Emerson ATCA-S201 User Manual

Installation and Use
July 2009
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PREFACE ................................................................................................................................................I
SAFETY SUMMARY ...........................................................................................................................................I
FLAMMABILITY ............................................................................................................................................... II
EMI CAUTION................................................................................................................................................II
SAFETY STATEMENT........................................................................................................................................ II
CE NOTICE (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY).............................................................................................................. II
ABOUT THIS MANUAL......................................................................................................................... IV
HOW THIS MANUAL IS ORGANIZED................................................................................................................... IV
CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL............................................................................................................. IV
HARDWARE PREPARATION AND INSTALLATION ................................................................................ VI
UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................................ VI
ANTISTATIC PRECAUTIONS ............................................................................................................................. VI
1 ATCA-S201 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................7
1.1 FEATURES OF THE ATCA STORAGE MODULE ...................................................................................... 7
1.2 I/O PICMG STANDARDS COMPLIANCE .............................................................................................. 8
1.3 CHASSIS I/O CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................................. 8
1.3.1 AMC card connections ............................................................................................................ 9
1.3.2 DDR2 SODIMM........................................................................................................................ 9
1.3.3 Zone 1, power backplane connections ................................................................................... 9
1.3.4 Zone 2, backplane connections .............................................................................................. 9
1.3.5 Zone 3, Advanced RTM connector .......................................................................................... 9
1.4 LEDS........................................................................................................................................... 11
1.5 SOFTWARE DRIVER SUPPORT........................................................................................................... 12
1.6 PART NUMBER, SERIAL NUMBER, AND ADDRESS LABELS .................................................................... 12
2 ATCA-S201 INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................14
2.1 INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF THE ATCA CARRIER BLADE ............................................................... 14
2.2 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR CHASSIS ............................................................................. 14
2.3 SAFETY STATEMENT....................................................................................................................... 14
2.3.1 Observe maximum module current requirements................................................................ 14
2.4 BEFORE YOU INSTALL OR REMOVE THE ATCA CARRIER BLADE ............................................................. 15
2.4.1 Observe ESD Precautions ...................................................................................................... 15
2.4.2 Watch for Bent Pins or Other Damage.................................................................................. 15
2.5 USE CAUTION WHEN INSTALLING OR REMOVING THE ATCA CARRIER .................................................. 15
2.5.1 Preserve EMI Compliance ...................................................................................................... 15
2.5.2 Understand Hot Swap........................................................................................................... 16
2.6 CONNECTOR MECHANICAL KEYING ................................................................................................. 16
2.7 VERIFY SLOT USAGE ...................................................................................................................... 16
2.8 INSTALLING THE ATCA CARRIER BLADE ............................................................................................ 16
2.9 REMOVING THE ATCA CARRIER BLADE............................................................................................. 18
2.10 VERIFYING THE HARDWARE INSTALLATION ....................................................................................... 18
To Verify the Hardware Installation ...................................................................................... 19
3 NEW SYSTEM CONFIGURATION................................................................................................. 20
3.1 RS232 CONSOLE PORT ................................................................................................................. 21
3.1.1 System boot overview ........................................................................................................... 21
3.1.2 Flash boot device contents.................................................................................................... 22
3.1.3 Linux serial console shell window ......................................................................................... 23
3.2 DEFAULT BLADE LOGIN ACCOUNTS AND PASSWORDS ......................................................................... 23
3.2.1 Password change procedure................................................................................................. 23
3.2.2 Password recovery procedure ............................................................................................... 23
3.3 FACTORY RESET ............................................................................................................................ 24
3.4 CONFIGURING A NEW ATCA-S201 BLADE....................................................................................... 24
3.4.1 Serial ports............................................................................................................................ 24
3.4.2 Ethernet ports ....................................................................................................................... 24
3.4.3 Management Configuration via HTML browser.................................................................... 25
3.4.4 Management configuration via secure shell (SSH) ............................................................... 25
3.4.5 Management configuration via serial console shell.............................................................. 25
3.5 COMMAND LINE CONFIGURATION TOOL ........................................................................................... 26
3.5.1 Change IP address of any Ethernet resource ......................................................................... 26
3.5.2 Shell, configuration scripting options................................................................................... 28
3.6 NEW SYSTEM CONFIGURATION, NO DHCP SERVER ........................................................................... 29
3.6.1 U-boot console tool............................................................................................................... 30
3.6.2 Essential U-boot user commands ......................................................................................... 30
3.6.3 U-boot environment variables .............................................................................................. 31
3.6.4 Manually assign management IP addresses ......................................................................... 32
3.7 NETWORK BOOT PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................... 33
4 NETWORK CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................... 34
4.1 ENABLE HTML BROWSER ACCESS.................................................................................................... 35
4.2 HTML SECURITY CERTIFICATES (HTTPS:// ) ...................................................................................... 35
4.3 HTML LOGIN SCREEN .................................................................................................................... 35
4.3.1 Auto logout inactivity period ................................................................................................ 36
4.3.2 Single session management override ................................................................................... 36
4.4 HTML HOME PAGE ....................................................................................................................... 36
4.5 ESSENTIAL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION STEPS ...................................................................................... 37
4.6 SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION AND TIME ZONE ATTRIBUTES ....................................................................... 38
4.6.1 Hostname ............................................................................................................................. 39
4.6.2 Domain Name ...................................................................................................................... 39
4.6.3 Date ...................................................................................................................................... 39
4.6.4 Time............................................................................................................................... ....... 40
4.6.5 Time Zone ............................................................................................................................. 40
