Electrolux GU1EOEOOOO Service Manual


Gas heated
Doc. 62.9693.03 Edition 1
1. CONSTRUCTION/ FUNCTIONS......................................................................................... 3
2. TECHNICAL DATA ............................................................................................................. 3
3. ELECTRIC DIAGRAMS ...................................................................................................... 4
4. MAINTENANCE CHECK LIST............................................................................................ 6
5. ACCESS TO INSIDE........................................................................................................... 7
6. FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTS.............. .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ............................................ 7
6.1 OPERATING FOIL ........................................................................... ..................................................7
6.2 UNIVERSAL CONTROL ............................................... .....................................................................8
6.2.1 PARAMETER PROGRAMMING .........................................................................................................................8
6.2.2 MANUAL PARAMETER INPUT ..........................................................................................................................8
6.2.3 PROGRAMMING SPECIFIC APPLIANCE AND USER DATA .......................................................................... 9
6.2.4 ADJUSTING OF TEMPERATURE MEASURING .............................................................................................11
6.2.5 TEST FUNCTIONS FOR SERVICE APPLICATION .........................................................................................11
6.2.6 TROUBLESHOOTING DISPLAY ......................................................................................................................12
6.2.7 OPERATING BOARD (UP) ...............................................................................................................................12
6.2.8 CONTROL BOARD (SP) ...................................................................................................... .............................13
6.2.9 CONTROL SWITCH (S) ........................................ ..................... ..................... ..................................................13
6.2.10 SAFETY THERMOSTAT (F1) ...........................................................................................................................13
6.2.11 FOOD SENSOR (B1) ........................................................................................................................................14
6.2.12 JACKET SENSOR (B2) ....................................................................................................................................14
6.2.13 DEAERATION SENSOR (B3) ...........................................................................................................................14
6.2.14 END SWITCH (ES) ............................................................................................................................................14
6.2.15 TERMINALS ......................................................................................................................................................15
6.2.16 CONTROL FUSE (X4) .......................................................................................................................................15
6.2.17 RELAY (K1) .......................................................................................................................................................15
6.2.18 HEATING RESISTOR (E11) .............................................................................................................................15
6.3 MOTOR TILTING ............................................................................................................................16
6.3.1 CONTROL SYSTEM (KS) .................................................................................................................................16
6.3.2 TILTING MOTOR (AN) ......................................................................................................................................16
6.3.3 SWITCH (CK) ....................................................................................................................................................16
6.4 BURNER SYSTEM ..........................................................................................................................17
6.4.1 FLAME ..............................................................................................................................................................17
6.4.2 AUTOMATIC GAS IGNITOR (A3) ....................................................................................................................17
62.9694.03 Page 1
6.4.3 BURNER ....................................................... ....................................................................................................18
6.4.4 SCREEN (BU) ............................................... ..................... ..................... ..........................................................18
6.4.5 GAS CONNECTION PRESSURE .....................................................................................................................18
6.4.6 THERMAL LOAD ..............................................................................................................................................19
6.4.7 DIFFUSOR (VU) and NOZZLE (DU) ................................................................................................................19
6.4.8 ELECTRODES (ED) (EM) .................................................................................................................................20
6.4.9 SEALANTS ................................................... ....................................................................................................20
6.4.10 CONVERSION TO ANOTHER TYPE OF GAS ................................................................................................20
6.4.11 GAS DATA TABLE ...........................................................................................................................................21
6.5 JACKET ..........................................................................................................................................22
6.5.1 SAFETY VALVE (SV) .......................................................................................................................................22
