Emerson NXr, Liebert NXr User Manual

Liebert NXLiebert NXr
Modular NXr UPS 30kVA ~ 200kVA (parallelable to 800kVA)
User Manual
Version V1.2 ENPAu Revision date 2011 0401 (ENPAu 2011 1108) BOM 31012244
Emerson Network Power provides customers with technical support. Users may contact the nearest Emerson local sales office or service center.
Copyright © 2010 by Emerson Network Power Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved. The contents in this document are subject to change without notice.
Emerson Network Power Co., Ltd.
Address: No.1 Kefa Rd., Science & Industry Park, Nanshan District 518057, Shenzhen China
Homepage: www.emersonnetworkpower.com.cn
E-mail: support@emersonnetwork.com.cn
Safety Precaution
This manual covers the installation and use of Emerson NXr UPS.
Please read this manual before installation.
The NXr UPS must be commissioned and maintained by the engineers designated by the manufacturer or its agent. Failure to observe this could result in personnel safety risk, equipment malfunction and invalidation of warranty.
The NXr UPS is only used for commercial or industrial purpose and cannot be used as life support equipment.
This is a C2 type UPS product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio frequency interference, in which case, the user may be required to take additional measures.
Conformity and standards
This product complies with CE 2006/95/EC (low voltage safety) and 2004/108/EC (EMC), EMC standards of Australia and New Zealand (C-Tick), and the following UPS product standards: * IEC62040-1-1-General and safety requirements for use in operator access area * IEC/EN62040-2 EMC requirements CLASS C2 * IEC62040-3 Performance requirements and test methods For more details, refer toChapter 8 Product Specifications. Continued compliance requires installation in accordance with these instructions and the use of manufacturer approved accessories only.
Warning: high earth leakage current
Earth connection is critical before connecting the input supply (including both mains supply and battery). Earth leakage current exceeds 3.5mA and is less than 1000 mA. Transient and steady state earth leakage currents, which may occur when the equipment is started, should be taken into account in the selection of instantaneous residual current circuit breakers (RCCBs or residual current detector (RCD devices. Note also that the earth leakage currents of the load will be carried by the RCCBs or RCDs. The equipment must be earthed in accordance with the local electrical authority codes of practices.
Warning: backfeeding protection
This UPS is fitted with a voltage-free contact closure signal for use with an external automatic disconnect device (supplied by others), to protect against backfeeding voltage into the incoming termninal through the static bypass circuit. If this signal is not used by the installer, a label must be added at the external incoming bypass supply disconnect device to warn service personnel that the circuit is connected to a UPS. The text has the following meaning or is equivalent to: Isolate the UPS before working on this circuit.
User serviceable components
All the equipment maintenance and servicing procedures involving internal access need special tools and should be carried out only by trained personnel. The components that can only be accessed by opening the protective cover with tools cannot be maintained by the user. This UPS fully complies with the general and safety requirements for use in operator access area. Dangerous voltages are present within the UPS and battery enclosure but out of reach of non-service personnel. Contact of these voltages is minimized, because live parts are housed behind protective covers that require a tool for their removal. No risk exists if you operate the equipment in the normal manner, following the recommended operating procedures in this manual.
Battery voltage higher than 400Vdc
All the battery physical maintenance and servicing procedures need special tools or keys and should be carried out only by trained personnel. Take special care when working with the batteries associated with this UPS. When the batteries are connected together, the battery terminal voltage exceeds 400vdc and is potentially leathal. Battery manufacturers supply details of the necessary precautions to be observed in working on, or in the vicinity of, a large bank of battery cells. These precautions should be followed implicitly at all times. Particular attention should be paid to the recommendations concerning local environmental conditions and the provision of protective clothing, first aid and fire-fighting facilities.
