ELTEX TAU-36.IP, TAU-72.IP, TAU-16.IP, TAU-24.IP Operation Manual

Universal Network Terminal
Operation manual (03.09.2018)
Firmware version 2.18.0: SIP, H.323
2 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
Firmware version: 2.18.0 Linux version: 312 Media processor version: v10_23_03_15 BPU version: v20180806 (for rev. B) BPU version: v20150928 (for v1.0-v4.0)
Factory default IP address Username: admin Password: rootpasswd
Firmware version
Issue data
Version 2.18.0
Call log view via WEB; Call log upload via WEB and CLI; Connected phone indication in port testing results; AGC settings in subscriber profiles.
Version 2.17.2
Digest authentication when authentication via WEB; Network mask in firewall rules; Password hiding in the configuration and Web interface; MTU, MRU, LCP echo failure, LCP echo interval, service name
settings for PPP;
Increasing of CLAMPMSS value for PPP; CLI - enhanced command list for PPPoE configuration; CLI - enhanced passwd command syntax; WEB and CLI passwords are synchronized; Ability to use WAN interface without IP address; Only caller name is available in CallerID.
Scopes of MTU settings for PPP and VLAN interfaces; Proper termination of PPP session with the device software restart.
Version 2.17.0
Flexible authentication mode on RADIUS server; Change operation of functional 'F' button; The 'Modem' setting and service for subscriber port; Reserve DNS configuration in CLI; Ability to update firmware via FTP; Simultaneous processing of 43, 66 and 67 DHCP protocol options; Enhanced supported TR-069 parameters value.
Version 2.16.0
Output 'overload busy' tone when 500, 502, 503 and 504 SIP
response are received;
Enhanced CLI interface supported functional.
Version 2.15.0
Diffserv parameter is replaced by DSCP; Current SIP proxy server control via OPTIONS requests support; Enhanced CLI interface supported functional; iftable SNMP MIB2 support.
Version 2.14.0
PPTP tunnel support; IPSec tunnel support; Firmware update art certain time (timed); Configuration update at certain time; Filtrations on MAC addresses; Acoustic signal parameters configuration; Dial plan profiles; Call forward to a local subscriber is fixed; Echo delay time configuration; T2 timer configuration; Individual Diffserv for RTP per port; Diffserv for RTP for subscriber profile; Rx AGC; Tx AGC; DNS failure is fixed.
Version 2.13.1
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 3
Ability to configure MTU; Ability to configure ports to get access via Telnet, SSH, HTTPS; Ability to switch to redundant proxy only by INVITE request type.
Version 2.13
Incorrect RTP/SAVP processing is fixed; Call decline by 500 SIP INFO request reply receiving is fixed; Misuse of accept header in SIP replies is fixed; SIP headers display via Web interface issues are fixed; Automatic username and password fields in Web interface filling is
Russified Web interface; Symbol '%' inputting in username, hot number, alt number,
cf_no_answer, cf_busy, cf_unconditional, cf_out_of_service restriction;
Response for transition to a redundant proxy is changed from 408 to
Expanding of Username and Password fields to 50 characters in SIP
MWI service for SIP; Ability to change the way of static/dynamic address obtaining in
factory default configuration;
Ability to change factory default MAC address; Updated files of time zones for NTP; Prior channel through-connecting when calling to a call group; Maximum amount of simultaneous Web interface users is increased
to four;
SIP domain transmission to request URI; Application of Wait answer timeout for incoming calls; Creation of DHCP option 82.
Version 2.12
alert-info header processing; Multihoming mode support; Work behind NAT (STUN, PublicIP) support; CgPN/CdPN modification support with incoming calls; Optional depth of RURI check with incoming calls; Configuration and firmware update via FTP/HTTP/HTTPS support; Local log; Configurable daylight saving time support; Configuring the Speed/Duplex modes of switch ports.
Version 2.11
SNMP. New blocking cause support (Receiver offhook); WEB. Regexp dialplan modofocation: Processing of the ABCD symbols in regexp routing plan; Ability to replace S-timer by L-timer for variable symbol amount
rules in regexp routing plan;
SNMP, WEB Increasing of the Call group amount up to 32; H323 processing of the status enquiry message.
Version 2.10
SIP. SIP-T support; SIP. Port unregistration after restart; SIP. Call waiting service support by Huawei algorithm; SNMP. Hardware version reading via SNMP; SNMP. Configuration of common system parameters; SNMP. Configuration of TCP/UDP port ranges; SNMP. Configuration of call limits; SNMP. Distinctive ringing service configuration Adding the 'stop dial by #' option in subscriber profile; 'Call transfer' service control using IMS; Monitoring of 'Call transfer' service setted using IMS; Call transmission using 'Flash+4' combination; 'Port registration delay' parameter value range is changed (ms); WEB. The buttons for statistics, blocking and line testing data reset
are added;
DHCP release message transmission when the device is resetting; DHCP option 43 support; DHCP option 121 support; DHCP option 60 issued format control.
