This is a brief document designed to quickly get you started setting up your valve manifold with an integrated
Numatics’ G2-2 Series A-B 1771 Remote I/O communication node. Please note that this document is not
intended to replace the G2-2 Series A-B 1771 Remote I/O Technical Manual, which includes more detailed
technical information. The full technical manual can be found on the Numatics website at
1) Initial Unpacking and Inspection
1) Examine exterior of package for signs of damage. Report any damage to shipping carrier.
2) Remove wrapped manifold assembly from box.
a) Remove manifold assembly from anti-static packaging
b) Retain documentation for installation and configuration
3) Examine manifold assembly for any shipping damage such as:
a) Bent pins or connectors
b) Report any damage to shipping carrier immediately
Below is an example of a 2012 series valve manifold. This fieldbus manifold series is capable of addressing a
total of 128 I/O (up to 1 full rack size). The manifold can be viewed as having two sections to it, the
and the
I/O Side
connectors: a 5-pin communication connector and a 4-pin power connector. Pin-outs for these, along with
I/O connectors, and are labeled on the side of the respective modules.
supports a maximum of 6 modules totaling 110 I/O. The communication module has two
or may be ordered by calling 248-887-4111.
Discrete I/O Side
Discrete I/O
I/O Point
LED Status
. The
Valve Side
Discrete I/O Side
(Maximum of 6 Modules)
supports a maximum of 32 solenoid coils and the
Valve Side
Chassis Ground
End Plates
Status LED's
(Maximum of 32 Solenoids)
Dual 25 Pin Sub-D
w/Aux Power
Output Module
Page 1
19 Pin Round
Connector Module
8 Connector I/O Module
Terminal Strip Module
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Subject to change without notice
1771 RIO
Module (Node)
Manual Configuration
Module (MCM)
Valve Side
Sub-D Output
Solenoid LED
Status Indicator
G2-2 Series A-B 1771 Remote I/O
3) MCM - Manual Configuration Module
Rotary Switch
Rotary Switch
All DIP switches shown in the "OFF" position
The MCM is the module that allows the user to manually set baud rate, rack address and other user definable
options. The MCM consists of two DIP switch sets (SW1 and SW2) and two rotary switches (SW3 and SW4).
Off Off On 24 Coils
Off On Off 16 Coils
Off On On 8 Coils
On Off Off 0 Coils
Any Other Setting 32 Coils
Valve Coil
Rack Address (Decimal):
Switch Description
SW3 Sets the Ones Digits
SW4 Sets the Tens Digits
* Factory Default Settings
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Subject to change without notice
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G2-2 Series A-B 1771 Remote I/O
4) Self-Test Mode
An internal diagnostic tool can also be enabled using the optional MCM module. This tool allows the user to
confirm that all of the Inputs and Outputs on the manifold are fully functional without needing a network
connection or controller. There are two test modes that the user can choose using SW2-8. The “Output” test
mode tests all the outputs by sequentially turning them ON one at a time. The “Input/Output” test mode
tests the inputs by causing all of the outputs to toggle between even and odd values when any input is made.
To use the Self-Test Mode, the user must first set some initial conditions using the MCM module. Follow
these steps to obtain the needed initial condition settings. Remember to remove power from the manifold
before making changes to the MCM when setting these initial conditions.
1) Disconnect power and air from the manifold!
2) Record current MCM settings.
3) Set the rotary switches to 99 (SW3 and SW4).
4) Make sure that SW1-5, SW2-1, and SW2-7 are in the “ON” position.
5) Select the desired test mode with SW2-8 (see table below)
6) Make sure that all of the other switches are in the “OFF” position.
The initial conditions are now set. To enable the Self-Test Mode, apply power to the manifold and make the
following changes within 5 to 10 seconds:
Self-Test Mode is terminated by removing power to the unit. Remember to return the MCM settings to their
original settings to return the communication node to normal operation.
Quick Start Manual
Output Off Sequentially turns all the outputs ON and OFF.
Causes all of the odd outputs to come on and stay on until an
1) Set SW2-6 to the “ON” position.
2) Set SW2-7 to the “OFF” position.
input is made. When an input is made, the outputs will toggle to
the even outputs.
Air should be disconnected to the manifold when attempting to run the
Self-Test Mode to prevent unwanted motion.
Communication lines should be disconnected before attempting to run the
Self-Test Mode.