RB Series Wire Splicing Connectors
RB wire splicing connectors are available dry or grease filled. They provide 100% electrical crimp splices equivalent to soldered connections on various sizes of solid wire
having plastic, pulp, and single-wrapped paper insulation. RB series connectors are
used to quickly splice various sizes of insulated, solid copper conductor wires.
RBD Series
RB Wire Splicing Connectors
Simply insert a stripped or unstripped wire end (see tables on back for sizes) into the
connector and crimp the brass connector shell. The tin-plated phosphor bronze insert
contains sharp internal tangs to penetrate wire insulation and create a positive electrical connection.
of Wires Wire Size
4 24 AWG (insulated wires)
4 22 AWG (insulated wires)
3 20 AWG (insulated wires)
3 18 AWG (insulated wires)
3 16 AWG (stripped wires)
Note: Influenced by thickness of insulation.
Ordering Information
RBD100PKG F1001092 RB wire splicing connectors, package of 100, white
RBD1000PKG F1001093 RB wire splicing connectors, package of 1000, white
RBGD1000PKG F1001094 RB wire splicing connectors, pkg. of 1000, grease filled, blue
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