3.4.6. Night Blind Management During Energy Saving Cycles................................................ ...................................... 3
4 FRONT PANEL COMMANDS.................................................................................................................................... 4
5 MAX AND MIN TEMPERATURE MEMORIZATION........................................................................................... 5
5.1. H
OWTO SEETHE MIN TEMPERATURE ........................................................................................................................ 5
5.2. H
OWTO SEETHE MAX TEMPERATURE....................................................................................................................... 5
5.3. H
OWTO RESETTHE MAXAND MIN TEMPERATURE RECORDED ................................................................................. 5
6 MAIN FUNCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
HE HIDDEN MENU ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.5.1. How to Enter the Hidden Menu ............................................................................................................................ 6
6.5.2. How to Move a Parameter From the Hidden Menu To the First Level and Vice Versa...................................... 7
O UNLOCKTHE KEYBOARD ....................................................................................................................................... 7
6.9. T
HE CONTINUOUS CYCLE............................................................................................................................................. 7
6.10. T
HE ON/OFF FUNCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 7
8 DIGITAL INPUTS....................................................................................................................................................... 13
OOR SWITCH INPUT (I1F ORI2F=DOR) .................................................................................................................... 13
8.5. S
TART DEFROST (I1F ORI2F=DEF)............................................................................................................................ 13
13 HOW TO USE THE HOT KEY ............................................................................................................................... 17
13.1. H
13.2. H
OWTO PROGRAMA HOT KEY FROMTHE DEVICE (UPLOAD) ............................................................................... 17
OWTO PROGRAMTHE DEVICE USINGA HOT KEY (DOWNLOAD)......................................................................... 17
18.3.1. Set Up Network Ports........................................................................................................................................ 24
18.3.2. Add and Connect the Device............................................................................................................................. 24
ii • XR75CX I&O Manual026-1210 Rev 4
1.1.General Warning
Please read the following safety precautions and warnings
before using this manual:
• This manual is part of the product and
should be kept near the device for easy and
quick reference.
• The device should not be used for purposes
different from those described in this manual. It
cannot be used as a safety device.
• Check the application limits before proceeding.
• Check that the supply voltage is correct
before connecting the device.
• Do not expose to water or moisture: use the
controller only within the operating limits and avoid
sudden temperature changes with high atmospheric
humidity to prevent condensation from forming.
• Warning! Disconnect all electrical connections
before performing any kind of maintenance.
• Fit the probe where it is not accessible by the end
user. The device must not be opened.
• In case of failure or faulty operation, send the
device back to the distributor or to Emerson (see
address) with a detailed description of the fault.
• Verify the maximum current that can be applied
to each relay (see Section 15, Specifications).
• Ensure that the wires for probes, loads, and the
power supply are separated and far enough from each
other without crossing or intertwining.
• In case of applications in industrial
environments, the use of main filters (our mod. FT1)
in parallel with inductive loads could be useful.
2.1.General Description
Model XR75CX (32 mm x 74 mm) is a microprocessor
based controller, suitable for applications on medium or
low temperature ventilated refrigeration units. It has four
(4) relay outputs to control compressor, fan, and defrost,
which can be either electrical or reverse cycle (hot gas) and
light (configurable).
It can also have up to four (4) NTC (EU or US type) probe
inputs. The first probe is used for temperature control. The
second probe is used to control the defrost termination
temperature at the evaporator. One of the two (2) digital
inputs can operate as a third temperature probe. The fourth
probe is used to control the condenser temperature (for
condenser alarm
management) or to display a temperature value. Set the
PbC parameter to CtC to support standard CPC
temperature sensors (factory default).
The RS-485 serial output enables the unit to be connected
to a network line that is MODBUS-RTU compatible, such
as the monitoring units of XWEB family. The Hot Key
receptacle allows the controller to be programmed by
means of the Hot Key programming keyboard.
The controller is fully configurable through special
parameters that can be easily programmed through the
2.2.Ordering Code
XR75CX -
XR75CX -
Table 2-1 - Product Ordering Code
Dixell Code
XR75CX-4C6F3B -
XR75CX-5C6F3B -
General WarningIntroduction • 1
3Controlling Loads
The regulation is performed according to the temperature
measured by the thermostat probe with a positive
differential (HY) from the setpoint: if the temperature
increases and reaches setpoint plus the differential, the
compressor is started and then turned OFF when the
temperature reaches the setpoint value again.