4 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
Version 2.9
Redundant DNS configuration; Access via WEB enable/disable; Configuration of the TCP port for access via WEB by HTTP; TR-069 protocol is realized; Configuration of the failure events transmission to the syslog server; Firewall configuration via WEB; Configuration of the active session support mode for operations
through NAT (SIP);
3-way-conference startup mode on conference server (SIP) is
Service (simulation service) management using IMS (3GPP TS
24.623) (SIP);
RFC2833 alignment with RFC3264 recomendation (SIP); cpc-rus subscriber category transmission (SIP); Call transmission within gateway without REFER query (SIP); Music on hold support on G.723.1 G.729 G.726-32 codecs; RADIUS server usage for authentication of users administering the
device via WEB, telnet, SSH;
Serial groups registration state monitoring (WEB, SNMP); IMS supply services status monitoring.
Version 2.6
Configuration of time interval between port registration; STP support; LLDP support; Fan control options enhancement; Additional parameters output in the system info section; SYSLOG parameters configuration via SNMP; Factory settings monitoring via SNMP; Line length recalculation in Appendix F.
Version 2.4
Call reply answer timeout. Routing plan regular expressions correctness review; Distinctive ring service configuration; RTCO-XR is realized; Unified configuration file for all settings.
Version 2.3
SIP profiles configuration; List of the subscriber sets supply modes; Subscriber profiles settings configuration via SNMP:
Configuration of common SIP parameters. Specific SIP parameters' configuration.
Codecs configuration. Firmware update via SNMP; Registration status monitoring on SIP server; Port blocking status monitoring; The 'Firewall configuration' appendix.
SIP-T processing configuration.
Version 2.2
Information on the current supplementary services status; PPPoE configuration; CPC configuration; P-RTP -stat configuration; Inactive media streams removing during SDP session modification.
SIP-T point-point processing configuration;
Version 2.1
Switch port status monitoring; Reserve codec/protocol usage when fax is transmitting; Echo cancelling with disabled non-linear NLP processor; Encryption key setting.
Version 2.0
Supply services configuration; Autoconfiguration.
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 5
RADIUS configuration.
Version 1.11
SIPconnected, H323connected parameters for SNMP monitoring; Testing on long lines (ARM); Simultaneous connections amount limit - Call limits.
Alert info support.
Version 1.10
Home SIP server control with REGISTER messages; RTCP configuration; The 'Music on hold' service; Switching to modem with session attributes point via rfc3108; Registration retry interval configuration; Default gateway and CoS configuration for VLAN; Inbound configuration; Ringback raising to a voice channel; Parameters configuration via SNMP; Symbol # transmission to a SIP URI as #
Version 1.9
The '3-way-conference' service; Connection establishment algorithms for '3-way-conference' service
Payphone mode configuration; QoS & Bandwidth control - Quality of Service function and
Bandwidth restriction configuration;
Version 1.8
Safety measures instructions; General switch operation guidelines; Configuration of internal switching for SIP-proxy connection loss; Pickup groups configuration. Configuration of pickup codes; Configuration of prefix with varying number count; Web configurator access via HTTPS; Tracing disabling, network traffic mirroring; Connection establishment algorithms description; Example of switch configuration using VLAN; Example of IPBX configuration on TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP; Phone line length calculation.
Version 1.7
Factory default IP address is changed to Added:
Simultaneous channel amount interrelation with codec type table RADIUS messages description; First digit input waiting timer; SIP settings: SIP MTU, short mode, 100rel; Receiving media traffic control function; Codec packetization configuration; Min FLASH impulse detection limit configuration and FLASH
detecting restriction;
SWITCH modes description; Monitoring of SFP parameters, supporting DDM; Configuration recording/reading to/from FTP, TFTP server; Added the Logout button; Call statistics; CT service function enhancement.
Version 1.6
Table added - simultaneous channel amount. Enable/disable telnet/ssh is added.
Version 1.5
Web interface is fully updated.
Syslog is added. Firmware update via Web interface is added. Failure description, output via SNMP is added.
Version 1.4
Local DNS, prefix priority description are added.
Version 1.3
'General device configuration sequence' appendix is added.
Version 1.2
Subscriber port testing description is added.
Version 1.0
First issue.
