Emerson Bettis RTS CL Series, Bettis CL-15, Bettis CL-05, Bettis CL-25, Bettis CL-15A-1M0HE User Instructions

User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3
February 2019
Operating Manual for Bettis RTS CL Series
Compact Linear Electric Actuator
User Instructions
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: General
2.1 Actuator Overview ........................................................................................ 3
2.2 Serial Number and Type Label ....................................................................... 5
2.3 Operating Mode ............................................................................................ 5
2.4 Protection Class ............................................................................................ 6
2.5 Mounting Position ......................................................................................... 6
2.6 Direction of Rotation ..................................................................................... 7
2.7 Protection Devices ........................................................................................ 8
2.8 Ambient Temperature ................................................................................... 8
2.9 Delivery Condition of the Actuators .............................................................. 9
2.10 Information Notice (Tag) ............................................................................... 9
Table of Contents
February 2019
Section 3: Packaging, Transport and Storage
3.1 General ....................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Storage ....................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Long-term Storage ...................................................................................... 11
Section 4: Assembly and Disassembly of Linear Units on Valves
4.1 Security and Assembly Instructions ............................................................. 12
4.2 Mechanical Connection ............................................................................... 13
4.3 Disassembly ................................................................................................ 13
4.4 Mounting Postion of the Operating Unit ...................................................... 14
4.5 Electrical Connection .................................................................................. 15
Section 5: Commisioning
5.1 General ....................................................................................................... 18
5.2 Manual Operation ....................................................................................... 18
5.3 Mechanical Default Settings and Preparation .............................................. 18
5.4 End Limit Setting ......................................................................................... 18
5.5 Final Step ....................................................................................................25
Section 6: Control Unit
6.1 Operating Unit ............................................................................................ 26
6.2 Display Elements ......................................................................................... 27
6.3 Operation ................................................................................................... 29
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
February 2019
User Instructions
Section 7: Parameter Menu
7.1 Parameter Group: End Limit ........................................................................ 38
7.2 Parameter Group: Torque ............................................................................ 40
7.3 Parameter Group: Speed ............................................................................. 41
7.4 Parameter Group: Ramp (option) ................................................................ 41
7.5 Parameter Group: Control ........................................................................... 42
7.6 Parameter Group: Password ........................................................................ 42
7.7 Parameter Group: Position .......................................................................... 43
7.8 Parameter Group: Binary Inputs .................................................................. 43
7.9 Parameter Group: Binary Outputs ............................................................... 46
7.10 Parameter Group: Position Output (option) .................................................49
7.11 Parameter Group: Step Mode ...................................................................... 51
7.12 Parameter Group: Positioner (option) ..........................................................53
7.13 Parameter Group: PID Controller (optional) ................................................. 55
7.14 Parameter Group: Probus-DP (option) ....................................................... 57
7.15 Parameter Group: DeviceNet (option) ......................................................... 57
7.16 Parameter Group: Characteristic Curves (optional) ......................................58
7.17 Parameter Group: Identication (option) .....................................................59
7.18 Parameter Group: System Parameters (locked) ........................................... 59
7.19 Parameter Group: Miscellaneous ................................................................. 59
Section 8: Status Area
8.1 Status .......................................................................................................... 61
8.2 History ........................................................................................................ 64
Section 9: Infrared Connection
Section 10: Bluetooth Link
Section 11: Maintenance
11.1 Service/Exchange of Spindel Nut and Axial Bearing ...................................... 68
11.2 Moving Interval ........................................................................................... 68
11.3 Greasing Interval ......................................................................................... 68
Section 12: Troubleshooting
12.1 Error List...................................................................................................... 69
Table of Contents
User Instructions
Section 13: Fuses
Section 14: Lubricant Recommendation and Requirements
Section 15: Training
Section 16: Technical Data and Certifications
Table of Contents
February 2019
14.1 Main Body: -25 to +60°C .............................................................................. 72
14.2 Output Type A and Spindle Drives (Linear Actuators) -40 to +85°C ..............72
14.3 Basic Lubricant Service Interval ................................................................... 72
16.1 Binary Outputs ............................................................................................ 75
16.2 Binary Inputs ............................................................................................... 76
16.3 Analogue Inputs .......................................................................................... 80
16.4 Analogue Output ........................................................................................ 80
16.5 Auxiliary Voltage Input and Output ............................................................. 82
16.6 Connections ............................................................................................... 83
16.7 Miscellaneous .............................................................................................83
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
February 2019
Section 1: Introduction
These operating instructions apply to Bettis RTS CL Series of Compact Linear actuators.