3.3.Control of Evaporator
The fan control mode is selected by means of the FnC
• FnC = C_n: fans will switch ON and OFF with the
compressor and not run
• FnC = O_n: fans will run even if the compressor is
OFF, and not run during defrost.
After defrost, there is a timed fan delay allowing for
drip time, set by means of the Fnd parameter.
• FnC = C_y: fans will switch ON and OFF with the
compressor and run
• FnC = O_y: fans will run continuously during
defrost also.
An additional parameter called FSt provides the
setting of temperature, detected by the evaporator probe,
above which the fans are always OFF. This is used to make
sure that air is circulated only if this temperature is lower
than set in FSt.
3.3.1. Forced Activation of Fans
during defrost.
during defrost.
Figure 3-1 - Compressor Temperature Regulation
In case of a fault in the thermostat probe, the start and stop
of the compressor are timed through parameters Con and
Two defrost modes are available through the tdF
parameter: defrost through electrical heater (tdF=EL) and
hot gas defrost (tdF=in).
• EdF=in, the defrost is made every idF time (the
standard method for the controller)
Other parameters are used to control defrost cycles: its
maximum duration (MdF) and two defrost modes: timed or
controlled by the evaporator’s probe (P2P).
At the end of defrost dripping time is started, its
duration is set in the Fdt parameter. With Fdt=0, the
dripping time is disabled.
Managed by the Fct parameter, this function is
designed to avoid short cycles of fans that could occur
when the controller is switched ON or after a defrost, when
the room air warms the evaporator.
How it works: If the temperature difference between the
evaporator probe and the room probe is higher than the Fct
parameter value, the fans will be switched ON. When Fct
= 0, the function will be
3.3.2. Cyclical Activation of the Fans
With Compressor Off
When FnC = C-n or C-y (fans are working in parallel with
the compressor), by means of the Fon and FoF parameters,
the fans can carry out ON and OFF cycles even if the
compressor is switched OFF. When the compressor is
stopped, the fans will continue to work for the Fon time.
With Fon = 0, the fans always remain OFF when the
compressor is OFF.
The functioning of the auxiliary relay (terminals
1-2) can be set by the oA2 parameter, according to the kind
of application needed. Possible settings are as follows:
2 • XR75CX I&O Manual026-1210 Rev 4
3.4.1. Light Relay
When oA2 = Lig, the relay 1-2 operates as a light.
3.4.2. Auxiliary Relay — oA2=AUS
a. Relay Activation By Digital Input 2 (oA2 = AUS,
i2F = AUS)
When oA2 = AUS a nd i2F = AUS, the relay 1-2 is switched
ON and OFF by the digital input.
b. Auxiliary Thermostat
An anti-condensing heater with the possibility of switching
it ON and OFF with the keyboard.
Parameters Involved
• ACH - The kind of regulation for the auxiliary relay:
Ht: heating; CL: cooling
• SAA - Setpoint for auxiliary relay
• SHY - Differential for auxiliary relay
• ArP - Probe for auxiliary relay
• Sdd - Auxiliary output OFF during defrost
The differential is set by the SHY parameter.
NOTE: Set oA2 =AUS and ArP= nP (no probe
for auxiliary output). In this case, the relay 1-2
can be activated only by the digital input with
i1F or i2F = AUS.
3.4.3. On/Off Relay (oA2=onF)
When oA2 = onF, the relay is activated when the controller
is turned ON and de-activated when the controller is turned
3.4.4. Neutral Zone Regulation
When oA2 = db, the relay 1-2 can control a heater
element to perform a neutral zone action.
• oA2 cut in = SET-HY
• oA2 cut out = SET
3.4.5. Alarm Relay
When oA2 = ALr, the relay 1-2 operates as an alarm relay.
It is activated every time an alarm occurs. Its status depends
on the tbA parameter: if tbA = y, the relay is silenced by
pressing any key. If tbA = n, the alarm relay remains ON
until the alarm condition recovers.
3.4.6. Night Blind Management
During Energy Saving Cycles
With oA2 = HES, the relay 1-2 operates to manage the
night blind: the relay is powered when the energy saving
cycle is activated by a digital input, front panel button.
