Endress+Hauser RIA15 Operating Instructions Manual

Products Solutions Services
Operating Instructions
Loop-powered 4 to 20 mA process display unit with HART® communication
BA01170K/09/EN/05.15 71300896
Table of contents
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Table of contents
1 Document information .............. 4
1.1 Document function ..................... 4
1.2 Document conventions ................... 4
1.3 Registered trademarks ................... 6
2 Safety instructions .................. 7
2.1 Requirements for the personnel ............ 7
2.2 Designated use ........................ 7
2.3 Workplace safety ....................... 7
2.4 Operational safety ...................... 7
2.5 Product safety ......................... 8
3 Product description ................. 9
3.1 Function ............................. 9
3.2 Operating modes ....................... 9
3.3 Input channels ........................ 12
4 Identification ..................... 13
4.1 Nameplate ........................... 13
4.2 Scope of delivery ...................... 13
4.3 Certificates and approvals ............... 13
4.4 HART® protocol certification ............. 14
5 Installation ....................... 15
5.1 Incoming acceptance, transport, storage ..... 15
5.2 Installation conditions .................. 15
5.3 Installation instructions ................. 15
5.4 Post-installation check .................. 19
6 Wiring ............................ 21
6.1 Quick wiring guide ..................... 21
6.2 Connection in 4 to 20 mA mode ........... 22
6.3 Connection in HART mode ............... 22
6.4 Wiring with switchable backlighting ........ 27
6.5 Inserting the cable, field housing .......... 29
6.6 Shielding and grounding ................ 29
6.7 Connecting to functional grounding ........ 30
6.8 Degree of protection ................... 31
6.9 Post-connection check .................. 31
7 Operation ......................... 32
7.1 Operating functions .................... 32
8 Commissioning .................... 34
8.1 Post-installation check and switching on the
device .............................. 34
8.2 Operating matrix ...................... 34
8.3 Operating matrix in conjunction with the
Micropilot FMR20 ..................... 39
9 Troubleshooting .................. 41
9.1 Error limits as per NAMUR NE 43 ......... 41
9.2 Diagnostic messages ................... 41
9.3 Spare parts .......................... 44
9.4 Software history and overview of
compatibility ......................... 44
10 Maintenance ...................... 46
11 Return ............................ 47
12 Disposal .......................... 48
13 Accessories ....................... 49
13.1 Device-specific accessories ............... 49
13.2 Service-specific accessories ............... 50
14 Technical data .................... 51
HART® communication ............ 55
HART® protocol command classes .......... 55
HART® commands used ................. 56
15.3 Field device status ..................... 56
15.4 Supported units ....................... 57
HART® protocol connection types .......... 61
15.6 Device variables for multivariable devices .... 62
Index .................................. 63
Document information RIA15
4 Endress+Hauser
1 Document information
1.1 Document function
These Operating Instructions contain all the information that is required in various phases of the life cycle of the device: from product identification, incoming acceptance and storage, to mounting, connection, operation and commissioning through to troubleshooting, maintenance and disposal.
1.2 Document conventions
1.2.1 Safety symbols
Symbol Meaning
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation will result in serious or fatal injury.
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in serious or fatal injury.
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in minor or medium injury.
This symbol contains information on procedures and other facts which do not result in personal injury.
1.2.2 Electrical symbols
Symbol Meaning
Direct current
A terminal to which DC voltage is applied or through which direct current flows.
Alternating current
A terminal to which alternating voltage is applied or through which alternating current flows.
Direct current and alternating current
• A terminal to which alternating voltage or DC voltage is applied.
• A terminal through which alternating current or direct current flows.
Ground connection
A grounded terminal which, as far as the operator is concerned, is grounded via a grounding system.
Protective ground connection
A terminal which must be connected to ground prior to establishing any other connections.
Equipotential connection
A connection that has to be connected to the plant grounding system: This may be a potential equalization line or a star grounding system depending on national or company codes of practice.
ESD - Electrostatic discharge
Protect the terminals against electrostatic discharge. Failure to comply with this instruction can result in the destruction of parts or malffunction of the electronics.