The scope of application covers the operation of industrial valves, e.g., globe valves, gate valves, buttery valves and ball valves. For other applications please consult with the factory.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for incorrect use and possible damage arising thereof. The risk shall be borne solely by the user.
Using the unit as intended also entails the observance of these operating instructions.
When operating electrical equipment, certain parts inevitably carry hazardous voltage levels. Work on the electrical system or equipment must be carried out only in accordance
with electrical regulations by a qualied electrician himself or by specially instructed personnel under the control and supervision of a qualied electrician.
User Instructions
Maintenance instructions must be observed as otherwise the safe operation of the actuator cannot be guaranteed.
Failure to follow the warning information may result in serious bodily injury or property
damage. Qualied personnel must be thoroughly familiar with all warnings contained in
this operating manual.
Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly and careful commissioning are essential to proper and safe operation.
When working in potentially explosive areas, observe the European Standards EN 60079-14 ”Electrical In- stallations in Hazardous Areas” and EN 60079-17 ”Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas”.
Maintenance work on open actuators may only be conducted if these are de-energized. Reconnection during maintenance is strictly prohibited.
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3 February 2019
Section 2: General
Section 2: General
Linear units are offered in three variants CL05, CL15, CL25. The linear adaptions are mounted to the Compact Multi-turn (CM) series to drive linear positioning movement. The linear unit converts the torque output from the actuator into an axial force. The combination of actuator and linear unit, is based on the required thrust and the necessary stroke.
Section 2: General
February 2019
2.1 Actuator Overview
Figure 1 The Bettis RTS Series Compact Linear Actuator
User Instructions
Parts Overview:
1. Handwheel
2. Control unit (Operating unit)
3. Connection compartment
4. Gear component
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3 February 2019
Section 2: General
Figure 2
Parts Overview:
1. Ring nut
2. Axial bearing
3. Spindle nut
4. Axial bearing
5. Output ange
6. Centering ring
7. Housing linear unit
8. Spindle
9. Key
10. Bellows
Section 2: General
February 2019
2.2 Serial Number and Type Label
Each actuator of the RTS Compact Linear CL series carries a serial number. The serial number is a 10-digit number that begins with the year and that can be read from the type label (see Figure 3) of the actuator (the type label is located next to the handwheel – see Figure 4).
Using this serial number, Emerson can uniquely identify the actuator (type, size, design, options, technical data and test report).
Figure 3 Bettis RTS Tag and Serial Number
18113E04275 Close: Open:
1x115V-230V +/-10% AC/D
S2-15min S4-1200c/h - 40%ED
19200 Northwest Fw
15,0kN 15,0kN
5,7-451sec 0,17-4,8mm/sec I :
II 2 G Ex de IIC T4 Gb
Houston, TX 77065
AEx de IIC T4 Gb IECEx LC 17.0003X Ex de IIC T4 Gb
Class 1 Div 1 & 2 Group D
User Instructions
1026 2018
Figure 4 Label 1 - Type Label
2.3 Operating Mode
RTS Compact Linear CL actuators are suitable for open-loop control (S2 operating mode ­on/off duty) and closed-loop control (S9 operating mode - modulating duty) according to EN 60034-1.
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3 February 2019
Section 2: General
2.4 Protection Class
RTS Compact Linear CL actuators come by default with IP 68 (EN 50629) protection.
The protection class specied on the type label is only effective when cable glands also pro­vide the required protection class, the cover of the connection compartment is carefully screwed and the mounting position (see Section 2.5) is observed.
We recommend metallic screwed cable glands with a metrical thread. Furthermore, cable inlets not be needed must be closed with screw plugs. On explosion-proof actuators, cable glands with protection class EEx e according EN60079-7 must be used. After removing covers for assembly purposes or adjustment work, take special care upon reassembly so that seals are not damaged and remain properly fastened. Improper assembly may lead to water entrances and to failures of the actuator.
The cover of the control unit - the Operating unit - (see Figure 1) must not be opened.
