ELTEX RG-34-Wac User Manual

User manual, version 1.6 (02.2017)
Subscriber router
User name: admin
password: password
Document version
Release date
Description of changes
Version 1.6
Changed: WAN interface’ submenu Added: ‘Access management’ submenu
Version 1.5
Changed: ‘WAN interface’ submenu ‘Port forwarding’ submenu
Added: ‘Port settings’ submenu
Version 1.4
4.3. The device control panel
Version 1.3
Changed: WAN Interface submenu
Version 1.2
Changed: WAN Interface submenu
Version 1.1
2.2 Features of the device
2.6 Reset of the device and factory reset
4.2 Application of configuration and cancellation of changes
4.3 Device control panel
Version 1.0
First issue
Software version
Software version: 1.10.0-b8 Web interface version: 1.0.3
2 Subscriber router RG-34-Wac
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Annotation ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Conventions ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVICE .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Device characteristics ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Main technical parameters .............................................................................................................................. 8
2.4 Form factor ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Front panel of the device ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.4.2 Back panel of the device ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.3 Side panel of the device ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.5 Light indication .............................................................................................................................................. 10
2.6 Reset of the device and factory reset ............................................................................................................ 11
2.7 Operation by WPS button .............................................................................................................................. 11
2.8 Scope of supply .............................................................................................................................................. 12
3 INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Safety information ......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Installation advices ........................................................................................................................................ 13
3.3 Switching On .................................................................................................................................................. 13
4 OPERATION OF THE DEVICE VIA WEB-CONFIGURATOR ....................................................................................... 14
4.1 Beginning the work ........................................................................................................................................ 14
4.2 Application of configuration and cancellation of changes ............................................................................ 14
4.3 Device control panel ...................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.1 Main elements of WEB-interface ......................................................................................................... 15
4.3.2 ‘Setting Wizard’ menu .......................................................................................................................... 16
4.3.3 ‘Operation mode’ menu ....................................................................................................................... 16
4.3.4 ‘Wireless network’ menu ...................................................................................................................... 17 ‘Main settings’ submenu ................................................................................................................... 17 ‘Advanced settings’ submenu ............................................................................................................ 19 ‘Security’ submenu ............................................................................................................................ 21 ‘Wi-Fi access control’ submenu ......................................................................................................... 22 ‘Network overview’ submenu............................................................................................................ 23 WPS’ submenu .................................................................................................................................. 24 ‘Schedule’ submenu ........................................................................................................................... 25 ‘Air time Fairness’ submenu .............................................................................................................. 27
4.3.5 TCP/IP settings’ menu .......................................................................................................................... 27 ‘LAN Interface’ submenu ................................................................................................................... 27 WAN Interface’ submenu ................................................................................................................. 29
4.3.6 Firewall’ menu ..................................................................................................................................... 32 ‘Port filtering’ submenu ..................................................................................................................... 32 IP filtering’ submenu ......................................................................................................................... 33 MAC filtering’ submenu .................................................................................................................... 34 ‘Port forwarding’ submenu ................................................................................................................ 35 URL filtering’ submenu ..................................................................................................................... 36 DMZ’ submenu.................................................................................................................................. 36
4.3.7 Quality of Service (QoS)’ menu ............................................................................................................ 37
4.3.8 ‘Routing Setup’ menu ........................................................................................................................... 38
4.3.9 USB settings’ menu .............................................................................................................................. 39 USB storage’ menu ........................................................................................................................... 39 FTP server’ submenu ........................................................................................................................ 39
4.3.10 ‘Management’ menu .......................................................................................................................... 40
Subscriber router RG-34-Wac 3
____________________________________________________________________________________ ‘Status’ submenu ................................................................................................................................ 40 ‘Statistics’ submenu ........................................................................................................................... 41 ‘Time zone settings’ submenu ........................................................................................................... 42 ‘Port configuration’ submenu ............................................................................................................ 42 ‘Access management’ submenu ........................................................................................................ 44 Denial-of-Service’ submenu .............................................................................................................. 45 ‘Log’ submenu .................................................................................................................................... 47 ‘Upgrade Firmware’ submenu ........................................................................................................... 48 ‘Save/Load settings’ submenu ........................................................................................................... 49 TR-069 config’ submenu ................................................................................................................. 49
4 Subscriber router RG-34-Wac
Notes and warnings, chapter titles, headings and table headings are printed in semi-bold.
Information which requires special attention is printed in italic.