Chapter 1 Installation Of single UPS cubicle ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Brief Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Initial Check .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Location Selection ................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.1 UPS Room ................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3.2 External Battery Room............................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.3 Storage ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Positioning ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4.1 System Cabinet ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.2 Moving Cabinet .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.3 Clearance .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4.4 Front Access .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4.5 Final Positioning And Fixing ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.6 Cable Entry ................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.5 External protective device ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5.1 Rectifier And Bypass Input ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.5.2 External Battery Circuit Breaker ................................................................................................................ 6
1.5.3 UPS Output ............................................................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Power Cables ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.6.1 Maximum Steady State AC And DC Currents Maximum steady state AC and DC currents ................... 6
1.6.2 Distance From Floor To Connection Point On The Equipment .................................................................. 7
1.6.3 Cable Connection ...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.7 Control Cables And Communication ................................................................................................................... 12
1.7.1 Input Dry Contact Port: Battery Environment (ventilation), Ground fault, Temperature ........................... 12
1.7.2 Battery Circuit-Breaker (BCB) Port .......................................................................................................... 13
1.7.3 Maintenance Switch And Output Switch State Port ................................................................................. 13
1.7.4 Backfeed protection Output Dry Contact Port .......................................................................................... 14
1.7.5 Remote Emergency Power Off (REPO) Input Port .................................................................................. 14
1.7.6 Relay and Network Interface Card ports, Service ports, .......................................................................... 15
Chapter 2 Battery .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
2.1 Brief Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 16
2.2 Safety .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
2.3 Battery Power Cable ........................................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 18
2.3.2 Battery Installation ................................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.3 Battery Connection .................................................................................................................................. 18
2.4 Battery Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................... 19
2.5 Battery Recycling ................................................................................................................................................ 20
2.6 Connection Of External Battery Circuit-Breaker (BCB ........................................................................................ 20
Chapter 3 Installation Of Multiple UPS cubicles ................................................................................................................ 22
3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
3.2 1 + N Parallel System ......................................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 Cabinet Installation .................................................................................................................................. 23
3.2.2 External protective device ........................................................................................................................ 24
3.2.3 Power Cable ............................................................................................................................................ 24
3.2.4 Auxiliary Control Wiring ........................................................................................................................... 25
3.2.5 Parallel Control Cables ............................................................................................................................ 25
3.3 Dual Bus System ................................................................................................................................................ 26
3.3.1 Cabinet Installation .................................................................................................................................. 26
3.3.2 External protective device ........................................................................................................................ 26
3.3.3 Power Cable ............................................................................................................................................ 26
3.3.4 Control Cable ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Chapter 4 System Description........................................................................................................................................... 28
4.1 Brief Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 28
4.1.1 Operating Theory ..................................................................................................................................... 28
4.1.2 Static (bypass) Transfer Switch ............................................................................................................... 28
4.2 1 + N Parallel System ......................................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.1 Parallel System Features ......................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.2 Requirements For Paralleling Of UPS Modules ....................................................................................... 29
4.3 Operation Mode .................................................................................................................................................. 29
4.3.1 Normal Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 30
4.3.2 Battery Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 30
4.3.3 Automatic Restart Mode .......................................................................................................................... 30
4.3.4 Bypass Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 30
4.3.5 Maintenance Mode (Manual Bypass) ...................................................................................................... 30
4.3.6 Parallel Redundancy Mode (System Expansion) ..................................................................................... 30
4.4 Battery Management (Set During Commissioning) ............................................................................................. 30
4.4.1 Normal Function ...................................................................................................................................... 30
4.4.2 Advanced Function .................................................................................................................................. 31
4.5 Battery Protection (Set By Commissioning Engineer) ......................................................................................... 31
Chapter 5 Operator Control And Display Panel ................................................................................................................. 32