Allow a certain sag in the connector cables before reaching the screwed cable glands so that water can drip off from the connector cables without running to the screwed cable glands. As a result, forces acting on the screwed cable glands are also reduced. (see Section 2.5)
2.5 Mounting Position
Generally, the installation position is irrelevant. However, based on practical experience, it is advisable to consider the following for outdoors use or in splash zones:
Mount actuators with cable inlet facing downwards
Ensure that sufcient cable slack is available
Section 2: General
February 2019
2.6 Direction of Rotation
Unless specically ordered otherwise, the standard direction is (see Figure 5 and Figure 6):
Right turning (clockwise) = CLOSING
Left turning (counter clockwise) = OPENING
Clockwise rotation of the actuator is given when the output shaft turns counter clockwise when looking on the output shaft.
Figure 5 Clockwise = Close
User Instructions
Figure 6 Counterclockwise = Close
All specications in this operating manual refer to the standard direction of rotation.
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3 February 2019
Section 2: General
2.7 Protection Devices
2.7.1 Torque
RTS Compact Linear actuators provide a electronic torque monitoring.
The switch off torque can be modied in the menu of the controller for each
direction separately. By default, switch off torque is set to the ordered value. If no
torque was specied with the order, the actuator is supplied from the factory with the maximum congurable torque.
For more information, (see Section 7.2).
2.7.2 Motor Temperature All RTS Compact Linear CL actuators are normally equipped with motor winding temperature sensors, which protect the motor against excessive winding temperature. The display will show the corresponding error upon exceeding the permissible motor temperature (see Section 12.1).
2.7.3 Input fuse, thermal fuse The frequency inverter is protected by an input fuse and the explosion-proof version also has a thermal fuse. If one of these fuses releases, a serious defect accours and the frequency inverter will be disconnected permanent from the power supply. Then the frequency inverter must be changed.
2.8 Ambient Temperature
Unless otherwise specied upon ordering, the following operating temperatures apply:
• On/off duty (open-loop control) -25 to +60°C
• Modulating duty (closed-loop control) -25 to +60°C
• Explosion-proof version -20 to +40°C (acc. EN60079-0)
• Explosion-proof version with extended temperature range -40 to +60°C
The maximum operating temperature can also depend on further order-specic components. Please refer to the technical data sheets to conrm the as-delivered product specications.
Section 2: General
February 2019
2.9 Delivery Condition of the Actuators
For each actuator, an inspection report is generated upon nal inspection. In particular, this
comprises a full visual inspection, calibration of the torque measurement in connection with an extensive run examination and a functional test of the micro controllers.
These inspections are conducted and documented according to the quality system and can be made available if necessary. The basic setting of the end position must be performed after assembly on the actuator.
Commissioning instructions (see Section 5) must be strictly observed. During assembly of the supplied valves at the factory, end postions are set and documented by attaching a
label (see Figure 7). During commissioning at the plant, these settings must be veried.
User Instructions
2.10 Information Notice (Tag)
Each actuator is provided with a bilingual tag containing key information, which is attached
to the handwheel after nal inspection. This tag also shows the internal commission
registration number (see Figure 7).
Figure 7 Tag
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3 February 2019
Section 3: Packaging, Transport and Storage
Section 3: Packaging, Transport and Storage
Depending on the order, actuators may be delivered packed or unpacked. Special
packaging requirements must be specied when ordering. Please use extreme care when
removing or repackaging equipment.
Use soft straps to hoist the equipment; do not attach straps to the handwheel. If the actuator is mounted on a valve, attach the hoist to the valve and not to the actuator.
3.1 General
The connection compartment of RTS Compact Linear CL actuators contains 5g of factory supplied silica gel.
Please remove the silica gel before commissioning the actuator (see Section 5).
3.2 Storage
- Store actuators in well-ventilated, dry premises
- Protect against oor dampness by storing actuators on wooden grating, pallets,
mesh boxes or shelves
- Protect the actuators against dust and dirt with plastic foil
- Actuators must be protected against mechanical damage
- The storage temperature must be between -20°C bis +40°C
It is not necessary to open the controller of the actuator for servicing batteries or similar operations.
Packaging, Transport and Storage
Section 3: Packaging, Transport and Storage
February 2019
3.3 Long-term Storage
If you intend to store the actuator for over 6 months, also follow the instructions below:
- The silica gel in the connection compartment must be replaced after 6 months of
storage (from date of delivery)
- After replacing the silica gel, brush the connection cover seal with glycerine.
Then, carefully close the connection compartment again
- Coat screw heads and bare spots with neutral grease or long-term
- Renovate damaged paintwork arising from transport, improper storage,
or mechanical inuences
- For explosion-proof actuators, it is not allowed to extensively overpaint the actuator.
According to the standard, in order to avoid electrostatical charge, the maximal thickness of the varnish is limited to 200 µm.