Notes contain important information, advice or recommendation for use and setting the device.
Warnings inform the user of situations that may incur damage to the device or user, lead to failures in its work or loss of data.
1.1 Annotation
Modern tendencies of telecommunication development necessitate operators to search for the most optimal technologies, allowing you to satisfy drastically growing needs of subscribers, maintaining at the same time consistency of business processes, development flexibility and reduction of costs of various services provision. Wireless technologies are spinning up more and more and have paced a huge way for short time from unstable low-speed communication networks of low radius to broadband networks equitable to speed of wired networks with high criteria to the quality of provided services.
RG-34-Wac device is a WI-FI Access Point with integrated router. Main intended purpose of RG-34-Wac is installation of access point inside of buildings to various sources via wired and wireless networks of data transmission.
The device is intended for use by home users and in little office rooms.
This instruction manual specifies intended purpose, main technical parameters, form-factor, installation procedure, rules of configuration, monitoring and change of software of RG-34-Wac Access Point.
1.2 Conventions
Notes and warnings
Subscriber router RG-34-Wac 5
2.1 Purpose
The subscriber router RG-34-Wac (“device”) is intended for provision of usersaccess for high-speed, safe
network of data transfer.
RG-34-Wac device is a single point of access to modern interactive services via wired and wireless data
transfer networks: Internet and Full HD IPTV.
RG-34-Wac router is intended for connection of devices to wireless network of 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac standards. RG-34-Wac is connected to the wired network by means of 10/100/1000M Ethernet-interface, and generates wireless high-speed access for devices supporting Wi-Fi technology in the range between 2,4 and 5GHz by means of radio interface. Up to four devices of wired network can be connected to the device. USB-plug is used for connection of external memory or 3G/4G USB-modem.
RG-34-Wac supports modern requirements to quality of services and allows to transmit the most important traffic in more priority turns compared to commonly used. The priority is provided on the basis of main QoS technologies.
Extended functionality for stable work of IP-television in wireless network is realized in the device: smoothness and persistence of video play is provided by means of special software functionality. The device allows work on 2,4 and 5 GHz frequencies, as well as enables simultaneous transmission of video-streams and data transfer.
2.2 Device characteristics
LAN: 4 Ethernet ports RJ-45 10/100BASE-T; WAN: 1 Ethernet port RJ-45 10/100/1000BASE-T; WLAN: IEEE 802.11b/g/n 2,4 GHz и 802.11a/n/ac 5 GHz; USB: 1 port USB2.0.
The device is powered via external 5V adaptor from 220 V power supply network.
Power supply functions:
Work in a bridge, router or wireless client mode; PPPoE support (PAP, SPAP and CHAP authorization, PPPoE compression); PPTP support; L2TP support; Static address and DHCP support (DHCP-client is on WAN side, DHCP-server is on LAN side); DNS support; NAT support; UPnP support; Firewall; MAC-address cloning on WAN-interface;
6 Subscriber router RG-34-Wac
NTP support ; QoS mechanisms support; Port forwarding; Static and dynamic routing; Device access restriction via WAN and LAN.
Support of IPTV functions (IGMP-proxy, UDP-to-HTTP proxy); Software update via web-interface; TR-069; Remote monitoring, configuration and setting: Web-interface, Telnet.
Please see the RG-34-Wac application flowchart on the figure 1.
Figure 1 – RG-34-Wac application flowchart
Subscriber router RG-34-Wac 7
Realtek 520 МHz
128 Mb
ROM eMMC flash (system memory)
8 Mb
Operational system
WAN-interface Ethernet parameters
Number of ports
Electric plug
Speed of transmission, Mbit/s
10/100/1000, auto-sensing
Supported standards
Ethernet LAN-interface parameters
Number of interfaces
Electric plug
Speed of transmission, Мbit/s
10/100, auto-sensing
Supported standards
Wireless interface parameters
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
Frequency range, MHz
2.4 ~ 2.4835 GHz, 5.15 ~ 5.35 GHz, 5.65 ~ 5.73GHz, 5.735 ~
5.835 GHz
Speed of data transfer, Mbit/s
802.11b(CCK): 1, 2, 5.5 ,11
802.11g(OFDM): 6, 9, 12 , 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 811n (HT20, 800ns GI): 13, 26, 39, 78, 104, 117, 130
802.11n (HT40, 400ns GI): 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 270, 300
802.11n (HT40, 800ns GI): 27, 54, 81, 108, 162, 216, 243, 270
Maximal output of the transmitter
2,4 GHz (802.11 b/g/n): up to 15 dBm 5 GHz (802.11 a/n/ac): up to 17 dBm
Sensibility of the receiver
2,4 GHz:
802.11n(MCS0): -90 dBm
802.11n(MCS4): -79 dBm
802.11n(MCS7): -72 dBm
5 GHz:
802.11ac (MCS0): -92 dBm
802.11ac (MCS4): -82 dBm
802.11ac (MCS7): -76 dBm
64/128/152-bit WEP encryption of the data; WEP, TKIP and AES
Remote control
Web-interface, Telnet
Access restriction
Via password
General parameters
Power adaptor 5V DC, 2,5 А.