4.6.6 Name Server list .................................................................................................................... 41
4.6.7 NTP Server list ....................................................................................................................... 41
4.6.8 Network time protocol - NTP (On/Off).................................................................................. 42
4.6.9 Ethernet network port identification .................................................................................... 42
4.6.10 Enable (online/offline)........................................................................................................... 43
4.6.11 DHCP............................................................................................................................... ...... 43
4.6.12 IP address.............................................................................................................................. 43
6806800H62B ATCA-S201ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide ii
Network (Subnet) mask ........................................................................................................ 43
4.6.14 Broadcast.............................................................................................................................. 44
4.6.15 Gateway................................................................................................................................ 44
4.6.16 MTU size................................................................................................................................ 44
4.6.17 MAC address ......................................................................................................................... 44
4.7 VLAN VIRTUAL LOCAL AREA NETWORK SUPPORT ............................................................................. 45
4.7.1 Viewing active VLAN ............................................................................................................. 46
4.8 LINK AGGREGATION AND BONDING.................................................................................................. 47
4.8.1 Bonding, CLI command syntax ............................................................................................. 48
4.9 SHELF COMMUNICATIONS .............................................................................................................. 49
4.10 I/O STATUS ATTRIBUTES ................................................................................................................ 50
4.11 BLADE MAINTENANCE, MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS......................................................................... 51
4.11.1 Rescan SAS Topology, disk refresh........................................................................................ 52
4.11.2 Software Reset SAS Controller .............................................................................................. 52
4.11.3 Reset I/O Status counters...................................................................................................... 52
4.12 CPU STATUS ATTRIBUTES .............................................................................................................. 53
4.13 ATCA STATUS ATTRIBUTES ............................................................................................................ 54
5 RAID VOLUME CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................... 57
5.1 HARDWARE RAID CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................ 57
5.1.1 JBOD mode............................................................................................................................ 58
5.2 HARDWARE RAID CONFIGURATION MENU USAGE ............................................................................ 58
5.2.1 Hardware RAID levels and capabilities.................................................................................. 60
5.2.2 How new RAID definitions alter device menu display ........................................................... 60
5.2.3 Modify existing RAID configurations..................................................................................... 61
5.3 SOFTWARE RAID CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................. 63
5.3.1 Software RAID web-configuration menu usage.................................................................... 63
5.3.2 Software RAID, CLI command syntax ................................................................................... 64
5.3.3 Software RAID levels and capabilities ................................................................................... 66
6 PREPARE LOGICAL VOLUMES FOR ISCSI OR FILE SHARING......................................................... 67
6.1 BENEFITS OF A LOGICAL VOLUME GROUP (/DEV/VGA)........................................................................ 67
6.1.1 Benefits of a Logical device/disk (/dev/vga/lva0) .................................................................. 67
6.2 VIEWING PHYSICAL DISKS............................................................................................................... 68
6.2.1 Interpreting physical disk status ........................................................................................... 68
6.2.2 View physical disk properties ................................................................................................ 69
6.3 CREATE A LOGICAL VOLUME GROUP (/DEV/VGA) .............................................................................. 70
6.4 CREATING A LOGICAL DEVICE (/DEV/VGA/LVA0)............................................................................... 73
6.4.1 Extend/Expand a Logical Device (/dev/vga/lva0) .................................................................. 73
6.4.2 Delete a Logical device (/dev/vga/lva0) ................................................................................ 74
6.5 MANAGE SHARES (PREPARE LOGICAL DEVICE FOR SERVICE) ................................................................. 75
6.5.1 Commit a logical drive for iSCSI service ................................................................................ 75
6.5.2 Commit a logical drive for NAS service.................................................................................. 76
6.5.3 Un-commit an iSCSI share .................................................................................................... 77
6.5.4 Un-commit an NFS/SMB share.............................................................................................. 78
6.6 RE-NAME ISCSI SHARES, MAKE MORE HUMAN-FRIENDLY.................................................................. 79
7 ISCSI DEVICE SETUP TOOLS ....................................................................................................... 80
6806800H62B ATCA-S201ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide iii
ISCSI CONFIGURATION MENU ......................................................................................................... 80
7.1.1 Add or create an iSCSI target ................................................................................................ 80
7.1.2 Add or create an iSCSI LUN.................................................................................................... 81
7.1.3 Remove an individual iSCSI LUN ........................................................................................... 83
7.1.4 Delete an iSCSI Target (and all LUNS) ................................................................................... 83
7.1.5 Advanced iSCSI configuration (expert mode) ....................................................................... 84
7.1.6 iSCSI Discovery filter configuration (expert mode)................................................................ 88
8 NFS/SMB SHARE SETUP TOOLS.................................................................................................. 89
8.1 NFS AND SMB MOUNT POINT CONFIGURATION MENUS ..................................................................... 89
8.1.1 Export an nfs or smb share.................................................................................................... 90
8.1.2 Remove an individual file-share Export................................................................................. 92
8.1.3 Advanced file share configuration (expert mode)................................................................. 93
9 BLADE MAINTENANCE AND FIRMWARE UPGRADES .................................................................. 95
9.1 BLADE MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................... 95
9.1.1 Backup your blade configuration.......................................................................................... 95
9.1.2 Import (restore) a blade configuration ................................................................................. 96
9.2 ATCA FIRMWARE ......................................................................................................................... 96
9.2.1 Download New Firmware package....................................................................................... 97
9.3 NORMAL FIRMWARE UPDATE PROCEDURES ...................................................................................... 97
9.3.1 Web flash tool, update procedure details ............................................................................. 97
9.3.2 flash_update.sh tool usage and options .............................................................................. 99
9.3.3 CLI flash tool, update procedure details.............................................................................. 100
9.4 EMERGENCY FIRMWARE RECOVERY, THEORY OF OPERATION ............................................................. 101
9.4.1 Jumper Settings................................................................................................................... 101
9.4.2 Emergency flash recovery (factory reset)............................................................................ 102
9.4.3 Clear root password............................................................................................................ 103
10 ATCA-S201 MECHANICAL AND CONNECTOR INFORMATION.................................................. 105
10.1 SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ATCA-S201.......................................................................................... 105
10.1.1 Physical dimensions............................................................................................................ 105
10.1.2 Power Requirements........................................................................................................... 105
