Emerson FTA1100-J Brochures and Data Sheets

Diesel Engine Fire Pump Controllers
Firetrol designed 4-stage battery charger.
Compatible with mechanical and electronic engine types.
Firetrol® combined automatic and manual Mark IIXG based diesel engine fi re pump controllers are intended for starting and monitoring fi re pump diesel engines. The controller monitors, displays and records fi re pump system informa- tion. Diesel engine fi re pump controllers are available in 12 or 24 volts, work with lead acid or Nickel-Cadmium batteries and are designed to operate seamlessly with either mechanical or electronic engine types.
Battery Chargers
The controllers are supplied with two fully au­tomatic, 200 amp hour, 4 step battery chargers. The chargers feature Switching Technology and 10Adc Pulse-Width Modulated Output Current. The 4 step charging cycle is as follows: Step 1 - Qualifi cation Stage During this stage, the battery charger
checks the batteries to insure they can accept a fast charge. It also checks for missing or defective batteries. If a missing or defective battery is de-
tected, a fault will be given. Step 2 - Fast Charge Stage Charges the batteries until they reach
peak voltage. Step 3 - Bulk Charge Stage Charges the batteries at a constant
potential of peak voltage until current
reaches 500mA. Step 4 - Float Charge Stage Trickle charges the batteries to main-
tain peak potential.
Operator Interface
The fi re pump controllers feature an opera- tor interface with user keypad. The interface monitors and displays motor operating condi­tions, including all alarms, events, and pressure conditions. All alarms, events, and pressure conditions are displayed with a time and date stamp. The display is a 128x64 Backlit LCD ca­pable of customized graphics and Cyrillic type character display. The display and interface are NEMA rated for Type 2, 3R, 4, 4X, and 12 pro­tection and is fully accessible without opening the controller door. The user interface utilizes multiple levels of password protection for sys­tem security. A minimum of 3 password levels are provided.
Firetrol fi re pump controllers are listed by Un- derwriters’ Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with UL218, Standard for Fire Pump Controllers, CSA, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment, and approved by Factory Mutual. They are built to meet or exceed the requirements of the ap­proving authorities as well as NEMA and
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