Power consumption
Not more than 4 W
Range of working temperatures
from +5 to +40°С
Relative humidity at 25°С
Up to 80%
Overall dimensions
430x159x43,6 mm
Not more than 0,2 kg.
2.3 Main technical parameters
Main technical parameters of the device are listed in the Table 1.
Table 1 – Main technical parameters
General parameters
8 Subscriber router RG-34-Wac
Upper panel element
1 Power indicator
2 Device status indicator
3 External USB-device indicator (USB flash, external HDD)
4 WAN-interface indicator
5 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz wireless network indicator
6 LAN-interface ports indicator
2.4 Form factor
RG-34-Wac access point is produced in plastic casing with dimensions of 430x159x43,6 mm.
2.4.1 Front panel of the device
The appearance of RG-34-Wac front panel is represented on Figure 2
Figure 2 – Appearance of RG-34-Wac front panel
Following light indicators are located on the upper panel of RG-34-Wac, see Table 2.
Table 2 – Description of upper panel indicators
Subscriber router RG-34-Wac 9
Back panel element
LAN 10/100
4 ports 10/100BASE-T Ethernet (RJ-45 plug) for connection of network devices
port 10/100/1000BASE-T (RJ-45 plug) for connection to external network
USB plug for connection of external USB-device (USB flash, HDD)
Plug for supply adaptor
Side panel element
1 Wi-Fi On/Off button
2 Button for clients WPS protocol connection
2.4.2 Back panel of the device
Appearance of RG-34-Wac back panel is represented on Figure 3.
Figure 3 – Appearance of RG-34-Wac back panel
Following plugs and controls are located on RG-34-Wac back panel, see Table 3.
Table 3 – Description of indicators and controls on RG2400 back panel
2.4.3 Side panel of the device
Appearance of RG-34-Wac side panel is represented on Figure 4.
Figure 4 – Appearance of RG-34-Wac side panel
Following controls are located on the side panel of RG-34-Wac, see Table 4
Table 4 – Description of RG-34-Wac side panel controls
2.5 Light indication
10 Subscriber router RG-34-Wac
Indicator status
Ddevice status
green, continuously illuminating
Wi-Fi-network is active in the range of 2,4 GHz and/or 5 GHz
green, flashing
Wireless data transfer in the range of 2,4 GHz and/or 5 GHz
green (10, 100Mbps)/ orange (1000 Mbps)
Established connection between stationary terminal and subscriber device
Packet data transmission via WAN-interface
green, continuously illuminating
Established connection with connected network device
Packet data transmission via LAN-interface
green, continuously illuminating
USB-device is connected
Does not illuminate
USB-device is disconnected
green, continuously illuminating
Power is on, normal operation
red, continuously illuminating
Software is not downloaded, initial downloader mode
red, flashing
Software download
red and green, flashing alternating
Factory reset
red, yellow and green, flashing alternating
Software update green, flashing
New software version is detected
yellow, continuously illuminating
No access to Internet
green, continuously operating
Normal operation
WPS function is switched on by default. You may switch off this function on the page of WPS setting. It is described in section WPS Submenu.
Current status of the device is represented by means of indicators paced on the upper panel. The indicator
statuses are listed in the Table 5.
Table 5 – Light indication of RG-34-Wac status
2.6 Reset of the device and factory reset
Functional button F is located on the lower panel of the device that enables to reset and reset it to the factory settings. You may use the F button when the router is switched on and ready to work: Power indicator illuminates green, Status indicator illuminates /flashes green or yellow.
Push and immediately release the F button for reset.
Push and hold the F button for more than 5 seconds for factory reset until Status indicator starts flashing red/green. The devices resets automatically. In factory settings DHCP-client is started in WAN-interface, LAN address is, subnet mask is; user name/web-interface access password: admin/password.