- Every 6 months all measures and precautions for long term storage must be
checked for effectiveness and corrosion protection and silica gel renewed
- Failure to follow the above instructions may lead to condensation which can damage
to the actuator
User Instructions
Packaging, Transport and Storage
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3 February 2019
Section 4: Installation Instructions
Section 4: Assembly and Disassembly of
Linear Units on Valves
In the following two subsections, the procedures for assembly and disassembly of linear units on valves are explained step by step.
4.1 Security and Assembly Instructions
The device should be mounted and commissioned by qualied personnel. These are
individuals who are familiar and trained on the product line on how to operate and assemble / disassemble the device.
Before assembling or disassembling the linear unit, the pipes have to be pressurized.
Only in the retracted state of the linear unit is an end stop available - if the maximum stroke is exceeded in the extended state, the spindle moves out of its guidance! Do not move against the end stop in electrical operation! The end limits of the actuator must be set accordingly.
Never bring the valve cone with excessive force in the CLOSED position. This can damage the high-quality sealing edges.
Installation Instructions
Installation work on any kind of actuator may only be performed by qualied personnel.
Section 4: Installation Instructions
February 2019
4.2 Mechanical Connection
1. Check that the actuator ange, the linear unit anges and the valve ange match.
2. Thoroughly clean mounting surfaces and bare parts on actuator, linear unit and valve.
3. Lightly grease the connections of the actuator, the linear unit and the valve.
4. Grease the spindle of the linear unit.
5. Move the valve cone in the CLOSED position.
6. Turn the spindle nut until the linear unit is in a central position.
7. Mount the linear unit on the valve and tighten the screws clockwise. The coupling between the linear unit and the valve will be connected later.
8. Mount the actuator on the linear unit and tighten the screws clockwise.
9. Extend the spindle by rotating the handwheel until the coupling of the linear unit
and the valve t together.
10. Connect the coupling between linear unit and valve.
11. Use the handwheel to move the linear unit to a center position to prevent accidental damage to the valve during startup.
User Instructions
For output type A (unbored threaded bushing), you must sufciently lubricate both needle
bearings in the output form after processing and cleaning the spindle nut. For this purpose, use the optional Bettis RTS CL grease lubricant or a grease lubricant according to our recommendation (see Section 14).
4.3 Disassembly
1. If the valve is fully closed, move the valve cone to about ten percent OPEN position
2. Loosen the screws between the output ange of the actuator and the linear unit and dismount the actuator.
3. Open the spindle coupling between the linar unit and the valve.
4. Loosen the screws between the output ange of the linear unit and the valve
5. Dismount the linear unit from the valve.
Installation Instructions
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3 February 2019
Section 4: Installation Instructions
4.4 Mounting Postion of the Operating Unit
The mounting postion of the operating unit can be rotated in 90° steps.
Figure 8 Control System Mounting
+90° +180°
Disconnect the actuator and control system from the power supply.
To prevent damage to the electronic components, both the control system and
the person have to be earthed.
Unscrew the bolts for the interface surface and carefully remove the service cover.
Turn service cover to new position and put back on.
Ensure correct position of the O-ring
Turn service cover by max. of 180°.
Put service cover on carefully so that no cables get wedged in.
Screw the bolts shut evenly in a crosswise sequence.
Maximum torque: 5 Nm
Installation Instructions
Section 4: Installation Instructions
February 2019
4.5 Electrical Connection
Electrical connections may only be carried out by qualied personnel. Please observe
all relevant national security requirements, guidelines, and regulations. The equipment
should be de-energized before working on electrical connections. Furthermore, conrm
the absence of electrostatic discharges during the connection. First of all, connect the ground screw.
The line and short circuit protection must be done on the system side.
The ability to unlock the actuator is to be provided for maintenance purposes. For the dimensioning the rated current is to be used (see Technical Data).
Check whether the power supply (voltage, frequency) is consistent with the connection data (see name plate - Figure 3)
The connection of electrical wiring must follow the circuit diagram. This can be found in the appendix of the documentation. The circuit diagram can be ordered from Emerson by specifying the serial number.
When using options, such as a Probus connection, the relevant guidelines must be followed.
User Instructions
Installation Instructions
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3 February 2019
Section 4: Installation Instructions
4.5.1 Power Supply Connection RTS Compact Linear CL actuators feature an integrated motor controller, i.e. only a connection to the power supply is required. In non explosion-proof actuators, the wiring uses a connector independent from control signals (see Figure 9).