10.1.3 Environmental Specifications and Compliance................................................................... 105
10.1.4 NEBS Compliance................................................................................................................ 106
10.1.5 Electromagnetic Compliance.............................................................................................. 106
10.2 CONNECTORS AND PIN ASSIGNMENTS ........................................................................................... 107
10.2.1 AMC Module Slots ............................................................................................................... 108
10.2.2 Zone 1 Connectors.............................................................................................................. 110
10.2.3 Zone 2 Connectors.............................................................................................................. 111
10.2.4 Zone 3 Connectors.............................................................................................................. 112
10.2.5 Power Supply Mezzanine Module ....................................................................................... 117
10.2.6 SODIMM DDR Module......................................................................................................... 117
11 RTM-ATCA-SXXX OVERVIEW ................................................................................................... 118
11.1 FEATURES OF THE ADVANCED REAR TRANSITION MODULE ............................................................... 118
11.2 I/O PICMG STANDARDS COMPLIANCE.......................................................................................... 118
11.3 I/O INTERFACES .......................................................................................................................... 118
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External SAS Connector....................................................................................................... 119
11.3.2 Ethernet Management Port (RJ-45)..................................................................................... 119
11.3.3 Serial Console Port (RJ-45) .................................................................................................. 120
11.4 LEDS......................................................................................................................................... 120
11.5 SOFTWARE SUPPORT................................................................................................................... 121
11.6 PRODUCTS SUPPORTED BY THIS MANUAL....................................................................................... 121
11.7 IDENTIFICATION LABELS ............................................................................................................... 121
12 RTM-ATCA-SXXX INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 124
12.1 INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF THE REAR TRANSITION MODULE .................................................... 124
12.2 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR CHASSIS .......................................................................... 124
12.2.1 Safety Statement ................................................................................................................ 124
12.2.2 Observe Maximum Module Current Requirements............................................................. 124
12.3 BEFORE YOU INSTALL OR REMOVE THE RTM ................................................................................. 125
12.3.1 Observe ESD Precautions .................................................................................................... 125
12.3.2 Watch for Bent Pins or Other Damage................................................................................ 125
12.4 USE CAUTION WHEN INSTALLING OR REMOVING RTM.................................................................... 126
12.4.1 Preserve EMI Compliance .................................................................................................... 126
12.4.2 Understand Hot Swap......................................................................................................... 126
12.5 VERIFY SLOT USAGE .................................................................................................................... 126
12.6 INSTALLING THE ADVANCED REAR TRANSITION MODULE ................................................................. 126
12.7 REMOVING THE ADVANCED REAR TRANSITION MODULE.................................................................. 128
12.8 VERIFYING THE HARDWARE INSTALLATION ..................................................................................... 128
13 RTM-ATCA-SXXX MECHANICAL AND CONNECTOR INFORMATION......................................... 129
13.1 SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE RTM-ATCA-SXXX ................................................................................ 129
13.1.1 Physical Dimensions ........................................................................................................... 129
13.1.2 Power Requirements........................................................................................................... 129
13.1.3 Environmental Specifications and Compliance................................................................... 129
13.1.4 NEBS Compliance................................................................................................................ 130
13.1.5 Electromagnetic Compliance.............................................................................................. 130
13.2 CONNECTORS AND PIN ASSIGNMENTS ........................................................................................... 131
13.2.1 SAS Connector Port............................................................................................................. 132
13.2.2 10/100/1000 Mb Management Port .................................................................................. 133
13.2.3 Serial Console Management Port........................................................................................ 134
13.2.4 Zone 3 Connectors.............................................................................................................. 134
14 IPMI FUNCTIONS LIST .............................................................................................................. 139
14.1 IPMI AND MANAGEMENT CONTROLLER (IPMC)............................................................................. 139
14.2 SENSOR DATA RECORDS ............................................................................................................... 139
14.2.1 RTM e-Keying Port Assignments ........................................................................................ 142
14.3 SUPPORTED IPMI COMMANDS .................................................................................................... 143
15 IPMC FIRMWARE UPGRADE PROCEDURE................................................................................ 151
15.1 THE IPMITOOL UTILITY................................................................................................................. 151
16 INDEX ..................................................................................................................................... 163
6806800H62B ATCA-S201ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide v
List of Figures
Figure 1, ATCA-S201 functional block diagram.......................................................................................... 9
Figure 3 ATCA-S201 Diagram Showing Identification Label Location .................................................... 13
Figure 4 Injector / Ejector latch and locking screw................................................................................... 17
Figure 5 Management communications port location diagram (Typical).............................................. 20
Figure 6 ATCA Blade boot sequence diagram........................................................................................... 22
Figure 7 Boot-Flash device contents.......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 8 HTML tool, startup screen............................................................................................................ 37
Figure 9 Emerson ATCA-S201 Maintenance Network .................................................................... 38
Figure 10 Link aggregation 802.3ad (bonding), theory of operation..................................................... 47
Figure 11 HTML tool, Emerson ATCA-S201 MaintenanceShelf ...................................................... 49
Figure 12 HTML tool, Emerson ATCA-S201 MaintenanceIO Status................................................ 50
Figure 13 HTML tool, Emerson ATCA-S201 MaintenanceCPU Status ............................................ 53
Figure 14 HTML tool, Emerson ATCA-S201 MaintenanceATCA Status.......................................... 54
Figure 15 HTML tool, Main navigation side-bar, Hardware RAID->Configuration................................. 58
Figure 16 Emerson ATCA-S201 Hardware RAID (new installation screen-shot) ............................... 59
Figure 17 Figure shows how RAID LUN definitions alter physical disk display ....................................... 61
Figure 19 Emerson ATCA-S201 MD RAID (new installation screen-shot) .......................................... 63
Figure 20 HTML tool, Emerson ATCA-S201 Physical Disk (summary screen)..................................... 68
Figure 22 HTML tool, Main navigation side-bar, LVM2->Configuration ................................................. 70
Figure 23 HTML tool, Emerson ATCA-S201 LVM2 Configuration........................................................ 71
Figure 25 HTML tool, Manage shares menu function .............................................................................. 75
Figure 26 HTML tool, Emerson ATCA-S201 iSCSI iSCSI Configuration............................................ 81
Figure 27 SCSI configuration screen updates to show the new LUN. ..................................................... 83
Figure 28 HTML tool, Emerson ATCA-S201 nfs  nfs Configuration.................................................. 90
Figure 29 HTML tool, Emerson ATCA-S201 smb  smb Configuration............................................. 91
Figure 30 ATCA-S201 Jumper locations .................................................................................................. 102
