Electric Fire Pump Controllers

Side-by-side disconnect/
circuit breaker provides
single handle sequencing
Combined automatic and manual fire pump
controllers for starting electric motor driven fire
Firetrol® combined automatic and manual fi re
pump controllers are intended for starting electric motor driven fi re pumps and are available
in the following confi gurations:
FTA1000 – Full Voltage Starting
FTA1250 – Part Winding Reduced Current
Starting (Closed Circuit Transition)
FTA1300 – Wye-Delta Reduced Voltage Start-
ing (Open Circuit Transition)
FTA1350 – Wye-Delta Reduced Voltage Start-
ing (Closed Circuit Transition)
FTA1500 – Primary Resistance Reduced Volt-
age Starting (Closed Circuit Transition)
FTA1800 – Autotransformer Reduced Voltage
Starting (Closed Circuit Transition)
FTA1930 – Digital Solid State Reduced Voltage
Starting (Closed Circuit Transition)
These Controllers are available assembled
with power transfer switches for use with an
emergency generator set or second power
Operator Interface
The fi re pump controllers feature an opera-
tor interface with user keypad. The interface
monitors and displays motor operating conditions, including all alarms, events, and pressure
conditions. All alarms, events, and pressure
conditions are displayed with a time and date
stamp. The display is a 128x64 Backlit LCD capable of customized graphics and cryllic type
character display. The display and interface are
NEMA rated for Type 2, 3R, 4, 4X, and 12 protection and is fully accessible without opening
the controller door. The user interface utilizes
multiple levels of password protection for system security. A minimum of 3 password levels
are provided.
Firetrol fi re pump controllers are listed by Un-
derwriters’ Laboratories, Inc., in accordance
with UL218, Standard for Fire Pump Controllers,
CSA, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment,
and approved by Factory Mutual. They are built
to meet or exceed the requirements of the approving authorities as well as NEMA and