Figure 9 Enclosure Parts
Parts Overview:
1. Metric screw M32x1,5
2. M40x1,5, 3 - M25x1,5
3. M25x1,5
4. Plug insert Han6E (for power supply)
5. Plug insert Han24E (for control cables)
6. Connector for options
7. Connector Plate
8. Connecting Housing
Explosion-proof actuators or on special request the connection will be made via terminals (see Figure 10).
Installation Instructions
Section 4: Installation Instructions
February 2019
Figure 10 Bettis RTS Terminal Box
Terminal Box Overview:
1. Metric screw M40x1,5
2. 2 x M20x1,5
3. M25x1,5
4. Terminals for the power supply
5. Terminal for ground connection
6. Outside ground connection
Explosion-proof actuators or on special request the connection will be mady via terminals (see Figure 10).
User Instructions
If, during outdoor installation, commissioning is not carried out immediately after electrical connection, the power supply must be connected at a minimum to achieve a heating effect. In this case, the silica gel may remain in the connection compartment until commissioning. (see Section 3.3)
Installation Instructions
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3 February 2019
Section 5: Commissioning
Section 5: Commisioning
Before commissioning, please ensure the actuator is correctly assembled and electrically connected. (see Section 4,).
Remove silica gel from the connection compartment.
5.1 General
During commissioning and after every disassembly of the actuator, the electric end posi­tions (see Section 5.4) must be reset.
5.2 Manual Operation
The use of a differential gearbox in the handwheel assembly makes mechanical switching unnecessary during manual operation.
Manual operation with mechanical or electromechanical equipment (such as: lever, drilling machine, etc.) is NOT ALLOWED, as this may damage the product.
5.3 Mechanical Default Settings and Preparation
The use of linear sensors makes mechanical settings unnecessary.
Before the motorised operation of the valve, it is essential to check and eventually adjust torque settings.
5.4 End Limit Setting
A detailed description of the operation of the RTS Compact Linear CL controller can be found in Section 6.3.
Section 5: Commissioning
February 2019
5.4.1 End limit OPEN
Step 1 - Set the selector switch and control switch to the centre position.
Figure 11 Switches in Center Position
User Instructions
Terminal Box Overview:
1. selector switch (red)
2. control switch (black)
Step 2 - Scroll through the menu with the control switch. Move the control switch towards
the rst menu item "P 1.1 End limit – Open".
Figure 12 Control Switch End Limit Open
Figure 13 Front Display for End Limit Open
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3 February 2019
Section 5: Commissioning
Step 3 - Afterwards, ip up the selector switch slightly and let it snap back to its neutral
Figure 14 Selector Switch Setting (1)
Figure 15 Selector Switch Setting (2)
Figure 16 Selector Switch Setting (3)
Section 5: Commissioning
February 2019
Step 4 - This changes the bottom line of the display from "EDIT?" to "SAVE?"
Figure 17 Edit and Save
Figure 18 Save Settings
User Instructions
Step 5 - Then, push down the selector switch until it snaps into place. In doing so, the bottom right now on the display will show "TEACHIN" .
Once the display shows "TEACHIN", use the operating switch (black switch) to start the motorised operation of the actuator. In this mode, no travel-dependent switch off occurs in the end position.
Please note that, during motor operation, only torque monitoring remains active, as travel ad justment will happen subsequently. Therefore, please check beforehand whether the maximum torque has been already parameterised
User Instructions
MAN-02-04-60-0350-EN Rev. 3 February 2019
Section 5: Commissioning
Step 6 - Absolute and relative values on the display will change continuously along with position changes.
Figure 19 Position Change Selector Setting
Figure 20 Position Change Display
Step 7 - Manually move the actuator with the handwheel (see Section 2.1, or 2.6) or by motor via the operating switch (black button) to the end position OPEN of the valve.
Absolute value: Absolute value of the position feedback
Relative value: the value to the other end postion
Figure 21 Absolute Value
Section 5: Commissioning
February 2019
Display Overview:
1. Absolute value,
2. Relative value
Step 8 - When the desired end position OPEN of the valve is reached, move the selector
switch back to the middle position. Thus, the line "TEACHIN" disappears.
Figure 22 Selector for End Position (Save)
User Instructions
Figure 23 End Position Display
Step 9 - In order to conrm the end position (save), slightly ip up the selector switch
towards and let it snap back to its neutral position.
Figure 24 Selector Setting Save (1)
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