electrolux 5505, 5510, 5515, 5520, 5522 User Manual

English: Thank you for choosing an Electrolux vacuum cleaner.
To ensure total satisfaction, read this Instruction book carefully. Retain for reference.
Deutsch: Danke, daß Sie sich für einen Electrolux-Staubsauger
entschieden haben. Um maximale Zufriedenheit mit Ihrem Staubsauger zu gewährleisten, sollten Sie diese Gebrauchsanleitung sorgfältig durchlesen und als Nachschlagehilfe aufbewahren.
Electrolux. Pour garantir une satisfaction totale, lire attentivement ce mode d’emploi. A conserver pour s’y référer.
Español: Le agradecemos que haya elegido un aspirador
Electrolux. Para su absoluta satisfacción, lea detenidamente este folleto de instrucciones y consérvelo como referencia.
Italiano: Vi ringraziamo di aver scelto un aspirapolvere della
Electrolux. Per garantire la massima soddisfazione, leggere attentamente questo libretto di istruzioni. Conservarlo per farvi riferimento.
Português: Obrigado por escolher o aspirador de pó Electrolux.
Para garantir satisfação total, leia este livro de instruções com cuidado. Guarde para referência futura.
Nederlands: Hartelijk dank voor het kiezen van een Electrolux
stofzuiger. Om geheel aan uw behoeften te voldoen is het raadzaam het instructieboekje grondig door te lezen. Bewaar dit ter referentie.
Dansk: Tak fordi De valgte en Electrolux støvsuger. Følg venligst
brugsanvisningens råd og anvisninger, for at opnå fuld tilfredshed. Gem brugsanvisningen, den skal følge med støvsugeren, hvis den overdrages til en ny ejer, ligeledes er den rar at have i tvivlstilfælde.
Svenska: Tack för att du valde en dammsugare från Electrolux. För
att uppnå bästa städresultat, läs denna instruktionsbok noggrant. Behåll den för framtida bruk.
Norsk: Takk for at du har valgt en Electrolux støvsuger. For å sikre
full tilfredshet, les denne Instruksjonsboken grundig. Spar på boken for referanse og la den følge maskinen dersom den skifter eier.
Suomi: Kiitämme Electrolux-pölynimurin valinnastasi. Jotta
pölynimurisi vastaisi odotuksiasi, lue tämä ohjekirja huolellisesti. Säilytä se tulevan varalle.
Ελληνικά: Σας ευχαριστούµε που επιλέξατε την ηλεκτρική σκούπα
Electrolux. Για να εξασφαλίσετε πλήρη αποδοτικτητα, διαβάστε αυτ το βιβλιάριο Οδηγιών προσεκτικά. Φυλάξτε το για µελλοντική αναφορά.
Türkçe: Electrolux elektrikli süpürgeyi seçti¤iniz için teflekkür
ederiz. Tam olarak memnun kalman›z için, bu aç›klama kitap盤›n› dikkatlice okuyunuz. ‹lerde yararlanmak için saklay›n›z.
Русский: Благодарим Вас за сделанный Вами выбор и
приобретение пылесоса Electrolux. Для достижения наивысшей эффективности работы, внимательно прочитайте данные инструкции. Сохраните эту брошюру для дальнейших справок.
Magyar: Köszönjük, hogy Electrolux porszívót választott. Annak
érdekében, hogy a készülék az Ön teljes megelégedettségét szolgálja, szíveskedjen figyelmesen elolvasni ezt a használati utasítást. Kérjük, tartsa az utasítást mindig biztos helyen, hogy az a jövőben is kéznél legyen.
Limba român¤: V¤ mul∑umim pentru c¤ a∑i ales un aspirator
Electrolux. Pentru a v¤ asigura de o satisfac∑ie total¤ privind func∑ionarea lui, citi∑i cu aten∑ie acest Manual de Instruc∑iuni. P¤stra∑i-l pentru a-l consulta ulterior
Polski: Dziękujemy za wybranie Electrolux. Dla zapewnienia
całkowitej satysfakcji, należy dokładnie przeczytać ten podręcznik z instrukcjami. Należy go zachować dla informacji.
Български: Благодарим Ви, че избрахте прахосмукачка
Електролукс Екселио. За да се гарантира максимална удовлетвореност от работа на уреда, прочетете внимателно тази книжка с инструкции и я запазете за справки в бъдеще.
Česky: Děkujeme vám, že jste si zakoupili Electrolux. Abyste mohli
být s přístrojem naprosto spokojeni, pozorně si prostudujte tuto příručku. Uschovejte si ji pro budoucí potřebu.
Hrvatski: Hvala vam ‰to ste odabrali jedan od Electroluxovish
strojeva za usisavanje pra‰ine. Da biste njime u potpunosti bili zadovoljni paÏljivo proãitajte ovu knjiÏicu i saãuvajte je.
