Emerson Fisher Large ED, Fisher Large EWT, Fisher Large ET, Fisher Large EWD Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
Large ET and ED Valves
Fisher™ Large ET/EWT and ED/EWD Valves NPS 12 through 30
July 2017
Introduction 1.................................
Scope of Manual 1.............................
Description 2.................................
Specifications 2...............................
Installation 4..................................
Maintenance 5.................................
Packing Lubrication 6..........................
Packing Maintenance 7.........................
Replacing Packing 7........................
Trim Maintenance 9...........................
Disassembly 9.............................
Valve Plug Maintenance 12..................
Seat Ring Maintenance 15...................
Bore Seal Retrofit 18.......................
Assembly 19..............................
Parts Ordering 20...............................
Parts Kits 20...................................
Parts List 22...................................
Figure 1. Fisher NPS 12 Valve with Piston Actuator and FIELDVUE™ DVC6200 Digital Valve Controller
Scope of Manual
This instruction manual includes installation, maintenance, and parts information for NPS 12 through 30 Fisher ET/EWT and ED/EWD valves, through CL600 ratings.
Refer to separate manuals for instructions covering the actuator and accessories.
Do not install, operate, or maintain ET/EWT or ED/EWD valves without being fully trained and qualified in valve, actuator, and accessory installation, operation, and maintenance. To avoid personal injury or property damage, it is
important to carefully read, understand, and follow all the contents of this manual, including all safety cautions and warnings. If you have any questions about these instructions, contact your Emerson sales office
Partner before proceeding.
or Local Business
Large ET and ED Valves
July 2017
Instruction Manual
Educational Services
For information on available courses for Fisher Large ET/EWT and ED/EWD valves, as well as a variety of other products, contact:
Emerson Automation Solutions Educational Services - Registration Phone: 1-641-754-3771 or 1-800-338-8158 E-mail: education@emerson.com emerson.com/fishervalvetraining
Fisher NPS 12 through 30 CL150 through CL600 ET/EWT and ED/EWD series control valves are used for either throttling or on/off control of a wide variety of liquids and gasses.
ET/EWT series valves utilize a hanging cage and a seat ring that is threaded into the cage. These valves have two spring loaded seal rings, one between the cage and plug and another between the seat ring and valve body, which provide up to a Class V standard shutoff. They are used for low to medium temperature applications between -46_C (-50_F) and 232_C (450_F). This temperature range can be extended to 316_C (600_F) for nonoxidizing service and to 260_C (500_F) for oxidizing service by using the High Temperature (HTS1) seal.
The temperature range of the ET/EWT series can be extended to cryogenic temperatures as low as -198_ (-325_F) with the ET-C and EWT-C specialized versions of these valves. The specialized valves feature unique trim, seals, and a longer extension bonnet to tolerate the extreme cold.
ED/EWD series valves utilize a hanging cage and a seat ring that is bolted into the body. These valves have two graphite piston rings between the cage and plug, which provide up to a Class IV standard shutoff. They are used for high temperature applications between 316_C (600_F) and 593_C (1100_F). Shutoff can be improved to Class V by using the Bore seal.
A range of severe service trims are available for noise abatement or cavitation control. Noise abatement trims help with aerodynamic noise attenuation in gas services and feature a Whisper Trim III or WhisperFlo cage. Cavitation control trims help prevent the damaging effects of liquid cavitation and include either a Cavitrol III cage (for services without entrained particulate) or Dirty Service Trim (DST) set (for services with entrained particulate).
Typical specifications for these valves are shown in table 1.
Instruction Manual
Table 1. Specifications
Large ET and ED Valves
July 2017
Valve Sizes
ED, ET, and ET-C: J NPS 12, J 14, J 16, J 18, J 20, and J 30
: J NPS 16x12, J 20x16,
J 24x16, and J 24x20
End Connection Styles
Flow Characteristics
Standard Cages:J Linear or J Equal percentage Whisper Trim III and WhisperFlo Cages: Linear Cavitrol III Cages: Linear
For other characteristics, contact your Emerson sales office or Local Business Partner for details.
Flanged: CL150, 300, and 600 raised-face or ring-type joint flanges per ASME B16.5. NPS 30 valve size has series A or B flanges, per ASME B16.47 Buttwelding: All ASME B16.25 schedules through schedule 120 that are compatible with the ASME B16.34
Flow Direction
Standard Cages: Down Whisper Trim III and WhisperFlo Cages: Up Cavitrol III Cages: Down
valve body rating For other end connections, contact your Emerson sales
office or Local Business Partner for details.
