Quick Start Guide
00825-0100-4212, Rev BA
December 2020
Rosemount™ BP20E Power Module for
Wireless Corrosion Transmitter

Quick Start Guide December 2020
This guide provides basic guidelines for the installation of the Rosemount Power Module for the
Rosemount Wireless Permasense Corrosion Transmitter. It does not provide instructions for
configuration, diagnostics, maintenance, service, troubleshooting or intrinsically safe (I.S.)
installations. Refer to the Rosemount Wireless Permasense Corrosion Transmitter Reference Manual
for more instruction. The manual and this guide are also available electronically on Emerson.com
Explosion hazard
Explosions could result in death or serious injury.
Installation of this power module in an explosive environment must be in accordance with the
appropriate local, national, and international standards, codes, and practices. Review the Product
Certifications section for any restrictions associated with a safe installation.
Electrostatic hazard
The power module may be replaced in a hazardous area. However, its enclosure has surface resistivity
greater than one gigaohm. Care must be taken during transportation to and from the point of
installation to prevent electrostatic charge build-up.
Physical access
Unauthorized personnel may potentially cause significant damage to and/or misconfiguration of end
users’ equipment. This could be intentional or unintentional and needs to be protected against.
Physical security is an important part of any security program and fundamental to protecting your
system. Restrict physical access by unauthorized personnel to protect end users’ assets. This is true for
all systems used within the facility.
Shipping consideration
Each BP20E power module contains two “D” size primary lithium battery. Primary lithium batteries are
regulated in transportation by the U.S. Department of Transportation, and are also covered by IATA
(International Air Transport Association), ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), and ARD
(European Ground Transportation of Dangerous Goods). It is the responsibility of the shipper to ensure
compliance with these or any other local requirements. Please consult current regulations and
requirements before shipping
The power module must be installed correctly to avoid risk of becoming detached and falling.
Do not short circuit, recharge, puncture, incinerate, crush, force discharge, expose contents to water
or expose to temperatures above 212 °F (100 °C). Risk of fire or explosion.
2 Emerson.com/Rosemount

December 2020 Quick Start Guide
Physical installation...................................................................................................................... 6
Verify operation........................................................................................................................... 8
Disposal/recycling........................................................................................................................ 9
Product certifications................................................................................................................. 10
Quick Start Guide 3

Quick Start Guide December 2020
4 Emerson.com/Rosemount

December 2020 Quick Start Guide
1 Overview
1.1 Warning on product labels
The Rosemount BP20E Power Module for Wireless Corrosion Transmitters
each have a warning printed on them. In each case the warning text is the
same. Below is a figure that shows the label. The text of the warning is: “Use
only with approved sensor – see instructions. Potential static hazard.”
Quick Start Guide 5