Srpski: Hvala ‰to ste izabrali Electrolux. Da biste njime bili u pot-
punosti zadovoljni, paÏljivo proãitajte ovu knjiÏicu sa uputstvima i zadrÏite je za sluãaj potrebe.
Eestikeelne väljaanne: Täname teid selle eest, et valisite i
Electrolux. Selleks, et tagada täielikku efektiivsust, tutvuda põhja­likult selle juhendiga. Hoida alles kui teatmikku.
Latviski: Pateicamies, ka izvēlējaties Electrolux. Maksimāla efekta
sasniegšanai izlasiet rūpīgi šo instrukciju un uzglabājiet to uzziņām.
Lietuvių k: Dėkojame, kad pasirinkote Electrolux. Atidžiai per-
skaitykite Instrukcijų knygelę ir išsaugokite ją galimam pasinaudo­jimui ateityje.
Slovensky: Ďakujeme vám za to, že ste sa rozhodli pre Electrolux.
Jeho možnosti využijete na maximum, ak si prečítate priložený návod na obsluhu. Uschovajte si ho pre prípad, že budete potre­bovať ďalšie informácie.
Slovenščina: Hvala, da ste izbrali Electroluxov sesalnik. Pred
uporabo preberite priložena navodila ter seznanite s pravilno in torej najbolj učinkovito uporabo aparata. Navodila shranite, da vam bodo vedno pri roki.
Bahasa Malaysia: Terima kasih kerana memilih mesin Electrolux.
Untuk menjamin kepuasan sepenuhnya, sila baca buku panduan ini dengan teliti. Simpan untuk rujukan.
Tiãng Vi
C·m ÷n c·c bÂn «„ løa chÜn m·y h˙t b¯i c˚a Electrolux. Òã ho‡n to‡n th’a m„n, xin quÏ vŒ xem kœ s·ch h‹ßng d≈n v‡ giª lÂi «ã tham kh‰o.
English 2
Deutsch 4
Français 6
Español 8
Italiano 10
Português 12
Nederlands 14
Dansk 16
Svenska 18
Norsk 20
Suomi 22
Ελληνικά 24
Türkçe 26
Русский 28
Magyar 30
Limba român¤ 32
Polski 34
Български 36
Česky 38
Hrvatski 40
Srpski 42
Eestikeelne väljaanne 44
Latviski 46
Lietuvių k 48
Slovensky 50
Bahasa Malaysia 58
Tiâng Viåt 62
5505•5510•5515•5520 5522
Before you start, please refer to the electrical safety instructions on page 63 (U.K. and Ireland only).
Electrolux supply a range of cleaners with different specifications and accessories. Please refer to your model number whilst reading this booklet.
Keep both cover flaps open and cross reference pictures with text where necessary.
Tools for your Vacuum Cleaner
Dust bags
Telescopic tube 5510
Back Saver®tubes 5505/15/20/22/25/28/30/33/35/36/40
Hose handle
Carpet/hard floor nozzle Turbo nozzle 5540
Crevice nozzle
Upholstery nozzle
Dusting brush
Tool holder
Ensuring your safety
The cleaner is for domestic use only and has been designed to ensure maximum safety and performance. Please follow these simple precautions:
The cleaner is double-insulated so it must not be earthed
The cleaner is only to be used by adults. Young or infirm persons should be supervised to ensure they do not play with the appliance
Always store in a dry place
Do not use to pick up liquids
Avoid sharp objects
Do not pick up hot cinders or lighted cigarette ends
Do not use near flammable gases
Avoid tugging on the mains cable and check cable regularly for damage
Note: Do not use cleaner with a damaged cable. If damaged the cable should be replaced at an Electrolux Service Centre
The plug must be removed from the socket-outlet before cleaning or maintaining the appliance
All service and repairs must be carried out by authorised Electrolux service staff
Getting started
Check the dust bag is in place.
Insert hose until catch clicks to engage (press catch to release).
Attach telescopic tube 5510 to hose handle.
Attach telescopic tube 5510 to floor nozzle (to disconnect twist and pull apart).
Extend the cable and connect to mains. The cleaner is fitted with cable rewind. Press foot pedal to rewind (please hold the plug to prevent it striking you).
Move switch forward 5510/15/20/22/25/28/30/33/35/36/40 to reel cable in/out as required, and back to lock extended cable in place.
Press on/off foot pedal to activate cleaner.
To increase/decrease suction, adjust control on cleaner body.
Suction can also be regulated on hose handle by opening/closing aperture.
Using the Back Saver®tubes
The Back Saver®tubes have been designed for use in different positions: General Cleaning & Cleaning Under Low Furniture.
Before you start please note the position of the tubes and catches as indicated
in the diagrams.
Attach the larger tube
A to the hose handle and the smaller
B to the floor nozzle until the catches click to engage.
Attach tubes
A+B together until the catch clicks to engage.
Use the tubes in this position for general cleaning.