Figure 31 ATCA-S201 ATCA Module Connectors .................................................................................. 108
Figure 32 Zone 1 J10 Connector Port Pin Location Diagram................................................................. 111
Figure 33 Zone 2 Connector Port Pin Location Diagram........................................................................ 112
Figure 34 Zone 3, Connector Port Pin Location Diagram...................................................................... 113
Figure 35 ‘J30’ RTM Power Receptacle.................................................................................................... 116
Figure 36, RTM-ATCA-SXXX Functional Interconnect Diagram ............................................................ 119
Figure 37, Ethernet Management Port.................................................................................................... 120
Figure 38 RTM-ATCA-SXXX Front Panel LEDs......................................................................................... 121
Figure 39. RTM-ATCA-SXXX Top View (Two Disk Drives)...................................................................... 121
Figure 40 RTM-ATCA-SXXX Diagram Showing Identification Label Locations..................................... 123
Figure 41 Injector / Ejector Latch and Locking Screw............................................................................. 127
Figure 42 RTM-ATCA-SXXX Connectors.................................................................................................. 132
Figure 43. RTM-ATCA-SXXX Front Panel SAS Connector Pin-Out Diagram......................................... 132
Figure 44 10/100/1000 Mb Management Port Pin Location Diagram ................................................. 133
Figure 45 Serial Console Management Port Pin Location Diagram....................................................... 134
Figure 46 Zone 3, Connector Port Pin Location Diagram ...................................................................... 135
Figure 47 ‘J30’ RTM Power Receptacle.................................................................................................... 137
6806800H62B ATCA-S201ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide vi
List of Tables
Table 1 Conventions used in this manual.................................................................................................... iv
Table 2 LED functional description ............................................................................................................ 12
Table 3 ATCA-S201 Identification Labels.................................................................................................. 12
Table 4 Max ATCA-S201 module Current requirements......................................................................... 14
Table 5 Console port, default terminal settings ....................................................................................... 21
Table 6 Built-in user accounts included on a new ATCA-S201................................................................. 23
Table 7 Ethernet ports for chassis communications (base/fabric).......................................................... 26
Table 8 Essential U-boot configuration commands ................................................................................. 30
Table 9 U-boot environment variables shown with printenv .................................................................. 31
Table 10 CLI command syntax, enable/disable GUI access ..................................................................... 35
Table 11 CLI command syntax, single session management override ................................................... 36
Table 12 CLI command syntax, set network property: hostname .......................................................... 39
Table 13 CLI command syntax, set network property: domain name.................................................... 39
Table 14 CLI command syntax, set network property: system date....................................................... 40
Table 15 CLI command syntax, set network property: system time....................................................... 40
Table 16 CLI command syntax, set network property: system time zone.............................................. 40
Table 17 Time Zone Selections .................................................................................................................. 41
Table 18 CLI command syntax, set network property: assign Name server........................................... 41
Table 19 CLI command syntax, set network property: assign NTP server.............................................. 42
Table 20 Ethernet ports for chassis communications (base/fabric)........................................................ 42
Table 21 CLI command syntax, set network property: Ethernet port configuration............................. 43
Table 22 Shelf configuration menu parameters....................................................................................... 50
Table 23 Blade, I/O Status indication......................................................................................................... 51
Table 24 ATCA status indication ................................................................................................................ 55
Table 25 CLI command syntax, blade_status for ATCA and AMC site status ......................................... 56
Table 26 CLI command syntax, set_raid: Add RAID configuration.......................................................... 59
Table 27 CLI command syntax, mdadm: manage RAID configuration................................................... 64
Table 28 CLI command syntax, create new volume groups .................................................................... 72
Table 29 CLI command syntax, create new logical device....................................................................... 73
Table 30 CLI command syntax, create iSCSI share ................................................................................... 76
Table 31 CLI command syntax, format a logical volume ......................................................................... 77
Table 32 CLI command syntax, create iSCSI share ................................................................................... 81
Table 33 iSCSI Advanced configuration and parameter definitions........................................................ 86
Table 34 CLI command syntax, create nfs share....................................................................................... 91
Table 35 CLI command syntax, create smb share .................................................................................... 92
Table 36 Common nfs export option definitions...................................................................................... 94
Table 37 JP1, jumper for primary/recovery Flash selection ................................................................... 101
Table 38 JP2, jumper for clearing master password............................................................................... 101
Table 39 Environmental specifications for the ATCA-S201 ................................................................... 106
Table 40 EMC Emission compliancy ........................................................................................................ 107
Table 41 Connector Port Identification and Location ............................................................................ 108
Table 42 AMC Slot 0, Port Assignments .................................................................................................. 109
Table 43 AMC Slot 1, Port Assignments .................................................................................................. 109
Table 44 AMC slot 2, Port Assignments .................................................................................................. 110
Table 45 AMC slot 3, Port Assignments .................................................................................................. 110
Table 46 Connector J10, Zone-1 Pin Assignments ................................................................................. 111
Table 47 Connector J23, Zone-2 Pin Assignments ................................................................................. 112
Table 48 Connector J23, Zone-2 Signal Descriptions............................................................................. 112
Table 49 Connector P32, Management infrastructure pin assignments.............................................. 113
Table 50 Connector J32, Management infrastructure signal descriptions........................................... 114
6806800H62B ATCA-S201ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide vii
Table 51 Connector J33, PCIe and Miscellaneous RTM Pin Ass
Table 52 Connector J33, PCIe and Miscellaneous RTM Signal Descriptions......................................... 115
Table 53 J30, RTM Power Pin Header Assignment.................................................................................. 116
Table 54 Connector J30, RTM Power Pin Signal Descriptions................................................................ 116
Table 55 I/O Ports Available on RTM Faceplate ...................................................................................... 119
Table 56 LEDs On RTM Faceplate............................................................................................................. 120
Table 57 RTM-ATCA-SXXX Identification Labels..................................................................................... 122
Table 58 Max RTM Module Current Requirements ................................................................................ 124
Table 59 Max RTM Module Current Requirements ................................................................................ 129
Table 60 Environmental Specifications for the ATCA-S201................................................................... 130
Table 61 EMC Emission Compliancy........................................................................................................ 131
Table 62 Connector Port Identification and Location ............................................................................ 132
Table 63. RTM-ATCA-SXXX Front Panel SAS Connector Pin Assignments.......................................... 133
Table 64 10/100/1000 Management Port Connector Pin Assignments .............................................. 133
Table 65 Serial Console Management Port Connector Pin Assignments ............................................. 134
Table 66 Connector P32, Management Infrastructure Pin Assignments ............................................. 135