RIA15 Document information
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1.2.3 Symbols for certain types of information
Symbol Meaning
Procedures, processes or actions that are permitted.
Procedures, processes or actions that are preferred.
Procedures, processes or actions that are forbidden.
Indicates additional information.
Reference to documentation
Reference to page
Reference to graphic
Series of steps
Result of a step
Help in the event of a problem
Visual inspection
1.2.4 Symbols in graphics
Symbol Meaning
1, 2, 3,... Item numbers
Series of steps
A, B, C, ... Views
A-A, B-B, C-C, ... Sections
Flow direction
Hazardous area
Indicates a hazardous area.
Safe area (non-hazardous area)
Indicates a non-hazardous area.
1.2.5 Tool symbols
Symbol Meaning
Flat blade screwdriver
Allen key
Open-ended wrench
Torx screwdriver
Document information RIA15
6 Endress+Hauser
1.3 Registered trademarks
Registered trademark of the HART® Communication Foundation
RIA15 Safety instructions
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2 Safety instructions
2.1 Requirements for the personnel
The personnel for installation, commissioning, diagnostics and maintenance must fulfill the following requirements:
Trained, qualified specialists must have a relevant qualification for this specific function and task
Are authorized by the plant owner/operator
Are familiar with federal/national regulations
Before beginning work, the specialist staff must have read and understood the instructions in the Operating Instructions and supplementary documentation as well as in the certificates (depending on the application)
Following instructions and basic conditions
The operating personnel must fulfill the following requirements:
Being instructed and authorized according to the requirements of the task by the facility's owner-operator
Following the instructions in these Operating Instructions
2.2 Designated use
The process display unit displays analog process variables or HART ® process variables on its screen.
The device is powered via the 4 to 20 mA current loop and does not require an additional power supply.
• The manufacturer accepts no liability for damages resulting from incorrect use or use other than that designated. It is not permitted to convert or modify the device in any way.
• Panel-mounted device The device is designed for installation in a panel and must only be operated in an installed state.
• Field device: The device is designed for installation in the field.
• The device may only be operated under the permitted ambient conditions →  52.
2.3 Workplace safety
For work on and with the device:
Wear the required personal protective equipment according to federal/national regulations.
2.4 Operational safety
Risk of injury.
Operate the device in proper technical condition and fail-safe condition only.
The operator is responsible for interference-free operation of the device.
Conversions to the device
Unauthorized modifications to the device are not permitted and can lead to unforeseeable dangers.
If, despite this, modifications are required, consult with Endress+Hauser.
Safety instructions RIA15
8 Endress+Hauser
To ensure continued operational safety and reliability,
Carry out repairs on the device only if they are expressly permitted.
Observe federal/national regulations pertaining to repair of an electrical device.
Use original spare parts and accessories from Endress+Hauser only.
Environmental requirements
If a plastic transmitter housing is permanently exposed to certain steam and air mixtures, this can damage the housing.
If you are unsure, please contact your Endress+Hauser Sales Center for clarification.
If used in an approval-related area, observe the information on the nameplate.
2.5 Product safety
This measuring device is designed in accordance with good engineering practice to meet state-of-the-art safety requirements, has been tested, and left the factory in a condition in which it is safe to operate.
It meets general safety standards and legal requirements. It also complies with the EC directives listed in the device-specific EC Declaration of Conformity. Endress+Hauser confirms this by affixing the CE mark to the device.
RIA15 Product description
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3 Product description
3.1 Function
Process display unit RIA15 is integrated in the 4 to 20 mA/HART® loop and transmits the measuring signal in digital form. The process display unit does not require an external power supply. It is powered directly from the current loop.
In connection with the radar level sensor Micropilot FMR20, the RIA15 can be used to make the basic settings for the Micropilot FMR20. As a prerequisite the RIA15 must be ordered with the respective option for the FMR20 basic setting.
The device meets the requirements of the HART® Communication Protocol Specifications and can be used with devices with HART® Revision ≥ 5.0.
