Test Equipment
Ordering Information
Outside Plant for
Business-Critical Continuity
Single Pair Tester
3991160 F014058 Black cable pair shorting plug, gold-plated
3991161 F014059 14" black single pair tester with gold-plated
1161 F013791 14" clear, opaque single pair tester
pins on an insulated plug
pins and insulated alligator clips
with gold-plated pins and insulated
alligator clips
For R399 connectors
For R399 connectors
For most test fields
Secures into Emerson 303,
305, 355, 710 test fields
EmersonNetworkPower.com/EnergySystems (North America)
EmersonNetworkPower.eu/EnergySystems (EMEA)
© Emerson Network Power Energy Systems North America 2012.
Business-Critical Continuity™, Emerson Network Power™, the Emer son Networ k Power logo, Em erson® and Consi der it Solved ar e service ma rks and trad emarks of Eme rson
Electric Co. EnergyMaster™, eSure™, NetPerform™, NetReach™, NetSpan™, NetSur e® and NetXtend™ are trad emarks of Eme rson Netwo rk Power Energ y Systems Nor th America .
156400-TestEquip / 0712