R66C and R66E Series
Unprotected and Protected
Outside Plant for
Business-Critical Continuity
Key Features
n Common clip configuration
allows for termination of up to
three extensions for each
network cable pair
n Compact size requires
minimum mounting space
n Notched fanning strips for ease
of wire tracing, identification,
and good housekeeping
n Choice of protected
or non-protected
configuration for flexible
deployment applications
n Optional rugged aluminum
housings for indoor use
provide long life; low
maintenance costs
n UL Listed to meet or
exceed documented
performance levels
Designed to provide excellent transient protection on
residential and commercial telecommunication lines.
R66 series quick-clip blocks are designed to easily terminate solid insulated copper wire for distribution to
multiple extensions. Terminate unstripped solid 20to 26-gauge (.4 to .8 mm) conductors using an
industry standard 714-type punch-down tool
(Emerson R714B). Integral fanning strips are molded
on each side of the base, notched every five rows to
simplify pair identification.
R66C 6-pair blocks are configured as 4 x 12, with all
four clips in each row being common. Network cable
is terminated on column A. Up to three pairs can be terminated on columns B through
D for distribution. Row connections follow the tip/ring alternating sequence. Available
in protected or unprotected configuration.
The R66C312VSR incorporates two 6-pair protected blocks housed in a rugged aluminum housing for added security. These blocks are protected with gas arresters.
The R66EB112 is configured as 2 x 24 clips. For 6-pair applications, the network cable is
terminated on column A and customer premise cable is terminated on column D. Close
the circuit by installing bridging clips over or jumper wires between columns B and C.
R66E B112R66CB16
R66C series blocks are used in equipment rooms or satellite closets with common
communications component features. The R66C1 and R66C3 series provide station
termination and protection in 6-pair increments. These blocks fill the need for an R66
block smaller than 25-pairs.
Non-connectorized R66E series blocks can be used in equipment rooms or satellites as
a straight 12-pair in/out block or 6-pair block for cross-connect applications.
R6 6C312VSR
1OSPDS-072500 / 0512

R66C and R66E Series
Catlog Number Height Width Depth
R66CB16 4.25-in. (10.80 cm) 2.00-in. (5.08 cm) 1.25-in. (3.18 cm)
R66C312VSR 7.75" (19.68 cm) 11.25" (28.57 cm) 3.0-in. (7.62 cm)
R66EB112 4.25-in. (10.80 cm) 2.00-in. (5.08 cm) 1.24-in. (3.15 cm)
Ordering Information
R66CB16 F015140 6-pair CB block with 4 common clips, 25 per package,
R66EB112 F015150 6- or 12-pair E series with 2 common clips, 25 per package,
R66C16VSR F015109 6-pair block (meets RDUP [formerly RUS] requirements),
R66C16JZ F000145 6-pair block (meets Telcordia requirements), no housing,
R66C312VSR F015131 12-pair station protector with housing, 1304VSR2/gas arrester,
R714B F008640 Terminating tool, use with all enclosures
Note 1: For brackets, covers, bridging clips, etc. see the Accessories section of this catalog.
Number Description
ship weight 14 lb (6.5 kg) (Figure A)
ship weight 8 lb (4 kg) (Figure B)
no housing, 04VSR2/gas arrester (Figure C)
1305VSB/gas arrester (Figure C)
two 6-pair blocks
6 or 12
Clip Configuration
Figure A - R66CB16
Figure B - R66EB112
Figure C - R66C16VSR and R66C16JZ
R66CB16 and R66EB112 Dimensions
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OSPDS-072500 / 0512