RLS Series
IDC Terminal Block
Key Features
• No special tools required for ease
of installation
• Silicone grease-filled connectors
provide moisture resistance and
longer life termination
• Pair-at-a-time IDC termination
allows fast, easy jumpering with no
wire stripping
• Half-tap capability permits
multiple appearances of jumper
• Variety of harness lengths and
connectors for ease of use and
consistency with telco standards
Outside Plant for
Business-Critical Continuity
The RLS Series blocks consist of compact, IDC (insulation displacement connection) wire
connectors, which provide fast, easy connection of 22 to 26 gauge ( .4 to .6 mm) wire.
Each connector is silicone-grease filled with tin-plated terminals, providing maximum
environmental protection for terminated pairs.
The RLS Series includes blocks for 2 to 50-pairs. Pair-at-a-time wire termination is accomplished by lifting the RLS activator, inserting a pair of unstripped wires into the appropriate
slots on the activator, and pressing firmly down on the activator.
The 2 and 5-pair blocks are internally wired, with RLS input and output. The 10, 25, and
50-pair blocks are potted on the rear side of the block, and are available in a variety of harness lengths, with or without connectors.
The RLS family of blocks is a flexible terminal block that can be employed in a wide variety
of cross-connect or building entrance applications. These blocks are ideal for outdoor use.
• Available installed in cross-connect
and building entrance terminals to
fit a variety of applications
• Designed to meet Telcordia 1195
specifications to ensure reliable
• Certified to EIA/TIA 568-A
Category 5
RLS50 Wires Inserted into RLS Activator
OSPDS-060700 / 1109

RLS Series IDC Terminal Block
Catalog Number H W D
RLS2X2 1.06-in. (2.69 cm) 2.66-in. (6.76 cm) 1.50-in. (3.81 cm)
RLS5X5 1.06-in. (2.69 cm) 5.50-in. (13.97 cm) 1.50-in. (3.81 cm)
RLS10 1.06-in. (2.69 cm) 5.50-in. (13.97 cm) 1.50-in. (3.81 cm)
RLS25 5.38-in. (13.67 cm) 2.88-in. (7.32 cm) 1.50-in. (3.81 cm)
Ordering Information
Catalog Number Part Number Pair Count Input Description
RLS2X2* F016996 2 RLS IDC Internally wired unit
RLS5X5* F016998 5 RLS IDC Internally wired unit
RLS10 F016997 10 26 AWG harness Equipped with 5.5-ft. (1.68 m) harness
RLS25 F017812 25 26 AWG harness Equipped with 2.5-ft. (0.76 m) harness
RLS254 F001095 25 26 AWG harness Equipped with 4-ft. (1.21 m) harness & 3M
RLS25DPM F017814 25 MS2 Equipped with 6-ft. (1.82 m) harness & 3M
RLS255DPM F005313 25 MS2 Equipped with 5-ft. (1.52 m) harness & 3M
RLS25CF F005315 25 710 Equipped with 6-ft. (1.82 m) harness & 710 connector
RLS50 F016950 50 26 AWG harness Equipped with 7-ft. (2.13 m) harness
RLS50DPM F016945 50 MS2 Equipped with 6-ft. (1.82 m) harness & 3M
RLS507FT3M4005 F003043 50 MS2 Equipped with 7-ft. (2.13 m) harness & 3M
RLS507FT3M4000 F003044 50 MS2 Equipped with 7-ft. (2.13 m) harness & 3M
RLS50CBM6 F016941 50 MS2 Equipped with 6-ft. (1.82 m) harness & 3M
RLS50PVC20 F300300 50 26 AWG stub Equipped with 20-ft. (6.09 m) PVC-sheathed cable stub
RLS50 5.68-in. (13.67 cm) 5.06-in. (12.85 cm) 1.50-in. (3.81 cm)
4005-DPM connector
4005-DPM connector
4005-DPM connector
4005-DPM connectors
4005-DPM connectors
4000-D connectors
4005-CBM connectors
* With the exception of the RLS2X2 and RLS5X5, when used in cross-connect applications, the input termination style listed refers to the feeder side
termination. The output termination style would, of course, be reserved for the distribution side.
NOTE: For other harness lengths and/or connector types, please contact your Emerson customer service representative.
Catalog Number Part Number Description
RLSACTGRAY10 F567272 Gray replacement activators, 10/pkg.
P71082 F571082 Red RLS activators, 5/pkg.
RLSTEST1 F019128 1-pair tester with 5-ft. leads & ring terminals for RLS and 3M
RLSTEST1PKT F019127 1-pair pocket tester w/ring terminals for RLS and 3M
TS50RLS1S F019139 50-pair stackable test shoe for RLS50 w/carrying case
P53828 F553828 Red special service caps, 30/pkg.
P60209 F560209 Half-tap activator, 80/pkg.
NOTE: For testing equipment, tools, labels, and other accessories, please see the Accessories section of this catalog.
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OSPDS-060700 / 1109