6 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP FIRMWARE UP TO DATE INSTRUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 8
SYMBOLS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
NOTES AND WARNINGS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
TARGET AUDIENCE .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
1 INTRODUCTUION .................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
2.2 Typical Application Diagrams ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.3 Product Design and Operating Principle ...................................................................................................................................... 17
2.4 Main Specifications ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.5 Design .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.6 Device ventilation ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22
2.7 Light indication ............................................................................................................................................................................ 23
2.8 'F' Function Button Operation ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.9 Delivery Package .......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.9.1 TAU-72.IP delivery package................................................................................................................................................ 24
2.9.2 TAU-36.IP delivery package................................................................................................................................................ 24
3 INSTALLATION ORDER AND SAFETY MEASURES ................................................................................................................................... 26
3.1 Safety instruction ......................................................................................................................................................................... 26
3.1.1 General Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
3.1.2 Electrical Safety Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 26
3.1.3 Electrostatic Discharge Safety Measures ........................................................................................................................... 27
3.2 TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP Installation................................................................................................................................................. 27
3.2.1 Opening the case ............................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.3 Startup sequence ......................................................................................................................................................................... 28
4 GENERAL SWITCH OPERATION GUIDELINES ......................................................................................................................................... 30
5 DEVICE CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.1 TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP configuration via WEB Interface. Administrator Access ............................................................................ 31
5.1.1 The ‘Network settings’ menu ............................................................................................................................................. 35
5.1.2 The 'PBX' menu. VoIP Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 71
5.1.3 The 'Switch' menu ............................................................................................................................................................ 124
5.1.4 The 'Monitoring' menu .................................................................................................................................................... 129
5.1.5 The 'System info' menu .................................................................................................................................................... 139
5.1.6 The 'Service' menu ........................................................................................................................................................... 141
5.2 TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP configuration via WEB Interface. Operator Access ................................................................................. 150
5.3 Non-privileged user access for device monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 152
5.3.1 The 'Monitoring' menu .................................................................................................................................................... 152
5.3.2 The 'System info' menu .................................................................................................................................................... 152
5.3.3 The 'Service' menu ........................................................................................................................................................... 152
5.4 Supervisor Access ...................................................................................................................................................................... 153
6 COMMAND LINE MODE AND TERMINAL MODE OPERATION ............................................................................................................ 154
6.1 Basic Commands ........................................................................................................................................................................ 154
6.1.1 Basic commands............................................................................................................................................................... 161
6.1.2 Top leve commands (exec) .............................................................................................................................................. 162
6.1.3 Configuration level commands ........................................................................................................................................ 182
6.1.4 Network settings level commands ................................................................................................................................... 185
6.1.5 SIP profiles configuration level commands ...................................................................................................................... 207
6.1.6 Port and port profiles settings level commands .............................................................................................................. 216
6.2 Call statistic ................................................................................................................................................................................ 221
6.2.1 Command line mode ........................................................................................................................................................ 221
6.2.2 Statistic file operations .................................................................................................................................................... 222
6.2.3 Port-specific Statistics ...................................................................................................................................................... 222
6.3 Configuration writing/readout .................................................................................................................................................. 222
6.4 Setting password for 'admin' user ............................................................................................................................................. 223
6.5 Reset the device to the factory settings .................................................................................................................................... 224
6.5.1 Reset the configuration to factory default ....................................................................................................................... 224
6.5.2 Reset the configuration to factory default using 'Safemode' ........................................................................................... 224
7 SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICE USAGE ..................................................................................................................................................... 226
7.1 The 'Call Transfer' service .......................................................................................................................................................... 226
7.2 The Call Waiting service ............................................................................................................................................................. 229
7.3 3-way conference ...................................................................................................................................................................... 229
8 CONNECTION ESTABLISHMENT ALGORITHMS ................................................................................................................................... 233
8.1 Algorithm of a Successful Call via SIP Protocol .......................................................................................................................... 233
8.2 Call Algorithm Involving SIP Proxy Server .................................................................................................................................. 234
8.3 Call Algorithm Involving Forwarding Server .............................................................................................................................. 235
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 7
8.4 Algorithm of a Successful Call via H.323 Protocol ..................................................................................................................... 236
8.5 Algorithm of a Successful Call via H.323 Protocol with Gatekeeper .......................................................................................... 237
9 DESCRIPTION OF CONFIGURATION FILES ........................................................................................................................................... 239
9.1 Configuration file – CFG.YAML .................................................................................................................................................. 239
9.1.1 VoIP configuration ........................................................................................................................................................... 239
9.1.2 Device network settings ................................................................................................................................................... 256
9.1.3 Настройки портов коммутатора .................................................................................................................................... 261
APPENDIX A. TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP NETWORK TERMINAL CONTACT PIN ASSIGNMENT .............................................................................. 265
APPENDIX B. ALTERNATIVE FIRMWARE UPDATE METHOD .......................................................................................................................... 267
APPENDIX C. GENERAL DEVICE SETUP/CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................ 269
APPENDIX D. EXAMPLE OF SWITCH CONFIGURATION USING VLAN ............................................................................................................. 276
APPENDIX E. EXAMPLE OF PABX CONFIGURATION WITH TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP .......................................................................................... 277
APPENDIX F. CALCULATION OF PHONE LINE LENGTH ................................................................................................................................... 280
APPENDIX H. DEVICE FIREWALL CONFIGURATION-IPTABLES ....................................................................................................................... 288
SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES .......................................................................................................................................................................... 289
APPENDIX K. DESCRIPTION EVENTS SENT BY THE TRAP, TRAPV2, INFORM MESSAGES ............................................................................... 290
APPENDIX L. HELP ON TIMEZONES ............................................................................................................................................................... 293
APPENDIX M. CABLE CONNECTORS PIN DESIGNATION ................................................................................................................................ 296
ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE AND WARRANTY FOR TAU-72.IP ........................................................................................................................ 298
ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE AND WARRANTY FOR TAU-36.IP ........................................................................................................................ 299
8 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
The principle of firmware update and firmware files format are changed in the newest
versions. Be attentively and follow the instruction when updating.
The sequence of firmware update to the newest version (2.18.0).
Firmware file v.2.18.0 should be called tau72-2.18.0.X.