6.5.2 LEAKS / LACK OF WATER .............................................................................................................................23
6.5.3 DEAERATION SYSTEM ...................................................................................................................................24
6.5.4 DEAERATION VALVE (EV) .............................................................................................................................24
6.5.5 CHECK VALVE (RV) ........................................................................................................................................24
6.5.6 SIPHON (SP) ....................................................................................................................................................24
6.5.7 DATA PLATE, vessel (TY) ..............................................................................................................................25
6.5.8 INSULATION (see figure "Jacket") ................................................................................................................25
6.5.9 PAINT FINISH ...................................................................................................................................................25
6.5.10 JACKET PRESSURE TEST .............................................................................................................................25
6.6 ROTATION LINK (DK) ....................................................................................................................25
6.7 FAUCET ..........................................................................................................................................27
6.8 LID (D), ............................................................................................................................................28
6.8.1 LID HINGE (DG) ...............................................................................................................................................28
6.9 PAN .................................................................................................................................................29
6.9.1 BEARINGS, PIVOTS ........................................................................................................................................29
6.9.2 CASING (MN) ...................................................................................................................................................29
6.9.3 WASTE GAS FLUE (KI) ...................................................................................................................................29
UNIVERSAL CONTROL DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS .....................................................30
Page 2 62.9694.03
This document refers to the following tilting boiling pan pro­gram:
Gas heated tilting
boiling pan heated
080 E
100 E
150 E
200 E
300 E
Operating instructions 76.9693.01delivered with the appliance Installation instructions76.9699 delivered with the appliance Spare parts list 76.9693.02distributed by the service
department Electrical diagrams 91.4018, 91.4020
delivered with the appliance
The serial number of the appliance is marked on the type plate. The 8 digits give following information:
Y last digit of the year of production WW week of production XXXXX running number
Maintenance work, adjustments, conversions and repairs
may only be carried out by an authorized technician. These technicians must be instructed by the manufacturer and carry out the work in accordance with specific national and local regulations. Parts requiring replacement are only to be replaced by original spares.
Strictly follow the attention and warning label indications on
the appliances.
Servicing work on the gas supply may only be carried out
by gas company personnel or by an authorized installation contractor.
Cleaning and maintenance may only be carried out when
the appliance is cold.
In case a connection with a seal is opened, always a new
seal should be used when installing the connection.
The manager is responsible for ensuring that all compo-
nents relevant for safety (jacket safety valve, drain valve, pressure gauge, thermostat, excess-temperature thermo­stat) are in perfect working order at all times. The operating condition of these components must be examined by an authorized technician at least once a year and any defects remedied if required.
Before beginning any servicing, all appliances must be dis-
connected from the power supply; the steam, condensate, hot water and drinking water pipes must also be turned off or closed. Disconnection from the power supply is effected by switching off at the main switch or removing the fuses fitted to the power supply.
The internal wiring in the appliance as well as the earth
connections must be carried out in accordance with the complete electrical schematic. Basically, all metal parts on which electrical connections are located must be earthed.
In case a connection with a sealing is o pened, always a
new sealing should be used when installing the connection.
Boiling pans of this design and operating function do not
require special acceptance tests. They are subjected to a pressure and operating test which meets the regulations on the manufacturer's premises. Recurrent pressure testing is not compulsory. To ensure the complete operating effi­ciency and safety of appliances, however, owners should arrange for personnel authorized by the manufacturer to check on all safety equipment and to conduct pressure tests at regular intervals.
All gas appliances are tested according to the standards
ANSI/NSF 4 - 2002 of Commercial Cooking, Rethermaliza­tion, and Powered Hot Food Holding and Transport Equip­ment and ANSI Z83.11-2002 and CSA 1.8-2002 of Gas Food Service Equipment.
After the appliance has been connected, the service age nt
must carry out a test of all functions in the course of which all the programs and operating states of all operating ele-
ments as laid down in the operating instructions are checked.
The conclusion of a maintenance agreement should be recommended to the user.
MAINTENANCE INTERVAL An obligatory service check is required annually.


The food is uniformly heated by steam b y an external jacket. The following sources of energy are used: electricity, saturated steam and hot water. The pans are equipped with an elec­tronic comfort control unit with regulation of the food tempera­ture, with programming of the cooking time and with optional programming of the starting time. The control system is oper­ated via a membrane keyboard. The boiling pan has a vari­able-speed tilting facility powered by an electric motor. All models can be optionally equipped with a mixer unit.