To change position, push the catch on the smaller tube B and turn smaller tube
B through a half circle until the catch clicks
to engage.
Now simply turn the rotary head of the nozzle through a half circle.
Use the tubes in this position for cleaning under low furniture.
This position can also be used for cleaning hard to reach places such as on top of wardrobes and bookshelves.
Your Vacuum Cleaner features
AXMains cable B
Cable foot pedal
Suction control regulator
Dust bag full indicator 5505/10/15/20/22/25/28
HEPA filter indicator 5530/33/35/36/40
Overheat Indicator: Indicator will ‘flash’ if cleaner overheats
Dust bag full indicator 5530/33/35/36/40
Cover release for dust bag/filter compartment
Hose connection
Power outlet (for the use of power driven tools)
Back Saver®carrying handle
Tool holder (for attachment to hose handle)
On/off switch
Temporary parking position for floor nozzle and tubes when in use
Storage slot for floor nozzle and tubes when not in use
Getting the best results
Using Carpet/Hard floor nozzle
Carpets: Use floor nozzle with lever in this position. Reduce suction power for loose rugs.
Hard floors: Use floor nozzle with lever in this position.
5505 5510 5515 5520 5522 5525 5528 5530 5533 5535 5536 5540
Using Turbo nozzle 5540
Precautions: Only use nozzle on carpets with a pile depth
under 15 mm. Do not use on animal skins or rugs with long fringes. To avoid damaging your carpet, do not keep nozzle stationary whilst brush is rotating. Do not pass nozzle over mains cable and switch off nozzle immediately after use.
Attach turbo nozzle 5540 to tubes.
Note: Suction can also be regulated on turbo nozzle by opening/closing air vent 5540.
Cleaning Turbo nozzle 5540
Disconnect from mains and remove entangled threads from brush by snipping threads with scissors. Open cover to remove any debris from inside nozzle.
Dust bag indicator and changing the dust bag
The dust bag should be changed when full. 5505/10/15/20/22/25/28 the dust bag indicator window will turn red when filling and completely red when full. 5530/33/35/36/40 the dust bag indicator window will light up when full. If the dust bag should accidentally get broken in the cleaner, take cleaner to Electrolux Service Centre for cleaning.
To check the dust bag, the cleaner must be switched on, with all attachments connected and off the floor.
The dust bag full indicator may signify that the bag is blocked (occasionally caused by very fine dust) which will cause loss of suction and may result in overheating. If this occurs change the dust bag even if it is not full.
To change the dust bag:
A) Open the cleaner cover. B) Pull the sliding tab to remove the dust bag. C) Insert new dust bag by sliding the bag slots into the holder.
Close cover.
We recommend the dust bag is changed:
after using a carpet cleaning powder
if there is a bad smell from the cleaner, then you should also change/clean the filter
Note: Use only Electrolux original dust bags (ref.E54A) and filters: Micro filter (ref. EF17) Washable, reusable HEPA filter (ref. EF25a)
Dust bag safety device
To avoid damaging the cleaner, do not use it without a dust bag. A safety device is fitted which prevents the cover closing without a dust bag. Do not attempt to force cover shut.
Changing/Cleaning the filters
Never use the cleaner without the filters in place. The Motor Protection filter should be changed twice a year for normal usage.
To change Motor Protection filter:
D) Open the cleaner cover. E) Remove filter and covering strip. F) Important: Insert new filter with original covering strip
securely in place. Close cover.
The Micro filter 5510/15/20/25/28 should be changed every fifth dust bag.
To change Micro filter:
G) Open the filter cover. H) Replace filter and close cover ensuring it is properly fastened. The HEPA filter should be cleaned when the indicator light is
5530/33/35/36/40 or every fifth dust bag 5522.
To clean the HEPA filter:
I) Open the filter cover and remove filter unit. J) Rinse the inside (dirty side) of the filter unit under warm tap
water only.
Do not use cleaning agents and avoid
touching the delicate filter surface.
Tap the filter frame to remove excess water. Repeat cleaning procedure four times and allow the filter to air dry. The original filtering performance is now restored. Replace the unit back into the cleaner and close cover ensuring it is properly fastened.
1. Power: If the electric power does not come on, disconnect from mains and check plugs, cable and fuses where appropriate.
2. Blockage/dirty filters: The cleaner may switch itself off in event of severe blockage or excessively dirty filters (on 5530/33/35/36/40 overheat indicator will flash). In such cases, disconnect from mains and allow to cool for 30 minutes. Clear blockage and/or replace filter(s) and restart.
The clearing of blocked hoses is not covered by the guarantee. To avoid blockages and maintain suction efficiency, the floor nozzles should be cleaned regularly using the hose handle.
Please see additional Electrolux information towards the back of this booklet.
3. Water: If water is sucked into the cleaner the motor must be changed at an Electrolux Service Centre.
If you have any comments on the cleaner or the Instruction for Use Booklet please e-mail us on: floorcare@electrolux.se
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