If the current gateway firmware version is less than 1.9.0 (including old versions, that have 4-digit version
name) you should:
1. Have an access to a COM port, reserve firmware and configuration (if some update problem will happen).
2. Download firmware file v.1.11.4:
3. Download firmware file v.2.18.0:
4. Reboot the gateway to clear RAM before updating.
5. Choose 'Service/Firmware upgrade' menu in Web configurator. In appeared box set the path to firmware file
v.1.11.4 using the 'Browse' button in the 'Universal firmware upgrade' section and click the 'Upgrade firmware' button.
Firmware file should be called firmware.tar.gz.
6. The device will reboot at the end of the firmware update process.
7. After rebooting open the Web configurator and click the 'Save' button in any configuration menu section,
e.g. 'Network' tab.
8. After configuration saving update the firmware with previous steps using firmware file v.2.18.0. Firmware
file v.2.17.2 should be called tau72-2.18.0.X.
If it is impossible to update the firmware via the Web interface or by other ways, you should use reserve firmware update method described in this manual in APPENDIX B.
If the current gateway firmware version is from 2.1.0 to 2.1.4 you should:
1. Download firmware file v.2.1.4:
2. Download firmware file v.2.18.0:
3. Choose 'Service/Firmware upgrade' menu in Web configurator. In appeared box set the path to firmware file
v.2.1.4 using the 'Browse' button in the 'Universal firmware upgrade' section and click the 'Upgrade firmware' button.
Firmware file should be called tau72-2.18.0.X.
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 9
4. After device rebooting update the firmware with previous steps using firmware file v.2.18.0. Firmware file
v.2.18.0 should be called tau72-2.18.0.X.
If the current gateway firmware version is from 2.2.0 to 2.5.0 you should:
1. Download firmware file v.2.5.0:
2. Download firmware file v.2.18.0:
3. Choose 'Service/Firmware upgrade' menu in Web configurator. In appeared box set the path to firmware file
v.2.5.0 using the 'Browse' button in the 'Universal firmware upgrade' section and click the 'Upgrade firmware' button. Firmware file should be called tau72-2.18.0.X.
4. After device rebooting update the firmware with previous steps using firmware file v.2.18.0. Firmware file
v.2.18.0 should be called tau72-2.18.0.X.
If the current firmware version is 2.5.0 and newer you should:
1. Download firmware file v.2.18.0:
2. Reboot the gateway to clear RAM before updating.
3. Choose 'Service/Firmware upgrade' menu in Web configurator. In appeared box set the path to firmware file
v.2.18.0 using the 'Browse' button in the 'Universal firmware upgrade' section and click the 'Upgrade firmware' button. Firmware file should be called tau72-2.18.0.X.
If it is impossible to update the firmware via the Web interface or by other ways, you should use reserve firmware update method described in this manual in APPENDIX B. All required files you can find in reserve_soft.zip archive.
10 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
Bold font face
Notes, warnings, section headings, titles and table titles are written in bold.
Calibri Italic
Important information is written in Calibri Italic.
Courier New
Command entry examples, command execution results and program output are written in Courier New semibold.
Keyboard keys are written in upper-case and enclosed in angle brackets.
Analogue phone unit icon
TAU Universal Network Terminal icon
MES3124F Ethernet switch Icon
Softswitch ECSS-10 hardware-software switch icon Digital subscriber PBX icon
Network Connection icon
Optical transmission medium
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 11
Notes contain important information, tips, or recommendations on device operation and setup.
Warnings inform users about hazardous conditions which may cause injuries or device damage and may lead to the device malfunctioning or data loss.
This operation manual is intended for technical personnel that performs switch installation, configuration, monitoring, and maintenance using web configurator. Qualified technical personnel should be familiar with the operation basics of ТСР/IP & UDP/IP protocol stacks and Ethernet networks design concepts.
Before working with the equipment it is strongly recommended to study the following Manual.
12 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP Universal Network Terminal allows to connect analogue phone units to packed-based
data networks accessible through copper-wire or optical Ethernet interfaces.
TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP could be used as a subscriber access point utilizing SIP/SIP-T and H.323 protocols. Also provides a perfect telephone communication solution for underpopulated areas, offices, dwellings and geographically dispersed facilities.
This operation manual describes intended use, key specifications, configuration, and firmware update methods for TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP network terminal (hereinafter the 'device').
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 13
2.1 Purpose
TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP is a subscriber VoIP gateway with integrated Layer 2 Ethernet switch that uses copper­wire and optical Gigabit Ethernet interfaces to establish connection to provider's IP network. In order to transfer data via IP networks, device converts analogue voice signals to digital data packets. Used for VoIP organization in dwellings and offices.
When utilized at the stage of transition from TDM to NGN networks, the terminal allows you to keep the existing network infrastructure and analogue subscribers to access IP networks.
Interface types:
72 analogue FXS ports;
Three Ethernet 10/100/1000BaseT electrical interfaces;
– one Mini-Gbic (SFP) Ethernet 1000BaseХ optical interfaces.