Tilting boiling pan with jacket heating system. Electrically heated tilting boiling pans models have water-filled
jackets. Max. working conditions in the jacket: pressure 0.8 bar (5.8 psi), temperature 244°F (118°C).
Heating-up time: time taken to heat th e pan 100% full o f water from 68°F (20°C) to 194°F (90°C).
Gas heated tilting boiling pans
080 vessel capacity gal 21.1 26.4 39.4 79.3 Gas heating capacity kW18 21 27 43
Gas heating capacity btu/h
Natural gas consumption ft/min
Propan consumption ft/min
El. power kW 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Voltage ) 120V/1~N,
Amperage A 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 Jacket volume dm3 32 38 50 64 Jacket volume gal 8.5 10 13.2 16.9 Water filling lt 17 17 22 30 Water filling gal 3.7 3.7 5.8 7.9 Heating-up time min. 40 45 50 64
61420 71650 92130 146720
1.15 1.34 1.66 2.87
0.44 0.51 0.64 1.1
120V/1~N, 60Hz
) Voltage for control unit and tilting 230V/1~N*, 50/60 Hz
120V/1~N, 60Hz
120V/1~N, 60Hz
62.9693.03 Seite 3


Gas heated tilting boiling pans 80 LT - 150 LT (21.1 gal - 39.4 g al), 120 V:
A1 Control board A2 Operating board A3 Dungs gas ignitor B1 Food temperature sensor B2 Jacket temperature sensor E1 Electrodes) E10 Tilting control E11 Heating resistor
Fig.1 Electric diagram, gas heated tilting boiling pans 80 LT - 150 LT (21.1 gal - 39.4 gal), 120 V
F1 Safety thermostat against lack of
water K1 Contactor K2 Contactor M1 Tilting motor S1 Control switch S2 End switch for horizontal position of
the pan
S3 Potentiometer for tilting X1 Terminals X4 Control fuse T1 Single- phase transformer (only for
Y1 Gas valve (SIT 080832 Tandem)
The precise specifications of the individual electric compo­nents are given in the corresponding parts list. These must be used in conjunction with the electrical schematic valid for the appliance.
voltage unequal 230V)
Seite 4 62.9693.03
Gas heated tilting boiling pans 300 LT (79.3 gal), 120 V:
A1 Control board A2 Operating board A3 Dungs gas ignitor B1 Food temperature sensor B2 Jacket temperature sensor E1 Electrodes) E10 Tilting control E11 Heating resistor
Fig.2 Electric diagram, gas heated tilting boiling pans 300 LT (79.3 gal), 120 V
F1 Safety thermostat against lack of
water K1 Contactor K2 Contactor M1 Tilting motor S1 Control switch S2 End switch for horizontal position of
the pan
The precise specifications of the individual electric compo­nents are given in the corresponding parts list. The se must be used in conjunction with the electrical schematic valid for the appliance.
S3 Potentiometer for tilting X1 Terminals X4 Control fuse T1 Single-phase transformer (only for
voltage unequal 230V)
Y2 Gas valve (GS-4521-9993)
62.9693.03 Seite 5


Check Fault D Remedy Connections for protective
conductors Connections for equipoten-
tiality Check that all electric con-
nections and contacts to terminals, coils, switches and junctions are tight.
Check relays. The contacts must move
freely without sticking or jamming.
Check the burner output, i.e. measure the preset hea­ting-up time and compare this with the nominal value.
Clean the diffusor on the burner. Check its position and attachment.
Check that the nozzle (number) is correct. Clean the area around the nozzle.
Check the distance bet­ween the burner and the pan base.
Visual check of the flame with a mirror.
Check the condition, the gap and the attachment point of the ignition elec-
trode and the earthing (grounding) electrode.
Check that the gas valve is not leaking and that it is set correctly.
Measure the ionization cur­rent at the electrodes when the appliance is at full power.
Check the high-tension cable for cracks or brittlen­ess.