Table 67 Connector J32, Management Infrastructure Signal Descriptions.......................................... 136
Table 68 Connector J33, Miscellaneous RTM Pin Assignments............................................................. 136
Table 69 Connector J33, Miscellaneous RTM Signal Descriptions......................................................... 137
Table 70 J30, RTM Power Pin Header Assignment.................................................................................. 137
Table 71 Connector J30, RTM Power Pin Signal Descriptions................................................................ 138
Table 72. ATCA-S201 Sensor Data Records ........................................................................................... 141
Table 73. RTM-ATCA-SXXX Sensor Data Records.................................................................................. 141
Table 74 ATCA-S201 Example FRU Data Records.................................................................................. 141
Table 75 RTM-ATCA-SXXX Example FRU Data Records ........................................................................ 142
Table 76 Supported IPMI Commands..................................................................................................... 144
Table 77 ipmitool options relevant to firmware upgrades ................................................................... 151
ignments ............................................. 114
6806800H62B ATCA-S201ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide viii
Safety Summary
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this equipment. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual could result in personal injury or damage to the equipment.
The safety precautions listed below represent warnings of certain dangers of which Emerson is aware. You, as the user of the product, should follow these warnings and all other safety precautions necessary for the safe operation of the equipment in your operating environment.
ROUND THE INSTRUMENT. To minimize shock hazard, the equipment chassis and
G enclosure must be connected to an electrical ground. If the equipment is supplied with a three-conductor AC power cable, the power cable must be plugged into an approved three-contact electrical outlet, with the grounding wire (green/yellow) reliably connected to an electrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet. The power jack and mating plug of the power cable meet International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) safety standards and local electrical regulatory codes.
War nin
O NOT OPERATE IN AN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE. Do not operate the equipment in any
D explosive atmosphere such as in the presence of flammable gases or fumes. Operation of any electrical equipment in such an environment could result in an explosion and cause injury or damage.
K remove equipment covers. Only Factory Authorized Service Personnel or other qualified service personnel may remove equipment covers for internal subassembly or component replacement or any internal adjustment. Service personnel should not replace components with power cable connected. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exist even with the power cable removed. To avoid injuries, such personnel should always disconnect power and discharge circuits before touching components.
U (CRT) causes a high-velocity scattering of glass fragments (implosion). To prevent CRT implosion, do not handle the CRT, and avoid rough handling or jarring of the equipment. Handling of a CRT should be done only by qualified service personnel using approved safety mask and gloves.
O NOT SUBSTITUTE PARTS OR MODIFY EQUIPMENT. Do not install substitute parts or
D perform any unauthorized modification of the equipment. Contact your local Emerson representative for service and repair to ensure that all safety features are maintained.
BSERVE WARNINGS IN MANUAL. Warnings, such as the example below, precede
O potentially dangerous procedures throughout this manual. Instructions contained in the warnings must be followed. You should also employ all other safety precautions which you deem necessary for the operation of the equipment in your operating environment.
To prevent serious injury or death from dangerous voltages, use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting this equipment and its components.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide i
All Emerson PWBs (printed wiring boards) are manufactured with a flammability rating of 94V-0 by UL-recognized manufacturers.
EMI Caution
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate electromagnetic energy. It may cause or be susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) if not installed and used with adequate EMI protection.
Safety Statement
The ATCA-S201 is designed to comply with EN60950-1, and is intended to be used with similarly tested ATCA and AMC products that have a user’s guide detailing user installation of AMC module accessories.
CE Notice (European Community)
Emerson Networks products with the CE marking comply with the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC). Compliance with this directive implies conformity to the following European Norms:
EN55022 “Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference
Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment”; this product tested to Equipment Class A
EN50082-1:1997 “Electromagnetic Compatibility–Generic Immunity
Standard, Part 1. Residential, Commercial and Light Industry”
System products also fulfill EN60950 (product safety), which is essentially the requirement for the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC).
Board products are tested in a representative system to show compliance with the above mentioned requirements. A proper installation in a CE-marked system will maintain the required EMC/safety performance.
In accordance with European Community directives, a “Declaration of Conformity” has been made and is on file within the European Union. The “Declaration of Conformity” is available on request. Please contact your sales representative.
While reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Emerson Networks, Inc. assumes no liability resulting from any omissions in this document, or from the use of the information obtained therein. Emerson reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Emerson to notify any person of such revision or changes.
Electronic versions of this material may be read online, downloaded for personal use. The text itself may not be published commercially in print or electronic form,
6806800H62B ATCA-S201ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide ii
edited, translated, or otherwise altered without the permission of Emerson Networks, Inc.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide iii
About This Manual
This manual supports the following configurations and model numbers.
Part Number Description
ATCA-S201 10GbE RAID Storage-IP Carrier blade
How this manual is organized
This manual is divided into the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter 1 provides a
6ATCA-S201 Overview
Chapter 2 provides instructions for Installation
Chapter 3 provides the procedures for a
6New System configuration
Chapter 4 Provides details regarding Network configuration
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
provides details for RAID Volume Configuration
provides instructions for sharing devices as NAS or iSCSI
Chapter 7 provides information for iSCSI LUN configurations
Chapter 8 provides information for NFS and SMB file sharing configurations
Chapter 9 provides
Chapter 10 provides
6Blade Maintenance and Firmware upgrades
6ATCA-S201 Mechanical and Connector Information
Chapter 11 provides overview on RTM-ATCA-SXXX
Chapter 12 provides instructions for installing the RTM-ATCA-SXXX
Chapter 13 provides RTM-ATCA-SXXX connector information
Chapter 14 provides
Chapter 15 provides
6IPMI Functions List
6IPMC Firmware Upgrade Procedure
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following typographical conventions are used in this document:
Table 1 Conventions used in this manual
Convention Is used for
6806800H62B ATCA-S201ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide iv
User input that you type just as it appears; it is also used for commands, options and arguments to commands, and names of programs, directories and files. Names of variables to which you assign values, for function parameters, and for structure names and fields. Italic is also used for comments in screen displays and examples, and to introduce new terms.
System output (for example, screen displays and reports), examples, and system prompts. The carriage return or Enter key.
The Control key. Execute control characters by pressing the CTRL key and the letter simultaneously, for example, Ctrl+D.
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Hardware Preparation and Installation
Unpacking Instructions
If the shipping carton is damaged upon receipt, request that the carrier’s agent be present during the unpacking and inspection of the equipment.
Unpack the equipment from the shipping carton. Refer to the packing list and verify that all items are present. Save the packing material for storing and reshipping of equipment.
Avoid touching areas of integrated circuitry. Static discharge can damage circuits.
After removing the product from the packaging:
Check for obvious physical damage. Make sure that you disconnect the chassis from the main power supply
before you continue.
Antistatic Precautions
Emerson strongly recommends that you use an antistatic wrist strap and a conductive foam pad when installing or upgrading a system. Electronic components, such as disk drives, computer boards, and memory modules, can be extremely sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). After removing the component
from its protective wrapper or from the system, place the component flat on a grounded, static-free surface (and, in the case of a board, component side up). Do not slide the component over any surface.
If an ESD station is not available, you can avoid damage resulting from ESD by wearing an antistatic wrist strap (available at electronics stores) that is attached to an active electrical ground. Note that a system chassis may not be grounded if it is unplugged.
Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this equipment. Use extreme caution when handling, testing, and adjusting.
Avoid touching areas of integrated circuitry. Static discharge can damage these
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1 ATCA-S201 Overview