5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.1.1 Indicators ................................................................................................................................................. 32
5.1.2 Audible Alarm (Buzzer) ............................................................................................................................ 33
5.1.3 Control Keys ............................................................................................................................................ 33
5.1.4 LCD And Menu Keys ............................................................................................................................... 33
5.2 LCD Screen Type ............................................................................................................................................... 34
5.2.1 Start Screen ............................................................................................................................................. 34
5.2.2 Primary Screen ........................................................................................................................................ 34
5.2.3 Default Screen ......................................................................................................................................... 35
5.3 Selecting Language ............................................................................................................................................ 35
5.4 Changing The Current Date And Time ................................................................................................................ 35
5.5 Control Password ................................................................................................................................................ 35
5.6 Detailed Description Of Menu Items ................................................................................................................... 35
5.7 Prompt Window ................................................................................................................................................... 37
5.8 Alarm List ............................................................................................................................................................ 38
Chapter 6 Operating Instructions ...................................................................................................................................... 41
6.1 Power Switches .................................................................................................................................................. 41
6.2 UPS Startup Procedures ..................................................................................................................................... 42
6.2.1 Procedures For Startup Into Normal Mode .............................................................................................. 43
6.2.2 Procedures For Startup In Battery Mode (Startup Without A.C. Input Supply) ........................................ 43
6.3 Procedures For Transfer Between Operation Modes .......................................................................................... 44
6.3.1 Transfer From Normal Mode To Battery Mode ........................................................................................ 44
6.3.2 Transfer From Normal Mode To Bypass Mode ........................................................................................ 44
6.3.3 Transfer From Bypass Mode To Normal Mode ........................................................................................ 44
6.3.4 Transfer From Normal Mode To Maintenance Mode ............................................................................... 44
6.4 Procedures For Completely Powering Down The UPS ....................................................................................... 45
6.5 Procedures For Completely Powering Down The UPS While Maintaining he Power Supply To The Load ........ 45
6.6 Isolation Procedures (Of One UPS In A Parallel System) ................................................................................... 45
6.7 Insertion Procedures (Of One UPS In A Parallel System) .................................................................................. 46
6.8 Emergency Power Off (EPO) Procedures ........................................................................................................... 46
6.9 Automatic Restart ............................................................................................................................................... 46
6.10 UPS Reset Procedures ..................................................................................................................................... 47
Chapter 7 Service ............................................................................................................................................................. 48
7.1 Service Procedures Of Power Module And Bypass Module ............................................................................... 48
7.1.1 Notes ....................................................................................................................................................... 48
7.1.2 Service Procedures Of Power Module ..................................................................................................... 48
7.1.3 Service Procedures Of Bypass Module ................................................................................................... 48
7.2 Replacement Procedures Of Air Filter ................................................................................................................ 49
Chapter 8 Product Specification.. ...................................................................................................................................... 51
8.1 Conformity And Standards .................................................................................................................................. 51
8.2 Environmental Characteristics ............................................................................................................................ 51
8.3 Mechanical Characteristics ................................................................................................................................. 51
8.4 Electrical Characteristics (Input Rectifier) ........................................................................................................... 52
8.5 Electrical Characteristics (Intermediate DC Circuit) ............................................................................................ 52
8.6 Electrical Characteristics (Inverter Output) ......................................................................................................... 53
8.7 Electrical Characteristics (Bypass Input) ............................................................................................................. 53
8.8 Efficiency, Heat Losses And Air Exchange ......................................................................................................... 54
Appendix 1 Option List ...................................................................................................................................................... 55
Appendix 2 List Of Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................... 56
Chapter 1 Installation Of UPS Module 1
NXr UPS Module And Parallel System 30kVA ~ 200kVA User Manual
Chapter 1 Installation Of single UPS cubicle
This chapter introduces the installation of Emerson NXr 30kVA ~ 200kVA UPS (hereinafter referred to as UPS) module, including the initial check, location selection, positioning, external protective device and cable connection.
1.1 Brief Introduction
This chapter briefs the relevant requirements that must be considered in the location selection and cabling of the UPS and relevant equipment.
Because each site has its particular characteristics, this chapter does not provide detailed installation steps, it only acts as a guide for the general procedures and practices that should be observed by the installing engineer, so that they can properly handle the specific situation of the site.
