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This manual is divided into the following chapters and appendices.
Introduction describes the main features of the RTM.
Hardware Preparation and Installation installation prerequisites and the installation itself.
Controls, LEDs, and Connectors describes external interfaces such as connectors and LEDs.
Func tional Descr iption contains a block diagram of the RTM and provides some information
on the IPMI functionality of the RTM.
Related Documentation lists further Emerson user manuals that are related to the RTM and
the ATCA-F140.
Safety Notes summarizes the safety instructions in the manual.
Sicherheitshinweise is a German translation of the Safety Notes chapter.
RTM-ATCA-F140 Installation and Use (6806800M97A)
This document uses the following abbreviations:
AMCAlarm Management Controller
ARPAddress Resolution Protocol
ATCAAdvanced Telecom Computing Architecture
BIXBase Interface Switch
CP-TACommunications Platforms Trade Association
FIXFabric Interface Switch
PICMGPCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect
RTMRear Transition Module
SPISerial Peripheral Interface
About this Manual
About this Manual
EA Version
The following table describes the conventions used throughout this manual.
0x00000000Typical notation for hexadecimal numbers (digits are
0b0000Same for binary numbers (digits are 0 and 1)
boldUsed to emphasize a word
ScreenUsed for on-screen output and code related elements
Courier + BoldUsed to characterize user input and to separate it
ReferenceUsed for references and for table and figure
File > ExitNotation for selecting a submenu
0 through F), for example used for addresses and
or commands in body text
from system output
<text>Notation for variables and keys
[text]Notation for software buttons to click on the screen
and parameter description
...Repeated item for example node 1, node 2, ..., node
..Ranges, for example: 0..4 means one of the integers
|Logical OR
Omission of information from example/command
that is not necessary at the time being
0,1,2,3, and 4 (used in registers)
RTM-ATCA-F140 Installation and Use (6806800M97A)
About this Manual
EA Version
Summary of Changes
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
may result in minor or moderate injury
Indicates a property damage message
No danger encountered. Pay attention to important
RTM-ATCA-F140 Installation and Use (6806800M97A)
This manual has been revised and replaces all prior editions.
Part NumberPublication DateDescription
6806800M97AAugust 2011First edition
About this Manual
About this Manual
EA Version
RTM-ATCA-F140 Installation and Use (6806800M97A)
EA Version
The RTM-ATCA-F140 provides the I/O connection for the ATCA-F140 switch blade towards the
back of the system. RTM-ATCA-F140 is directly connected to and powered by the front board.
The RTM-ATCA-F140 is a rear transition module (RTM) as defined in PICMG 3.0 Revision 3.0
Advanced TCA Base Specification and PICMG 3.1 Revision 1.0 Specification Ethernet/Fiber
Channel for AdvancedTCA Systems. It provides several Base and Fabric Channel Ethernet
interfaces connected to the front board through the Zone 3 connector.
The main features of the RTM-ATCA-F140 are:
Single slot RTM form factor (70mm x 322mm)
1x 40Gbit Ethernet uplink (FIX) according to IEEE 802.3ba with 1 QSFP+ type connector
4x 10Gbit Ethernet uplinks (FIX) according to IEEE 802.3ap with 4 SFP+ type connectors
Chapter 1
2x 10Gbit Ethernet uplinks (BIX) according to IEEE 802.3ap with 2 SFP+ type connectors
4x 1Gbit Ethernet interfaces (BIX) with 4 SFP type connectors
GPS 1PPS SMA input
GPS 10MHz SMA input
GPS time-of-day and optional 1PPS with RJ45 connector
Hot-plug ability
Serial EEPROM accessible by front-blade IPMC
Four status LEDs and ejector handle switch accessible by front-blade IPMC
RTM-ATCA-F140 Installation and Use (6806800M97A)
1.2Standard Compliances
EA Version
The product is designed to meet the following standards.
Table 1-1 Standard Compliances
ANSI Fire Spread CriteriaThe product is designed to pass the ANSI T1.319-2002 fire
spread test method as well as the NEBS GR-63-CORE fire spread
test method.
(Australia/New Zealand)
AT&T Document ATT-TP-76200The product is designed to comply with the latest version of the
EN 55024 (EU)The product complies with EN55024 (EU) Information
EN 60950-1This product complies with EN 60950-1 Safety of Information
EN55022 Class A (EU)The product complies with EN55022 Class A (EU), Information
ETSI Acoustic Noise ETS 300 753
Class 3.1
ETSI Stationary Use: EN 300 0192-3 Class 3.1
ETSI Storage EN 300 019-2-1
Class 1.2
ETSI Transportation: EN 300 0192-2 Class 2.3
The product complies with AS/NZS CISPR 22 Class A
(Australia/New Zealand), Limits and Methods of Measurement
of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Information Technology
Dimensions8U x 6 HP form factor - 30 mm x 351 mm x 143 mm (including face plate
handles and alignment posts)
Weight0.725 Kg
1.4Ordering Information
The following table lists the blade variants that were available as of the time of writing this
manual. Consult your local Emerson sales representative for the availability of further variants.
Table 1-3 Blade Variants - Ordering Information
Part NumberDescription
RTM-ATCA-F140RTM for the ATCA-F140 with SFP and SFP+ sockets
RTM-ATCA-F140 Installation and Use (6806800M97A)
EA Version
RTM-ATCA-F140 Installation and Use (6806800M97A)
Hardware Preparation and Installation
EA Version
Inspect the shipment and unpack the RTM.
Make sure environmental and power requirements are met.
Install the RTM.
2.2Unpacking and Inspecting the RTM
Damage of Circuits
Chapter 2
Electrostatic discharge and incorrect installation and removal of the blade can damage
circuits or shorten its life.
Before touching the blade or electronic components, make sure that you are working in
an ESD-safe environment.
The shelf should provide minimum airflow to the RTM slot according to the class B.4
requirements of the CP-TA Inter-operability document AdvancedTCA Book 1.1. This includes
the following:
2.0 cfm at 25 °C ambient temperature
2.8 cfm at 40 °C ambient temperature
4.4 cfm at 55 °C ambient temperature
Shipment Inspection
To inspect the shipment, perform the following steps:
1. Verify that you have received all items of your shipment:
Printed Quick Start Guide and Safety Notes Summary
RTM-ATCA-F140 Installation and Use (6806800M97A)
Hardware Preparation and Installation
2. Check for damage and report any damage or differences to the customer service.
EA Version
3. Remove the desiccant bag shipped together with the blade and dispose of it according to
your country’s legislation.
The RTM is thoroughly inspected before shipment. If damage has occurred or items
missing during transportation, contact our customer's service immediately.
Remove the desiccant bag shipped together with the blade and dispose of it according to
your country’s legislation.
2.3Environmental and Power Requirements
In order to meet the environmental requirements, the blade has to be tested in the system in
which it is to be installed.
Before you power up the blade, calculate the power needed according to your combination of
blade upgrades and accessories.
2.3.1Environmental Requirements
The environmental conditions must be tested and proven in the shelf configuration used. The
conditions refer to the surrounding of the blade within the user environment.
The environmental requirements of the blade may be further limited down due to
installed accessories, such as hard disks or PMC modules, with more restrictive
environmental requirements.
Operating temperatures refer to the temperature of the air circulating around the blade
and not to the actual component temperature.
RTM-ATCA-F140 Installation and Use (6806800M97A)
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