2.7 Operation by WPS button
The device supports the function of WPS connection of clients to Wi-Fi network. For establishing connection chose WPS as connection mode in client’s device and push WPS on the right side panel of the
device. The client will be connected to the router automatically.
Subscriber router RG-34-Wac 11
2.8 Scope of supply
The basic scope of supply of RG-34-Wac includes:
Subscriber router; Power adaptor 220/5В 2,5 А; User manual.
12 Subscriber router RG-34-Wac
No things shall be placed on the surface of the device to avoid overheating the device components and failure of its operation.
3.1 Safety information
1. Do not install the device near heat sources and in premises with environmental temperature below
5°С or above 40°С.
2. Do not use the device in premises with high moisture. Do not expose the device to fume, dust,
water, mechanical vibrations or shocks.
3. Do not dismantle the casing of the device. There are no elements inside it intended for
maintenance by the user.
3.2 Installation advices
1. Before installation and switching on the device it is necessary to check it on visible mechanical
damages. If the damages are present, you should terminate the installation, issue the respective act and refer to your supplier.
2. If the device was exposed to low temperature for a long time, it is necessary to keep it for 2 hours
at room temperature before operation. After exposure of the device to high humidity conditions, it is necessary to keep it in normal conditions for at least 12 hours.
3. The device shall be installed in horizontal position, in compliance with the instruction manual.
4. Consider following rules when you install the device to secure Wi-Fi coverage are with the best
possible characteristics:
a. Install the device in the center of wireless network; b. Minimize the number of obstacles (walls, ceilings, furniture and others) between RG-34-
Wac-RG-34-Wac and other wireless network devices;
c. Do not install the device close (about 2 m) to electric, radio devices; d. It is not advised to use radio-phones and other devices, working on frequency of 2,4 GHz,
5GHz, within a range of Wi-Fi wireless network;
e. Obstacles, such as glass/metal constructions, brick/concrete walls, as well as water tanks
and mirrors may significantly decrease the range of Wi-Fi network.
3.3 Switching On
1. Connect network Ethernet cable of your Internet provider to WAN RG-34-Wac plug, see figure 3.
2. If RG-34-Wac will be used as home cable router, connect network Ethernet cable to LAN RG-34-
Wac plugs of the router and your network device (PC, printer, set-top box etc).
3. Connect the adaptor cable to the power supply plug 5V of the device. Connect the adaptor to the
power source, see figure 3.
4. After connection of the access point to power supply network wait for complete boot of the device
(it may take about a minute).
Subscriber router RG-34-Wac 13
Factory IP-address of the device:, subnet mask:
Factory settings: name: admin, password: password.
4.1 Beginning the work
To begin the work you should connect to the device via LAN interface using Web-browser:
1. Open Web-browser, e.g. Firefox, Opera, Chrome.
2. Enter the IP address of the device in the address line.
After successful detection of the device you will see the page with request for user name and password in
the browser window.
3. Enter user name in the line User name and password in the line Password.
4. Click Enter’. A About device menu appears in browser window.
4.2 Application of configuration and cancellation of changes
1. Application of configuration
After clicking Apply changes the configuration is saved to flash-memory of the device and new settings apply. Some settings will apply after reboot of the device only. The system issues a warning about it by clicking the button.
2. Cancellation of changes
The changes are cancelled only before clicking on Apply. In this case the parameters changed on the page will be updated by current values, recorded in the memory of the device. No return to previous settings is possible after clicking on Apply changes.
14 Subscriber router RG-34-Wac
4.3 Device control panel
All device setting changes apply by means of Control panel’ tabs, at the left of WEB-interface.
4.3.1 Main elements of WEB-interface
Figure 5 – Web-configurator navigation elements
1. Buttons of configuration application, device reload and change of WEB-interface language.
2. Tab tree for settings.
3. Main field of settings of the device, corresponding to selected tab from the field 2.
4. Buttons of configuration changes save and cancellation of changes to previous unsaved values.
Subscriber router RG-34-Wac 15
4.3.2 Setting Wizard menu
At the first switch on the device use the settings wizard to set main operating parameters of the device.
Master allows you to make following setting step by step:
Operation mode; Time synchronization; LAN-interface parameters; WAN-interface parameters (Internet); Wi-Fi parameters of networks of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
After completion of all settings in the wizard, the device will reboot for application of new configuration.
4.3.3 Operation mode menu
16 Subscriber router RG-34-Wac
+ 35 hidden pages