Process Flagel – CF3M (C ast version of 316L SST)
Process Connections – 3/8-inch Swagelok compression fittin g, 316L SST (1/4-18 NPT optional)
Electronics Housing – Low-copper aluminum with polyurethane paint
Mounting Bracket – Carbon steel AISI 1010 or 1020, with urethane or polyurethane paint
Change the first paragraph on the page to read as follows:
applicable part numbers.”
Table 6-2, “Rosemount 1153 Series B Spare Parts List”, in all locations the following part numbers
0-5/30 inH2O:
“01153-0320-0232” is replaced by “01153-5320-0232”
“01153-0320-0132” is replaced by “01153-5320-0132”
0-25/150 inH2O:
“01153-0320-0242” is replaced by “01153-5320-0242”
“01153-0320-0342” is replaced by “01153-5320-0342”
“01153-0320-0142” is replaced by “01153-5320-0142”
0-125/750 inH2O:
“01153-0320-0252” is replaced by “01153-5320-0252”
“01153-0320-0352” is replaced by “01153-5320-0352”
“01153-0320-0152” is replaced by “01153-5320-0152”
“01153-0320-0052” is replaced by “01153-5320-0052”
0-17/100 psi:
“01153-0320-0262” is replaced by “01153-5320-0262”
“01153-0320-0362” is replaced by “01153-5320-0362”
“01153-0320-0162” is replaced by “01153-5320-0162”
“01153-0320-0062” is replaced by “01153-5320-0062”
0-50/300 psi:
“01153-0320-0272” is replaced by “01153-5320-0272”
“01153-0320-0372” is replaced by “01153-5320-0372”
“01153-0320-0172” is replaced by “01153-5320-0172”
“01153-0320-0072” is replaced by “01153-5320-0072”
0-170/1,000 psi:
“01153-0320-0282” is replaced by “01153-5320-0282”
“01153-0320-0182” is replaced by “01153-5320-0182”
“01153-0320-0082” is replaced by “01153-5320-0082”
0-500/3,000 psi:
“01153-0320-0192” is replaced by “01153-5320-0192”
0-1,000/4,000 psi:
“01153-0320-0102” is replaced by “01153-5320-0102”
conjunction with certain Amplifier Circuit Boards.
Table 6-2, “Rosemount 1153 Series B Spare Parts List”, in all locations the following part numbers
“01154-0156-0001” is replaced by “01154-0266-0001”
Model 1153 Series B Product Manual 00809-0100-4302 Rev BA (January 2008)
Description of Change
Drain/Vent Valves – 316L SST
“Damping electronics are available as an option. Transmitters with standard electronics can be
retrofitted with the adjustable damping feature by changing out both the amplifier board and the
calibration board. Please reference Table 6-2 (Rosemount 1153 Series B Spare Parts List) for the
are updated:
Amplifier Circuit Board, Output Code R:
“01154-0001-0005” is replaced by “01154-0153-0001”
Amplifier Circuit Board with Damping, Output Code R:
“01154-0021-0004” is replaced by “01154-0156-0001”
Sensor Module, 316 SST
Table 6-2, “Rosemount 1153 Series B Spare Parts List”, the table footnotes are updated to add
note (5) which will read as follows:
(5) IMPORTANT NOTICE: To maintain a transmitter’s qualified configuration, when
purchasing or installing a new Sensor Module, Rosemount Qualification report D2011019
must be carefully reviewed to verify that the Sensor Module to be installed and the
associated Amplifier Circuit Board in a given transmitter is a qualified configuration. As
detailed in the referenced report, not all Sensor Module part numbers are considered qualified in
are updated:
Amplifier Circuit Board, Output Code R:
“01154-0153-0001” is replaced by “01154-0263-0001”
Amplifier Circuit Board with Damping, Output Code R:
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4302, Rev BA
January 2008
Rosemount 1153 Series B
Rosemount 1153 Series B
Nuclear Pressure
Read this manual before working with the product. For personal and
system safety, and for optimum product performance, make sure you
thoroughly understand the contents before installing, using, or
maintaining this product.
For equipment service needs outside the United States, contact the
nearest Rosemount representative.