Device features:
Integrated Layer 2 Ethernet switch;
VoIP protocols: H.323, SIP/SIP-T
Static address and DHCP support;
DHCP options 1, 3, 6, 12, 15, 28, 33, 42, 43, 53, 54, 55, 60, 66, 67, 82, 120, 121;
Echo cancellation (G.168 recommendation);
Packet loss concealment (PLC);
Voice activity detector (VAD);
Silence suppression;
DTMF tone detection and generation;
DTMF transmission (INBAND, rfc2833, SIP/H.232 methods)
Fax transmission:
T.38 UDP Real-Time Fax;
Modem support:
Cisco NSE;
V.152 (G.711a/u VBD).
Flexible numbering plan;
Operation with and without external gatekeeper (H.323/RAS);
IE, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome browsers compatibility;
BroadWorks platform compatibility;
Support up to 8 SIP profiles;
Ability to operate without SIP proxy;
SIP-T only supports basic call establishment, additional types of service are not implemented
14 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
Operation with multiple SIP proxy servers in various SIP profiles; Support for VoIP operation in the switch in case of SIP proxy server connection loss; Active session support for SIP protocol operations through NAT; Transmission of cpc-rus subscriber category via SIP protocol; Multi-user mode for access via Web interface - support of four userswith different access levels; Configuration file download/upload: via FTP/FTPS, TFTP, HTTP/HTTPS; Firmware update: via TFTP, HTTP/HTTPS; Automatic configuration and firmware update via FTP, TFTP, HTTP/HTTPS; Line parameter measurment; Extraneous voltage in the wires determination; Ability to use TCPdump utility application directly on the device; STP support; LLDP support; iptables network-level firewaall STUN support Numbering plan with capacity up to 1000 characters; Service (simulation service) management using IMS (3GPP TS 24.623); Remote monitoring, configuration and setup:
Web interface;
SNMP v2, v3;
User authentication with RADIUS server.
Embedded firewall with the ability of security rules flexible configuration; Adjustable access ports with the ability to block access for:
Supported suplementary devices:
Call Hold/Retrieve;
Call Transfer;
Call Waiting;
Call Forward Busy;
Call Forward No Answer;
Call Forward Unconditional;
Call Forward Out Of Service;
Caller ID with ETSI FSK type 1, type 2;
Caller ID in DTMF format;
'Russian Caller ID';
Calling without Caller ID broadcasting;
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 15
Call Hunt;
Call PickUp;
3-way conference (local or using conference server);
Voice message waiting indicator – MWI;
Do Not Disturb.
Selection of power supply configuration: by DC or AC (for v4.0 and rev.B);
Ability of monitoring via Web interface:
Subscriber lines status;
Services status;
Hardware platform;
Switch network ports status;
Maintenance of statistics on FXS port operation (port status, number of calls, last number dialed, number
of packets transmitted/received/lost).
SIP, supported recomendations:
RFC 3261 SIP 2.0;
RFC 4566 Session Description Protocol (SDP);
RFC 3263 Locating SIP servers for DNS lookup SRV and A records;
RFC 3264 SDP Offer/Answer Model;
RFC 3265 SIP Notify;
RFC 3311 SIP Update;
RFC 3891 SIP Replaces Header;
RFC 3892 SIP Referred-By Mechanism;
RFC 4028 SIP Session Timer;
RFC 2976 SIP INFO Method;
RFC 2833 RTP Payload for DTMF Digits, Flash event;
RFC 3108 Attributes ecan and silenceSupp in SDP;
RFC 4579 SIP. Call Control - Conferencing for User Agents;
RFC 3372 SIP for Telephones (SIP-T);
RFC 3398 ISUP/SIP Mapping;
RFC 3204 MIME Media Types for ISUP and QSIG (ISUP support);
RFC 3361 DHCP Option 120;
RFC 3966 The tel URI for Telephone Numbers;
SIP OPTIONS Keep-Alive (SIP Busy Out);
NAT support.
16 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
2.2 Typical Application Diagrams
This manual covers the following TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP connection methods:
1. Subscriber access point. In this case the device acts as a gateway between analogue phone units and
remote PBX, see Fig. 1. Gateway subscriber ports are registered at the software switch-Softswitch. Supplementary services in this method are provided by the software switch.
Fig. 1 - TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP subscriber access point
2. Distributed mini-PABX mode. In this case, the device acts as a mini-PABX that is able to access other
gateways (TAU-32М.IP, ТAU-72.IP, etc.) and Softswitch using SIP/H.323 protocols. The device allows for unassisted processing of supplementary services, call routing, see Fig. 2.
Fig 2 - TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP distributed mini-PABX
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 17
2.3 Product Design and Operating Principle
Subscriber voice signals are served to audio codecs of subscriber units, where they are encoded using one of the selected standards, and then sent as digital packets to the controller via internal backbone. In addition to voice signals, digital packets contain control and interaction signals.
Controller supports H.323 and SIP protocols and exchanging data between audio codecs and IP network via MII interface and Ethernet switch.
Figure 3a shows TAU-72.IP functional diagram.
Figure 3a - TAU-72.IP functional diagram
Figure 3b shows TAU-36.IP functional diagram.
