ELTEX STB NV Appendix To Operation Manual

Appendix to Operation Manual
IPTV Playlist Creation
Full HD Media Center
IPTV service operation is backed up by playlists in .xspf format. For full IPTV service functionality, playlist should be formatted and adapted for a certain operator. Specify the following parameters for each playlist channel:
location – multicast group parameters, specified as protocol://@ip_address:port title – channel name to be displayed in the channel list image – channel logo address to be downloaded and displayed in the channel list Logo
should be in png format, recommended resolution 96х96px. This parameter is optional
psfile – program schedule file name for each channel in the archive of the program
schedule If this parameter is missing or its value mismatches the file name in the
archive, program schedule for this channel will not be available.
sound_track – select playback mode for stream audio track Optional. For most cases,
description of this parameter is not required. Possible values: stereo, mono_left,
shift – time shift in minuter for a certain channel vlc:id – channel ID for this playlist vlc:node title="category_name" – split channels into categories
After creation of playlist with the desired parameters, upload it to server specified in settings or
use it locally by placing it into STB "playlists" folder.
Example of playlist file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <playlist> <trackList> <track> <location>udp://@</location> <title>Россия 24</title> <image>http://www.cn.ru/data/tv/channels/vesti.png?m=20101223163605</image> <psfile>Россия_24</psfile> <extension application="http://www.videolan.org/vlc/playlist/0"> <vlc:id>2</vlc:id> </extension> </track> <track> <location>udp://@</location> <title>РБК</title> <image>http://www.cn.ru/data/tv/channels/rbk.png?m=20101223163605</image> <psfile>РБК</psfile> <sound_track>mono_left</sound_track> <shift>-120</shift> <extension application="http://www.videolan.org/vlc/playlist/0"> <vlc:id>3</vlc:id> </extension> </track> …… </trackList> <extension application="http://www.videolan.org/vlc/playlist/0"> <vlc:node title="Эфир"> <vlc:item tid="2" />
2 STB NV. Appendix to Operation Manual
IPTV Playlist Creation
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