3.2 Operating modes
The process display unit can be used in two different operating modes:
4 to 20 mA mode:
In this operating mode, the process display unit is incorporated into the 4 to 20 mA current loop and measures the transmitted current. The variable calculated based on the current value and range limits is displayed in digital form on the 5-digit LCD. In addition, the associated unit and a bar graph can be displayed.
HART mode:
The device functions as a display unit even when operating with a HART® sensor/actuator. In this case, the display is also powered from the current loop.
The process display unit can choose to function as a primary master or secondary master (default) in the HART® loop. When it functions as a master, the device can read process values from the measuring device and display them. HART® communication operates on the principle of master/slave. As a general rule, the sensor/actuator is a slave and only transmits information if a request has been made by the master.
A HART® loop can have a maximum of two HART® masters at any one time. A distinction is made between primary (e.g. the control system) and secondary master (e.g. handheld terminal for on-site operation of the measuring devices) for these HART® masters. The two masters in the loop/in the network cannot be masters of the same type, e.g. they cannot be two "secondary masters".
If a third HART® master is added to the network, one of the other masters must be disabled; otherwise a collision occurs in the network.
If the process display unit is operating as "secondary master" and another "secondary master", e.g. a handheld device, is added to the network, the device interrupts HART® communication as soon as it detects that there is another "secondary master". The display alternates between error message C970 "Multi master collision" and "- - -". A measured value is not displayed in this case. The device leaves the HART® loop for 30 seconds and tries to re-establish HART® communication once again. Once the additional "secondary master" is removed from the network, the device continues communication and displays the measured values of the sensor/actuator once more.
Please note that if two process display units are to be used in a multidrop connection, one device must be configured as "primary master" and the other as "secondary master" to prevent a master collision.
In HART mode, the process display unit can show up to four device variables of a multivariable measuring device. These variables are referred to as the Primary Variable (PV), Secondary Variable (SV), Tertiary Variable (TV) and Quaternary Variable (QV). These variables are placeholders for measured values that can be called up using HART® communication.
Product description RIA15
10 Endress+Hauser
For a flowmeter, such as the Promass, these four values can be as follows:
• Primary process variable (PV) →Mass flow
• Secondary process variable (SV) → Totalizer 1
• Third process variable (TV) → Density
• Fourth process variable (QV) → Temperature
The HART® section at the end of these Operating Instructions provides examples of these four device variables for multivariable measuring devices →  62.
Please refer to the Operating Instructions for each device for details on the variables that are set as default on the sensor/actuator and how they can be changed.
The process display unit can show each of these values. The individual values must be activated in the SETUP – HART1 to HART4 menu for this purpose. The individual parameters are assigned to fixed process variables in the device in this case:
For example, if the PV and TV are to be displayed on the process display unit, HART1 and HART3 must be activated.
The values can either be shown alternately on the process display unit or one value is displayed continuously and the other values are only shown by pressing '+' or '–'. The switching time can be configured in the "EXPRT" – "SYSTM" – "TOGTM" menu.
3.2.1 RIA15 as a remote display and for operation of the Micropilot FMR20
The Micropilot is a "downward-looking" measuring system, operating based on the time-of­flight method (ToF). It measures the distance from the reference point (process connection) to the product surface. Radar impulses are emitted by an antenna, reflected off the product surface and received again by the radar system.
The FMR20 can be adjusted under the "SETUP → LEVEL" menu (see operating matrix). The measured value displayed corresponds to the distance measured or, if linearization is enabled, to a percentage value.
 1 Setup parameters of the Micropilot
E Empty calibration (= zero) F Full calibration (= span) D Measured distance L Level (L = E - D) Q Flow rate at measuring weirs or channels (calculated from the level using linearization)
RIA15 Product description
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The reflected radar impulses are received by the antenna and transmitted into the electronics. A microprocessor evaluates the signal and identifies the level echo caused by the reflection of the radar impulse at the product surface. This clear signal detection system benefits from over 30 years' experience with time-of-flight procedures.
The distance D to the product surface is proportional to the time of flight t of the impulse:
D = c · t/2,
where c is the speed of light.
