FTA200 Alarm Panels
Firetrol® FTA200 alarm panels are designed to meet
the NFPA 20 specifi cations requiring a remote alarm panel
when the pump house or pump room is not constantly
attended. The alarm panel must be installed in a location
that is under supervision at all times.
Approvals — Firetrol alarm panels are listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with UL508, Standard
for Industrial Controls, certifi ed by CSA, Standard for
Industrial Control Equipment (cUL), and approved by
Factory Mutual. They are designed to meet or exceed the
requirements of the approving authorities listed above as
well as NFPA 20, Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps.
Enclosures — The standard enclosures are NEMA Type
2 (IEC IP11), drip-proof for indoor wall mounting. The
standard enclosure color is red.
Standard Features — The following are included as standard as shown with each alarm panel type:
Type A — Designed for use with electric motor driven fi re
pump controllers, they provide indication for the following conditions:
• Supervisory Voltage Normal (Audible & Visible)
• Pump Operating (Audible & Visible)
• Pump Phase Failure (Audible & Visible)
• Pump Phase Reversal (Audible & Visible)
Type F — Designed for use with diesel engine driven fi re
pump controllers, they provide indication for the following conditions:
• Supervisory Voltage Normal (Visible Only)
• Engine Trouble (Audible & Visible)
• Engine Running (Audible & Visible)
• Main Switch Mis-Set (Audible & Visible)
FTA200 alarm panels make use of printed circuit boards
which provide reliable and trouble free service.
Mounted on the enclosure door are the pilot lights
for visible alarm indication, the audible device for audible
alarm indication, the SILENCE ALARM push-button and
the PUSH-TO-TEST push-button.
Each pilot light will illuminate to indicate its alarm
condition and will remain lighted until the abnormal condition has been corrected. The audible alarm will sound
when the alarm conditions occur and will continue to
sound until the abnormal condition has been corrected
or the SILENCE ALARM push-button has been pressed.
Pressing the SILENCE ALARM push-button will silence the
audible alarm but will not extinguish the pilot light. If another alarm condition occurs, the audible alarm will again
sound until silenced by the SILENCE ALARM push-button
or until the abnormal condition has been corrected.
The PUSH-TO-TEST push-button is supplied for
manually testing the pilot lights, audible alarm and output
Options and Modifications — Refer to the Product
Description sheet for a complete listing of Options and
Modifi cations.
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