Contain s Reader® Mobile technolog y by Adobe Syst ems Incorporated.
Due to cont inuous updates on the product, all figures in thi s manual are only for refer ence, the actual
item is the standa rd.

1. Power button
Press t his button to tur n on/off the devic e. The red indicator will light when the device is
charging, and the blue indic ator will light when the dev ice is operating.
2. Page up button
Click this b utton turn pag e up.
3. Page down button
Click this b utton to turn pa ge down.
4. Keyboa rd area
Including: Number but ton, letter s, function keys . The integrated QWER TY keyboard enables you
to take notes quick ly and easily.
≥ Index bu tton (Number)
Press a ny number button 1~9 to select and ope rate the corresponding f unction at the menus .
≥ Page jump button (Number)
Under the reading status in DOC, TX T, HTX T, HTML, pr ess the number but ton 0~9 or any comb ined
number but ton can jump to the corresponding pa ge directly.
≥ Function shor tcut key (Number)
Press “ MENU”, the function m enu will display. Pres s any number button to selec t and operate the
corresponding f unction.

≥ Play/record but ton
Open or clos e the “Recorder and Player ” interface.
≥ Zoom bu tton (Z)
Press t his button to zoom in/out the t ext or pictures.
≥ MENU button
Press t his button, function men u will display, press dir ection button or number bu tton to select
and opera te the correspon ding function.
≥ OK but ton
Press “OK” to confirm a selection.
≥ Direction bu ttons
Press t hese four buttons to turn page or select opt ion.
≥ Ret urn button
Press R eturn button t o cancel the opera tion or return to t he previous menu/screen.
≥ Ref resh button
Press t his button to re fresh screen.
5. Mini USB por t
USB connec tion port used for charg ing the device or transmit ting data with computer.
6. Earphone outlet
Plug earphone here.
7. Microp hone
For voice not es recording.
8. Pen and Pen slot
When the pen is pulled ou t or inserted int o the slot, it will start up or shut down au tomatically,
and the cor responding icon will appear t he top of the screen .
9. Speaker
10. Lock button
Lock/unlock the ke yboard.
11. microSD card slot
12. Reser ved USB Hot
13. Volume Contr ol
14. Display Screen
We strongly recommend reading all the point s below before operating t his product:
≥ Back up t he data periodica lly to another saf e media. Under no circumstan ces there is any liability
regar ding to data damage or loss.

≥ Do not pl ace the reader near devices that emi t strong magne tic fields. It may c ause data damage
or loss.
≥ Do not pl ace the reader near devices that emi t strong magne tic fields.
≥ It may c ause data damage or loss.
≥ Do not disasse mble or remodel the device.
≥ Do not le t the device drop or shock.
≥ Do not us e the device under heavy moisture or wet.
≥ Do not pr ess the device screen.
≥ Do not us e the device in a dirty or dus ty environmen t.
≥ Do not us e chemicals to clean the device screen.
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1 1<< Próximo >> 2Previo
Turn on the devic e, the main menu will dis play automatically.
To return to the main menu f rom other menus/screens pr ess “MENU” and the number “1”.

The scre en is separated in to 3 parts:
≥ Sta tus Area: Displays the menu icon, tit le, battery s tatus, microS D presence, time an d “ESC”
(equivalent to pres sing key).
≥ Read ing area: function list, file list, te xt or pictures w ill display at this ar ea.
≥ Page information ar ea: display the curr ent page number, total number of pages, “P revious” and
“Next ” page button, t urn 10 pages up or down b utton.
This opt ion shows the last 14 files recentl y visited (books an d pictures only). Pres s Up/Down butt on
to select a book and pr ess OK to confirm, or press t he number button t o open a book directl y. The
book will open on the las t-read page. If i t is the first time y ou read this book it will open on the first
Note: If one of the book s that appear in the li st is deleted in the SD card, reading record re mains in
showing t he history of files list r ecent but cannot open. To remove you from th e list the user can cle ar
the (all) rece nt file histor y or open new books file di sappear from the last 14 searche s.