Based on the known empty distance E, the level L is calculated:
L = E – D
The Micropilot is adjusted by entering the empty distance E (= zero point) and the full distance F (= span).
• Current output: 4 to 20 mA
• Digital output (HART, SmartBlue): 0 to 10 m (0 to 33 ft) or 0 to 20 m (0 to 66 ft) depending on antenna version
The RIA15 can be used as a local display unit and for the basic configuration of the Micropilot FMR20 radar level sensor via HART®.
 2 Remote operation of the FMR20 via the RIA15
1 PLC 2 Transmitter power supply, e.g. RN221N (with communication resistance) 3 Connection for Commubox FXA195 and Field Communicator 375, 475 4 RIA15 loop-powered process display unit 5 Transmitter
For this, the RIA15 can either be ordered together with the FMR20 via the FMR20 product structure, or the RIA15 must be ordered separately with option 3 "4 to 20 mA current signal + HART + FMR20 basic configuration" in feature 030 "Input".
FMR20 product structure, feature 620 "Accessory enclosed":
• Option R4: "Remote display RIA15, non-hazardous"
• Option R5: "Remote display RIA15, hazardous"
RIA15 product structure, feature 030 "Input": Option 3: "4 to 20 mA current signal + HART + FMR20 basic setting"
The following parameters can then be configured at the FMR20 via the 3 operating keys on the front of the RIA15:
• Unit
• Empty and full calibration
• Mapping area if the measured distance does not match the actual distance
Further information on the operating parameters →  39
Product description RIA15
12 Endress+Hauser
3.3 Input channels
The process display unit has one analog 4 to 20 mA input. In "HART" operating mode, this channel can be used for measuring and displaying HART® values for a connected sensor/ actuator. In this case, a HART® device can be directly connected to the process display unit in a point-to-point connection or the process display unit can be incorporated in a HART® multidrop network.
The RIA15 can be used as a local display unit and for the basic configuration of the Micropilot FMR20 radar level sensor via HART®.
RIA15 Identification
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4 Identification
4.1 Nameplate
The nameplate is located on the right-hand side of the housing in the case of the field device, and on the rear of the housing in the case of the panel-mounted device.
Ta= -40...+60°C
Front IP67 Type 4X Encl. Loop powered 4...20 mA
Made in Germany 2012
D-87484 Nesselwang
1 2
Class2 circuit or SELV circuit
 3 Nameplate of the process display unit (example)
1 Order code of the device 6 Device designation 2 Serial number of the device 7 Approvals (optional) 3 Extended order code of the device 8 Input signal 4 Manufacturer's address 9 Housing degree of protection 5 Ambient temperature range
4.2 Scope of delivery
The scope of delivery of the device comprises:
• Panel-mounted device – Process display unit – Brief Operating Instructions – Ex Safety Instructions (optional) – Fastening fixtures – HART® communication resistance module (optional)
• Field device – Process display unit – Brief Operating Instructions – Ex Safety Instructions (optional) – Fastening fixtures for wall/pipe mounting (optional) – HART® communication resistance module (optional) – Weather protection cover (optional)
4.3 Certificates and approvals
An overview of all available approvals is provided in the "Technical data" section. →  54.
4.3.1 CE mark
The measuring system meets the legal requirements of the applicable EC guidelines. These are listed in the corresponding EC Declaration of Conformity together with the standards applied. Endress+Hauser confirms successful testing of the device by affixing to it the CE mark.
Identification RIA15
14 Endress+Hauser
4.3.2 EAC mark
The product meets the legal requirements of the EEU guidelines. The manufacturer confirms the successful testing of the product by affixing the EAC mark.
4.4 HART® protocol certification
The RIA15 is registered by the HART® Communication Foundation. The device fulfills the requirements of HCF Specification, Revision 7.1. This version is downwards compatible with all sensors/actuators with HART® versions ≥ 5.0.
RIA15 Installation
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5 Installation
5.1 Incoming acceptance, transport, storage
Compliance with the permitted environmental and storage conditions is mandatory. Precise specifications for this are provided in the "Technical data" .
5.1.1 Incoming acceptance
On receipt of the goods, check the following points:
• Is the packaging or the content damaged?