Within the United States, the North American Response Center is at
your service 24 hours a day, and is a single-point contact for all
Rosemount equipment service needs. If at any time you are not sure
what to do, you have a question about using the product, or you
have a service or support request, call the center toll free at
1-800-654-RSMT (7768). This contact is your fastest link to quick
and complete answers about any Rosemount group, product, or
Alphaline, Rosemount and the Rosemount logotype are registered trademarks of Rosemount
␦-Cell is a trademark of Rosemount Inc.
Loctite is a registered trademark of Henkel KGaA Corporation.
Swagelok is a registered trademark of Swagelok Co.
Dow Corning 55 is a registered trademark of Dow Corning Corporation.
Grafoil is a trademark of Union Carbide Corp.
Lubribond is a registered trademark of E/M Corporation.
Cover Photo: 1153-001AB
Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc. satisfies all obligations coming from
legislation to harmonize product requirements in the European Union.
Reference Manual
The warranty and limitations of remedy applicable to this Rosemount equipment are as
stated on the reverse of the current Rosemount quotation and customer acknowledgment forms.
Authorization for return is required from Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc. prior to shipment. Contact
Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc. (1-952-949-5210) for details on obtaining Return Material Authorization
(RMA). Rosemount Nuclear Instruments will not accept any returned material without Returned Material
Authorization. Materials returned without authorization are subject to return to customer.
Material returned for repair, whether in or out of warranty, should be shipped prepaid to:
Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc.
8200 Market Blvd
Chanhassen, MN 55317
The Rosemount 1153 Series B Pressure Transmitter is designed for Nuclear Class IE usage, has been tested
per IEEE Std 323-1974 and IEEE Std 344-1975 as defined in the Qualification Test Report 108025, and is
manufactured to the requirements of NQA-1; 10CFR50, Appendix B quality assurance programs; and 10CFR
Part 21. During qualification testing, interfaces were defined between the transmitter and its environment that
are essential to meeting IEEE Std 323-1974 requirements. To ensure compliance with 10CFR Part 21, the
transmitter must comply with the requirements herein throughout its installation, operation, and maintenance. It
is incumbent upon the user to ensure that the Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc.’s component traceability
program is continued throughout the Qualified Life of the transmitter.
In order to maintain the qualified status of the transmitter, the essential environmental interfaces must not be
compromised. Performance of any operations on the transmitter other than those specifically authorized in this
manual has the potential for compromising an essential environmental interface. Where the manual uses the
terms requirements, mandatory, must, or required the instructions so referenced must be carefully followed.
Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc. expressly disclaims all responsibility and liability for transmitters for which
the foregoing has not been complied with by the user.
00809-0100-4302, Rev BA
Rosemount 1153 Series B
Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc. Warranty
and Limitations of Remedy
January 2008
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4302, Rev BA
January 2008
Rosemount 1153 Series B
Revision Status
Changes From June 1999 to January 2008
Page (Old)Page (New)Changes
CoverCoverDocument revision date change from May 1999 to January 2008, rev from AA to BA
Inside cover, i,
ii, 5-8 and back
3-6, 6-8 and 6-93-7, 6-9 and
ThroughoutThroughoutReferences to Fisher-Rosemount were changed to Emerson Process Management
i, back coverCover, i, iii and
-Cover, i, back
2-1, 3-1, 4-1,
5-1, 6-1
2-2, 6-72-2, 6-8Removed word ‘process’ from sentence indicating user responsibility for qualifying the connection
2-22-3Updated reference to Swagelok catalog and added web address, removed street address
2-42-5Rearranged wording on shielded cable
2-42-4Removed reference to 353C
2-6 and 2-72-8 and 2-9Added word ‘nominal’ to Notes in drawings, changed significant digits to conform to standard
5-5 and 6-85-8 and 6-9Inserted information on the spare parts kit for bolts and nuts for process flange
6-16-2Changed ISO 9001 to ISO 9001:2000
ii and back
back cover
2-1, 3-1, 4-1,
5-1, 6-1
Include errata sheet information on address and phone number
Include errata sheet information on circuit board number changes:
Replaced amplifier circuit card, output code R P/N 01154-0001-0001 with 01154-0001-0005
Replaced amplifier circuit card with damping, output code R P/N 01154-0021-0002 with
Web address changed from to
Added reference to European Union product requirement (CE)
Added table of contents to each section
The above Revision Status list summarizes the changes made. Please refer to both manuals for complete
comparison details.