Warning: professional installation required
1. Do not apply electrical power to the UPS without permission of the commissioning engineer.
2. The UPS should be installed by a qualified engineer in accordance with the information contained in this manual. All the equipment not referred to in this manual is shipped with details of its own mechanical and electrical installation information.
Note: 3-phase 5-wire input power required
The standard UPS can be connected to TN, TT and IT AC distribution systems (IEC60364-3) of 3-phase 5-wire (A, B, C, N, PE).
Warning: battery hazards
1. Take special care when working with the batteries associated with the UPS. When the battery is connected, the battery terminal voltage exceeds 400Vdc and is potentially lethal.
2. Wear eye protection to prevent injury from accidental electrical arcs.
3. Remove rings, watches and all metal objects.
4. Use tools with insulated handles only.
5. Wear rubber gloves.
6. If a battery leaks electrolyte, or is otherwise physically damaged, it must be replaced, stored in a container resistant to sulfuric acid and disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
7. If electrolyte comes into contact with the skin, the affected area should be washed immediately with water.
1.2 Initial Check
Check the following items prior to UPS installation:
1. Visually examine if there is any damage inside and outside the UPS and battery due to transportation. Report any such damage to the shipper immediately.
2. Verify the UPS label and confirm the correctness of the UPS. The UPS label is attached on the back of the door. The UPS model, capacity and main parameters are marked on the label.
2 Chapter 1 Installation Of UPS Module
NXr UPS Module And Parallel System 30kVA ~ 200kVA User Manual
1.3 Location Selection
1.3.1 UPS Room
The UPS is designed for indoor installation. It should be installed in a clean environment with adequate ventilation to keep the environmental parameters within the specified operating range (see Table 8-2). For example, the UPS should not be installed in an environment outside the specified operating range, like in thruway tunnels or outdoor places without air-conditioning.
The UPS uses forced cooling by internal fans. Cooling air enters the UPS through the ventilation grills at the front of the cabinet and exhausted through the ventilation grills in the rear of the cabinet. Do not obstruct the ventilation holes.
If necessary, install a system of extractor fans to aid cooling-air flow to avoid room temperature buildup. An air filter should be used when the UPS is to operate in a dirty environment.
The UPS should be installed on a cement surface or other surface that is not combustible.
1.3.2 External Battery Room
Batteries generate some amount of hydrogen and oxygen at the end of charge, so the fresh air volume of the battery installation environment must meet the EN50272-2001 requirements.
The ambient temperature of the battery must be stable. Ambient temperature is a major factor in determining the battery capacity and life. The nominal operating temperature of the battery is 20°C. Operation above this temperature will reduce the battery life, and operation below this temperature will reduce the battery capacity. If the average operating temperature of the battery rises from 20ºC to 30ºC, the service life of the battery will be reduced by 50%. If the operating temperature of the battery is above 40ºC, the battery service life will be decreased in exponent rate. In a normal installation, the battery temperature is maintained between 15°C and 25°C. Keep batteries away from heat sources and ventilation holes.
If external battery is used, a battery protective device (for example, fuse or circuit breaker) shall be installed. The battery protective device shall be installed as close to the battery as possible, and the cabling distance between the battery protective device and the battery shall be minimized.
1.3.3 Storage
Should the UPS not be installed immediately, it must be stored in a room for protection against excessive humidity and heat sources (see Table 8-2). The battery needs to be stored in a dry and cool place with good ventilation. The most suitable storage temperature ranges from 20ºC to 25ºC.
During storage, periodically charge the battery according to the battery manufacturer instructions. In the charge process, temporarily connect the UPS to the mains and activate the battery for the time required for recharging the battery.
