E2 Enhanced Four-Way Repeater Card
Channel C
Channel D
(638-4830) Installation Instructions
Technical Bulletin
For E2 versions 4.0 and above, which requires a
four-way repeater card, an expansion card that will
allow multiple Echelon networks to be connected
to an E2 Enhanced controller is available. The fourway repeater will be mounted inside of the E2
Enhanced controller above the E2 PIB.
Just like the previous generation card, the four-way
repeater mounts above the E2 PIB. The repeater is
powered by the E2 PIB. One of the four channels will
be connected to the Echelon card that is attached
to the E2 Enhanced processor. The other three
channels are for external Echelon networks and are
connected to peripherals for control.
Step 1: Power Down
To power down the E2, flip the POWER switch on
the PIB to the OFF position.
Step 2: Mounting
After powering down the E2 unit, mount the
four-way repeater above the E2 PIB using the two
screws provided as shown in Figure 2.
Step 3: Power Cable
After mounting the four-way repeater, connect the
power cable that is provided to the four-way
repeater and E2 PIB as shown in Figure 2.
Step 4: Connecting
Connect one channel of the four-way repeater to
the Echelon card that is connected to the processor
using Echelon wire. Wire the other channels to
external peripherals for control using Echelon wire.
Step 5: Power
Power the E2 Enhanced PIB back on.
Figure 1 - Four-Way Repeater Card
Operating Temp
Storage Temp
Operating and
Storage Humidity
Table 1 - Expansion Card Specifications
3.75 in. x 3.5 in.
(9.5 mm x 9 mm)
-40 °F to 149 °F
(-40 °C to +65 °C)
-40 °F to 185 °F
(-40 °C to +85 °C)
10-95% RH, non-condensing
Document Part # 026-4831 Rev 3
©2021 Emerson Climate Technologies Retail Solutions, Inc. This document may be photocopied for personal use.
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Figure 2 - Installation
Document Part # 026-4831 Rev 3
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