Table 4-1 shows the keys that are found on the front panel
of the XR75CX controller and their corresponding
To enter programming mode
Returns to room temperature display
Table 4-1 - XR75CX Front Panel Keys and Functions
4.2.Use of LEDS
Each LED function is described in Table 4-2:
ONCompressor enabled
FlashingAnti-short cycle delay enabled
ONDefrost enabled
FlashingDrip time in progress
ONFans enabled
ONAn alarm is occurring
Fans delay after defrost in
Press to display target setpoint, to select a
parameter in programming mode, or to
confirm an operation
Starts a manual defrost
Press the UP arrow key to see the MAX
stored temperature, to browse the
parameter codes in programming mode,
or to increase the displayed temperature
Press the DOWN arrow key to see the
MIN temperature, to browse the
parameter codes in programming mode,
or to decrease the displayed temperature
Switches the device ON and OFF, if onF = oFF
Switches the light ON and OFF, if oA1 =
Table 4-1 - XR75CX Front Panel Keys and Functions
ONContinuous cycle is running
ONEnergy saving enabled
ONLight ON
ONAuxiliary relay ON
ONMeasurement unit
FlashingProgramming phase
Table 4-2 - LEDs
4 • XR75CX I&O Manual026-1210 Rev 4
5Max and Min
5.1.How to See the MIN
1.Press and release the DOWN button.
2.The Lo message will be displayed followed
by the minimum temperature recorded.
3.By pressing the DOWN button again or by
waiting five seconds, the normal display will
be restored.
5.2.How to See the MAX
1.Press and release the UP button.
2.The Hi message will be displayed followed
by the maximum temperature recorded.
3.By pressing the UP button again or by
waiting 5 seconds, the normal display will be
5.3.How to Reset the Max
and Min Temperature
1.Press and hold the SET button for more than
3 seconds while the max or min temperature
is displayed (rSt message will be displayed).
2.After confirming the operation, the rSt
message will start blinking and then the
normal temperature will be displayed.
How to See the MIN TemperatureMax and Min Temperature Memorization • 5
6Main Functions
6.1.How to See the
1.Press and immediately release the
SET key: the display will show the
setpoint value.
2.Press and immediately release the SET key or
wait for 5 seconds to display the probe value
6.2.How to Change the
3.Use the UP or DOWN buttons to change its
4.Press SET to store the new value and move to
the next parameter.
To exit: Press the SET + UP buttons or wait 15 seconds
without pressing a key.
NOTE: The set value is stored even when the
time-out expires and ends the procedure.
6.5.The Hidden Menu
The hidden menu includes all the parameters of the
6.5.1. How to Enter the Hidden
1.Press and hold the SET button for more than
2 seconds to change the setpoint value.
2.The value of the setpoint will be displayed
and the °C or °F LED will start blinking.
3.To change the setpoint value, press the UP or
DOWN buttons within 10 seconds.
4.To memorize the new setpoint value, press
the SET key again or wait 10 seconds.
6.3.How to Start a Manual
Press and hold the DEF ke y f or mo re
than 2 seconds and a manual defrost
will start.
6.4.How to Change a
Parameter Value
To change a parameter value, follow these steps:
1.Enter the Programming mode by pressing the
SET + DOWN buttons for 3 seconds (the °C
or °F LED will start blinking).
1.Enter the Programming mode by pressing the
SET + DOWN buttons for three (3) seconds
(the °C or °F LED will start blinking).
2.Release the buttons and then push the SET +
DOWN buttons for more than seven (7)
seconds. The Pr2 label will be displayed
immediately followed by the HY parameter:
You can now browse the Hidden Menu
3.Select the required parameter.
4.Press the SET button to display its value.
5.Use the UP or DOWN buttons to change its
6.Press SET to store the new value and move to
the next parameter.
To exit: Press SET + DOWN or wait 15 seconds without
pressing a key.
NOTE: If no parameter is present in Pr1 menu,
after three (3) seconds the noP message is
displayed. Keep the keys pressed until the Pr2
message is displayed.
NOTE: The set value is stored even when the
time-out expires and ends the procedure.
2.Select the required parameter. Press the SET
button to display its value.
6 • XR75CX I&O Manual026-1210 Rev 4
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