OVERVIEWThis manual is designed to assist in installing, operating, and maintaining the
Rosemount 1153 Series B Pressure Transmitter. The manual is organized
into the following sections:
Section 2: Installation
Provides general, mechanical, and electrical installation considerations to
guide you through a safe and effective transmitter installation.
Section 3: Calibration
Provides transmitter calibration procedures.
Section 4: Operation
Provides descriptions of how the transmitter operates.
Section 5: Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Provides basic hardware troubleshooting considerations including sensing
module checkout, disassembly and reassembly procedures, and
post-assembly tests.
Section 6: Specifications and Reference Data
Provides nuclear, performance, functional, and physical transmitter
specifications; also includes ordering information, and a list of spare parts.
Rosemount 1153 Series B Pressure Transmitters are designed for precision
pressure measurements in nuclear applications requiring reliable
performance and safety over a specified qualified life. These transmitters
were generically tested to the IEEE Std 323-1974 and IEEE Std 344-1975 per
the Qualification Test Report 108025. The Rosemount 1153 Series B has
been qualification tested to environments typical of Boiling Water Reactors
(BWR) under accident conditions. Stringent quality control during the
manufacturing process includes traceability of pressure retaining parts,
special nuclear cleaning, and hydrostatic testing.
Rosemount 1153 Series B Transmitters are uniquely built for Class 1E nuclear
service while retaining the working concept and design parameters of the
Rosemount 1151 Series that have become a standard of reliable service.
Units are available in absolute (A), gage (G), differential (D), and high-line
differential (H) configurations, with a variety of pressure range options, as
shown in Table 6-1 on page 6-8. Figure 2-5 on page 2-9 shows dimensional
drawings for the transmitters.
OVERVIEWThis section contains information and instructions regarding the following
installation-related information:
•General Considerations
•Mechanical Considerations
Process Connections
•Electrical Considerations
•Installation Procedures
The quality and accuracy of flow, level, or pressure measurement depends
largely on the proper installation of the transmitter and its associated impulse
piping and valves. For flow measurement, proper installation of the primary
measuring element is also critical to the accuracy of the measurement.
Transmitter installation should minimize the effects of temperature gradients
and temperature fluctuations, and avoid vibration and shock during normal
operation. Take care when designing the measurement to minimize the error
caused by incorrect installation. The ambient temperature of the transmitter
environment affects the qualified life of the transmitter (see Figure 2-1).
Rosemount 1153 Series B
Qualified Life
Ambient Temperature (°F)
Time (Years)
Figure 2-1. Qualified Life vs.
Ambient Temperature.
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4302, Rev BA
January 2008
This section contains information you should consider when preparing to
mount the transmitter. Read this section carefully before proceeding to the
mechanical installation procedure.
Mount the Rosemount 1153 Series B Transmitter to a rigid support (i.e. a
support with a fundamental mechanical resonant frequency of 40 Hz or
greater). A mounting bracket included with the transmitter facilitates panel
mounting. Figure 2-4 on page 2-8 shows the qualified mounting
configurations. The transmitter was seismic qualified with the bracket
mounted with four
/16-in. diameter bolts. Orientation with respect to gravity is
not critical to qualification. However, if the transmitter is mounted with the
flanges in a horizontal position, for maximum accuracy, zero the transmitter to
cancel the liquid head effect caused by the difference in height of the process
If the transmitter is mounted to a non-rigid panel, the user must ensure that
seismic input to the mounting bracket does not exceed qualification levels
given in Rosemount Report 108025.
Process ConnectionsProcess tubing installation must prevent any added mechanical stress on the
transmitter under seismic disturbances. This may be done by using
stress-relief loops in the process tubing or by separately supporting the
process tubing close to the transmitter.
The process connections to the transmitter flanges were qualified with
tubing using Swagelok
connections, the user assumes responsibility for qualifying the interface.