Chapter 1 Installation Of UPS Module 3
NXr UPS Module And Parallel System 30kVA ~ 200kVA User Manual
1.4 Positioning
To prolong the service life, the place chosen should offer:
convenient wiring
space for easy operation on UPS
sufficient air exchange to dispel heat produced by UPS
protection against atmospheric agents
protection against excessive humidity and heat sources
protection against dust
compliance with fire prevention requirements
operating environment temperature between 20°C and 25°C (the typical temperature range for max. battery life)
The UPS is of steel frame structure wrapped by removable panels. The top and side panels are fixed by screws.
Opening the UPS door reveals the power terminals, auxiliary terminal block and power switch. The UPS has an operator control and display panel located on its front door, which provides the basic operating status and alarm information. The UPS provides air inlet in the front and air outlet at the back.
1.4.1 System Cabinet
Depending on the design requirement of each UPS system, a UPS system may include certain equipment cabinets, such as UPS cabinet, external battery cabinet, external bypass cabinet, and so on. All the cabinets should be installed side by side to achieve an aesthetic effect.
1.4.2 Moving Cabinet
1. The lifting equipment for moving the UPS cabinet shall have enough lifting capacity. For the UPS weight, refer to Table 8-3.
2. Ensure that adequate personnel and lifting aids are available when removing the shipping pallet.
Take special care when moving the battery cabinet fitted with batteries, in which case, the moving distance shall be minimized.
The UPS can be moved by means of a fork lift or similar equipment.
1.4.3 Clearance
As the UPS has no ventilation grills at either side, no clearances are required for either side.
To enable routine tightening of the power terminations within the UPS, it is recommended that clearance around the front of the equipment should be sufficient to enable free passage of personnel with the door fully open. Meanwhile, maintain, for full 200kVA applications a rear clearance of at least 350mm to permit adequate circulation of air coming out of the UPS, and advisably more than 500mm to facilitate maintenance.
1.4.4 Front Access
The component layout of the UPS supports front access and top access for servicing, diagnosing and repairing the UPS, thus reducing the space requirement for side and rear access.
1.4.5 Final Positioning And Fixing
Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 provide the UPS installation dimensions. After final positioning, fix the UPS directly on the installation surface through the anchor holes on the UPS base. If the UPS is mounted on raised floor, a suitable pedestal should be designed, which should be able to bear the UPS weight. When designing the pedestal, refer to the bottom view in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2.
4 Chapter 1 Installation Of UPS Module
NXr UPS Module And Parallel System 30kVA ~ 200kVA User Manual
A amplified view
Anchor hole
Front view
Side view
Top view
Bottom view
Figure 1-1 30kVA
160kVA UPS installation dimensions (unit: mm)
Chapter 1 Installation Of UPS Module 5
NXr UPS Module And Parallel System 30kVA ~ 200kVA User Manual
Front view
Side view
Top view
Anchor hole
Bottom view
A amplified view
Figure 1-2 200kVA UPS installation dimensions (unit: mm)
1.4.6 Cable Entry
The UPS uses top cable entry and bottom cable entry.
1.5 External protective device
External circuit breakers or other protective devices must be fitted at the input AC supply of the UPS. This section provides a general guide for qualified installation engineers. The installation engineers should have the knowledge of the local wiring regulations on the equipment to be installed.
6 Chapter 1 Installation Of UPS Module
NXr UPS Module And Parallel System 30kVA ~ 200kVA User Manual
1.5.1 Rectifier And Bypass Input
Over currents
Install suitable protective devices in the distribution of the incoming mains supply, considering the power cable current-carrying capacity and overload capacity of the system (see Table 8-6). Generally, magnetic circuit breaker with IEC60947-2 tripping curve C (normal) at 125% of the current listed in Table 1-1 is recommended.
Split bypass: In case a split bypass is used, separate protective devices should be installed for the rectifier input and bypass input in the incoming mains distribution panel.
1. The rectifier input and bypass input must use the same neutral line.
2. For IT power systems, four-pole protective devices must be used upstream of the input distribution panel and output distribution panel, external to the UPS.
