Emerson One-Pair Testers Brochures and Data Sheets

One-Pair Testers for Cross-Connect Terminals
Outside Plant for
Business-Critical Continuity
Key Features
n Identical to original tester for
easy replacement
n Pocket tester contains ring
terminals to allow easy connection to handset; is quicker and easier than attaching handset to talk block at disk on door
One-Pair BT Pocket Tester
Our one-pair testers allow electrical access to an individual pair in a 25-pair BT, 50-pair CQF, or RLS blocks used in any of the interface termi­nals manufactured by Emerson. The testers with leads can replace those in the cross-connect terminal, and the pocket tester is convenient for craftspeople to carry.
One-Pair CQF Pocket Tester
RLS Block One-Pair Tester
Ordering Information
Catalog Number
P22368 F522368 One-pair tester with 5' leads for BT 25-pair block P62632 F562632 One-pair pocket tester for BT 25-pair block P33392 F533392 One-pair tester with 5' leads for CQF 50-pair block P62633 F562633 One-pair pocket tester for CQF 50-pair block RLSTEST1 F019128 One-pair tester with 5' leads for RLS block and 3M RLSTEST1PKT F019127 One-pair pocket tester for RLS block and 3M
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Business-Critical Continuity™, Emerson Network Power™, the Emer son Networ k Power logo, Em erson® and Consi der it Solved ar e service ma rks and trad emarks of Eme rson
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Part Number
156000-Tester / 0712