• Is the delivery complete? Compare the scope of delivery against the information on your order form.
5.1.2 Transport and storage
Please note the following:
• Pack the device so that is protected against impact for storage and transport. The original packaging provides optimum protection.
• The permitted storage temperature is –40 to +85 °C (–40 to +185 °F); it is possible to store the device at borderline temperatures for a limited period (48 hours maximum).
5.2 Installation conditions
At temperatures below –25 °C (–13 °F) the readability of the display can no longer be guaranteed.
5.2.1 Display unit in the panel-mount housing
Permitted ambient temperature range –40 to 60 °C (–40 to 140 °F), horizontal orientation. IP65 protection at front, IP20 at rear
See "Technical data" section .
5.2.2 Display unit in the field housing
Permitted ambient temperature range –40 to 60 °C (–40 to 140 °F). IP67 protection, NEMA 4x (aluminum housing).
See "Technical data" section .
5.3 Installation instructions
For the dimensions of the device, see "Technical data" →  53.
Installation RIA15
16 Endress+Hauser
5.3.1 Panel housing
 4 Installation instructions for the panel housing
Installation in a panel with a panel cutout 92x45 mm (3.62x1.77 in), max. panel thickness 13 mm (0.51 in).
1. Slot the device into the panel cutout from the front.
2. Fit the mounting clips on the side of the housing and tighten the threaded rods.
5.3.2 Field housing
Pipe mounting (with optional mounting kit)
The device can be mounted on a pipe with a diameter of up to 50.8 mm (2 in) with the mounting kit (optionally available).
RIA15 Installation
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 5 Mounting the process display unit on a pipe
1 Mounting plate for pipe/wall mounting 2 Weather protection cover (optional)
1. Release the 4 housing screws
2. Open the housing
3. Secure the mounting plate to the rear of the device with 4 screws supplied. The optional weather protection cover can be secured between the device and the mounting plate.
4. Guide the two gripper clamps through the mounting plate, fit them around the pipe and tighten.
Wall mounting
With optionally available mounting kit.
Installation RIA15
18 Endress+Hauser
 6 Mounting the process display unit on a wall
1. Use the mounting plate as a stencil for 2 6 mm (0.24 in) bore holes, 82 mm (3.23 in) apart, and secure the plate on the wall with 2 screws (not supplied).
2. Open the housing.
3. Secure the display unit on the mounting plate with the 4 screws supplied.
4. Close the cover and tighten the screws.
Without a mounting kit.
1. Open the housing.
2. Use the device as a stencil for 4 6 mm (0.24 in) bore holes, 99 mm (3.9 in) apart on the horizontal plane, 66 mm (2.6 in) apart on the vertical plane.
3. Secure the display unit on the wall with 4 screws.
4. Close the cover and tighten the housing screws.
Mounting the optional HART® communication resistance module
Panel housing
The HART® communication resistance module is available as an accessory, see section Accessories →  49.
RIA15 Installation
Endress+Hauser 19
 7
Mounting the optional HART® communication resistance module
1. Unplug the pluggable terminal block.
Plug terminal block into the suitable plug-in position on the HART® communication resistance module.
Plug the HART® communication resistance module into the plug-in position on the housing.
Field housing
The HART® communication resistance module is available as an accessory, see section Accessories →  49.
 8
Mounting the optional HART® communication resistance module
1. Unplug the pluggable terminal block.
Plug terminal block into the suitable plug-in position on the HART® communication resistance module.
Plug the HART® communication resistance module into the plug-in position in the housing.
5.4 Post-installation check
5.4.1 Display unit in the panel-mount housing
• Is the seal undamaged?
• Are the mounting clips securely fastened on the housing of the device?
• Are the threaded rods properly tightened?
• Is the device located in the center of the panel cutout?
Installation RIA15
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5.4.2 Display unit in the field housing
• Is the seal undamaged?
• Is the housing firmly screwed to the mounting plate?
• Is the mounting bracket firmly secured on the wall/pipe?
• Are the housing screws firmly tightened?
+ 44 hidden pages