WorkForce DS-780N
Secure scanning
Complete control

Secure network scanning
The secure and intelligent DS-780N is a compact network
scanner that speeds up workows by enabling users to
rapidly scan and share documents over a network.
The high capacity 100-sheet ADF and fast scanning speed of 45ppm/90ipm in
colour at 300dpi enable instant sharing and storing of scanned les. The DS-780N
helps you to gain control over critical information, improve your workows and
increase operational and process eciency.
Secure document processing and ecient data management
Oering true network capability at multiple location points, the DS-780N
is designed specically for busy workgroups who need to scan and share
documents eectively.
Utilising the Authentication Edition module for Document Capture Pro Server
, IT
administrators can manage a variety of tasks centrally from scan job proles to
user access rights. Those tasks can then be made accessible through the device’s
touch screen panel ensuring the right jobs are made available to the right users.
IT administrators have the ability to control access rights to jobs in a number of
ways including User ID and password, LDAP Active Directory, ID Card log in,
and pin code. Additionally administrators can remotely lock screens to prevent
unauthorised prole amendments. Ensuring each users job specic proles are
made available wherever they are within the business.
3 types of login
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 809
Enter User ID
q w e r t y u i o p
a s
z x c v b n@m
AB 1#
d f g h j k l -
Pin code
User ID & password
ID card