Maximum Inlet Pressure
Flanged: Consistent with CL150, 300, and 600 pressure-temperature ratings per ASME B16.34 Buttwelding: Consistent with CL600
Yoke Boss and Stem Diameters
J 127 mm (5H-inch) diameter yoke boss, with 31.8 mm (1.25 inch) diameter valve stem for all valves except NPS 30 J 179 mm (7‐inch) diameter yoke boss, with
50.8 mm (2 inch) diameter valve stem for NPS 30 valve
pressure-temperature ratings per ASME B16.34
Shutoff Classifications per ANSI/FCI 70‐2 and IEC 60534‐4
ET, ET-C, EWT, and EWT-C:
Bonnet Style
ED, EWD, ET, and EWT: Style 1 extension ET-C and EWT-C: Style 3 extension
Standard: Class V Optional (for all cages except Cavitrol III): Class IV
ED and EWD:
Approximate Weights
Standard: Class IV Optional: Class V
1. Do not exceed the pressure or temperature limits in this manual, on the equipment nameplate, and any applicable code limitations.
2. Size designations are “end connection size” x “nominal trim size”.
See table 2
Large ET and ED Valves
July 2017
Table 2. Approximate Weights
1. Contact your Emerson sales office or Local Business Partner for these weights.
2. Dependent on valve travel, refer to product bulletin 51.1:ET/ED (Large) (D103554X012
CL150-300 Flanged 950 2100 1090 2400 982 2170 1122 2470
CL150-300 Flanged 1130 2500 1230 2700 1162 2570 1262 2770
CL150-300 Flanged 1320 2900 1450 3200 1352 2970 1482 3270
CL150-300 Flanged 1720 3800 2040 4500 1752 3870 2072 4570
CL150-300 Flanged 2310 5100 2500 5500 2342 5170 2532 5570
CL150-300 Flanged 2500 5500 2680 5900 2532 5570 2712 5970
CL150-300 Flanged 3360 7400 3810 8400 3392 7470 3842 8470
CL150-300 Flanged 4122 9088 4526 9978
CL150-300 Flanged 5507 12140 5856 12910
CL150-300 Flanged 7390 16300 8350 18400 7535 16620 18545 18720
Flanged 1270 2800 1410 3100 1302 2870 1442 3170
Buttwelding 1130 2500 1270 2800 1162 2570 1302 2870
Flanged 1410 3100 1590 3500 1442 3170 1622 3570
Buttwelding 1180 2600 1360 3000 1212 2670 1392 3070
Flanged 1680 3700 1810 4000 1712 3770 1842 4070
Buttwelding 1410 3100 1540 3400 1442 3170 1572 3470
Flanged 2310 5100 2590 5700 2342 5170 2622 5770
Buttwelding 2090 4600 2360 5200 2122 4670 2392 5270
Flanged 2900 6400 3130 6900 2932 6470 3162 6970
Buttwelding 2540 5600 2770 6100 2572 5670 2802 6170
Flanged 3180 7000 3360 7400 3212 7070 3392 7470
Buttwelding 2770 6100 2990 6600 2802 6170 3022 6670
Flanged 4260 9400 4810 10600 4292 9470 4842 10670
Buttwelding 3770 8300 4220 9300 3802 8370 4252 9370
Flanged 4736 10442 5112 11269
Buttwelding 4583 10104 4808 10600
Flanged 6796 14982 7172 15811
Buttwelding 6327 13949 6549 14437
Short Neck
Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb Kg Lb
(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
Long Neck
) for addition details.
Short Neck
(1) (1) (1) (1)
(1) (1) (1) (1)
(1) (1) (1) (1)
(1) (1) (1) (1)
(1) (1) (1) (1)
(1) (1) (1) (1)
Instruction Manual
Long Neck
Always wear protective gloves, clothing, and eyewear when performing any installation operations to avoid personal injury.
Personal injury or equipment damage caused by the sudden release of pressure may result if the valve assembly is installed where service conditions could exceed the limits given in table 1 or on the appropriate nameplates. To avoid such injury or damage, provide a relief valve for over-pressure protection as required by government or accepted industry codes and good engineering practices.
Check with your process or safety engineer for any additional measures that must be taken to protect against process media.
If installing into an existing application, also refer to the WARNING at the beginning of the Maintenance section in this instruction manual.