Transmitters with Flange Options A, D, H, J, L, or M are shipped with
Swagelok fittings for process connections. Included are front ferrule, rear
ferrule, and nut. Ensure that the fittings are placed on the tubing with the
compression fittings. For options using 1/4–18 NPT
orientation and relative position shown in Detail A, Figure 2-5 on page 2-9.
Process tubing used is
/8-inch outside diameter, and of suitable thickness for
the pressure involved.
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4302, Rev BA
January 2008
Rosemount 1153 Series B
The Swagelok tube fittings are shipped completely assembled for immediate
use. Do not disassemble them before use; doing so may contaminate the
fittings and result in leaks. Insert the tubing into the Swagelok tube fitting,
making sure that the tubing rests firmly on the shoulder of the fitting and that
the nut is finger tight. Tighten the nut one-and-one-quarter turns past finger
tight to prepare the transmitter for use. Do not overtighten.
The connections can be loosened and re-tightened 20-30 times without
compromising the leak proof seal. To reconnect, insert the tubing with
pre-swaged ferrules into the fitting until the front ferrule sits in the fitting.
Tighten the nut by hand, then rotate one-quarter turn more or to the original
one-and-one-quarter tight position. Then snug the nut slightly with a wrench.
For more information regarding the use of Swagelok tube fittings, refer to:
Fittings Catalog MS-01-140
“Gaugable Tube Fitting and Adapter Fittings”
If the drain/vent valves must be opened to bleed process lines, torque them to
7.5 ft-lb (10 N-m) when closing.
Proper location of the transmitter with respect to the process tubing depends
on various process parameters. When determining the best location, consider
the following:
•Keep hot or corrosive fluids from contacting the transmitter.
•Prevent sediment from depositing in the impulse tubing.
•Ambient temperature gradients and fluctuations can result in erroneous
transmitter readings.
•Keep impulse tubing as short as possible.
•For differential transmitters, balance the liquid head on both legs of the
impulse tubing.
•For liquid flow or pressure measurements, make taps on the side of the
line to avoid sediment deposits, and mount the transmitter beside or
below the taps so gases vent into the process line (see Figure 2-6 on
page 2-11).
•For gas flow or pressure measurements, make taps on the top or side
of the line and mount the transmitter beside or above the taps so liquid
drains into the process line (see Figure 2-6 on page 2-11).
•For steam flow or pressure measurements, make taps on the side of
the line, and mount the transmitter below the taps so the impulse tubing
stays filled with condensate (See Figure 2-6 on page 2-11).
•For steam service, fill the lines with water to prevent steam from
contacting the transmitter. Condensate chambers are not necessary
since the volumetric displacement of the transmitter
is negligible.
Rosemount 1153 Series B
The piping between the process and the transmitter must transfer the
pressure measured at the process taps to the transmitter. Possible sources of
error in this pressure transfer are:
•Friction loss (particularly if purging is used)
•Trapped gas in a liquid line or trapped liquid in a gas line (head error)
•Temperature-induced density variation between legs (head error), for
differential transmitters
To minimize the possibility of errors, take the following precautions:
•Make impulse tubing as short as possible.
•Slope tubing at least one inch per foot up toward the process
connections for liquid and steam.
•Slope tubing at least one inch per foot down toward the process
connections for gas.
•Avoid high points in liquid lines and low points in gas lines.
•Use impulse tubing of sufficient diameter to avoid friction effects.
•Ensure that all gas is vented from liquid tubing legs.
•Ensure that impulse tubing is of adequate strength to be compatible
with anticipated pressures.
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4302, Rev BA
January 2008
For differential transmitters, also consider the following:
•Keep both impulse legs at the same temperature.
•When using sealing fluid, fill both piping legs to the same level.
•When purging, make the purge connection close to the process taps
and purge through equal lengths of the same size tubing. Avoid purging
through the transmitter.
ConduitThe conduit connection to the transmitter is
available on the transmitter for convenient installation. Close off the unused
hub with a stainless steel
thread sealant. Use a qualified conduit seal at the conduit entry to prevent
moisture from accumulating in the terminal side of the housing during
accident conditions. To prevent the conduit from adding mechanical stress to
the transmitter during seismic disturbances, use flexible conduit or support
the conduit near the transmitter. Install the conduit seal in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions or use the procedure on page 2-10.