Earth leakage
The residual earth current introduced by the radio frequency interference (RFI) suppression filter inside the UPS is greater than 3.5mA and less than 1000mA. It is recommended that the sensitivity of all differential devices be verified upstream of the input distribution panel.
1.5.2 External Battery Circuit Breaker
The UPS and its associated battery are protected against the effect of overcurrents through a DC circuit breaker provided by the external battery cabinet.
The rated voltage of the external battery overcurrent protective device is more than 500Vdc, and its DC breaking current is more than 8kA.
1.5.3 UPS Output
The UPS output distribution shall be configured with a protective device. The protective device shall be different from the input distribution protection switch and able to provide overload protection (refer to Table 8-6).
1.6 Power Cables
The cable design must comply with the instructions provided in this section, follow local wiring practices, take the environmental conditions into consideration, and refer to IEC60950-1 Table 3B.
1.6.1 Maximum Steady State AC And DC Currents Maximum steady state AC and DC currents
UPS rating (kVA)
Rated current (A) Busbar stud size
Input mains
(at full
load with battery
Output current
at full
current at
Main input,
output, bypass
input cables
Battery cables
380V 400V 415V 380V 400V 415V Bolt
To rq u e
Bolt Torque (N.m)
200 330 316 302 303 290 278 630
150, 160 280 265 255 225 215 205 525
120 224 212 204 180 172 164 420
168 159 153 135 129 123 315
60 112 106 102 90 86 82 210
40 75 71 68 60 57 55 140
30 56 53 51 45 43 41 105 M6 4.8
30-B 56 53 51 45 43 41 105 M6 4.8
1. Input mains current for common rectifier and bypass AC input.
Chapter 1 Installation Of UPS Module 7
NXr UPS Module And Parallel System 30kVA ~ 200kVA User Manual
2. Non-linear loads (switch mode power supplies) affect the design of the output and bypass neutral cables. The current circulating in the neutral cable may exceed that of the nominal phase current by up to 70%.
3. Values shown for 30 x 6-cell 12V blocks per battery string. Each string may contain from 30 to 40 x 6-cell 12V blocks. Inverse proportional values apply with more blocks per battery string. E.g. The max discharge current from a 40 x 6-cell 12V battery applied to a 30kVA NXr is 105A x (30/40) = 78A
1. Protective earth cable: Follow the most direct route possible to connect the earth cable to the cabinet. The earth cable shall be sized in accordance with the AC supply fault rating, cable lengths and type of protection. E.g. typical cross sectional area (CSA) is 70mm
(150kVA) according to AS/IEC60950-1 Table 2D.
2. When sizing the battery cables, a maximum volt drop of 4Vdc is permissible at the current ratings given in Table 1-1. The load equipment is generally connected to a distribution board containing individually protected busbars rather than connected directly to the UPS output. The output cables from paralleled units to the parallel distribution bus should be of the same length to optimise the sharing of current. Do not form coils, so as to minimize the formation of electromagnetic interference.
3. For terminal location, refer to Figure 1-4 ~ Figure 1-6.
Failure to follow adequate earthing procedures may result in electromagnetic interference or in hazards involving electric shock and fire.
1.6.2 Distance From Floor To Connection Point On The Equipment
Table 1-1 Distance from floor to connection point on the equipmen
UPS connection point Minimum distance (mm)
30kVA (NXr 30K-B) 30kVA (NXr 30K) ~ 160kVA 200kVA
Rectifier AC input supply 780 284 284
Bypass AC input supply 685 284 284
UPS AC output 530 369 251
Battery power 375 369 320
Auxiliary cable: to monitoring board (U2) 1104 1104 1304
1.6.3 Cable Connection
The operations described in this section must be performed by authorised personnel. If you have any questions, please contact the local customer service center of Emerson immediately.
1. Before cable connection, ensure that you are aware of the location and state of the breaker that connects the UPS input to the mains distribution panel. Check that this breaker is off, and post any necessary warning sign to prevent inadvertent operation of the breaker.