Figure 3b - TAU-36.IP functional diagram
18 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
2.4 Main Specifications
Main specifications of the terminal are listed in following tables:
Table 1 - Main specifications of the terminal
Protocols and Standarts
Protocol stack
H.323 v3/v4/v5
Communication protocol for session initiation, monitoring and cancellation
Fax support
T.38 UDP Real-Time Fax pass- through (G.711A/U)
Modem support
Voice standards
VAD (voice activity detector) AEC (echo cancellation, G.168 recommendation) CNG (comfort noise generator)
Voice codecs
G.729, annex A, annex B G.711(PCMA, PCMU) G.723.1 (6.3 Kbps, 5.3 Kbps, Annex A) G.726-32 (for SIP only)
Number of simultaneous channels, supported by device depending on codec type
Number of channels
G.711 (A/U) G.729 / 20-80 G.729 A / 10 G.723.1 G.726 Т.38
72 72 62 58 72 54
36 36 36 36 36 36
Parameters of electrical Ethernet interface
No. of ports
Electrical connector
Transfer rate, Mbps
Autonegotiation, 10/100/1000 Mbps duplex
Standards support
Parameters of optical Ethernet interface
No. of ports
V1.0, V2.0
V3.0, V4.0, rev.B
Optical connector
Mini-Gbic (SFP):
1) full-duplex, two-fiber with 1310 nm (Single-Mode), 1000BaseX (LC connector), the supply voltage - 3.3V
2) duplex, single fiber with wavelengths in the transmission/reception 1310/1550 nm, 1000BaseX (SC connector), the supply voltage - 3.3V
Transfer rate, Mbps
1000 Mbps duplex
Standards support
Analogue user port specifications
Number of ports
Loop resistance
Up to 3.4 kΩ
Dialling reception
Pulse/frequency (DTMF)
Caller ID
FSK (ITU-T V.23, Bell 202), DTMF, Russian Caller ID
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 19
Comprehensive protective circuit
Comprehensive protective circuit (current and voltage).
To protect subscriber line surge linear side cross must be equipped with a three-pole arresters voltage 230V operation.
Recommended arresters company KRONE 'МК, 230 V'
with heat protection spring.
Remote measurement of parameters of the subscriber line
Parameters set
Console parameters
RS-232 serial port
Data rate, bps
Electrical parameters of signals
According to ITU-T Recommendation V.28
Network and Configuration
Connection types
Static IP, DHCP client
WEB, RS-232 console, Telnet, SSH
User name and password verification, HTTPS, FTPS
Physical specifications and ambient conditions
Power voltage
V1.0, V2.0, V3.0
DC: -36..- 60V
DC: -36..- 60V
DC: -36..-72V
AC: ~150-250V 50 Hz
When using small unventilated cabinet
(hallway installation) permissible payload is 0.4 Erl./port. If you use mechanical ventilation of the cabinet, it is possible to operate at heavy load.
Power consumption without active subscribers
30 W
Current consumption of active subscriber set
30 mA
Operating temperature range
From 0 to 40°C
Relative humidity
Up to 80%
Ambient noise Launch and operational mode: 0 dB
After processor heating: 50 dB
Dimensions (W x H x D)
420х45х240 mm, 19' form-factor, 1U size
3.2 kg
20 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
2.5 Design
TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP network terminal has a metal 420x45x240 case.
Front panel appearance is shown on Fig. 4a-d.
Fig. 4a - TAU-72.IP v2.0 front panel appearance
Fig. 4b - TAU-72.IP v3.0 front panel appearance
Fig. 4c - TAU-72.IP v4.0 and rev.B with DC power supply front panel appearance
Fig. 4d - TAU-72.IP v4.0 and rev.B with AC power supply front panel appearance
TAU-36.IP front panel appearance is shown on Fig. 4e-f.
Fig. 4e - TAU-36.IP with DC power supply front panel appearance
1 2 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 7 8
2a 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 21
Fig. 4f - TAU-36.IP with AC power supply front panel appearance
Connectors, LEDs and controls located on the front panel of the device are listed in Table .
Table 2 – Description of connectors, LEDs, and controls located on the front panel
Front panel elements
Power toggle
Connector for DC power supply with rated voltage 48VDC
~150 – 250 VAC, 50 Hz max 2A
Connector for AC power supply with voltage 150–250VAC, 50Hz
3 F Function button
Power supply indicator
Device operation indicator
Alarm indicator
Optical interface SFP processing indicator. Lights green when optic link is present
Line 1...18, 19…36, 37…54, 55…72
4 CENC-36M connectors for analogue phones connection (pin designation is listed in appendix A)
3 x RJ-45 ports of Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-T interfaces
RS-232 console port for local control of the device
Chassis for optical SFP modules of 1000Base-X Gigabit uplink interface used for IP network connection
The layout of the device rear panel is shown on Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 - TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP rear panel appearance.
Grounding point is located on the rear panel of the device.
Connector pin designation is kisted in appendix A.
3 4 5 5 6 7 8
22 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
2.6 Device ventilation
Fig. 6 - Fan location
There are ventilation openings on the device side panels that serve to remove heat. There are two fans on the
inside of the side panel (highlighted on Fig. above).
The air flow enters through the perforated right side panel of the device, passes through the entire range of internal components, cooling each of them, and is brought out with left perforated panel fans. The remaining panels of the device do not contain ventilation holes, which will allow to maintain the necessary internal pressure of air flow.
