BT-100 Notices
Register today to get product updates, special
promotions, and customer-only offers. You can
register online at www.epson.co m/web reg.
Where to get help
See the User's Guide for important safety
information, general setup and usage
information, interface information, and
troubleshooting tips.
Use the built-in help system for basic and indepth usage instructions, maintenance
instructions, troubleshooting tips, and
Telephone Support Services
To speak with a support specialist, call:
US: (562) 276-4394, 7
Time, Monday through Friday
Canada: (905) 709-3839, 7
Time, Monday through Friday
Days and hours of supp ort ar e subj ec t to c han ge
without notice. Toll or long distance charges
may apply.
Internet Support
Visit www.epson.com/support (U.S.) or
www.epson.ca/support (Canada) for solutions
to common problems. You can down load
documentation, get FAQs and troubleshooting
advice, or e-mail Epson.
Declaration of Conformity
According to 47CFR, Par t 2 an d 15 , Cl ass B
Personal Computers and Peripherals; and/or
CPU Boards and Power S upp lies used wit h
Class B Personal Com pu ters
We: Epson America, Inc.
Located at: 3840 Kilroy Airport Way
Telephone: (562) 290-5254
Declare under sole responsibility that the
product identified herein, complies with 47CFR
Part 2 and 15 of the F CC rul es as a C las s B
AM to 5 PM, Pacific
AM to 5 PM, Pacific
Long Beach, CA 90806

digital device. Each product marketed, is
identical to the rep res en ta tiv e un it te ste d an d
found to be compliant with the standards.
Records maintained c onti nue to r efl ect the
equipment being produced can be expected to
be within the variation accepted, due to
quantity production and testing on a statistical
basis as required by 47 CFR §2 .909. Op erat ion
is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
this device may not ca us e ha rmfu l int er feren ce,
and (2) this device must accept any interference
received, including interference th at may c ause
undesired operation.
Trade Name: Epson
Type of Product: See- Through Mobil e View er
Model: H423A
Marketing Name:Moverio BT-100
Epson America, Inc. Limited
What Is Covered: Epson America, Inc. (“Epson”)
warrants to the original retail purchaser that the
Epson product covered by this limited warranty
statement, if purchased and operated only in the
United States, Canada, or Puerto Rico, will be
free from defects in work man ship an d mat eri als
for a period of one (1) year fr om the d ate o f
original purchase. For warranty service, you
must provide proof of the date of ori ginal
What Epson Will Do To Correct Problems:
Should your Epson product prove defective
during the warranty period, please call the
Epson Connection at (562) 276-4394 (U.S.) or
(905) 709-3839 (Canada) for warr anty repa ir
instructions and return authorization. An Epson
service technician will provide telephone
diagnostic service to determine whether the
product requires service. If service is ne eded,
Epson will, at its option, exchange or repair the
product without charge for par ts or la bor. I f
Epson authorizes an exchange for the defective
unit, Epson will ship a replacement product to
you, freight prepaid , so lo ng as yo u us e an
address in the United States, Canada, or Pu erto
Rico. Shipments to other location s will be mad e
freight collect. You are responsible for securely
packaging the defective unit and re turning it to
Epson within five (5) working days of receipt of
the replacement. Epso n re quir es a de bit or a