This section contains information that you should consider when preparing to
make electrical connections to the transmitter. Read this section carefully
before proceeding to the electrical installation procedures.
/2–14 NPT pipe plug and seal all threads with a pipe
/2–14 NPT. Two hubs are
Reference Manual
Terminal Side
(Cover Removed)
Power Supply
00809-0100-4302, Rev BA
January 2008
Rosemount 1153 Series B
The Rosemount 1153 Series B Pressure Transmitter provides a 4–20 mA
signal when connected to a suitable dc power source. Figure 2-2 on page 2-5
shows a typical signal loop consisting of transmitter, power supply, and
various receivers (controller, indicator, computer, etc.). The power supply
must supply at least 12 volts to the transmitter terminals at 30 mA (overscale)
signal, or the maximum output current required for proper system operation.
Any power supply ripple appears in the output load. The supply voltage
versus load limitation relationship is shown in Figure 2-3 on page 2-6. See
qualification report 108025 for details. The load is the sum of the resistance of
the signal leads and the load resistance of the receivers.
Signal wiring need not be shielded, but twisted pairs yield the best results. In
electrically noisy environments, shielded cable should be used for best
results. Do not run signal wiring in conduit or open trays with power wiring, or
near heavy electrical equipment. Signal wiring may be ungrounded (floating)
or grounded at any place in the signal loop. The transmitter case may be
grounded or ungrounded.
The capacitance-sensing element uses alternating current to generate a
capacitance signal. This alternating current is developed in an oscillator circuit
with a frequency of 32,000 ±10,000 Hz. This 32,000 Hz signal is capacitor
coupled to transmitter case ground through the sensing element. Because of
this coupling, a voltage may be imposed across the load, depending on
choice of grounding.
Figure 2-2. Transmitter Wiring
The impressed voltage, which is seen as high frequency noise, has no effect
on most instruments. Computers with short sampling times in a circuit where
the negative transmitter terminal is grounded will detect a significant noise
signal. Filter this noise with a large capacitor (1 µf) or by using a 32,000 Hz LC
filter across the load. Signal loops grounded at any other point are negligibly
affected by this noise and do not need filtering.
Rosemount 1153 Series B
4—20 mA DC
Power Supply (V DC)
Load Resistance (Ω)
4—20 mA DC
Power Supply (V DC)
Load Resistance (Ω)
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4302, Rev BA
January 2008
Figure 2-3. Transmitter Load
Output Code P
Output Code R
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4302, Rev BA
January 2008
Rosemount 1153 Series B
Installation consists of mounting the transmitter and conduit and making
electrical connections. Procedures follow for each operation.
Be careful not to break the neck seal between the sensor module and the
electronics housing.
The threaded interface between the sensor module and the electronics
housing is hermetically sealed before shipment. The integrity of this seal is
necessary for the safe operation of the transmitter during accident conditions.
If the seal is broken, reseal it according to “Connecting the Electrical Housing
to the Sensor Module” on page 5-6.
1.Mount the bracket to a panel or other flat surface as shown in
Figure 2-4. Use four
ASTM A-193 Class 2 Grade B8 bolts were used during qualification
testing. Torque each bolt to 16.5 ft-lb (22.4 N-m).
2.Attach the transmitter to the mounting bracket, as shown in
Figure 2-4. Use four
unit). Torque each bolt to 21 ft-lb (29 N-m).
/16 - 18 in. diameter bolts (not supplied with unit).
/16-20 ⫻ 3/4 bolts with washers (supplied with
Rosemount 1153 Series B
10 Max
8.5 (216)
Acceptable Alternate Mounting
Panel Mounting Hole Pattern
(Back Side)
Mounting Bracket for Panel Mount Shown in
Typical Mounting Configuration
2.62 (66.5)
Bolts (4)
Center of Gravity - Includes Bracket
Center of Gravity is Centered in Lateral Direction
All dimensions are nominal in inches (millimeters).
1. Orientation with respect to gravity is not critical.
2. Units can alternately be mounted with process
connection adjacent to bracket.