Do not block any ventilation openings. This can lead to overheating of the device components and cause its operation disturbances.
If the device is being installed into a closed non-ventilated cabinet with volume less than 180l per device supplied by the DC, device performance will not exceed 0.8 Erlang per subscriber unit.
If the device is being installed into a closed non-ventilated cabinet with volume less than 180l per device supplied by the AC, device performance will not exceed 0.4 Erlang per subscriber unit.
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 23
2.7 Light indication
Power, 1Alarm, Status, SFP LEDs located on the front panel indicate the current state of the device. Table lists
possible states of the LEDs.
Table 3 - Device status LED indication
Indicator State
Device state
solid green
Device power supply is on
Device power supply is off
solid red
Operating system is not loaded (together with LED
Main application is not running (together with LED Alarm, flashing in Fatal mode)
solid yellow Device initialization in progress, subscriber ports are not
initialized yet
Address is not obtained through DHCP (if dynamic address obtaining method is enabled)
solid green
Subscriber ports are initialized, device is in operation
Operating system loaded, board type identified
flashes red, yellow, and green
Factory Safemode (together with LED Alarm, flashing in Fatal mode), or
factory reset (together with constantly solid Alarm LED)
solid red
Alarm – port blocking, the output value of the parameter sensor platform within range.
solid on
Warning port blocking, operating system loading
flashes slowly (once per second)
Error (failure) module sensor failure (SFP module
installed, but there is no link)
flashes rapidly (once per 200ms)
Fatal (critical failure) – connection of the main application
to subscriber ports is lost
Normal state
solid green
Optical link is present
No optical link
Ethernet interface state is shown by 1000/100 socket built-in LED indicators.
Table 4 - Light indication of Ethernet 10/100/1000 interfaces
Yellow LED
Green LED
solid on
solid on
Port operates in 1000Base-T mode, data transfer is inactive
solid on
Port operates in 1000Base-T mode, data transfer is active
solid on
Port operates in 10/100Base-TX, data transfer is inactive
Port operates in 10/100Base-TX, data transfer is active
For TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP v1.0, v 2.0 only
24 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
2.8 'F' Function Button Operation
To reboot the operating device, press and hold 'F' button located on the front panel of the device for 1 to 9 seconds. When releasing the button, the Alarm LED will become solid red and the device will reboot. Also, this button allows you to reset the device to factory settings to get access to the device when the IP address or the password is forgotten or is not known. To do this, press and hold the 'F' button for 10-14 seconds until the Status LED begins to flash yellow, green and red alternatively. Then the Alarm LED becomes solid red and the button should be released. The configuration will be reset to factory settings and the device will be rebooted. After that, you can access the device by IP address When connecting with Web configurator, the default password for admin user is rootpasswd. Further, you can view/change IP address and set a new password. If the button is not released during the period between 10 and 14 seconds, after a while all LEDs will go out (the device will start rebooting). Soon after the Status LED will begin to flash yellow, green and red alternatively, and the Alarm LED will begin to flash red. When releasing the 'F' button at this moment, the configuration will not be reset to factory settings and will switch to the Safemode. This mode allows changing the factory configuration, in other words, selecting a method of network settings obtaining - statically or dynamically. If you continue to hold the ‘F’ button in the Safemode, the cycle of the button operation will be repeated, that is, the restart will occur again if the button is held for 1 to 9 seconds, the reset to the factory settings if the button is held for 10 to 14 seconds, etc.
For detailed description of the factory reset procedure, see Section 6.5 Reset the device to the factory
2.9 Delivery Package
2.9.1 TAU-72.IP delivery package
TAU-72.IP standard delivery package includes:
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP;
CENC-36M connector - 4 pcs. (if there is no UTP CAT5E 18 cable in the order);
RS-232 DB9(F) - DB9(F) connection cable;
Earthing cable;
A mounting set for 19 rack;
Operation manual on CD-disk;
Declaration of conformity;
For DC power supply devices:
PVA 2x1.5 power cord - 2 m.
For AC power supply devices:
Power supply cord, europlug-eurosocket;
If ordered, delivery package may also include:
1000Base-T/Mini-Gbic (SFP) optical interface – 1/2pcs.
UTP CAT5E 18 cable with CENC-36M connectors - 2 pcs.
2.9.2 TAU-36.IP delivery package
TAU-36.IP standard delivery package includes:
Universal Network Terminal TAU-36.IP;
CENC-36M connector - 2 pcs. (if there is no UTP CAT5E 18 cable in the order);
RS-232 DB9(F) - DB9(F) connection cable;
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 25
Earthing cable; A mounting set for 19 rack; Operation manual on CD-disk; Declaration of conformity; Passport.
For DC power supply devices: – PVA 2x1.5 power cord - 2 m.
For AC power supply devices: – Power supply cord, europlug-eurosocket;
If ordered, delivery package may also include:
1000Base-T/Mini-Gbic (SFP) optical interface – 1/2pcs. UTP CAT5E 18 cable with CENC-36M connectors - 1 pcs.
26 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
This section describes safety measures and installation of the equipment into a rack and connection to a power supply.
Check the device for visible mechanical damage before installing and turning it on. In case of any damage, stop the installation, fill in a corresponding document and contact your supplier.
