Product Support Bulletin
SUBJECT: ActionNote 600 Series NoteBook Computer and the Suspend to Disk File
with a Compressed Hard Drive
Date: 5/30/95
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This bulletin provides information on creating a Suspend to Disk File so it will co-exist
with a compressed hard drive volume.
The Suspend to Disk File cannot be created on a compressed volume/partition, because
the utility that creates the Suspend to Disk File creates it in a compressed format.
Under a normal DRVSPACE routine, the original “C” drive is compressed with all the
program and data files included and an “H” drive is created that contains command.com
for the boot process. The Boot partition, “H”, is about 2 MB’s, and the space for the
Suspend to Disk File needs to be about 2MB larger then the amount of system memory.
Even if enough space is allocated, the sector signatures are not written, though the
file is created, thus at boot, the file will not initialize.
So, the following must be done:
1 On an uncompressed drive, run DRVSPACE.
PSB No: PSB S-0184
Originator: DS
2 From the MENU, select CUSTOM.
3. Now choose “Create an Empty Compressed Drive”.
This will leave drive “C” intact as drive “C”, and create “H” as the compressed
volume. All the currently installed programs and data files will also be intact on
the uncompressed drive “C”.
4 A status box will appear showing remaining space on drive “C”. Move the
highlighter to the line for drive “C” and change the amount to 2mb + the amount
of your system memory. This space will be in addition to the space already
occupied by your programs and data files.
5. Create the compressed drive, which takes about 1 minute, then exit DRVSPACE
and reboot the computer to DOS.
6. At the DOS “C” prompt, change to the “PM” directory and run 0VMAKFIL
and answer YES to create Suspend to Disk File and press ENTER.

PSB S-0184
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7. You will see the message, ” Sector Signatures being written”, and percent complete.
8. When complete, you will be asked to reboot the computer for the changes to
take affect.
9. At boot you will then see the Suspend to Disk File Intialize.
NOTE: When you are running existing applications on the “C” drive, and saving data
files, either in DOS or Windows, or installing new applications, you must
designate the path to drive “H” to take advantage of the compressed drive.
If you don’t, it will default to drive “C” and the “C” partition will fill up quickly
or you will get an insufficient disk space error. Also, keep in mind
Permanent/Temporary Swap Files for Windows 386 enhanced performance
when allocating space on the boot partition or using the compressed volume.