The Emerson ATCA-S201 is an ATCA carrier blade that supplies multi-protocol IP storage services to the chassis Zone-2 backplane using Ethernet connections. The ATCA-S201 virtualizes capacity of AMC SAS/SATA disks and creates multiple logical volumes which are mapped as iSCSI, NFS or SMB targets. Using access control lists, ATCA server blades are given authorization to connect with virtualized volumes via 10 GbE fabric or 1GbE base connections.
The ATCA-S201 carrier can accommodate up to four AMC disk modules. Additional disks may be added using an Advanced ARTM which adheres to the Advanced RTM zone-3 connector pin out.
Users may also deploy the ATCA-S201 to realize gateway functions with external equipment including SAS and/or Fiber channel (FC) storage area networks (SANs). For example, populate with an AMC 4 Gb FC controller modules, and establish gateway services between LUN volumes in the FC data center and the ATCA GbE network.

1.1 Features of the ATCA Storage Module

ATCA-S201 Overview
The ATCA-S201 is single slot carrier board for ATCA shelves. Measuring 8U (280mm) x 325 mm, the carrier includes four advanced mezzanine card (AMC) slots for storage disks or SAN connections. Several on board Ethernet controllers provide connections to the base and fabric interfaces.
The prominent digital components include:
Freescale® 1.3Ghz, super scalar PowerPC processor Intel® dual port 10 GbE Ethernet controller LSI® 8 port SAS controller, with RAID PLX® 48 Lane PCI Express Switch 1GB SODIMM, 533MHz DDR2, with ECC (72b) Carrier IPMC, with hot swap and LED control FRUID serial EERPORM (note: The FRU ID is not a separate part but rather
embedded in the MMC controller.)
Temperature sensors Voltage sensors SPI flash memory
The ATCA-S201 is loaded with software which enables it to terminate several IP protocols, and efficiently map these protocols to block I/O storage using SAS/SATA disks, and optional RAID protection. This product can also map IP protocols to Fibre Channel SAN resources, if populated with a 4Gb Fibre channel AMC module.
Key software services include:
iSCSI service (IETF RFC-3720) NFS service version 3 (network file share) SMB service (Server Message Block file system) Integrated RAID0, RAID1 and RAID1E service SNMP HTML web configuration client
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1.2 I/O PICMG standards compliance

The ATCA-S201 10Gb RAID Storage-IP Carrier ATCA is fully compliant with the following PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (PICMG) specifications:
PICMG 3.0 Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA) PICMG 3.1 Ethernet for ATCA Systems AMC.0 Advance Mezzanine Card Base Specification AMC.1 PCI Express and Advanced Switching AMC.3 AMC Storage IPMI v1.5 Intelligent Platform Management Interface Specification PCI Express 1.0a

1.3 Chassis I/O connections

The ATCA-S201 provides several sockets and slots to facilitate operation in an ATCA chassis. In addition to 4 AMC modules, the module includes chassis backplane connections including ATCA zone-1 (power), zone-2 (fabric) and zone-3 (Advanced rear transition module).
Site B1
Site B2
Site B3
Site B4
x4 PCI-E
x1 SAS
x1 SAS
x4 PCI-E
x1 SAS
x4 PCI-E
x1 SAS
x4 PCI-E
x1 SAS
24 PCI-E
24 PCI-E
PCI-E Swi tch
1 Gb
1 Gb 1 Gb
10 Gb 10 Gb
Zone 3 to RTM
Zone 2
Zone 1 Power
Power Modul e
6806800H62B ATCAS201InstallationandUseGuide8
Figure 1, ATCA-S201 functional block diagram

1.3.1 AMC card connections

The four AMC slots have identical features, and each accommodates a half width, mid height module. The ATCA-S201 accepts AMC cards conforming to either PCI express signaling (AMC.1) or Storage signaling options (AMC.3). AMC feature support details:
PCI-Express x4 on AMC ports 4-7 PCI reference clock on FCLKA 3Gb SAS/SATA on AMC port2 3Gb SAS/SATA on AMC port3 SAS hot swap support Face plate height x width, 18.96 x 73.8mm IPMB-L 72W max each slot (120W shared with all AMC slots)


A 72 bit SODIMM socket is populated with a DDR2 memory module, and operated at 533MHz. The ATCA applies ECC (error correction code) algorithms to this memory to ensure data integrity of both the storage and program code stored in it. Single bit errors are automatically detected and corrected by these ECC algorithms.

1.3.3 Zone 1, power backplane connections

The Zone-1 connector brings 48V DC power into the ATCA main board. This power is regulated and split into several lower voltages by discrete components and a pair of power modules that are affixed to the ATCA carrier. Together, these devices convert 48V source and distributes power amongst the ATCA local onboard needs, AMC slots and advanced rear transition module (RTM).

1.3.4 Zone 2, backplane connections

This connector carries the Ethernet links to the chassis backplane. All Ethernet ports on this connector are full duplex and all ports support access to advertised storage resources. This connector includes the following Gigabit Ethernet ports:
2 Fabric channels, redundant 10GbE XAUI connections 2 Base channels, redundant 1GbE base connections

1.3.5 Zone 3, Advanced RTM connector

This connector conforms to the advanced rear transition module (RTM) 3-row connector standard. The following functions are routed to this connector:
8x PCI-express 4x SAS/SATA target connections 4x SAS/SATA initiator connections
C support
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12V and 3.3V supply voltage 1GbE management RS232 management Ethernet Management port
An Ethernet management port is routed to the Zone 3 connector. An advanced RTM with an RJ-45 connector is needed to access this port. The port auto negotiates to either 10/100/1000BASE-T. Serial Console Port
An RS232 serial management port is routed to the Zone 3 connector. An advanced RTM with an RJ-45 connector is needed to access this port.
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1.4 LEDs