3.1 Safety instruction
3.1.1 General Guidelines
Any operations with the equipment should comply to the Safety Rules for Operation of Customers' Electrical Installations.
Operations with the equipment should be carried out only by personnel authorised in accordance with the safety requirements.
1. Before operating the device, all engineers should undergo special training.
2. TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP terminal could be permanently used provided the following requirements are met:
Ambient temperature from 0 to +40°C. Relative humidity up to 80% at +25°C. Atmosphere pressure from 6,0х10*4 to 10,7х10*4 Pa (from 450 to 800 mm Hg).
3. The device should be not be exposed to mechanical shock, vibration, smoke, dust, water, and chemicals.
4. To avoid components overheating which may result in device malfunction, do not block air vents or place
objects on the equipment.
3.1.2 Electrical Safety Requirements
1. Prior to connecting the device to a power source, ensure that the equipment case is grounded with an
earth bonding point. The earthing wire should be securely connected to the earth bonding point. The resistance between the earth bonding point and earthing busbar should be less than 0,1 Ω.
2. PC and measurement instruments should be grounded prior to connection to the device. The potential
difference between the equipment case and the cases of the instruments should be less than 1V.
3. Make sure the device is off, when installing or removing the case.
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 27
3.1.3 Electrostatic Discharge Safety Measures
For the avoidance of failures caused by electrostatic discharge, we strongly recommend to:
1. Put on esd belt, shoes or wrist strap to prevent electrostatic charge accumulation (for the wrist strap,
ensure that it fits snugly to the skin) and to ground the cable before starting to work with the equipment.
3.2 TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP Installation
1. If the device was exposed to low temperatures for a long time before installation, leave it for 2 hours at
ambient temperature prior to operation. If the device was exposed to high humidity for a long time, leave it for at least 12 hours in normal conditions prior to turning it on.
2. Mount the device. The device is intended to be installed into 19 rack using the mounting set or mounted
on the horizontally oriented perforated shelf.
If the device is being installed into a closed non-ventilated cabinet with volume less than 180l per device, device performance will not exceed 0.8 Erlang per subscriber unit.
3. Ground the case of the device after installation. This should be done prior to connecting the device to the
power supply. An insulated multiconductor wire should be used for earthing. The device grounding and the earthing wire section should comply with Electric Installation Code. The earth bonding point is located at the right bottom corner of the rear panel, see Fig. 5.
3.2.1 Opening the case
First power TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP off, disconnect all cables.
Fig. 7 - TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP case opening order
1. Detach brackets from device case using screwdriver.
2. Detach device front and top panel fixation screws, using screwdriver, as shown on Fig. 7.
3. Remove device top panel by pulling it up.
28 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
Execute actions that listed above in reverse order to assemble the device into case.
Fig. 8 - TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP assembling screw types
Fig. above shows screw types, used for assembling the device into case:
1. Rack brackets mounting.
2. Case parts mounting.
3. Board, ventilation unit, plug, rail mountings.
4. Fan mounting screw.
5. Earthing screw.
Don't use inappropriate screw type when assembling the device. Screw type changing may cause device failure.
3.3 Startup sequence
Connect subscriber lines, optical and electrical Ethernet cables to corresponding switch connectors.
To protect subscriber lines against surge, linear side of the cross must be equipped with MKZ
3-K arresters with operate voltage of 230V.
The arresters (MKZ) are designed to protect the FXS and FXO sets of TAU-72M.IP and TAU­36M.IP gateways from dangerous surge voltages and currents in air cable strands caused by lightning discharge, high-voltage electric transmission lines, overhead wirings of electric railway and various industrial sources of impulse interferences as well as from contact with low voltage power lines.
The arresters contain two voltage protection cascades (the first one is on the aerial fuse, the second one is on the semiconductor switches) and current protection (on the polymer posistors).
The installation of MKZ arrestors requires the grounding bar mounted on the linear side. The arrester is installed in normally closed connecting strip (Krone, Intercross or their compatibles) according to the marking on the device body. The connection diagram is shown in Fig. 9.
Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP 29
Fig. 9 - Connection diagram
Connect the power supply cable to the device. Depending on the provided sources, the device could be powered from grounded power outlet 220/110VAC, 50/60Hz, or from -48...-60VDC power supply. To connect the device to 220VAC electrical network, use the cable provided with the delivery package. To connect the device to DC power supply, use the cable with cross-section not less than 1mm2.
When connecting to the 220V AC mains it is necessary to mount devices for electrical overshoot protection.
Ensure that all cables are undamaged and securely connected.
Turn the device on and check the front panel LEDs to make sure the terminal is in normal operating conditions (Section 2.7 Light indication).
30 Universal Network Terminal TAU-72.IP/TAU-36.IP
A web interface is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to configure and monitor the device.
In order to prevent an unauthorized access to the device, we recommend to change administrator, operator and non-privileged user passwords to access the device. For setting password for access via Web interface, see Section We recommend to write down and store defined passwords in a safe place, inaccessible by intruders.
In order to prevent device configuration data loss, e.g. after reset to factory settings, we recommend making configuration backup copies and storing them on a PC each time significant changes are made.
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