Emerson Grounding Equipment Brochures and Data Sheets

Ground Bracket Kits
Outside Plant for
Business-Critical Continuity
Ground Bracket Kit
4-Position Ground Bar Kit
Ground Bracket Kit
Stud-Mount Extension Bracket
Channel-Mount Extension Bracket
Ground Bracket Kit
Ordering Information
Catalog Number
GBRBD2 F605113 Ground bracket kit UPCBD2 GBRREA* F605112 Ground bracket kit UPCBD3, 4, and 5 closures, RUS accepted P36790** F536790 Ground bracket kit UPCBD7 PROGENGNDKIT F1007704 4-position ground bar kit ProFORM pedestals GBREXT F605114 Stud-mount extension bracket.
GRDEXTKIT F605115 Channel-mount extension bracket.
* Replaces GBRUPCBD. Install with existing mounting hardware. Additional mounting hardware, Catalog Number P39869, may be ordered separately. ** P36790 bracket is used for field rehab when changing from existing series bonding/grounding to shield isolation style.
Part Number
Install below isolation bracket.
Install above insolation bracket.
All pedestal closures that use standard shield isolation brackets except for UPCBD2
All pedestal closures that use standard shield isolation brackets except for UPCBD2
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