Several LEDs are located on the panel of the ATCA-S201 Advanced TCA Carrier.
Out of Servi ce (OOS )
Boot S ta tus
Hot Swap
Figure 2 Front view- fully populated ATCA-S201 showing panel LEDs
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Table 2 LED functional description
LED Description
ATCA Blade OK LED Green-ON: Blade Optimal
ATCA Boot (Health) status
ATCA Out of service (OOS)

1.5 Software driver support

The ATCA-S201 provides several IP storage services over the 10GbE fabric and 1 GbE base connections. Major services include iSCSI, NFS, and SMB. ATCA node boards with standard OS installations, require no special drives from Emerson. This product is compatible with the following operating systems and services:
Solaris 10 (SPARC) Operating System, NFS Solaris 10 (SPARC) Operating System, iSCSI initiator Solaris 10 (x86) Operating system, NFS Solaris 10 (x86) Operating system, iSCSI initiator SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, NFS SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, iSCSI initiator RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.0_u4, NFS RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.0_u4, iSCSI initiator Windows Server 2003 CIFS (a dialect of SMB) Windows Server 2003, iSCSI initiator
Off: Normal, default state Blue-Blinking: Preparing for hot swap Blue-ON: ready for hot-swap removal
Amber: Blade is resetting Green: Blade is optimal Off: Normal, default state Yellow-Blinking: firmware update in progress Red-ON: Out of service (PPC/IPMC)

1.6 Part Number, Serial Number, and Address Labels

At manufacturing time, several labels are affixed to the ATCA-S201 as shown below. For proper identification of the AMC module, use these barcode labels to determine the module identity. The barcode labels provide the following information:
Table 3 ATCA-S201 Identification Labels
Label Description
Label 1: Top/Final assembly P/N For Internal Use Only
Label 2: Sub assembly P/N For Internal Use Only
Label 3: Serial number (S/N)
Format: AAALYMMSSSS (example: 100S8031234)
6806800H62B ATCAS201InstallationandUseGuide12
AAA = Assembly Number (100)
L =Location of manufacturer (S)
Y = Calendar year of manufacturer (2008 = 8)
MM = Calendar month of manufacturer (March = 03)
SSSS = Sequence number (reset each month) (1234)
Label 4: Part Numbers
This label contains 2 numbers:
Top = Internal Part Number
Bottom = Orderable Part Number
Figure 3 ATCA-S201 Diagram Showing Identification Label Location
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2 ATCA-S201 Installation

This chapter contains the procedures for installing and removing the ATCA-S201 10GbE RAID storage services blade.

2.1 Installation and removal of the ATCA carrier blade

The ATCA-S201 10GbE RAID storage services blade can be installed into an ATCA shelf (chassis) with a midplane made for front and rear board installations.

2.2 Important information about your chassis

The Chassis backplane often designates certain slots as hub slots and the others as general purpose node slots. Be certain to select a general purpose node slot for installation. If this installation includes a companion advanced rear transition module (ARTM), install the ARTM first. These back-to-back slots have cut-outs that permit the front carrier board to pass signals to the ARTM via the Zone-3 connector complex.
Before installing the blade module, verify the module’s part number to ensure that the correct module is being installed into the system. For information on identifying the blade module, see Section 1.6 Part Number, Serial Number, and Address Labels.

2.3 Safety Statement

The ATCA-S201 is designed to comply with UL60950-1, and is intended to be used with similarly tested ATCA and AMC products that have a user’s guide detailing user installation.

2.3.1 Observe maximum module current requirements

Be sure to validate the host chassis, and the host chassis meets the maximum current requirements.
The ATCA-S201 includes a stacked power supply module with maximum rated output of 210W of power. This represents a surplus of power vs. the expected power consumption.
Table 4 Max ATCA-S201 module Current requirements
Module ATCA-S201
Max ATCA blade Current Draw (unpopulated) 1.04 @ 48V (50 watts) Max current draw (each AMC slot) 72 watts (max
Max current draw (ARTM slot) 25 watts (max)
3.12 Total Maximum
2.08 @ 48V (100 watts) total shared power pool
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2.4 Before you install or Remove the ATCA carrier blade

Boards may be damaged if improperly installed or handled. Please read and follow the guidelines in this section to protect your equipment.

2.4.1 Observe ESD Precautions

Emerson strongly recommends that you use an antistatic wrist strap and a conductive foam pad when installing or upgrading a system. Electronic components, such as disk drives, computer boards, and memory modules, can be extremely sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). After removing the component from its protective wrapper or from the system, place the component flat on a grounded, static-free surface (and, in the case of a board, component side up). Do not slide the component over any surface.
If an ESD station is not available, you can avoid damage resulting from ESD by wearing an antistatic wrist strap (available at electronics stores) that is attached to an active electrical ground. Note that a system chassis may not be grounded if it is unplugged.

2.4.2 Watch for Bent Pins or Other Damage

Bent pins or loose components can cause damage to the board, the backplane, or other system components. Carefully inspect your board and the backplane for both pin and component integrity before installation. Our suppliers take significant steps to ensure there are no bent pins on the backplane or connector damage to the boards prior to leaving our factory. Bent pins caused by improper installation or by boards with damaged connectors could void the warranty for the backplane or boards.
If a system contains one or more crushed pins, power off the system and contact your local sales representative to schedule delivery of a replacement chassis assembly.

2.5 Use Caution When installing or removing the ATCA carrier

When installing boards in an empty chassis, we recommend that you start
at the left of the card cage and work to the right. This helps to avoid mistakes in matching slots with the intended carrier boards.
When inserting or removing a board in a slot adjacent to other boards, use extra caution to avoid damage to the pins and components located on the primary or secondary sides of the boards.

2.5.1 Preserve EMI Compliance

To preserve compliance with applicable standards and regulations for electromagnetic interference (EMI), during operation all front and rear openings on
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the chassis or board faceplates must be filled with an appropriate card or covered with a filler panel. If the EMI barrier is open, devices may cause or be susceptible to excessive interference.

2.5.2 Understand Hot Swap

The ATCA module is electrically designed for hot swap within a fully powered chassis. To facilitate hot swap, there is a blue LED on the front faceplate. This LED is under software control of the IPMC managers.
The manager will illuminate the blue hot swap LED on the front faceplate when software has stopped and it is safe to remove the advanced rear transition module. If the blue-LED is not illuminated or blinking, it is not ready for removal. Powering down or removing a board before the operating system or other software running on the board has been properly shut down may cause corruption of data or file systems.