Check the plug on the igni­tion electrode.
Measure the gas pressure when the appliance is at full power.
Check condition and lea­kage of rotation link.
Check that the internal gas pipes are not leaking.
Ensure that the main gas tap (if fitted) operates smoothly and correctly.
In case of loose contacts D tighten contacts.
In case of defects or faults D replace contactor or relay.
If this comparison reveals a deviation of more than 10% D Clean and check the gas system.
If its position has changed D Set the diffusor correctly.
If the nozzle is not the appro­priate size , fit the correct nozzle. If the nozzle is dama­ged D Fit a new one.
If the actual measurement deviates more than ± 1mm from the nominal measure­ment D Set the burner distance exactly.
Flame tips yellow, flame corona transparent, flames lift off, flame strikes back D Clean and set the diffusor exactly.
If scaling is found, the gap is not right or the shape has changed D Replace.
S If it is leaking
D Replace the valve. If it is functioning incorrectly D Readjust it.
If this is outside the recogni­zed tolerance D Set the electrodes more accurately.
If any faults are found D Replace the cables.
If any faults or oxidation are found D Replace the high-tension cables.
In the case of deviations that are higher than the permissi­ble tolerance D Send a report to the user and have the gas pressure corrected on-site or adapt the nozzle to the new pressure.
If any faults are found D replace the parts concer­ned.
If a leak is found D Seal the leak.
If the tap is hard to turn D Regrease the tap or replace it.
Check Fault D Remedy Inspect internal wiring. In case of defect cables
Check condition of all ope- rating foils.
Optical inspection of the whole control unit.
Test all operating functions and check that the control unit works correctly.
Check switches for easy movement and correct function.
Compare the food tempe- rature display with the actual value.
Inspect fixation and condi­tion of all temperature sen- sors (jacket, food, deaeration, excess tempe­rature) and check electrical connections.
Check the function of the heating resistance.
Check all elements of the display on the control panel with service test 1.
Inspect fixation and condi­tion of all switches (power isolator, control, tilting, stir­rer) and check electrical connections.
Check function of acoustic signals.
Check the number of deae­rations and thus the water level in the jacket with para­meter PNo. 1.6.5.
Check max. jacket pres- sure (except on pans with direct steam heating).
Carry out a leak test of the jacket (except on pans with direct steam heating).
Check function of deaera- tion valve.
Inspect safety valve for corrosion, damage and lea­kage. Make function test and maintenance.
Check the lid for correct shape or damage.
Check the lid hinges for correct function.
Check function of mixing unit for function. Check for leaks of water connections.
S = Part is relevant for safety
If, during servicing, an increased number of failures is noted for a part that is relevant for safety, a written report must be sent to the „Aftersales“ office responsible without delay
D replace cables. Defective foils D replace.
Defective foils D replace.
S If problems are encountered
D find reason and repair failure.
If the switch is hard to turn or makes a noise D replace.
If the deviation is D Adjust the display again.
S If sensors, fixation, electrical
connections are found to be faulty D replace the parts concer­ned.
If it is not warm D replace it. If any element of the display
fails D exchange the whole operating print.
If defects to any fixation or electrical connections are discovered D replace the parts concer­ned.
If the sound is off key or no sound is heard D exchange the whole con­trol board.
If the number of deaerations is very high or there is too little water in the jacket D refill with demineralized water and reset the value of PNo. 1.6.5. to 0.
If it deviates from the max. reference value D reset the max. value with PNo. 1.0.3.
If there is a leak and high water loss D locate the leak and seal.
If it is not tight during opera­tion D clean or replace the valve.
S Clean the valve. If any inad-
missible properties are encountered D replace the whole valve.
If irreparably damaged D replace the lid.
If defective D disassemble, clean, grease, adjust the hinge.
If the tap drips or if any pipes leak D replace seals.
Seite 6 62.9693.03


Sheeting of console, support, pan
Remove the connecting rail (VS) Loosen the front nuts M6 from underneath. Bend the rail up slightly at the front. Pull the rail out of the appliance.