Instruction Manual
Large ET and ED Valves
July 2017
When ordered, the valve configuration and construction materials were selected to meet particular pressure, temperature, pressure drop, and controlled fluid conditions. Responsibility for the safety of process media and compatibility of valve materials with process media rests solely with the purchaser and end-user. Since some valve body/trim material combinations are limited in their pressure drop and temperature ranges, do not apply any other conditions to the valve without first contacting your Emerson sales office
Before installing the valve, inspect the valve and pipelines for any damage and any foreign material which may cause product damage.
1. Before installing the valve, inspect the valve and associated equipment for any damage and any foreign material.
2. Make certain that the valve body interior is clean, that pipelines are free of foreign material, and the valve is
oriented so that pipeline flow is in the same direction as the arrow on the side of the valve.
3. The control valve assembly may be installed in any orientation unless limited by seismic criteria. However, the
normal method is with the actuator vertical above the valve. Other positions may result in uneven valve plug and cage wear and improper operation. Support the actuator if it is not installed in the vertical position. For more information, consult your Emerson sales office or Local Business Partner.
4. Use accepted piping and welding practices when installing the valve in the line. For flanged valves, use a suitable
gasket between the valve and pipeline flanges.
or Local Business Partner.
Depending on valve body materials used, post weld heat treating may be required. If so, damage to internal elastomeric and plastic parts, as well as internal metal parts is possible. In general, if post weld heat treating is to be performed, all trim parts should be removed. Contact your Emerson sales office or Local Business Partner for additional information.
5. With a leak‐off bonnet construction, remove the pipe plugs (key 46) to hook up the leak-off piping. If continuous
operation is required during inspection or maintenance, install a three‐valve bypass around the control valve assembly.
6. If the actuator and valve are shipped separately, refer to the actuator mounting procedure in the appropriate
actuator instruction manual.
Personal injury could result from packing leakage. Valve packing was tightened before shipment; however the packing might require some readjustment to meet specific service conditions. Check with your process or safety engineer for any additional measures that must be taken to protect against process media.
Valves with ENVIRO‐SEALt live‐loaded packing or HIGH‐SEAL ULF live‐loaded packing will not require this initial readjustment. See the Fisher instruction manuals titled ENVIRO‐SEAL Packing System for Sliding‐Stem Valves (D101642X012 instructions. If you wish to convert your present packing arrangement to ENVIRO-SEAL packing, refer to the retrofit kits listed in the Parts Kits section.
) or HIGH‐SEAL ULF Live‐Loaded Packing System (D101453X012) (as appropriate) for packing
Unless otherwise noted, refer to the following figures for key numbers: figure 5: ED/EWD Valves, figure 6: ET/EWT Valves, figure 7: ET/EWT Valves with HTS1 Seals, or figure 8: ET-C/EWT-C Valves.
Large ET and ED Valves
July 2017
Instruction Manual
Valve parts are subject to normal wear and must be inspected and replaced as necessary. Inspection and maintenance frequency depends on the severity of service conditions. This section includes instructions for packing lubrication, packing maintenance, and trim maintenance. All maintenance operations may be performed with the valve in the line.
Avoid personal injury or property damage from sudden release of process pressure or bursting of parts. Before performing any maintenance operations:
D Do not remove the actuator from the valve while the valve is still pressurized.
D Always wear protective gloves, clothing, and eyewear when performing any maintenance operations to avoid personal
D Disconnect any operating lines providing air pressure, electric power, or a control signal to the actuator. Be sure the
actuator cannot suddenly open or close the valve.
D Use bypass valves or completely shut off the process to isolate the valve from process pressure. Relieve process pressure
on both sides of the valve. Drain the process media from both sides of the valve.
D Vent the pneumatic actuator loading pressure and relieve any actuator spring precompression.
D Use lock‐out procedures to be sure that the above measures stay in effect while you work on the equipment.
D The valve packing box may contain process fluids that are pressurized, even when the valve has been removed from the
pipeline. Process fluids may spray out under pressure when removing the packing hardware or packing rings, or when loosening the packing box pipe plug.
D Check with your process or safety engineer for any additional measures that must be taken to protect against process
Whenever a gasket seal is disturbed by removing or shifting gasketed parts, a new gasket should be installed upon reassembly. This is necessary to ensure a good gasket seal because the used gasket might not seal properly.
Packing Lubrication
ENVIRO-SEAL and HIGH-SEAL packing do not require lubrication.
To avoid personal injury or property damage resulting from fire or explosion, do not lubricate packing used in oxygen service or in processes with temperatures over 260_C (500_F).
