One-Pair Outdoor Distribution Point Units
Outside Plant for
Business-Critical Continuity
Key Features
n Covers have a stainless bead chain
affixed to the mounting brackets to
prevent cover loss during servicing
n Brass terminals are corrosion-
resistant for long life
Outdoor distribution point units feature either aluminum or plastic bases, brass
terminals, and drawn aluminum or plastic covers. The mounting brackets are
made of formed aluminum.
Aluminum covers have a stainless bead chain affixed to the mounting brackets
to prevent cover loss during servicing.
1-pair outdoor distribution point units are used for open wire circuits and long
drop wire runs. The 5500 series are for use on 1-pair open wire, RDW (Rural
Drop Wire), or figure 8 service drop applications.
Single-Pair Distribution Point
Single-Pair Distribution Point
Single-Pair Distribution Wire
Ordering Information
5502 F005310 Pole or cross-arm mounted single-pair distribution point. Aluminum and ceramic base with aluminum cover.
5533 F005320 Pole or cross-arm mounted single-pair distribution point. Resin-filled plastic base and 2 brass binding posts with
5591 F005965 For use on figure 8; single-pair distribution wire for service drop applications. Phenolic base clamps (North America) (EMEA)
© Emerson Network Power Energy Systems North America 2012.
Business-Critical Continuity™, Emerson Network Power™, the Emer son Networ k Power logo, Em erson® and Consi der it Solved ar e service ma rks and trad emarks of Eme rson
Electric Co. EnergyMaster™, eSure™, NetPerform™, NetReach™, NetSpan™, NetSur e® and NetXtend™ are trad emarks of Eme rson Netwo rk Power Energ y Systems Nor th America .
Cover is held captive by a chain. Two brass binding posts, nuts, and washers.
nuts, and washers. Weather-tight neoprene cover.
154300-DistPoints / 0712