Switch panel (F) removal: Unscrew the two screws at
location (1) underneath the switch panel and the nuts (MH) at location (2) on the top, pull out the switch panel at the bot­tom and then lift up and out of the fixation. The panel is tur­ned up 90° like a door and hung at the top on the console.
Cover (A) removal: If there is a connecting rail
installed to the cover it has to be removed first. (see 5.3.1.). Remove the nuts (MU) (two on a single console, four on a twin console) at the relevant loca­tion (2). Lift the cover at the front and pull it out of its clip attachment at the back (3). If a mixing unit is fitted, this does not need to be removed from the cover.
Service panel (V) removal: Remove the two external nuts
(6) at the front and pull the panel from its rear attachment points (5).
Side wall (S) removal: To remove this, the switch
panel (F) must be removed first. Remove the nuts (4) and (5) inside. The upper internal wall (W) cannot be disassem­bled. It must be removed and refitted together with the pan.
The panels are refitted in the reverse order to that described above.
Cover (A). The height of the cover can be levelled by fitting more or fewer shims (BE) and tightening the nuts (MH).
Floor mounting on plinth
Hanging the operating panel (F) on the console
Removing the pan base (BD). Set the pan in the horizontal position. Remove the screws (SB) from underneath and take out the base (BD) from under­neath.
Fitting the base (BD). Carefully clean any remains of the old seal from the edge of the base. Stick a new sealing strip (DB) on the edge of the base. Carefully position the threaded clip (SM) on the jak­ket (MK). Tighten the screws (SB).
Pan jacket. The pan jacket is not removed during normal servicing work.



Operating foils (FO) are bonded to the sheet metal surfaces (cover plates) with self-adhesive coatings. They are removed
with a spatula, a screwdriver or a knife.
The surfaces to which the foil is to be applied must be clean and dry, i.e., free from dust, grease, rust, paint, etc. Suita­ble for cleaning: toluol or 3M article S­152 stick remover.
Procedure: shake the can thoroughly and spray evenly on the surface to be clea­ned. (Distance about 5.9 - 7.9“ / 15 - 20 cm.) Rub over with a clean lint-free cloth. If surfaces are heavily soiled, repeat the process.
Sticking on the foil
Remove the protective backing, taking care not to touch the adhesive. After positioning press down well. It is important to apply firm, even pressure. The ideal working temper ature is approxi ­mately 77°F (25°C). Temperatures below 50°F (10°C) should be avoided since the adhesive becomes too hard and instanta­neous adhesion is reduced. Following application, the foil has a working tempe­rature range from -40 to +248°F (-40° to + 120°C) continuous temperature load and 356°F (180°C) short-time tempera­ture load.
62.9693.03 Seite 7


TT Button, activation of settings LT Lamp, cooking temperature DT Button, cooking time LD Lamp, cooking time expires ZT Button, starting time LZ Lamp, starting time LR Lamp, soft settings Q Button, acoustic signal R Button, soft LS Lamp, temperature
AT Display, cooking tempera-
ture T Temperature selection knob AD Display, remaining cooking
time D Cooking time knob AZ Display, time Z Starting time knob S Control switch
The appliances are equipped with a precise state-of-the-art electronic microprocessor control system with digital preselec­tion of temperature, cooking time and starting time. The control system can also be remotely controlled using a PC. For con­trol-system operation, please refer to the Operating Instruc­tions.
Temperature setting
If the nominal temperature set on the display (AT) is below the boiling point of water 207 - 212°F (97 - 100 °C), this tempera­ture will be reached during heating up and then maintained at this value by the electronic control system and the careful sup­ply of energy. The nominal temperature will not be exceeded during this process.
When cooking certain products with poor heat conductivity such as sugar solutions, nominal temperature settings between 212 and 230°F (100° and 110°C) are required in order to reach boiling point. The correct setting is largely a matter of experience.
Setting Power Heating time during (AT) (%) a period of 120 sec.