If a lubricator or lubricator/isolating valve is provided for PTFE/composition or other packings that require lubrication, it will be installed in place of the pipe plug (key 46). Use a good quality silicon‐base lubricant. To operate the lubricator, simply turn the cap screw clockwise to force the lubricant into the packing box. The lubricator/isolating valve operates the same way except open the isolating valve before turning the cap screw and then close the isolating valve after lubrication is completed.
Instruction Manual
Large ET and ED Valves
July 2017
Packing Maintenance
For valves with ENVIRO-SEAL packing, see the Fisher instruction manual, ENVIRO-SEAL Packing System for Sliding-Stem Valves,
For valves with HIGH-SEAL packing, see the Fisher instruction manual, HIGH-SEAL ULF Live-Loaded Packing System,
For spring‐loaded single PTFE V‐ring packing, the spring (key 8, figure 2) maintains a sealing force on the packing. If leakage is noted around the packing follower (key 13, figure 2), check to be sure the shoulder on the packing follower is touching the bonnet (key 35). If the shoulder is not touching the bonnet, tighten the packing flange nuts (key 5) until the shoulder is against the bonnet. If leakage cannot be stopped in this manner, proceed to the Replacing Packing section.
If there is undesirable packing leakage with other than spring‐loaded packing, first try to limit the leakage and establish a stem seal by tightening the packing flange nuts.
If the packing is relatively new and tight on the valve stem (key 2B) and if tightening the packing flange nuts does not stop the leakage, it is possible that the valve stem is worn or nicked so that a seal cannot be made. The surface finish of a new valve stem is critical for making a good packing seal. If the leakage comes from the outside diameter of the packing, it is possible that the leakage is caused by nicks or scratches around the packing box wall. If performing any of the following procedures, inspect the valve stem and packing box wall for nicks and scratches.
, for packing instructions.
, for packing instructions.
Replacing Packing
1. Isolate the control valve from the line pressure, release pressure from both sides of the valve, and drain the process
media from both sides of the valve. If using a power actuator, also shut off all pressure lines to the power actuator, release all pressure from the actuator, and use lock‐out procedures to prevent injury while you work on the equipment.
2. Remove the actuator from the valve body by following the appropriate Actuator Removal procedure from the
actuator instruction manual.
3. Loosen the packing flange nuts (key 5) so that the packing is not tight on the valve stem (key 2B). Remove any
travel indicator parts and locknuts from the valve stem threads.
To avoid personal injury or property damage caused by uncontrolled movement of the bonnet, loosen the bonnet by following the instructions in the next step. Do not remove a stuck bonnet by pulling on it with equipment that can stretch or store energy in any other manner. The sudden release of stored energy can cause uncontrolled movement of the bonnet.
Avoid damage to the seating surfaces caused by the valve plug and stem assembly dropping from the bonnet after being lifted part way out. When lifting the bonnet, temporarily install a locknut on the valve stem. This locknut will prevent the valve plug and stem assembly (key 2) from dropping out of the bonnet.
If the cage (key 3) starts to lift with the bonnet, tap it with a plastic mallet, or other soft material, to be sure it stays in the valve body.
The following step also provides additional assurance that the valve body fluid pressure has been relieved.
Large ET and ED Valves
July 2017
Instruction Manual
4. Hex nuts (key 16) attach the bonnet (key 35) to the valve body. Loosen these nuts or cap screws approximately 3
mm (1/8 inch). Then loosen the body‐to‐bonnet gasketed joint by either rocking the bonnet or prying between the bonnet and valve body. Work the prying tool around the bonnet until the bonnet loosens. If no fluid leaks from the joint, remove the nuts completely and carefully lift the bonnet.
5. Remove the locknut from the valve stem and separate the valve plug and stem assembly from the bonnet. Set the
parts on a protective surface to prevent damage to gasket or seating surfaces.
6. Remove the bonnet gasket (key 11) and cover the opening in the valve to protect the gasket surface and prevent
foreign material from getting into the valve body cavity.
To prevent possible product damage, cover the opening in the valve in the following procedure to prevent foreign material from getting into the valve body cavity.
7. Remove the packing flange nuts (key 5), packing flange (key 37), upper wiper (key 12, figure 2), and packing
follower (key 13, figure 2). Carefully push out all the remaining packing parts from the valve side of the bonnet using a rounded rod or other tool that will not scratch the packing box wall. Clean the packing box and the metal packing parts.
8. Inspect the valve stem threads and packing box surfaces for any sharp edges that might cut the packing. Scratches
or burrs could cause packing box leakage or damage to the new packing. If the surface condition cannot be improved by light sanding, replace the damaged parts by following the appropriate steps in the Trim Maintenance section.