2.6 Connector Mechanical keying

The ATCA supports mechanical connector keying to help prevent installation with incompatible components and RTM. The ATCA carrier board utilizes an A1/K1 key that is set at for universal)

2.7 Verify Slot Usage

Prevent possible damage to module components by verifying the proper slot usage for your configuration.
In most cases, electronic keying (E-keying) will prevent power on of a board into an incompatible slot. However, as an extra precaution, you should be familiar with the slot purpose.

2.8 Installing the ATCA carrier blade

This section describes a recommended procedure for installing the ATCA carrier module in a chassis.
Before you install your module, please read all cautions, warnings, and instructions presented in this section.
Handling modules and peripherals can result in static damage. Use a grounded wrist strap, static-dissipating work surface, and antistatic containers when handling and storing components.
Insert the board by holding the Module Handles–do not exert unnecessary pressure on the faceplate.
Hot swap compliant modules may be installed while the system is powered on. If a module is not hot swap compliant, you should remove power to the slot or system before installing the module.
1. Verify that you have taken the necessary antistatic precautions.
6806800H62B ATCAS201InstallationandUseGuide16
2. Go to the front of the system and choose an appropriate slot for the ATCA
carrier blade.
If also installing a companion advanced rear transition module (RTM), install it before installing the ATCA node board. For example, if the ATCA node board is planned for slot B4, first install the ARTM at the back of the system in slot B4.
3. Remove the slot filler panel from the selected node board slot, if necessary.
4. Prepare the module by loosening the locking screws and opening the
injector/ejector latch at the top and bottom of the module as shown in the figure below.
Figure 4 Injector / Ejector latch and locking screw
5. Carefully align the edges of the module with the guides in the appropriate slot.
It might be helpful to look into the enclosure to verify correct alignment of the rails in the guides. Align the edges of the module with the card cage rail guides in the appropriate slot.
6. Taking care to keep the module aligned in the guides, apply equal and steady
pressure and slide the module in until the injector/ejector mechanism engages the retention bars.
7. Position your thumbs at the top and bottom of the ATCA carrier board;
simultaneously push in the module and rotate the injector/ejector mechanisms inward to their closed position to seat and secure ATCA carrier blade. DO NOT FORCE THE BOARD INTO THE SLOT.
8. Tighten the two module retention screws to secure the module into the shelf.
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9. Power on the system, if necessary. Refer to your system manual for instructions
on correctly powering on the system. Once power is applied to the chassis, the internal MMC controller runs a self-test that runs for approximately 10 seconds. Upon a successful power up self-test, the blue hot swap LED will blink and then turn off, indicating that the module has been placed in operation.

2.9 Removing the ATCA carrier blade

The ATCA-S201 ATCA carrier blade is hot-swappable and can be removed from a powered chassis. This section describes a recommended procedure for removing a board module from a chassis.
Before you remove your module, please read all cautions, warnings, and instructions presented in this section. Hot swap compliant modules may be removed while the system is powered on. When the lower ejector handle is partially disengaged, a mechanical switch will assert a signal to notify the IPMC to begin removal preparations. The IPMC will blink the blue hot-swap LED as it transitions the module to the appropriate power-down state. Upon completion and with permission from the ShMC, The blue LED will illuminate steady ON. This is the only indication that safe removal may commence. If the Blue LED is blinking or off, it is not ready for hot plug.
To remove the ATCA module, follow these steps:
1. Loosen the locking screws on the rear transition module.
2. Rotate the lower ejector handle to the half way (HW) position. Do not remove
the module immediately.
3. If your host module running hot swap-aware software, the action of rotating
the ejector lever will start the shutdown process on the board. The software will slowly blink the blue hot swap LED indicating the module is in the process of being de-activated.
4. Once the module has been de-activated, the Blue LED will illuminate steady.
Once this is done you can extract the module by pulling on the module handle.
Note: Powering down or removing a board before the operating system or other software running on the board has been properly shut down may cause corruption of data or file systems.
5. When the blue LED is illuminated ON, removal of the ATCA carrier board may
6. Carefully pull the module from the chassis.
7. If the card slot is to remain empty, install a filler panel in the slot.

2.10 Verifying the Hardware Installation

This section provides information to verify the installation of the ATCA-S201 10 GbE RAID storage services module.
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2.10.1 To Verify the Hardware Installation

1. After power is applied to the system, wait approximately 45 seconds for
firmware to initialize the board.
2. Inspect the LEDs on the front of the ATCA panel. When properly installed and
powered, the LEDs will illuminate as follows:
ATCA Hot Swap LED Off: Normal, default state ATCA Health status Green-blinking: Healthy, OK ATCA Out of service (OOS) Off: Normal, default state
3. (Optional). There are five Ethernet ports on the ATCA blade:
1 management (on RTM) 2 ATCA base ports (zone-2 connector) 2 ATCA fabric ports (zone-2 connector)
If DHCP is running on the network, it is possible to immediately ping the Ethernet ports on the ATCA module. Open a command line window on any node, and attempt to ping the ATCA blade.
ok ping 192.168.1.xxx
Note1: Ping requires that you determine the IP address assigned to the blade. The carrier blades MAC address assignments are registered with the IANA public section of the IEEE Standards OUI (Organizational unique identifier) database. The Ethernet ports for the blade can be identified by finding the IP address corresponding to the following MAC address assignments:
MAC address OUI
00-11-0D-xx-xx-xx (hex)
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3 New System
Confi gurati on Step:
Console Set up
Comm. Setup
LUN Set up
Logical Vol ume
Device Setup
Share Setup
This chapter describes how to establish management communications with the ATCA-S201 for purposes including initial configuration, administration and monitoring the storage services. A typical ATCA deployment will consist of an ATCA chassis, ATCA carrier blades, Advanced RTM and shelf management controllers (ShMC). Administrators may choose from the following physical access ports to conduct management communications:
Full configuration capabilities:
- RS232 on Advanced Rear transition module (ARTM)
- Ethernet on Advanced Rear transition module (1 GbE on ARTM)
- Any zone 2 Ethernet connection (base or fabric)
In addition to DHCP, the ARTM Ethernet port offers special protocol services such as TFTP to recover corrupted flash or accidental erasure. All available management communications methods are outlined in this chapter.
ATC AChassis
Console (RS232)
Console (ShMC)
Figure 5 Management communications port location diagram (Typical)
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