L1 12.5 15 sec L2 12.5 15 sec L3 25 30 sec L4 37.5 45 sec L5 50 60 sec L6 62.5 75 sec L7 75 90 sec L8 87.5 105 sec L9 100 120 sec
AT (3 di gits) Temperatures (if all 3 digits light up as well as
the point after the third digit, then this means
that 0.5°F must be added on after the point). Power settings. Hold levels. Parameter number (PNo.). Parameter value (if all 3 digits light up as well as
a decimal point, then the numeral must be multi-
plied by 1000. E.g. display = 3.99, value =
3990). Excess pressure in the jacket (test function). State of the heating system or the valves (if all 3
digits light up as well as a decimal point, then the numeral must be multiplied by 1000. E.g. display = 12.3, value = 12300)
Software version.
AD (3 digits) Cooking time
AZ (4 digits) Clock time.
Starting time. Excess pressure in the jacket (normal function).
6.2.1 PARAMETER PROGRAMMING General remarks
The same software is used for all appliances which are equipped with this control system. To ensure that each a ppli­ance operates as desired, specific parameters must be entered. The control systems which are installed in the appli­ances at the factory or are in stock, are equipped with the microprocessors fitted including the software. The software contains a default setting (GS) of the parameters (PNo.). The default setting is selected in such a way that a minimum of parameters have to be adjusted for the individual setting of the different appliances. In principle, the corresponding parame­ters have to be entered for each appliance.
Software version
The microprocessor bears an adhesive label stating the soft­ware version and the date. Any change in the software usually also involves a change in the parameters. Please always ensure that the version of the parameter list used matches the software version. The following general rule applies: if the soft­ware version has a different number, the parameter list with the same version must also be used. If the software version has a different additional letter in the version number (e.g. ver­sion 2.51A, version 2.51B, etc.), the parameter list does not change. Only the number of the version without the additional letter is important for the parameter list.
Microprocessor (MP)
2 IC insertion sockets are located on the control board. The large insertion socket for 64 pins accepts the microprocessor. The software program is located in the ROM (Read Only Mem­ory) of the microprocessor chip. An OTP version (One Time Programmable) microprocessor is used. This version can only be written to once and cannot be erased. This mean s that any program change also means the use of a ne w chip. The old chip can no longer be used.
The small insertion socket for 8 pins is for the EEPROM (Elec­trically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory). The parameters are stored in this IC. Once stored, the parameters remain in this IC even when disconnected from the power sup­ply until they are changed by reprogramming or erased.
Before the parameters are changed for the first time to suit an appliance, the values for the default setting must be loaded into the EEPROM. The parameters can be entered in 2 differ­ent ways:
Manual input (the more frequent case) and PC input.
6.2.2 MANUAL PARAMETER INPUT Default setting (GS) of the parameters
The default setting of the parameters is the same for all appli­ances which are equipped with this control system. Dependent on the type of appliance, more or fewer parameters are required with values that differ from each other to some degree.
3 of the 4 buttons on the membrane keyboard (Q, R, V a nd P) are used for the programming of parameters. The 3 buttons are located in the bottom row on the operating panel. Buttons V and P are located under the membrane and are not visibly marked.
Seite 8 62.9693.03
As the same display is used to show the numbers (PNo.) and the content (X) of the parameters, the following difference is made between the two figures:
Kind of display (AT): Meaning of display:
with 3 decimal points (e.g.
1.0.3.) without decimal points (e.g.
Number of parameter PNo Content (X) of parameter (e.g.
Starting position: supply switched off (switch S at 0)
1st combination Press and hold buttons
2nd combination Press buttons
3rd combination Press buttons
4th hold button R
* *
Supply to be switched on (turn switch S to I) Press buttons conti-
* *
⇓ ⇓
Waiting time between the different combina­tions is 3 seconds maximum
nuously until the 2nd beep, then press the 2nd combination
Press buttons conti­nuously until the 2nd beep, then press the 3rd combination
Hold button R pressed until the 2nd beep, then release.