9. Remove the cover protecting the valve body cavity.
10. Install a new bonnet gasket (key 11), making sure the gasket seating surfaces are clean and smooth. Place the valve plug and stem assembly into the valve body, making sure it is properly centered on the seat ring (key 9). Also make sure the valve plug (key 2A) sealing parts are evenly engaged by the chamfer in the top inside diameter of the cage (key 3) to avoid damaging the parts. Then slide the bonnet over the valve stem (key 2B) and onto the studs (key 15).
Proper performance of the bolting procedures in step 11 compresses the bonnet and cage gaskets (key 11) enough to seal the body-to-bonnet joint.
The proper bolting procedures in step 11 include--but are not limited to--ensuring that bolting threads are clean and evenly tightening the hex nuts onto the studs in a crisscross pattern. Tightening one nut may loosen an adjacent nut. Repeat the crisscross tightening pattern several times until each nut is tight and the body-to-bonnet seal is made.
Studs and hex nuts should be installed such that the manufacturer’s trademark and material grade marking is visible, allowing easy comparison to the materials selected and documented in the Emerson/Fisher serial card provided with this product.
Personal injury or damage to equipment could occur if improper stud and nut materials or parts are used. Do not operate or assemble this product with stud(s) and nut(s) that are not approved by Emerson/Fisher engineering and/or listed on the serial card provided with this product. Use of unapproved materials and parts could lead to stresses exceeding the design or code limits intended for this particular service. Install studs with the material grade and manufacturer's identification mark visible. Contact your Emerson sales office approved parts is suspected.
or Local Business Partner if a discrepancy between actual parts and
Instruction Manual
11. Lubricate the studs (key 15) and install hex nuts (key 16), using accepted bolting procedures during tightening, so that the body-to-bonnet joint will withstand test pressures and application service conditions. Use the bolt torques in table 4 as guidelines.
12. Install new packing and the metal packing box parts according to the appropriate arrangement in figure 2. Place a smooth‐edged pipe over the valve stem, and gently tap each soft packing part into the packing box one piece at a time, being sure that air is not trapped between adjacent soft parts.
13. Slide the packing follower (key 13, figure 2), upper wiper (key 12, figure 2), and packing flange (key 37) into position. Lubricate the packing flange studs (key 4) and the faces of the packing flange nuts (key 5). Replace the packing flange nuts.
14. For spring‐loaded PTFE V‐ring packing, tighten the packing flange nuts until the shoulder on the packing follower (key 13, figure 2) contacts the bonnet.
For graphite packing, tighten the packing flange nuts to the maximum recommended torque shown in table 3. Then, loosen the packing flange nuts and retighten them to the recommended minimum torque shown in table 3.
For other packing types, tighten the packing flange nuts alternately in small, equal increments until one of the nuts reaches the minimum recommended torque shown in table 3. Then, tighten the remaining flange nut until the packing flange (key 3, figure 2) is at a 90‐degree angle to the valve stem.
15. Mount the actuator on the valve assembly, and reconnect the actuator and valve stem according to the procedure in the appropriate actuator instruction manual.
Large ET and ED Valves
July 2017
Trim Maintenance
Refer to the WARNING at the beginning of the Maintenance section in this instruction manual.
1. Complete steps 1 through 5 of the Replace Packing section to remove the actuator, bonnet, and plug and stem from the valve body. Remove the bonnet gasket (key 11).
To avoid personal injury due to leaking fluid, avoid damaging gasket sealing surfaces. The surface finish of the valve stem (key 2B) is critical for making a good packing seal. The inside surface of the cage (key 3) is critical for smooth operation of the valve plug. The seating surfaces of the valve plug (key 2A) and seat ring (key 9) are critical for proper shutoff. Unless inspection reveals otherwise, assume all these parts are in good condition and protect them accordingly.
2. Packing parts can be removed if desired. Replace these parts as described in the Replace Packing section.
3. Install 3/8”-16 UNC-2A eye bolts with a minimum threaded length of 13 mm (0.5 inches) into the tapped holes in the top of the cage (key 3) and carefully lift it out of the valve body. For ET/EWT valves, the seat ring (key 9) will be removed with the cage as an assembly due to the seat ring being screwed into the bottom of the cage and secured with tack welds. If the cage is stuck in the valve, use a rubber mallet to strike the exposed portion of the cage at several points around its circumference. Set the part(s) on a protective surface to prevent damage to gasket or seating surfaces.
4. Remove the cage gasket (key 11).
5. Proceed as appropriate:
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