ELTEX SMG 156 Instructions For Use Manual

Instruction for
multithread sensor SMG 156
Diese Anleitung ist auf Deutsch erhältlich, TH-0050.
Cette instruction est livrable en français TH-0051.
Esta instrucción está disponible en español, TH-0052.
The thread sensor must be fitted so that the threads or wires are touching the eyelets continuously. The movement will be best detected, if the thread or wire deviates about 10–15° when it passes through the thread sensor eyelet. A thread guide can be fitted to ensure this deviation.
screw terminal, the lid must first be opened. See instructions on next side.
The signal amplification "Gain" is set with a potentiometer in the central control unit. Please refer to the instruction for the central control unit you are using.
Central control
When two or more SMG thread sensors are used, they will be connected in parallel.
How to open and close the lid
Reaction time (Drop-out time)
Depending on type, speed, tension, etc of the detected thread or wire, the signal from the eyelet can be irregular and cause false stops. The false stops can be avoided by increasing the reaction time. When it is important that the stop occurs very quickly after a thread or wire failure, it is necessary to decrease the reaction time.
To set the reaction time:
Open the lid.
Locate the 2 x 9 pole pin strip with the con­nection shunt.
Set the shunt in the desired position.
Switches and LED's
Approximate reaction time
Position (ms)
18 217 326
4 35 *
544 653 762 871 980
* = Standard setting
Individual switches
Each eyelet is equipped with a switch for switching that eyelet on or off.
A red LED beside the switch indicates when the eyelet has detected a fault.
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2008-05-05/EN/Manual SMG.pmd/TH-0049-05/Komp 7927
Master switch
Some SMG thread sensors are equipped with a master switch. With this switch the entire thread sensor can be switched off. A green LED beside the master switch is on, when the thread sensor is switched on (active).