2. The power cables should be routed through cable tunnel or metallic cable trough to avoid being damaged under mechanical stress and reduce electromagnetic interference to the environment.
Once the equipment has been finally positioned and secured, refer to Figure 1-3 to connect the power cables as described in the following procedures:
8 Chapter 1 Installation Of UPS Module
NXr UPS Module And Parallel System 30kVA ~ 200kVA User Manual
1 2
12 34
1 2
3 4
To user safety earth
Power cable
Bypass module
External EPO
12V EXT_Q3
Battery input
1 2
1 2
UPS output
Main input
Bypass input
Figure 1-3 UPS electrical connection
1. Verify that the UPS equipment is isolated from its external power source and all the UPS power isolators are open. Check that these supplies are electrically isolated and post any necessary warning signs to prevent their inadvertent operation.
2. Open the UPS door and remove the protective cover at the lower part in the front to gain access to the power terminals, as shown in Figure 1-4 to Figure 1-6.
Chapter 1 Installation Of UPS Module 9
NXr UPS Module And Parallel System 30kVA ~ 200kVA User Manual
Figure 1-4 30kVA (NXr 30K-B) UPS power terminals
10 Chapter 1 Installation Of UPS Module
NXr UPS Module And Parallel System 30kVA ~ 200kVA User Manual
bA bB bC
oB oC
1. Main input: mA, mB, mC, mN
2. Bypass input: bA, bB, bC, mN
3. UPS output: oA, oB, oC, oN
4. Battery input: BAT+, BAT-, BAT N
5. Earth: PE
Figure 1-5 30kVA (NXr 30K) ~ 160kVA UPS power terminals
oN bA
1. Main input: mA, mB, mC, mN
2. Bypass input: bA, bB, bC, mN
3. UPS output: oA, oB, oC, oN
4. Battery input: + , - , N
5. Earth: PE
Figure 1-6 200kVA UPS power terminals
Chapter 1 Installation Of UPS Module 11
NXr UPS Module And Parallel System 30kVA ~ 200kVA User Manual
3. Connect the protective earth cable and all other necessary earth cables to the earth terminals (PE).
The earth cables and neutral line connection must be in accordance with local and national codes of practice.
4. Identify and make power connections for the input cables according to one of the following two procedures, depending on the type of installation.
Common input connections
1) In common bypass and rectifier input configuration, for 30kVA ~ 160kVA UPS, connect the AC input cables to the main input terminals (mA-mB-mC-mN); for 200kVA UPS, connect the AC input cables to the bypass input terminals (bA-bB-bC-mN). Refer to Table 1-1 for the torque. Ensure correct phase rotation.
Split bypass connections
2) If a split bypass configuration is used, connect the main input cables to the main input terminals (mA-mB-mC-mN), and connect the bypass input cables to the bypass input terminals (bA-bB-bC-mN). Refer to Table 1-1 for the torque. Ensure correct phase rotation.
For split bypass operation, ensure that the linking busbars between the bypass input and maiin input are removed. The main input and bypass input must be referenced to the same neutral point.
System output connection
5. Connect the system output cables between the UPS output terminals (oA-oB-oC-oN) and the critical load. Refer to Table 1-1 for the torque. Ensure correct phase rotation.
If the load equipment will not be ready to accept power on the arrival of the commissioning engineer then ensure that the system output cables are safetly isolated at their ends.
Warning: hazardous battery terminal voltage 400Vdc
1. Ensure correct polarity of batter string end connections to the UPS terminals, that is, (+) to (+), (–) to (–) and (N) to (N). But do not make these connections before authorized by the commissioning engineer.
2. Ensure correct polarity of battery string end connections to the battery circuit breaker (BCB) and from the BCB to the UPS terminals, that is, (+) to (+) and (–) to (–), but disconnect one or more battery cell links in each tier. Do not reconnect these links and do not close the BCB before authorized by the commissioning engineer.
6. For frequency converter applications ensure the bypass links are removed.
7. Replace the protective cover.
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