(*) Display (AT): After "def" is displayed for approx. 2 seconds,
the actual value of the current food temperature will appear. Display (AZ): Clock time appears (only with process com-
fort control).
The control system program now contains all the default set­tings for the software version of the microprocessor installed.
which was already in operation is programmed for new, all parameters which register running times are set to zero.
Parameter-setting (X) specific to each appliance
In order to change the numbers (PNo.) and the content (X) of the parameters, the same buttons are used as those for enter­ing the default setting.)
Starting position: supply switched off (switch S at 0)
1st combination Press and hold buttons
2nd Press button
* *
Supply to be switched on (turn switch S to I) Press buttons conti-
Waiting time between the different combina­tions is 3 seconds maximum
nuously until the 2nd beep, then press 2nd combination (for the first time only 1 beep)
Hold button R pressed until the 2nd beep, then release.
Display (AT): Parameter PNo... 1 appears Display (AZ): None The parameter numbers (PNo.) and the values (X) which devi-
ate from the standard setting can now be entered alternately on the display (AT).
Changing the parameter number (PNo.) and content (X))
Starting position: supply switched off (switch S at 0)
1st Press button
2nd Press button
3rd Press button
(AT) from: parameter number (PNo.) to parameter content (X) or vice versa
Increasing the display entered under 1. parameter number (PNo.)
or parameter content (X)
Reducing the display (AT): parameter number (PNo.) or parameter content (X)
the display
Rate of change of the displays
Increases (button P) or reductions (button Q) can be done at three different speeds:
Press the button briefly changes in single steps
Press the button longer
at least 1 second the display changes slowly
press for at least 5 seconds the display changes fast
End of parameter programming
If the content (X) of a parameter (PNo.) is changed, the changed value is stored when the display (AT) is changed from parameter content to parameter number using the button R. The following applies for the last parameter content changed or if only a parameter content has been changed.
Parameter programming can be finished in 2 ways dependent on whether the changed value is to be stored or not.:
Finishing: Procedure:
Changed value to be stored
without decimal points (e.g. 126)
• Display (AT) shows the parameter number
• Switch off control switch (S)
• Display (AT) shows the parameter value (X)
• Switch off control switch (S)
Appliance-specific parameters are only set on the basis of the type of appliance. User-specific parameters are dependent on user order, user requirements, siting terms an d are only appli­ance-dependent to a certain degree.
The parameters are programmed at the factory to the default setting (GS) if no specific information is given.
New appliance installation
In the case of new appliances, the control system is pro­grammed at the factory to the appliance-specific setting.
62.9693.03 Seite 9
When the appliance is installed at its intended site, the fitter in charge of installation must set or check the following parame­ters on the control system. The parameter values are different for each software version.
GS Default setting
boiling pan,
1 0 Temperature display 1 24 0 Kind of heating 1 29 1 Deaeration sensor of the jacket 0 31 0 HOLD function 1
32 0 HACCP function
with: 1 54 4 Quantity of switching steps 1 59 2 Regulator hysteresis for double jacket sensor 0.5 63 2 Double jacket sensor lower temperature band 1 1 64 4 Double jacket sensor lower temperature band 2 2 65 6 Double jacket sensor lower temperature band 3 3 66 4 Double jacket sensor upper temperature band 1 2 67 6 Double jacket sensor upper temperature band 2 3 68 8 Double jacket sensor upper temperature band 3 4 78 30 Duration of periods of the power levels 120 79 25 Power level L1 12
83 50
Input of height above sea level of the installation site in 10 m (500 m above sea level = 50).
Opening time of the deaeration valve
85 80
60 liter kettle: 80 - 150 liter kettle: 300 liter kettle:
120 99 170 Max. jacket pressure to release alarm 180 103 122 Double jacket sensor remappingy-high normal cooking 118 113 115 Double jacket sensor remappingy-high soft cooking 113 116 140 Max. pressure in double jacket 86 157 70 Maximum board temperature 80
Seite 10 62.9693.03
+ 23 hidden pages