Emerson R66 Blocks Brochures and Data Sheets

R66 Block Accessories Covers and Clips
Plastic Hinged Covers
Plastic hinged covers (R66MHC__) are made for the R66 M series quick-clip termi­nal blocks, but may also be used on any quick-clip block with a 3.39 inch width (R66MOD, RJ21MOD, R700, or R66M connectorized series). They are available in 10-inch lengths. Color-coding identifies block function at a glance. The standard colors are orange and gray.
The cover attaches along the fanning strip, securely anchoring it to the block. The cover has a flexible hinge that won't wear out, tear or separate. It also features an erasable write­on surface for making pair identification simple and easy using either a pen or a pencil.
Hinged Covers
Ordering Information
Outside Plant for
Business-Critical Continuity
Bridging Clips
Insulator Clips
Catalog No. Part No. Description
R66MHCO F015376 Hinged cover for M series blocks, orange plastic, 10" length R66MHCG F015377 Hinged cover for M series blocks, gray plastic, 10" length
Note: All covers are UL Listed.
RA1 Series Bridging Clips
RA1 series stainless steel bridging clips connect adjacent quick-clips on R66 blocks, provid­ing access points for isolating and testing incoming pairs from outgoing pairs. Available in 2, 3 or 4-position configurations, they are reusable and can be easily removed for wiring.
Ordering Information
Catalog No. Part No. Description Pkg. Qty.
RA1 F005170 2-terminal bridging clip 100
Insulator Clips
Insulator clips mechanically protect wire terminations on R66 blocks. They are available in 2, 3 or 6-terminal clip configurations. Terminal clip insulators are manufactured from red PVC material. Insulator clips mechanically protect wire terminations on R66 blocks.
Ordering Information
Catalog No. Part No. Description Pkg. Qty.
P11798 F511798 6-terminal clip insulator, red 25 P11799 F511799 3-terminal clip insulator, red 25 P11800 F511800 2-terminal clip insulator, red 25
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