mute
This function allows you to tap twice to temporarily hide the image and mute the audio.
Ambient light sensor
Senses the brightness of your sur­roundings and automatically adjusts the brightness of the screen.
➡"Adjusting the Brightness of the Screen" on page 36 (this guide)
Captures images and movies. The indi­cators ash while the camera is starting.
➡"Preinstalled applications" on page 28 (this guide)
Controller connector
Connects the controller.
➡"Charging" on page 14 (this guide)
Open the temples to wear.
➡"Wearing the Headset" on page 16 (this guide)
Nose pads
When wearing the product over glasses, replace with the supplied nose pad for glasses.
Shades the product from too much exterior light.
➡"Attaching and Removing the Shade" on page 19 (this guide)
Earphone microphone socket
Connects the socket for earphone microphones. You can also connect commercially available earphone microphones.
➡"Wearing the Headset" on page 16 (this guide)
01_Chapter title
01_Head A


The product is not fully charged at the time of purchase. Charge before use.
This section explains how to charge using the AC adapter. Initial charging takes approximately 5 hours.
Connect the headset and the controller.
Insert the controller connector into the controller's head­set connection port until it clicks.
Do not connect the controller connector to any other devices except for the product.
Getting Ready
Connect the controller and AC adapter.
Connect the controller and the AC adapter with the USB cable.
Plug in the AC adapter.
The LED indicator ashes light blue.
If the battery is dead, the LED indicator does not turn on for a while when charging starts. Charge for at least 30 minutes, and then re-connect the USB cable.
01_Chapter title
When the battery is charged 90% or higher, the LED indicator
01_Head A
stops ashing and remains on. The LED indicator turns o when the battery is fully charged. (The LED indicator provides a rough
indication of the amount of remaining battery.)
Disconnect the AC adapter and the USB cable.
Battery life is approximately six hours. Battery life may vary de­pending on application and environmental usage conditions.
LED indicator status
You can check the status of the product from the colors and the lit status of the LED.
Getting Ready
Light blue
Starting up or Shutting down
Sleep mode
Battery running low
01_Chapter title
01_Head A

Wearing the Headset

Use both hands to open the temples, and then put on
the headset.
Getting Ready
Connect the earphone microphone to the earphone
microphone socket.
Attach the earphones before playing back any content. Noise may be heard if the earphone microphone is dis­connected or connected while content is being played.
You can clip the earphone microphone to your clothes.
Do not use too much force when opening the
temples of the headset.
If the headset does not feel secure when wearing it, attach the temple grip supplied.
Wear the earphones.
01_Chapter title
Wearing over Glasses
01_Head A
By replacing with the supplied nose pad for glasses, the headset can
be worn over glasses. (The headset can only be worn over glasses that are approximately 147 mm wide.)
• Make sure that you do not damage the glasses and the lens of the headset when wearing.
• You may not be able to wear the headset over the glasses depending on the shape of your glasses.
Pull the nose pad forward to remove it.
Attach the nose pad for glasses.
The nose pad for glasses ts over your glasses.
Getting Ready
01_Chapter title
Attaching the lens holder and wearing the
01_Head A
If you wear glasses, the lens holder allows you to wear the head­set without wearing your glasses.
Visit your local opticians and have them install lenses in the lens holder and attach them to the headset. (The customer is respon­sible for the cost of the lenses. Depending on the opticians, they may not be able to perform this procedure.)
Lens holder supported lenses
Lens (W x H) 50 x 24 mm
Nose pads 20 mm
Frame PD 70 mm
Curve 4
Pull the nose pad forward to remove it.
Attach the nose pad to the lens holder.
Getting Ready
You may not be able to view images when using special lenses such as colored lenses, mirrored lenses, and polarized lenses.
Attach the lens holder to the headset.
01_Chapter title
Attaching and Removing the Shade
01_Head A
If it is too bright to view the screen when wearing the headset, attach
the shade.
■Attaching the Shade
Tilt the shade, and then push the protruding section into the headset until it clicks into place.
Getting Ready
■Removing the Shade
Raise the bottom edge of the shade and pull carefully down while pressing the center of the shade to remove.
If the shade is pushed or pulled with too much force, the shade and the lens could be damaged. Do not use too much force on the shade.
01_Chapter title
Getting Ready
01_Head A
Turning On and O
Turning on
Before turning on the product, check the charge level.
➡"Charging" on page 14 (this guide)
Press the Power button for one second.
When the startup begins, the start screen is displayed in the headset. When startup is complete, the Home screen is dis­played. When you cannot view the images, adjust the vertical posi­tion of the headset so that the lens is in line with your eyes.
• See the following for information on using the controller.
➡"Using the Controller" on page 22 (this guide)
• Turning off the screen while the product is on (Sleep mode)
When you press the Power button briefly, the product enters Sleep mode and the LED indicator turns blue. Press the Power button briey again to wake the product from Sleep mode.
• Disabling controller operations (Key lock)
When you hold down the Switch key, the key lock turns on. When you hold down the Switch key again, the key lock turns o.
01_Chapter title
Getting Ready
Turning o
01_Head A
Hold down the Power button for at least one second.
The [Power o] screen is displayed.
Select [Power o].
The power turns o.
If operations are unstable, you can force the product to shutdown by holding down the Power button for at least 10 seconds.
Do not force the product to shutdown unless
operations are unstable. Stored data and settings may be lost.
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